4.16% Konosuba: A Scottish Dragon In This Wonderful World / Chapter 1: The Goddess Aqua
Konosuba: A Scottish Dragon In This Wonderful World Konosuba: A Scottish Dragon In This Wonderful World original

Konosuba: A Scottish Dragon In This Wonderful World

作者: 0_Jordinio_0

© WebNovel

章 1: The Goddess Aqua

His lungs were burning and there was a stitch forming in his side. If he kept running like this, carrying as much shit as he was, he'd be to fucked over to do anything once he had to stop.

'Fuck it.' he growled as he jumped over over a high ledge and landed on the other side. As he did, he abruptly stopped and turned just as one of his pursuers caught up and jumped over after him.

The clothesline he lashed out with caught the fucker right in the throat and the fastest of the lot gurgle in pain as he spun around his arm and slammed into the ground.

He didn't have any time to appreciate what he did though, because the other six were right behind him.

He stepped back full on into the parking lot he'd jumped into and lowered the backpack that held his wii onto the ground.

The cause of all this mess. Because the fuckers wanted to steal his shit and he wasn't going to just hand over his stuff.

Moments later, the rest of them jumped the ledge and came right at him, fanning out to circle him.

He ran straight for the fucker in the front and swung a punch at his face straight on. The cunt juked to the side, but he was ready for it and swung out with his foot and kicked his legs from under him as he went to the side, letting him fall straight into his elbow.

He made to turn with that one down, only to see stars and feel his cheek throb with pain as a punch caught him square in the jaw. A fist wound into his short spiky hair a moment later before he could even think and pulled him into a knee that made his nose crunch and blood fly everywhere.

He screamed in pain and lashed out, jumping up and feeling his head ring as the back of it smashed into the fuckers chin.

He heard more than saw the idiot hit the ground, stumbling back and clutching his nose. He was dizzy as all fuck.

He heard shouting, but it was like a fog was over his mind and he could barely make out the words. He'd really fucked his head with that.

He looked up through blurry eyes just in time to see someone rushing him. His attacker launched a punch at him and he staggered back just barely avoiding it, but didn't get far enough because he was grabbed by his top and it was pulled up over his head completely obscuring his vision.

His ribs exploded with pain as a barrage of punches were smashed into him from all sides.

Fuck this. He threw himself forward and tackled the one holding his shirt over his head and both of them fell. On instinct, he pulled his shirt up and off over his head and tossed it at one of the other idiots at his side.

A kick smashed into his ribs and almost sent him spinning off the fucker below him, but he just held on, if barely with his knees digging into the cunts chest.

He grabbed the cunt by the hair before punching him once, twice, hard enough to feel his knuckles pop and then dragged him up by the hair to headbutt him right in the ridge of his nose.

Crunch went the fuckers nose, just like his own. But then he arms hooked around his shoulders and dragged him bodily up and backwards.

Growling and snarling like an animal he thrashed around in an insane manner, throwing his head back and feeling another bang of pain as his head caught another chin. He was dropped and wasted no time in turning around and punching the fucker in the balls and dropping him like a little bitch with a squeal of agony.

He turned, only to feel a flash of white hot pain and his blurry vision to be filled with the blurred form of another one of his attackers.

He staggered back, a heavy, yet weightless feeling ebbing in his chest and feeling like he was going to vomit.

There, sticking out of his chest, buried up to the handle was a large knife. Fuck, he'd been stabbed. He couldn't breathe at all, no matter how many gasps of air he tried to gulp down.

His vision was going dark.

Fuck, this was it then? What a way to fucking go out.

He looked at the fucker who stabbed him and bared his teeth in a massive no doubt bloody grin, "Ah' shagged yer' maw tae' she squealed like a pig ya...fuckin'...faggot." he spat out and stuck the finger up at him, just as his vision went completely dark and he found himself tumbling backwards.


Just as suddenly as everything went dark though, Yarden found himself waking back up, blinking rapidly as he tried to process what he was seeing.

"Oh for gods sake, look at this," a female voice echoed in his ears, "You've taken so long the next soul is already here you damn NEET!"

"Stop calling me that! I died outside!" a male voice responded with a growl.

Yarden looked around in a daze. He was in some kind of black...void? Small silver lights twinkled like stars all throughout it. And the only piece of proper light he could see, was a small space where two chairs sat. Well, one throne, the other a chair.

On the floor, there was a thin brown haired guy dressed in a shabby green track suit, kneeling over a bunch of scattered paper across the...floor of the void?

While atop the throne, sat perhaps the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. With a face that could make a model envious, oddly alluring cyan blue hair and a very curvy body that filled out her clothes insanely.

His eyes were drawn to her legs, one crossed over the other. Specifically, her thighs, the tiny little skirt she was wearing barely covered anything and left a ton of her full, toned creamy thighs in view, leading to the curve of what looked like an incredibly ample pair of arse cheeks.


He would have probably continued staring at those incredibly lovely thighs, if he didn't suddenly remember how he ended up here. Mainly, taking a knife to the chest, everything going dark and waking up here.

