3.92% Let's Go To College / Chapter 1: Chapter 1

章 1: Chapter 1

As the SUV cruised along the winding road, our protagonist sat in the backseat, gazing pensively out the window, his arm propped against the door, supporting his contemplative face.

The driver glanced at the rear-view mirror, catching sight of his son's somber expression. Concern etched his features as he spoke, "Are you nervous, Seok-Woo?"

Seok-Woo's father felt a pang of worry; it was the first time his son would be away for an extended period.

Seok-Woo's stepmother, Chae-Yoon, seated beside his father, turned to him, her voice soft and reassuring. "I know it's difficult to leave home, even for a while, but remember, no matter how long you're gone, we'll be here for you."

Her words resonated, and Seok-Woo's father nodded in agreement.

Seok-Woo met Chae-Yoon's gaze for a fleeting moment before averting his eyes. "Don't worry about me. I'll only be gone for a short time. I'll manage," he assured them, his tone resolute.

As Seok-Woo spoke, a subtle shift in his demeanor caught his father's attention. Reflecting in the rear-view mirror, he wondered, "Is he the same person I've always known?"

In the past, Seok-woo had always approached decisions with hesitance, his demeanor marked by anxiety and indecision. Even after his father remarried, he couldn't bring himself to meet his new mother's gaze.

He remained sequestered in his room, absorbed in his computer, until one day, he emerged with a surprising declaration.

"Father, I want to enlist for my mandatory military service," his words landed like a bombshell on both his father and Chae-Yoon.

Though Seok-woo's father attempted to dissuade him, arguing it was too early to embark on such a commitment, Seok-woo stood firm in his resolve. Reluctantly, his father acquiesced, and Seok-woo's military service would commence in one month.

Following this decision, Seok-woo began to venture out of his room more frequently, reconnecting with old friends and exploring the world outside.

To their amazement, his demeanor underwent a dramatic transformation; no longer exhibiting the timidity of before, he exuded confidence and decisiveness.

Gradually, his presence within the household became more pronounced, as he started to assist Chae-Yoon with chores, signaling an acceptance of her as part of his family.

However, beneath this newfound confidence lay a lingering uncertainty for Seok-woo. "How did I come to this body? What exactly happened?" he pondered, grappling with the realization that he was not the original occupant.

Let's go back to the past. In a moment of misfortune, Seok-woo lost his footing while attempting to exit the bed, tumbling headfirst and losing consciousness. The thud of his fall echoed through the house, catching Chae-Yoon's attention as she made her way downstairs in haste.

Upon entering Seok-woo's room, her eyes widened in alarm at the sight of him sprawled on the floor, his leg ensnared in a tangled bedsheet.

She dashed towards him, dropping to her knees in front of him, her words tumbling out hurriedly. "Are you okay?!"

She shook his body with trembling hands.

At that moment, Seok-woo was absent, his soul elsewhere, but another essence began to fill the void.

As consciousness returned, Seok-woo slowly lifted his head, his eyes struggling to focus.

His vision remained blurred, yet he could discern Chae-Yoon's voice filled with concern. "Are you okay, Seok-woo? Please, talk to me."

Seok-woo's gaze shifted his vision clearing gradually. However, his attention was momentarily diverted as he caught sight of Chae-Yoon's figure, her white T-shirt showing her bountiful cleavage.

For a fleeting moment, he was lost in contemplation, disregarding Chae-Yoon's words.

Eventually, Seok-woo lifted his gaze to meet Chae-Yoon's face. Without preamble, he asked bluntly, "Who are you?"

Chae-Yoon's complexion paled at his words, her voice rising in alarm. "Have you forgotten me? I'm your stepmother," she exclaimed, her worry evident.

Seok-woo slowly maneuvered to a seated position on the floor, cradling his head in confusion. "Stepmother? When did I have one?"

