96.73% Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation / Chapter 86: Danger Everywhere

章 86: Danger Everywhere

(Near the entrance of 'The Dantain's Desire')

"Hey, peasant?

"Don't you feel ashamed to stand straight in front of us?

"Our clan is the only reason why you have gotten to where you are, and the reason why you and your filthy family are still alive!"

After the first boy, who had brown hair, finished talking the other boy, who had black hair, stepped forward and said those words with a malicious grin on his face.

He seemed to be finding great joy in demeaning me.

It seemed they were aiming to piss me off, and possibly incite something.

Fucking pathetic.

If words like this could affect me in the slightest, I would have long died in the servant quarters.

That shithole was ruthless.

Over that whole year, I lost count of the number of creative ways people insulted.

In the beginning, I was so angry that I'd rage over it in the little cabin I was given as a home, but after a while, I'd gotten used to it.

And after that, instead of getting mad over any of those words, I'd just feel inspired.

'You blind molerat! Just what hole did your mother crawl out of to give birth to an idiot like you?'

This one was a personal favourite that brings out a small laugh even to this day!

I mean come on, out of anything you could select, why choose a molerat to compare me to?

'Filthy little shit! Lick my shoes clean this instant otherwise, I'll beat you till your face turns into a spirit tomato!'

This one was such a bad one I felt obligated to convey how trashy it was.

...So I made sure to stomp on that guy's shoes before getting my poor self absolutely pounded.

Ahhhhh, fond memories.

Snapping back to reality, I looked at the three of them and said indifferently,

"You pathetic bastards aren't even at Qi condensation realm even though you guys are a good few years older than me!

"If anything, you guys are more like parasites than me!

"Or would you rather be referred to as dogshit?"

Rule number one of annoying the annoyances: if ever in doubt, make sure to flex your cultivation level!

It seemed like I hit a sore spot, as all of their faces started to go red and they started shaking with anger.

The first to pipe up after my words was the brown-haired boy who shouted out,

"Come on then!

"I'll fight you myself, and prove that even if you are a higher cultivation level your peasant blood will never be able to match up to nobles like us!"

As he said those words, that's when I decided enough was enough!

I'm sick of this shit!

Peasant blood?!

Even after working my ass off, I won't be able to match the likes of you just because of something ridiculous like that?!






"Meh... I don't pick fights with weaker opponents, sorry."

After that line, I grabbed Chen Fei, who looked like he was about to explode with anger, by the collar and pulled him into the restaurant.

Just before I entered, I used my spiritual sense to check the three behind me only to see them walk away with cold expressions- No trace of anger or embarrassment was left on their faces.

Tch, conniving bastards.

After we got in and sat down at a table, Chen Fei instantly shot up and said incredulously,

"Brother, what the fuck?!

"Why didn't you accept that challenge?!

"We could've easily swept the floor with those chumps and shown those annoying pests whose boss!"


What do I say?

Without the system, even I might've been tempted to play around a bit and fall into their trap.


As usual, whenever I meet someone I'd bring up their status.

After all, when you have a damn system you utilise it!

People may lie or tell half-truths, but the system spits facts and only facts!

Anyways, after the routine checks, call me surprised when I find out all their actions were ingenuine!




[Name: Chen Li ]

[Age: 23 ]

[Cultivation: 9th Stage of Qi Refining Realm(Disguised), 2nd Stage of Qi Condensation Realm (True)]

[Skills: Swordsmanship(Advanced)...]

[Background Story]

Chen Li was born in the Chen Clan to...

[Importance in Plot:- ]





[Name: Chen Kun ]

[Age: 24]

[Cultivation: 9th Stage of Qi Refining Realm(Disguised), 2nd Stage of Qi Condensation Realm (True)]

[Skills: Swordsmanship(Advanced)... ]

[Background Story]

Chen Kun was born in the Chen Clan...

[Importance in Plot:- ]





[Name: Chen Yuliu]

[Age: 23]

[Cultivation: 9th Stage of Qi Refining Realm(Disguised), 2nd Stage of Qi Condensation Realm (True)]

[Skills: Swordsmanship(Advanced), Assassination(Intermediate)... ]

[Background Story]

Chen Yuliu was born in the Chen Clan, her parents are...