Yarden looked down at his chest, "...What the fuck!?" he gaped. There, on his chest. There was not a wound to be seen. Hell, beyond that he was even wearing the tank top hoodie that got pulled off of him during the fight.

"Yarden Odhar," he looked up at the sound of his name being said to see the blue haired beauty walking towards him, a red book in hand that was wide open, "Welcome to the afterlife. Unfortunately, you passed away just moments ago. Your life was a short one, but you are in fact, dead." she said softly, coming to a stop in front of him and smiling gently.

Ah. He thought so. No way he was living what he guessed was either a knife through the heart or a knife through the lung.

Y'know, he grew up in a catholic house. He'd been told all his life there would be an afterlife, but he wasn't expecting....this.

"So, does that make you an angel then?" he asked the blue haired beauty. She definitely had the looks for it, if not the colour scheme he was expecting.

She snorted, "Not even close, I'm quite a bit above that thank you," she puffed her voluptuous chest up in pride, and it definitely drew his eyes, "My name is Aqua, I am the goddess tasked with overseeing the souls of the young who have recently passed."

...Aqua? He'd never heard of any kind of god or goddess name that. But, then what the fuck did he know about the divine? "Well, you definitely have the looks of a goddess," Yarden found himself replying on instinct, getting a wide grin from the goddess, "...So I'm dead huh? That's bollocks, but nothing I can do about it. So what now?" he asked.

Was it heaven or hell he was going to? He hoped to god he wasn't going to hell. He was really not looking forward to getting a pineapple shoved up his ass.

"Well, there's two options for you," Aqua held up two fingers, "You can either give up your memories and reincarnate as a baby or go to heaven and laze around like an old man."

...Eh, reincarnate and lose his memories? He was not at all wanting to do that. He quite like who he was. "Wait...laze around like an old man?" Yarden gave a slow blink.

That did not at all sound like fucking heaven.

"Oh yeah, all you can do in heaven is bask in the atmosphere, it's a really boring place. There's no television, sports or..." she leaned in close, "You can't even have sex, it's that lame a place. It'll be practically hell for a virile and active boy like you, right?"

Yarden's eyes widened in horror, "...You're kidding me." he gaped in shock. No television, which meant no gaming, no sports that meant no competition and no fucking either?

"How the hell is that heaven?" he blurted out. Hell was actually looking like a tempting prospect here.

"I am not, but I do have a little offer for you," Aqua pulled back and grinned at him, "You like games right?"

"....Yeah?" he asked. Where was she going with this?

"Well, like in some games, this offer will allow me to bring you back to life, but in another world," she replied, making his eyes widen once again, "The catch though, is that world is under attack by an evil demon king and his minions. The deaths he is putting the residents through in that world are so horrifying they don't want to reincarnate, as such that worlds population is continuously dwindling and will end up dying itself if something isn't done."

Yarden stared at her for a moment, digesting her words, "Ah, I get it," he nodded in realisation, "You want me to go and do him in, right?" he asked. That had to be it, there was no other reason for her to bring up games otherwise.

"Yep!" Aqua happily bounced in place and his eyes were dragged back to her chest as her large breasts bounced noticeably.

Looks like someone wasn't wearing a bra.

"...How would I go about that though?" he asked after dragging his gaze away from her tits, "I just got done in myself by six punk ass faggots. If I couldn't deal with them, how am I gonna deal with a demon king and his army."

"It's great you catch on fast, not like some twenty year old NEET who died in shock from a tractor rolling towards him as slow as a snail!" Aqua replied chirpily, giving an obvious glance to the brown haired guy a few feet away, "Not to worry though, we wouldn't send you in ill-equipped!"

Yarden glanced at the brown haired guy, getting what she was meaning and snorted.

Before he could ask what she meant, the tracksuit wearing man gave a yell of anger, "Stop calling me a NEET! I'm not a NEET! And why are you being so nice to this kid?!"

Aqua stuck her tongue out at him, "You dropped out of school after a rejection and barely ever left the house for years, and the second you did you got overcome with shock by a tractor of all things and had a heart attack out of shock!" she shot back, before gesturing out towards Yarden, "Unlike you, this kid actually is someone we can expect a good performance from. He's only fifteen, but he's a trained martial artist and almost pro sportsman. On top of that, he trains his body multiple times a week, has a job and died while fighting six other people trying to rob him!"

The brown haired man gave a spluttering choking sound and fell back grasping at his chest, "What kind of super normie bullshit is that?!" he shouted, pointing at Yarden and staring at him with dead green eyes, "Are you just some super Gary Stu character that's shown up to make me look bad and steal all the girls?"


No seriously, what?

Yarden stared at the brown haired guy in disbelief. What about him in anyway screamed Gary Stu? He played sports and trained in Muay Thai since he was a child, not exactly anything special. He worked as a milk runner and had for two years and hit up the gym a few times a week. And he obviously got his shit put in by those guys or he wouldn't be here.

'This guy must be seriously pitiful to be thinking someone like me is Gary Stu material.' Yarden couldn't help but shake his head. That was all basic bitch normal shit that loads of people in his age group did. Hell, a couple of his friends weren't 'almost' pro footballer players like him, but actually already in line for the main pro teams.

