94.73% Kingdom: A New Era / Chapter 36: Chapter -36 Blazing flame

章 36: Chapter -36 Blazing flame

The death of the great general Ouki dealt a heavy blow to the prestige of the Qin military. Sensing an opportunity, the surrounding states of Han, Chu, Wei, and Zhao began to engage in skirmishes along the borders, gradually encroaching upon Qin territory.

Meanwhile, special units within the Qin military were gaining recognition for their valor and prowess on the battlefield. The Hi Shin Unit under Shin, the Gaku Ka Unit under Mou Ten, and the Gyoku Hou Unit under Ou Hon were all making names for themselves through their remarkable achievements and strategic brilliance.

Four months after Ouki's death, a new development emerged—a flag bearing the symbol of an eagle started appearing near the borders.

Lin utilized a variety of guerrilla tactics to outmaneuver and disrupt the enemy forces. He employed strategies such as luring enemy armies into ambushes, dividing troops and camouflaging them in jungle terrain, swift retreat and regrouping troops and orchestrating surprise attacks by dividing and confusing enemy units with unconventional battle formations.

In instances where enemy generals engaged in duels, a common occurrence in ancient warfare, Lin relied on his mastery of the aura spear technique. This unique skill allowed him to excel in personal combat, swiftly dispatching opponents and turning the tide of individual duels in his favor. Additionally, Karna, with his combat prowess, also played a role in facing enemy generals in direct combat when needed.

The Storm Eagles earned the reputation of being "army devourers" due to their ability to defeat larger enemy forces with minimal casualties.

However, Lin realized that instilling fear through his name could alienate potential allies and subjects in the future. Instead, he chose to emphasize benevolence and compassion. He established orphanages in his domain to care for the vulnerable and provide a sense of community and support.

Additionally, Lin implemented a respectful and honorable ritual for fallen soldiers. He conducted elaborate cremations with large fires and performed rituals of remembrance, including placing flowers at the sites of the cremations. This gesture of reverence and respect for the fallen garnered admiration and respect, even from adversaries.

As a result, Lin gained the name "Benevolent Flame".


As the year drew to a close, in the Hi Shin Unit, the soldiers were taking a moment to rest when two figures on horseback approached.

"Karna, I'll go talk to them and convince them to leave"

"No, Zhang, we should be ready to fight alongside them if needed, as Lin instructed"

"Why are you always so eager for battle? It takes a toll on us physically and mentally, and we have other things to attend to" .

"What's the rush, Zhang?"

"I have many responsibilities back at camp,"

"Like drinking booze?"


"Or using your mental tricks to tease Zhi?"

"No, and where did you hear that? It's not teasing; it's just friendly banter between friends,"

Shin and the Hi Shin Unit looked on as Karna dismounted his horse and approached them.

Shin, cautious and ready for confrontation, questioned the newcomers, "Who are you? Are you our enemies?"

Karna bowed respectfully and addressed Shin, "We are from the Storm Eagles. My name is Karna, and we are here to discuss something important."

"How can i trust the word-" Before Shin could finish expressing his doubts, several members of the Hi Shin Unit rushed forward, throwing Shin aside with enthusiasm. "Karna, how have you been?" one of them exclaimed. "Are you doing well?" another asked. "My village always talks about you," added another member, treating Karna like a long-lost friend.

In the main camp of the Hi Shin Unit, Shin, Kyou Kai, and En listened attentively as Karna and Zhang explained the situation.

"You know that the Storm Eagles have been defeating many enemies on the borders, right?" Karna began.

Shin, Kyou Kai, and En nodded in acknowledgment.

"Well, since they couldn't cause damage to our unit directly, they've decided to target other special forces of Qin to cover their losses. Their first target is you," Karna continued, looking directly at Shin. "There's a gathering of five thousand enemies preparing to eliminate you. Lin, who is nearby, has tasked me and Zhang with taking care of this situation."

Shin was taken aback. "Five thousand enemies? Why haven't we seen any sign of them?" he questioned skeptically.

"They are being cautious and want to finish off the renowned Hi Shin Unit without suffering any losses. They plan to set up an ambush along a nearby jungle road," Karna explained further. "Initially, they'll send five hundred men to engage you. As the battle progresses and nears its end, the remaining enemies will taunt you, luring you into pursuing them. That's when they'll spring the ambush in the jungle."

