45.05% Legendary Shadow / Chapter 82: Kanto League Championship 8

章 82: Kanto League Championship 8

The highlighted match for the day was the upcoming Liam versus Kong. Everybody was looking forward to this match since Kong has been wiping out all his opponents with just three Pokémon. They loved Ninjask being Kong's number one go-to Pokémon and was a high level too. 

Liam finally stepped on the stage as he was staring at Kong. After seeing Liam Kong had greedy eyes for Shadow remembering how cool that Pokémon looked and the way, he was able to escape from him. Kong just wanted to capture him, but Liam had no such emotions of his past with Kong. 

Liam just summoned Dragonite to the stage while Kong wanted to play around with him, so he sent out his weakest Pokémon first, Houndoom, who was only at a lvl 50. Liam smirked after seeing the level on Houndoom as he told Dragonite to finish this quickly since Kong wasn't sending out his most potent, he wasn't either. 

Dragonite quickly started with a Water Gun attack, surprising Kong as he told Houndoom to dodge and use a Bite attack, which almost hit Dragonite until Dragonite used Dragonbreath to smash past the bite attack as it rammed right into Houndoom. 

Dragonite followed up with a Dragon Claw, which hit Houndoom on his face making him faint right away. The crowd was cheering for Liam as the group was also impressed by this. Kong decided to send out his next Pokémon, which was a Skarmory, his flying steel type Pokémon. 

It was low-level, and Dragonite easily defeated him using Flamethrower, his weakness. Kong could only laugh in joy as he thought Liam had gotten more durable and couldn't wait to beat him with his stronger Pokémon. 

Next, he sent out Primeape, who was quickly taken up to the sky and smashed into the ground. Kong was wondering how strong Dragonite was because it was able to easily defeat three of his Pokémon even though those three were his weakest, he still had trained them well enough to beat most Pokémon. 

He wasn't discouraged and summoned his next Pokémon Raticate. As soon as Raticate came out, he used Quick Attack smashing right into Dragonite's stomach, but Dragonite quickly bounced him off and used Dragon Tail to knock him back and so Kong had called Raticate to see whether he was okay, but Raticate had fainted after one hit from Dragonite, which surprised him. 

He knew that dragon Pokémon were fearsome and strong, but he didn't think Liam would be able to raise one to be that strong; he summoned his next Pokémon, Arbok. He was praying that Arbok would be able to do some damage against this Pokémon that was running through his team so quickly. Arbok was also defeated. 

Dragonite didn't hold back against Arbok because he was slightly more potent, so with a few moves, he was able to trounce Arbok. Kong was nervous at this point because all of his Pokémon had been defeated except for Ninjask, and now he was regretting not sending Ninjask first. 

He was hoping Ninjask would be able to take care of them all with his speed, while Liam had already faced Ninjask and knew how to take him out quickly. He had to start reliable and fast and not let Ninjask prolong the match because the longer the match goes on, the quicker Ninjask gets. 

And once he gets fast enough, he turns into a ghost, so he did not want that problem on his hands. Liam wanted only to use Dragonite to prevail over this whole tournament. Kong sent out Ninjask as his final Pokémon, and the crowd was cheering as soon as they saw Ninjask. 

He had become quite famous. Due to his high speed, he was able to defeat all Pokémon that came within his range. The match started as Ninjask used agility, but as soon as he was boosting up his speed, he saw an attack coming towards him, so he had to stop using agility to dodge the attack, which he barely did. 

Kong was now sweating because he wasn't able to have Ninjask boost his speed. Dragonite, who kept interrupting him and kept using Flamethrower whenever Ninjask stopped, so Ninjask had to keep dodging. Finally, he decided to stop being on the defensive end and start attacking more. 

Just when one of the Flamethrowers was about to hit Ninjask, Kong made him use the double move team splitting himself up into four Ninjasks. As one of them had gotten hit, it disappeared because it was just an illusion. Dragonite got annoyed and started charging up a Hyper Beam to knock them all out at once, Ninjask noticed the build-up in energy and quickly attacked Dragonite.

All of them approached Dragonite to interrupt Dragonite's focus and charge while using Slash, Slashing at Dragonite, who had to stop and dodge as he activated his Dragon Claw to slash back at Ninjask. The slash attacks had become like a sword fight as they kept crashing with slashes and Dragon Claws, they were both breathing heavily as they both landed onto the ground. 

Dragonite was tired from battling 5 Pokémon back to back. Ninjask gathered some energy and used one of the most potent bug attacks, X Scissor catching Dragonite by surprise. His best attack instantly knocked Dragonite out, causing him to faint from tiredness. Kong was finally happy that he was able to do what nobody else was able to, which was to beat Dragonite. 

Some people were happy about it, a lot of people were sad, and some people couldn't wait to see Liam's next Pokémon. While everybody was waiting for Liam to bring out his next Pokémon, Kong had secretly given an order to Ninjask to use Agility while they were expecting, so Ninjask started boosting up his speed stats using Agility slowly so that nobody would notice. 

The Elite Four that were watching noticed this, but they wanted to see how Liam would handle an opponent that was cheating because, in a real battle, anything can happen, and nobody was going to wait for you to make the right moves. Liam heard a voice in his head, which was Shadow. 

