A week later,
As Alfonso stepped outside his office, heavy rain began to pour. He hoped it wouldn't continue and worsen.
Alfonso made his way to one of the naval bases close to Malacañang Palace, known as the Manila Naval Base.
The Manila Naval Base was commissioned during his father's administration as part of the Pacific Fleet. However, Alfonso's visit that day wasn't for sightseeing naval warships. Instead, they were there to test new equipment for the infantry.
As the rain was getting close to stopping, Alfonso found himself in an open area of the naval base. It was here that he was approached by a man in his sixties, clad in a military uniform.
"Good morning, Your Majesty. We are honored by your presence here at my base," greeted the man with a respectful bow.
The man was Lorenzo dela Cruz, the esteemed Chief of the General Staff of the Philippine Armed Forces.
"Is everything in place?" Alfonso inquired simply, his eyes scanning the area.
"Yes, sire," Lorenzo replied, turning around and gesturing towards a row of ten military-clad men standing in perfect formation. "These are the finest soldiers I can think of in the Philippine Armed Forces."
The ten soldiers stood firm, their unwavering gaze fixed on Alfonso. As he looked at each one of them, he could feel the respect emanating from their disciplined presence. The sight of their dedication and loyalty uplifted his spirits.
"Very good," Alfonso remarked, his tone showing approval, as he walked towards the lines of soldiers. Coming to a halt beside one of the men, he decided to start his inspection with them. Observing their uniforms closely, he couldn't help but notice that they were outdated and had been in use for nearly two decades.
Alfonso recognized that a modern and well-equipped military also required updated uniforms. It was not just about the weapons and technology, but also about instilling a sense of pride and unity among the troops. Perhaps, after he finished working on his prototype computer, he could focus on designing a new uniform that would match the upgraded equipment.
"I am pleased with your dedication and service," Alfonso addressed the soldiers, "but as we move towards modernizing our armed forces, we must also consider upgrading your uniforms to reflect the progress we aim to achieve. I will see to it that the necessary changes are made in the near future."
The soldiers nodded in acknowledgment, their commitment to their duty unwavering. Alfonso knew that by providing them with the best equipment and attire, they would be better prepared to serve and protect their country.
Alfonso nodded in satisfaction as he returned to his previous position, feeling a sense of excitement building within him. Just seconds later, a low grumble of engines sounded in the distance, catching Alfonso's attention. He turned his head and saw twenty military trucks approaching, bringing with them the anticipation of something significant.
The trucks came to a halt near the soldiers, and without hesitation, the troops began unloading the cargo. The boxes they carried contained the new weapons that were meant to replace their outdated bolt-action Mosin-Nagant rifles.
With the equipment now in place, Alfonso clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention. The atmosphere around them shifted as the soldiers became serious and attentive.
"Okay, gentlemen, listen up!" Alfonso's voice rang out, commanding the soldiers' focus. "Today, we will test a new prototype weapon that will replace the standard-issue bolt-action Mosin Nagant. I must stress the utmost secrecy surrounding this operation. Anyone who even utters a word about it will be tried for treason, and the punishment for such an offense is death. Given the select few of you present, it won't be difficult to track down any traitors. So, I expect complete discretion from each one of you."
The soldiers nodded in acknowledgment, fully understanding the gravity of the situation. They knew they were part of something extraordinary, and they were ready to follow their king's orders without question.
"Now, you may wonder why I've implemented such strict measures," Alfonso continued, his gaze sweeping across the attentive faces before him. "The reason is simple—what we are about to test is groundbreaking technology, unknown to foreign countries like Deutschland, The Britannia, or the Francois Republic. We are pioneers in this field, and it may very well give us a significant advantage in the future."
Alfonso motioned towards one of the soldiers who had been responsible for unloading the boxes, signaling for him to open one. The soldier nodded in acknowledgment and carefully unsealed a box. He then retrieved the contents and handed the prototype weapon to Alfonso.
As the soldiers beheld the weapon in Alfonso's hand, their eyes widened in awe and surprise. The design was unlike anything they had seen before, and it exuded an aura of advanced technology.