Shin processed the information, his expression a mix of concern and disbelief. "How do you know all of this?" he asked Karna, curious about the source of their intelligence on the enemy's plans.

"We received information that you were being targeted," Zhang explained, "so Lin sent us to handle it. Before arriving, we scouted the area for enemies and located the enemy camp. We scouted around the camp and met a good inner unit member. Through peaceful negotiation, we obtained the necessary information."

"But Zhang," interjected another, "you infiltrated the camp silently, presenting a false merchant guise to a greedy member to lure him away and threatend his family and black mailed him to spill the plan".


"Anyway, we have to confront the enemy since I have many other tasks to attend to," Zhang diverted the topic with a cough.

"But how can we handle an enemy with greater numbers than us?" Shin inquired.

"Do you know how eagles devour larger armies? Allow me to demonstrate" Zhang replied confidently.


Shin and his unit marched stealthily through the forest, Zhang glancing over at him. "Shin, did you know that since they attempted to ambush you and win the battle without incurring casualties,

they've had to divide their army into four groups—one for each direction Two groups lie to the west of the jungle and two to the east. When you enter the stage, they will emerge from all directions to ambush you.

However, with their army split into four parts, each segment will be further divided into small teams to evade detection by the enemy. When signaled, they will reunite and regroup with the others to launch their ambush."

"But that leaves them vulnerable to attacks from behind," Zhang explained. As he spoke, Karna approached with an eagle perched on his arm. The eagle took flight when Zhang questioned, "Did you locate them?"

"I have the locations of three teams," Karna replied.

"That's more than enough," said Zhang. They continued stealthily and reached the first team, ambushing them from behind. With Karna and Shin in the lead, they dispatched the enemy easily. Zhang bound and gagged some remaining enemy soldiers, then moved a distance away with Karna while Shin's unit held position.

Zhang removed the cloth covering the soldiers' mouths and placed a knife at their necks, instructing them to scream loudly. The piercing screams alerted nearby enemy teams, drawing them towards the sound. As they approached, the Hi Shin Unit swiftly ambushed and defeated them. Zhang repeated this tactic several times with success.

The chaos intensified as the screams echoed loudly through the jungle, causing all the enemy units to go on high alert. The enemy commander struggled to comprehend what was happening amidst the confusion and unknown fear spreading among his soldiers. Witnessing the disarray, the commander ordered nearby units to regroup and started marching through the jungle towards the source of the screams.

As the enemy leader approached the location of the first scream, another scream echoed from a different direction. He promptly marched towards that new sound. Soon after, another scream rang out from yet another direction, prompting them to change course once more.

This pattern continued, with screams erupting from different directions intermittently.

After some time, the enemy commander noticed that his soldiers were becoming fatigued. He ordered some groups of soldiers to investigate the directions from which the screams were heard.

As these units left, screams suddenly erupted simultaneously from all directions. Confused and fearful that they were being surrounded by enemy forces, the commander sent other units in all directions with orders to engage in battle upon sighting any enemies. This left him with only five hundred soldiers.

Unexpectedly, the Hi Shin Unit emerged directly in front of the enemy unit, catching them off guard.

Shin confronted the enemy commander directly, engaging him in combat. Kyou Kai swiftly moved to face the enemy's right flank with her soldiers, while Karna took position against the left flank. As the battle raged on, Shin managed to defeat the enemy commander.

Meanwhile, Zhang approached from behind and surveyed the remaining enemy soldiers. He shouted out confidently, "Surrender, you fools! You are surrounded by our reinforcements. It's better to surrender than to be killed. Think about your families. If you surrender, you might see them again one day, after your state negotiates a price for your release. Only fools and idiots would continue to fight to death."

His words had the desired effect. The soldiers surrendered to them. Zhang then employed the same strategy with other enemy units, spreading the false news that the main enemy unit had surrendered to the Hi Shin Unit and that reinforcements were on the way.

The orchestrated sounds of footsteps, created by the Hi Shin Unit from all directions, further disoriented and intimidated the fatigued and fearful enemy soldiers, leading them to also surrender.

As the battle concluded and the enemy surrendered, a message arrived informing them that Prime Minister Ri Boku of Zhao was visiting Qin, and the Shin of Hi Shin Unit had been invited to the capital.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C36
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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