The Seven Divine Beasts: A Tale of Legendary Creatures
In the ancient times, before the dawn of humanity's dominion over the land, the world was ruled by seven mighty creatures known as the Divine Beasts. These colossal beings, each a personification of raw elemental power, were the undisputed rulers of their respective domains, shaping the landscape and the very forces of nature according to their will. They were feared and revered in equal measure, and their mere presence commanded respect from all who inhabited the land. For centuries, they ruled unchallenged—until the fateful day when the Saint and the White Pegasus descended from the heavens, bringing with them the promise of a new era.
1. **Zarathar the Thunderclaw**
3rd Chapter of Sunday.
Finally, I’ve finished all the chapters that were supposed to be uploaded last week. Now that’s done, I’ll be uploading 6 bonus chapters this week because you’ve given me 300 Power Stones. Additionally, I’ll be posting 3 chapters per day this week, making a total of 27 chapters.
Starting next month, for every 100 Power Stones, there will be a bonus chapter, and for every 5 Golden Tickets, another bonus chapter will be added.