"Behold, gentlemen, the M-SLR," Alfonso proudly proclaimed, raising the Heckler and Koch HK33 in the air for all to see. "This piece of art is no easy feat to manufacture, but thanks to the efforts of the arms manufacturer Maya, they were able to produce 20 of them in just three weeks."
The soldiers listened with keen interest as Alfonso delved into the basic information about the HK33. He highlighted its compact size, boasting a shorter barrel than the Mosin Nagant, and its remarkable magazine capacity of 30 rounds. The maximum rate of fire of approximately 750 rounds per minute was enough to impress even seasoned soldiers.
"The effective firing range is around 400 meters, making it a versatile and formidable weapon," Alfonso continued. "The name of this exceptional rifle is the M-SLR,M stands for Maya, with SLR standing for Self Loading Rifle."
Alfonso's knowledge and familiarity with the weapon left the soldiers in awe. They couldn't help but wonder how their king possessed such extensive expertise in firearms. Even the Chief of the General Staff was astounded by Alfonso's grasp of the weapon's intricacies.
As the soldiers watched Alfonso demonstrate the basic handling of the M-SLR, their admiration for their king grew. They were proud to serve under a leader who was not only knowledgeable but also visionary in his efforts to modernize and strengthen the Philippine Armed Forces.
The young prince's thorough explanation of the weapon had left the soldiers in awe and shock. To think that a single firearm could carry 30 rounds in a single loadout was mind-boggling. It was a stark contrast to their familiar Mosin Nagant, which could only hold a mere five rounds. If the emperor's words were indeed true, then this new weapon had the potential to revolutionize warfare and transform their military capabilities.
"Alright, form a line and each of you, get one for yourself," Alfonso commanded with a commanding tone. He gestured towards the HK33 assault rifles, waiting for them to be picked up by the eager soldiers. As they took hold of the new firearms, they couldn't help but be intrigued by the design, which was both sleek and modern. It was like alien technology to them, unlike anything they had ever seen before.
Taking their positions, the soldiers checked the balance of the HK33 and aimed down the sights. They marveled at its comparatively lighter weight and ergonomic design, a far cry from their traditional Mosin Nagant rifles.
After they were ready, Alfonso took the lead, preparing to demonstrate the weapon's capabilities. "This is going to be different from the Mosin Nagant you're accustomed to. The M-SLR is an automatic rifle, which means you no longer need to load each round manually using a clip. Instead, we use a detachable box magazine, similar to the M1911 Pistol used by the United States."
With that, Alfonso trained the weapon on a target dummy positioned 100 meters away. Before proceeding, he reminded them, "This weapon has two modes of operation: semi-automatic and full-automatic. We'll start with semi-automatic. Watch and learn."
Taking a brief moment to steady himself, Alfonso took a deep breath and gently squeezed the trigger. The M-SLR emitted a sharp crack as an empty cartridge ejected from the ejection port on its left side. The sudden noise startled the soldiers, causing them to instinctively cover their ears.
Without missing a beat, Alfonso swiftly switched the rifle to full-auto, and the gun roared to life, firing rapidly like a machine gun. The deafening noise reverberated through the open area, amplifying the astonishment of the onlooking soldiers.
After a blazing fifteen seconds, Alfonso ceased fire, having emptied the magazine with impressive accuracy. All his shots had hit the target precisely. It was evident that he still possessed exceptional marksmanship and control over the weapon.
The soldiers were left speechless, their minds trying to process the sheer power and efficiency of the M-SLR. Indeed, it was capable of spewing out 30 rounds in a matter of seconds.
Even the Chief of the General Staff was in a state of disbelief. He could see how this weapon would be a game-changer in warfare, giving the Philippine Armed Forces a significant edge on the battlefield.
The excitement in the air was palpable, and the soldiers couldn't contain their admiration and enthusiasm. They applauded and cheered for their king, proud to serve under a leader who was spearheading such innovative advancements.
"As you can see, this is where it gets tricky," Alfonso said with a wry smile as he switched back to semi-automatic mode and tapped the barrel of the M-SLR, ejecting the empty magazine. With practiced ease, he inserted a new one. "This rifle's magazine can hold 30 rounds of ammunition, a vast difference from the typical Mosin Nagant's five-round clip. Just imagine the revolutionary impact this can have on the battlefield, where each soldier can potentially take down 30 enemies in one go. It's vital to exercise strict measures to protect this weapon from falling into the hands of our enemies."