Shadow requested to face Ninjask once again because he wanted revenge for when he lost against him back then when he was weaker. Although Liam didn't want to attract too much attention to Shadow, he said screw it, and he still summoned Shadow.

If Shadow wanted to face this guy, then he would let him do it, Liam quickly summoned Shadow because after a while he started to notice that Ninjask had started using agility and he didn't want Ninjask to be that much faster otherwise it would be a problem to deal with him. 

As soon as Shadow came out of Liam's Shadow, everybody was surprised. Most people did not know what kind of Pokémon Shadow was, but some people did, which included the Elite Four. They were surprised to see a legendary Pokémon being tamed by a human being.

When Agatha saw Shadow, she fell in love with him because her Gengar could also move through the shadows like how Shadow had just come out from Liam's Shadow. She was interested in this boy now and had closed her eyes as she thought maybe she could make an apprentice out of Liam. 

While she was thinking all these thoughts, the match had already started. Ninjask quickly sped towards Shadow, trying to use a slash attack. Shadow used Shadow movement to sink into the ground as Liam gave him orders to start using Agility under the field. 

Ninjask was becoming impatient, and so was Kong. They wondered where he could have gone. They couldn't find any signs of Shadow, so they decided to start using agility to up their speed. Just when he was about to begin using agility, Shadow appeared again and used Hydro Pump blasting Ninjask from the ground. 

Ninjask had quickly dodged it and saw where Shadow was. Once again, he slashed at the ground, but Shadow had already disappeared, causing no damage to him. Kong was getting pissed off from this hide and seek game, and just when he was about to give out some more orders Shadow popped out once again, but this time used a Flamethrower right at Ninjask. 

Ninjask quickly flew back, trying to avoid that attack, and a little bit had caught onto his wings, and they started catching on fire. Ninjask quickly beat his wings extremely fast to get rid of the fire, but it still had done quite some damage to him, so he had to be more careful. Shadow finally came out of the ground as he started to prepare for another attack. 

Kong had also gotten tired of Shadow and decided to charge up to one of his most powerful moves. Shadow unleashed a powerful Hyper Beam attack as Ninjask also unleashed a Giga Impact, causing a vast explosion. Shadow was knocked out on the ground breathing heavily as Ninjask was also struggling to get up. 

Shadow quickly flew up to the sky and used Aerial Ace to quickly strike right into Ninjask, causing him to faint and making Liam the winner. Kong bowed down to Liam, thanking him for the match, and promised him that he would get more robust to get his revenge. 

The whole crowd was cheering for Liam while the Elite Four was quite impressed with his battles and the fact that he had a legendary Pokémon. They knew that he would probably be the winner of this event. Even though Kong lost, he still had gotten the right to participate in the battle against the Elite Four. 

The matches had finally come to an end as everybody went their separate ways to prepare for the final matches the next day. It was going to be Ash vs. Gary, and whoever won the match would face off against Liam. Since Liam was still undefeated and used only two Pokémon so far, they decided to crown him as the final competitor. 

Everybody was excited about the matches. That night they celebrated everybody's wins as Professor Oak had three of his apprentices in the finals. He was very proud and couldn't wait to see the matches the next day Gary vs. Ash. 

Professor Oak asked Liam who he thought was going to win it, and Liam truthfully answered that Gary seems to be hungrier than anybody else so he would be facing off against him in the finals, causing Professor Oak to smile as he knew that Liam was quite right in his evaluation. 

That night Janine was entertaining Ash once again while Liam was just meditating in his room. Gary was also down at the gym doing some light training with his Pokémon to get ready for the match tomorrow. In a secret place under the stadium, there was a meeting between the Elite Four and Professor Oak. 

Professor Oak was asking them what they thought about his apprentices, and they all started giving out their critiques. Lance and Agatha were in love with Liam thanks to Liam using Dragonite, who he recognized right away. He told Professor Oak that the Dragonite that Liam was using was a child from his Charizard and his cousin's Dragonite, which surprised Professor Oak. 

He asked Lance how it landed in Liam's hands, and that's when he told Professor Oak about how the young Dratini had run away after his parents had rejected him because he was different from the others. Professor Oak nodded his head in understanding and then asked Agatha why she liked Liam. 

She told him she liked him because Shadow reminded her of a ghost type Pokémon. After she had said that, her Gengar came out from the Shadows. Gengar asked Agatha whether he could visit Shadow, but Agatha quickly told him that it wasn't time for them to show themselves and that they would meet very soon once the Championship was over. Lorelei was not impressed with any of them, and Bruno just wanted a good battle, so they didn't say too much. 

Their Pokémon were too high level even to keep the challengers in their eyes, and they had been sitting on that seat for quite some time and were waiting for a new champion. All of them thought that this year's challenges had a lot more spunk than the previous year's. The last years didn't even get past Lorelei. It was only one person that was able to get past them all; this person was none other than Lance the Dragon trainer.

That time was one of the best times as Lance was able to defeat all of them with his dragon Pokémon and had become one of the Elite Four later down the road. The meeting ended, and they all went their separate ways to rest for tomorrow's match.


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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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