At that moment, Seok-woo's father entered the room, drawn by the commotion caused by Chae-Yoon's distressed tone. "What's happening here?"

Chae-Yoon pivoted towards Seok-woo, her expression grave. "I think he might be suffering from amnesia," she murmured.

Seok-woo's father hastened to kneel in front of him, his voice tinged with concern and hope. "Do you remember me?" he asked, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Seok-woo paused, his mind swirling as he attempted to piece together the puzzle of his identity.

After a moment of introspection, Seok-woo uttered the word that brought relief flooding through the room. "Father?" he ventured, the weight of uncertainty lifting from their shoulders.

Chae-Yoon, hearing Seok-woo's response, couldn't help but inquire further, her voice laced with a mixture of apprehension and hope. "Do you remember me now, Seok-woo?"

Seok-woo turned to face her, his gaze intense as he grappled with his memories. Summoning his courage, he spoke her name. "Chae-Yoon," he uttered, bypassing the formal title of stepmother.

His unexpected response caught them off guard, but Chae-Yoon's heart swelled with relief at the recognition.

They continued to engage Seok-woo in conversation, their primary concern centered on his comfort and well-being. Amidst their dialogue, Seok-woo found himself stealing occasional glances at Chae-Yoon, a question lingering in his mind like a persistent echo: "Is she truly her?" His thoughts wrestled with the familiarity of her presence, probing the depths of his consciousness for answers.

Eventually, reassured of Seok-woo's stability, they rose to leave, granting him the solitude he needed to process.

Alone once more, Seok-woo scratched his head in bewilderment. "Where am I now?" he muttered to himself, surveying the unfamiliar surroundings.

Yet as fragments of his past flooded back, clarity dawned, and Seok-woo embraced the fullness of his identity, no longer shrouded in uncertainty.

Seated on his bed, Seok-woo sifted through his memories, each revelation sparking a new question. "First, I'm rich. Second, I've got a stepmom. Third, what world am I in?" Lost in thought, he rose abruptly and made his way to the window.

"It's definitely modern," he observed, peering out at the skyline of houses and skyscrapers in the distance.

Turning back to his room, he secured the door before methodically inspecting his body. Standing before the mirror, he scrutinized his reflection. "I'm scrawny as hell," he remarked to himself, noting his pale and feeble physique.

Glancing downward, he couldn't help but comment on a different aspect. "Well, at least this isn't short," he mused, regarding his flaccid member with a mix of resignation and amusement.

As Seok-woo pondered, a sudden sound echoed in his mind: "Your System has arrived. Would you like to check it?"

Startled by the unexpected intrusion, he swiftly responded, "Yes," within the confines of his thoughts.

In an instant, a floating window materialized before him, its contents drawing his undivided attention.

"Interest System," it proclaimed. "Earn 10 Interest Points for one roll."

He absorbed the information with rapt focus. "Interest system? What in the world is that supposed to mean?"

Further details emerged as he delved deeper into the interface. "Earn Interest Points when someone expresses curiosity about you. Verbal or Non-Verbal. Females grant one point per inquiry, while it takes the interest of 10 men to earn a single point."

Curiosity piqued, Seok-woo checked his current standing: "Interest Points: 0/10. Available Rolls: 0."

Smacking his head in frustration and clicking his tongue in disbelief, Seok-woo moved on to explore other functions of the system, eager to uncover its potential. He sought out where he could utilize his rolls.

As he navigated through the system, he stumbled upon a Gachapon machine. With a sense of anticipation, he attempted to roll, only to be met with a message: "Insufficient Rolls. Obtain One First."

Undeterred by the setback, Seok-woo hoped for the best as he prepared to acquire his first roll.

Continuing his exploration, he scrutinized his current status within the system. Among the usual information like his name, age, and sex, his attention was drawn to the sections labeled "Acquired from the Gachapon" and "Applied Modifiers."