The soldiers were deeply inspired by their king's vision and dedication to the country's defense. With the M-SLR as a testament to his commitment, they knew they were part of a new era in the Philippine Armed Forces. Their hearts swelled with pride as they looked forward to a future where they would wield these powerful weapons to safeguard their nation.
Alfonso had taken decisive measures to safeguard his future military technologies. He implemented a new law that strictly prohibited the arms industry from selling weaponry to any foreign nation without the state's explicit permission. This ensured that the advanced weapons he designed would remain within the country's control, preventing any potential misuse or threat to national security. Furthermore, he granted the arms manufacturers the rights to produce these weapons under the condition that they uphold their commitment and confidentiality, thus establishing a mutual trust between the government and the industry.
To tackle the looming issue of espionage, Alfonso recognized the importance of bolstering the Minister of Internal Affairs' capabilities. He had plans to allocate a substantial budget to the ministry, enabling them to implement stricter measures for foreigners stepping foot on Philippine soil. These measures would serve as a crucial deterrent to any potential spies seeking to gain unauthorized access to classified information or sensitive military installations.
As for earning from the weapons he designed, Alfonso had devised a strategic approach. Through royalties and rights, he would secure a steady stream of income, which he could then reinvest into funding more ambitious projects, specifically focused on the development of cutting-edge weaponry. By doing so, Alfonso ensured a sustainable funding source for his endeavors, fueling the continuous advancement of the Philippine Armed Forces.
"Okay, it's your turn now. Take position!" Alfonso commanded with authority, rousing the soldiers to action. They eagerly picked up their M-SLRs, loading them with magazines and aiming intently at the distant target in the open area.
"Fire!" Alfonso's voice echoed through the mountain, and a thunderous cacophony of gunfire erupted. The soldiers fired their weapons with a mix of excitement and astonishment, their eyes wide with amazement as they witnessed the incredible firepower of the M-SLR.
After they emptied their magazines, the soldiers were left in a state of shock, their adrenaline pumping from the sheer exhilaration of using such advanced weaponry. For a moment, they stood there, trying to comprehend the magnitude of the experience they had just undergone.
Alfonso, pleased with their performance, clapped his hands in appreciation. "Excellent, you're all quick learners," he commended with a proud smile. "Now, it's time for the second prototype."
He motioned to the soldier once again, who received a new, different type of weapon from Alfonso. The soldiers' eyes were fixated on the unfamiliar firearm that Alfonso was now holding.
"This second prototype, I call it the M-AR47," Alfonso declared with enthusiasm, the excitement in his voice palpable. "Let's continue our exploration into the future of military technology."
Alfonso stood confidently before the group of soldiers who had just completed the test fire of the previous prototype.
"This one will be slightly different from the M-AR33. One noticeable difference, of course, is the design. It's slightly bigger than the M-AR33 and it uses different types of ammunition. The M-AR33 uses a 5.56x45mm while the M-AR47 uses a 7.62x39mm. You can see it in the bullets yourselves," Alfonso explained, grabbing two bullets from the ammunition box and holding them up for the soldiers to see the difference.
The attentive soldiers gasped and engaged in animated chatter, exchanging their thoughts and impressions about the new prototype.
"Today, we will be testing the M-AR47, just like the M-AR33 before. Each of you will take a weapon, load yourself with a magazine, and aim at the target dummy," Alfonso instructed, as the soldiers lined up to pick up the new prototype for testing.
After a minute, the soldiers were all ready, eagerly anticipating the experience of firing the M-AR47.
As they prepared, one soldier nudged his comrade and raised a question. "Do you think it's a little heavier than the M-AR33?"
Curious, the soldier lifted the rifle to check its weight and responded, "I agree, it's slightly heavier than the M-AR33. Not only that, but the bullet is also larger compared to the M-AR33 rounds."
Excited to try out the new prototype, the soldier let out a chuckle as he trained the barrel of the M-AR47 at the target dummy.
They awaited the signal to fire, which would come from the prince, Alfonso.
"Fire!" Alfonso's command rang out, granting them permission to shoot.