Fucking bus.

"Ignore the virgin NEET," Aqua snorted, getting another sputter from the tracksuit wearing guy, "Like I was saying, we won't be sending you off without a way of putting up a fight. We'll provide you with a powerful ability or item to take with you, a cheat ability or item as it were, like from a video game that will help you on your quest to slay the Demon King."

Oh, so it was like that, huh? "Got it," Yarden nodded, "I'm in then, sign me the fuck up." fuck reincarnation and fuck heaven.

Aqua clapped happily, "Great!" the blue haired beauty beamed before blinking, "Oh, I should tell you. If you accomplish your quest and slay the Demon King, we the gods and goddesses will grant you one wish, and give you anything you desire."

His eyes widened. That was something that should have been told to him up front! "By anything...do you mean...anything?" he couldn't help but ask, licking his suddenly dry lips as he looked Aqua's voluptuous body up and down.

She noted his gaze and blinked, before smirking, "Pretty much anything yep! you want a harem of beautiful girls that will worship you and do everything you say? We can do that." she wiggled her eyebrows at him.

They could huh? But, he had a better idea in mind, "What about if I wish to become a god?" Yarden asked. After all, with that he could neatly side step that whole reincarnation and heaven thing.

And he could look out for his own family when they all passed away to.

"Huh, that's a new one," Aqua blinked, before shrugging, "I don't see why not, sure. You'd probably only start out as a minor god though, but I'll happily take you under my wing as your future senpai if you manage it!"

"That's just perfect," Yarden grinned massively. All he had to do to become a god was kill some fucker. Sign him the fuck up, just as he said! "So how do we do this then?"

Aqua shrugged, "When I send you off, I'll be overloading your brain with the language of that world so you can understand them," she replied, then jabbed her thumb over her shoulder at the tracksuit wearing guy still pouring over the papers on the floor, "You'll need to wait to pick your cheat ability or weapon though until the Virgin NEET Kazuma over there hurries up and picks his, though he's been at it for six hours already."

...Six hours. Was he freaking kidding?

"It doesn't matter, I already have an idea in mind," Yarden shook his head, getting a raised blue eyebrow from Aqua in response, "Have you got anything that will let me become a dragon?"

He had a thing for dragons. They were just so cool. Even Charizard was a dragon, even if not typed as one. Dragons were fucking badass.

Aqua hummed tapping her chin, "If I remember right, there is something like that amongst them," she mused. She snapped her fingers and suddenly a piece of paper appeared in her hand, "Ah, here we go." she chirped happily and handed it to him.

Yarden accepted it and looked the paper over. And as he read it, a massive grin spread across his face.

The Dragon Core.

Bestows the aspect of the dragon upon the receiver. The receiver will gain a large increase in all physical abilities. The receiver will gain a massively increased mana capacity and the ability to breathe dragon fire. The receiver will gain the growth rate and vast longevity of a dragon. the receiver will gain a resistance to magic. Upon becoming strong enough, the receiver will achieve the ability to transform into a dragon.

This looked fucking overpowered!

"It's a pretty strong ability, the only problem really is that you'll still start at a low level when you appear there," Aqua explained, "The boosts won't be really massive until you've grown a few levels. Everyone else so far has been more interested in the immediately powerful items like the cursed sword Gram."

Heh, what plebs.

"Idiots," Yarden scoffed, "No worries then, I'll take this and go take care of that Demon cunt for you."

"That's great, at least somebody makes my job simple!" Aqua clapped in delight. As she did, blue light erupted from the void underneath him, forming into some kind of magic circle and trailing up into a pillar of light that shot up into the sky, "Your choices are accepted, I'll send you along to the parallel world now, kay? When you appear there, you'll already have your power and know how to use it." she chirped.

"Got it," Yarden nodded and stepped forward towards her, "Thanks for the help, I'll be sure to look you up once I kill the demon king and become a god." he told her, before boldly reaching around her, under her tiny little skirt and taking a great big handful of her large, round arse, filling his palm and fingers with springy, bouncy ass cheek.

"Eep!" Aqua yelped and bounced back, and as she did breaking her hold on him. A moment later, the blue light began carrying him into the air.

"I should have expected that," Aqua shook her head, cheeks red as she pouted up at him. She nonetheless though spread her arms wide, "Oh great and pervy hero, we the gods and goddesses pray that you are the one who will accomplish this great quest. Good luck, and should you succeed we will bestow upon you, any wish of your desire!"

"Just watch good looking, I've got this shit in the bag!" Yarden laughed as he found himself swept up into the sky by the blue light and consumed a bright kaleidoscope of colours.

Then everything once again went dark.

That last thing he heard though was Kazuma shouting, "He really is a Gary-Stu bastard, just feeling the shitty goddess up like that!"

Followed by Aqua's outraged; "Who are you calling a shitty goddess you useless NEET!?"

0_Jordinio_0 0_Jordinio_0

If you're interested in my stuff. You can see it a bit early on Pa---atron. There's a link in an yof my story descriptions.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