Currently devoid of any entries, these sections awaited the rewards and enhancements he would obtain from the Gachapon rolls. "This is where the fruits of my Gachapon will manifest," he concluded, eager to see what fortunes awaited him.

Seok-woo continued his exploration, confirming that there were no further options left to pursue. With a mental click, he closed the interface, watching as the floating screen vanished. Patience eluded him in the pursuit of Interest Points.

Turning his attention elsewhere, he approached his computer and powered it on, waiting for the screen to illuminate. Upon its activation, he delved into his personal files, only to be met with a collection of explicit content. Seok-woo sighed in resignation at the sight.

Closing the files, he shifted to his browser, hoping to find something more substantial. However, his internet history revealed a familiar pattern, inundated with explicit sites from his past. Seok-woo acknowledged this with a rueful shake of his head.

Undeterred, he scrolled through news articles and various media platforms, but nothing of significance caught his eye. With a sense of resignation, Seok-woo finally conceded defeat, shutting down the computer and abandoning his search.

He rose from his seat and made his way to the door, his intention clear: to venture outside.

However, just as his hand reached for the handle, a soft voice drifted from behind the door.

It was Chae-Yoon, busy preparing breakfast downstairs. With her task completed, she ascended to Seok-woo's room, where she rapped gently on the door and called out, "Seok-woo, breakfast is ready."

Her voice carried a warmth that could melt even the sturdiest resolve.

Opening the door, Seok-woo's gaze met Chae-Yoon's, momentarily transfixed by her presence. "Okay, I'll be down in a moment," he replied.

With that, he stepped out of the room and passed by Chae-Yoon, making his way downstairs to join his father already seated at the table.

Seok-woo's uncharacteristic timing surprised his father, who was accustomed to his son's late arrivals at mealtime.

Seok-woo settled into his seat, wasting no time in beginning his meal.

Chae-Yoon, standing nearby, couldn't hide her delight at the unexpected turn of events, pleased to see both Seok-woo and his father seated together at the table.

Chae-Yoon settled into the chair opposite Seok-woo, beginning her meal in silence. Though Seok-woo remained taciturn, his mere presence sufficed for her; his companionship was all she sought.

Meanwhile, Seok-woo's mind drifted to his own physical condition, recognizing its frailty and vulnerability. Contemplating his future, he mulled over the notion of enlisting for his mandatory military service.

Eager to propel his life forward without hindrance, he saw military service as a means to bolster his physique, a hopeful but perhaps naive aspiration.

With resolve firming in his heart, he broke the silence with an abrupt declaration. "Father, I need to discuss something," he announced, drawing the attention of both Chae-Yoon and his father, who turned toward him with curiosity.

As their gazes fixed upon him, Seok-woo felt a subtle shift in his consciousness as notifications began to materialize in his mind. He instinctively checked the messages, revealing:

"Chae-Yoon is interested in what you will say. Interest Point +1."

"Your Father is interested in what you will say. Interest Point +0.1."

A sense of satisfaction washed over Seok-woo as he registered the increase in Interest Points, though it fell short of what was needed for a Roll.

With anticipation building, Seok-woo finally voiced his decision. "Father, I want to complete my mandatory military service."

The reactions from both parties were palpable; Seok-woo's father coughed, clearly taken aback by the unexpected declaration, while Chae-Yoon's eyes widened with surprise, her curiosity piqued by his sudden decision.

Now, fast forward to the present, where Seok-woo finds himself en route to embark on his military service, the journey ahead filled with uncertainty and determination.

Seok-woo's father turned to him, curiosity etched on his face. "What are your plans after completing your service?"

The occupants of the car leaned in, eager to hear his response. Seok-woo's father, Chae-Yoon, and the person seated beside him all awaited his answer with anticipation.

Taking a moment to ponder the question, Seok-woo's resolve solidified as he replied, "I'll be heading to college." A smile graced his lips as he spoke, a glimmer of excitement shining in his eyes.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