As the soldier pulled the trigger, he felt a strong force pushing against his right arm, causing him to shoot higher than the targeted dummy.
Observing their attempts, Alfonso confirmed, "It's a little hard to control due to its strong recoil, so you'll have to compensate accordingly," offering his advice to the soldiers.
Understanding the challenges of handling the M-AR47, Alfonso knew that mastering this prototype would require more practice and training. He encouraged the soldiers not to be disheartened by the initial difficulties, assuring them that with time and dedication, they would become adept at wielding this powerful weapon.
As the soldiers continued their testing and familiarization with the M-AR47, Alfonso watched with keen interest, taking mental notes of their performance. He knew that refining and perfecting these advanced weapons would be crucial in ensuring the military's preparedness to face future challenges and protect the sovereignty of the Philippines.
With the successful testing of the M-AR47 and its potential as a game-changer in warfare, Alfonso's determination to modernize the Philippine Armed Forces was further reinforced. He envisioned a future where his country's military would stand shoulder to shoulder with the most technologically advanced forces in the world, safeguarding the nation and its people from any threat that may arise. And with each new prototype, Alfonso took another step closer to turning that vision into a reality.
Despite its weight, the soldiers' impression of the M-AR47 was still very positive, especially for the one who fired it first. "The power of this weapon is even greater than the M-AR33. I get more satisfaction from firing this weapon; it's a little sweeter to the eye," the soldier remarked with enthusiasm.
The Chief of the General Staff was in a state of admiration as well. The ear-deafening burst, its penetration power, and the ability to shoot continuously left a profound impact on the soldiers.
Among the soldiers, one's eyes flickered towards the young prince, filled with loyalty and love for the Philippines. He was dedicated to protecting the nation's sovereignty and honor. In the past, the prince's father, the previous monarch, had been focused on suppressing dissent and denying rights to those who spoke out against him.
Seeing the prince's sincere efforts to stabilize the country and the attention he paid to the welfare of the army, the soldier's heart swelled with pride and appreciation. He was confident that in the future, the Philippines would make a strong comeback and shock the world with its prowess.
"You have my respect, young prince," one of the soldiers murmured solemnly under his breath, expressing his deep admiration.
The soldiers continued firing their weapons, eagerly exhausting their ammunition as the ejection port spat out empty shells one after another, littering the ground.
Once again, the soldiers found themselves in a state of amazement. Though not everyone, some of them felt the strain in their shoulders due to the strong recoil of the new weapon they were not yet accustomed to carrying.
After the testing was completed, they cast thoughtful glances at their current service weapon, the Mosin Nagant, contemplating its utility now that a new and more advanced rifle had been introduced.
"Okay, return the weapons to where you took them from," Alfonso issued his orders, and the soldiers promptly followed, carefully placing the prototype rifles back in their designated locations, standing by for further instructions.
As they returned the rifles, Alfonso couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and fulfillment. The successful testing of the M-AR47 and the positive feedback from the soldiers bolstered his belief in the path he had chosen to modernize the Philippine Armed Forces.
Two weapons tested, two to go.
After the soldiers took a quick break to rest and recharge, they prepared to begin the next round of testing. This time, they would be examining two different kinds of assault rifles, the FN FAL and the AR15.
The test proceeded for twenty minutes, during which the soldiers carefully evaluated the performance of the FN FAL and the AR15. Once the testing phase was completed, the soldiers diligently picked up the spent shells scattered on the ground, placing them in an empty box for proper disposal.
With a nod of satisfaction, Alfonso clapped his hands to gather their attention. "Okay, we're all done here," he announced, his voice filled with appreciation. "I want to congratulate each and every one of you for the exceptional work you've done today, and I truly appreciate the time you've taken to test these new weapon prototypes," Alfonso concluded warmly.
Turning his attention to the Chief of the General Staff, Alfonso addressed him directly. "General, we will supply you with these weapons for further testing. You can choose one or two of these weapons to potentially replace the current service rifle of the army. Your expertise and insight will be crucial in making the right decision, and once you've made your selection, we'll move forward with mass production."
However, Alfonso understood that the road to mass production was not without its challenges. While the current arm manufacturers had the capability to produce the new weapons, the production process was slow due to the limitations of the assembly line.
To expedite the manufacturing process and ensure a swift transition, Alfonso knew that he had to take certain measures. First, he would have to share the advanced manufacturing techniques developed for these weapons with the major arms manufacturers. This would enable them to quickly adopt the new methods and scale up production.
The second step in streamlining production was the implementation of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines. These sophisticated machines would be instrumental in manufacturing complex parts of the weapons and other advanced machinery, such as tanks, vehicles, and aircraft, which demanded precision beyond human capabilities.
Recognizing the importance of this endeavor, Alfonso had already been diligently working on a computer prototype that utilized vacuum tubes or transistors. This revolutionary device would not only revolutionize weapons production but also pave the way for advancements in various other fields.
Alfonso's vision was clear - to equip the Philippine Armed Forces with cutting-edge weaponry and technology, strengthening their position on the global stage. The success of these weapon tests was a significant step towards achieving that goal, and Alfonso's commitment to progress and innovation was unwavering.
Programming and coding would pose no problem for Alfonso, as he already had a clear vision in mind for the future of weaponry and technology. However, with the day's weapon testing completed, he knew it was time to focus on other matters for the moment.
"Yes, Your Majesty, we will carefully evaluate and choose among the best of these weapons that we believe will be most beneficial for the army," the General assured Alfonso.
"I appreciate that," Alfonso replied, glancing briefly at the far distance where a silhouette of a warship, possibly a dreadnought or a cruiser, loomed on the horizon. Alexander, the imperial prince, noticed his gaze and turned to face the General.
With the army testing completed, Alfonso's mind was already contemplating his next steps. After addressing the needs of the army, he planned to proceed to the navy and the air force, ensuring that each branch of the Philippine Armed Forces received the advancements they required.
"Oh, before I forget, General," Alfonso began, catching the General's attention.
"What is it, Your Majesty?" the General inquired respectfully.
"In two weeks' time, I request your presence at my palace along with the Admiral of the Navy and the General of the Air Force. There's a procurement program I plan to introduce across the armed forces of the Philippines, and I will need your counsel and expertise on the matter," Alfonso explained with a serious tone.
"As you wish, Your Majesty. I will notify them immediately," the General promptly replied, bowing in acknowledgment of the imperial prince's request.
"Excellent, we'll be going now. Thank you," Alfonso said with a salute.
The General and the soldiers nearby returned the salute, their rifles held in their hands as they watched Alfonso and his security detail retreat towards their convoy.
Inside the vehicle, Alfonso took a moment to reflect on the day's events. The successful weapon tests had invigorated him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. His mind was already racing with ideas and plans for further advancements in the country's defense capabilities.
As the convoy slowly departed from the military base, Alfonso turned to Alejandro, his trusted bodyguard, who sat on the front seat.
"So, how did you like the show?" Alfonso asked Alejandro with a playful smirk.
"It was a remarkable weapon, Sire. Truly revolutionary with its ability to fire like a machine gun. It will undoubtedly enhance the infantry's effectiveness in times of war," Alejandro commented, stealing a glance at the rear-view mirror.
"Well, this is just the beginning. There's so much more to develop in the future. That means a lot of work for me," Alfonso said, gazing thoughtfully through the windows as the scenery passed by.
Alejandro smiled, understanding the weight of his responsibilities. Protecting the prince was a task he took very seriously, and he knew the importance of keeping Alfonso safe from harm.
"So, Alejandro. Since you became my bodyguard, you haven't seen any action, have you?" Alfonso inquired, curious about Alejandro's experiences.
"That's right, Your Majesty," Alejandro confirmed. Since his transfer to become the imperial prince's head of security, Alejandro had not encountered any dangerous situations. Most of his duties involved vigilantly watching over and safeguarding Alfonso from potential threats. "But, I must say, I will pray to keep it that way. Boring is always best when it comes to our safety."
"Indeed... boring is always best," Alfonso chuckled, appreciating Alejandro's dedication and commitment to his protection.
With a moment of respite during the drive, Alfonso pulled out his itinerary book to review his schedule. It was filled to the brim with meetings ahead—sessions with his council of ministers and meetings with the CEOs and engineers of arms manufacturers. The path to progress and innovation lay ahead, and Alfonso was determined to lead the charge.