[Importance in Plot:- ]



Yeah, all hail the system.

Thanks to it I was able to dodge three disguised bullets.

In this world, there were multiple ways to disguise your cultivation but the main side effect for most is that your power actually does get reduced to that level or around that level.

Otherwise, almost everyone would be disguising themselves!

Obviously, if your cultivation is way higher than the person who is trying to check your cultivation, then of course you can hide it.

But it's difficult for someone with lower cultivation to hide their cultivation without a technique or something.

Anyways, this is a bit concerning.

I knew that the bloodline supremacists wanted Chen Fei and me out of the picture to ensure their plans go smoothly, but to try something like this while we were still in the core area?!

What the fuck!

Should I report this to Chen Long?

Would it even matter if I told him?

"Oi! Don't just ignore me, you bastard!

"Tell me why you didn't beat their asses!

"Were you just too chicken or something?"

This. Guy.

"Shut up, bastard!

"Use that damn head of yours and think about it for a second. Don't you think it's a bit too coincidental that those guys were going to this restaurant at the exact same time as us?

"And if they were already here, why would they not just come in after picking a fight with us?

"Clearly they didn't want to eat here in the first place, and just wanted to fuck with us!

"Fuck! You sometimes annoy me more than those bloodline bastards due to your sheer stupidity!

"Understand this, we are getting targeted right now.

"And in order to not die or get injured, we must be super duper careful.


Being shocked by understanding this turn of events, and embarrassed by the realisation that he was acting like a rash idiot, Chen Fei just put his head down and focused on the menu.

Feeling ashamed to even retaliate, Chen Fei whispered to himself,

"Well... fuck you too then."



Ahhhh, those delicious tentacles from the Nine-Headed Octopus hit the spot!

Just the texture of the meat that melted in my mouth was enough for me to love the dish!

Anyhow, after having an exquisite meal with Chen Fei, I suggested we head back home and spend our last bit of free time with ourselves before this auspicious training.

Honestly, I just wanted to get an early sleep as I felt it would be the last time in a while that I'd be able to get a good rest.

After all, who knew what sort of demonic deeds we'll have to do next in the name of training?

Fighting some deadly spirit beasts using nothing but our toes, in order to improve our creative fighting ability?

Punching each other in the stomach till the one collapses, in order to improve our stomach resilience?

Whatever it is, I want to go into it with healthy amounts of sleep!


Within a luxurious suite that had a floor of white jade, wooden walls of the finest spiritual wood, and exquisite lanterns hanging from the ceiling, a young man could be seen sitting down on a pillow in a lotus position.

The young man, who had beautiful long black hair that draped freely behind him and a fiercely handsome face, seemed to be in complete concentration as his eyes were shut tightly and he was as still as a stone statue.

Suddenly, the boy's eyes shot open, revealing a pair of alluring blue eyes that seemed to contain maturity far beyond what a person for that age should have.

He let out a large breath, and a flash of disappointment seemed to appear within those eyes of his.


"Heh, when have I, Long Tian, ever experienced failing to break through in cultivation?

"Even if I were to imagine failing in my previous life, I'd never expect the obstacle to be a mere high-stage golden core realm!

"I truly have reached a new low."

Although he was a bit disappointed he'd failed to breakthrough, Long Tian's will was not moved at all as in the next second he thought to himself,

"But it matters not. As long as I can ensure my foundation is protected and perfectly stable, I'm certain that it'll only be a matter of time before I break through!"

As he thought of his roots and cultivation, his expression turned a bit perplexed as he thought,

"But realistically, If I hadn't run into Heavenly Venerate Xufu and been lucky enough to be taught his 'Flawless Dao Cultivation Method', I'd be nowhere close to where I am now.

"That technique truly encapsulates the words 'Heaven-Defying', as it has let even someone like me, who has red spirit roots, alter my fate and increased my chances of breaking through exponentially!

"I wonder what an existence like him was even doing down in this place, and why he eventually taught me such an incredible cultivation technique.

"I guess his title 'The Eccentric Venerate', isn't just for show."

As he began recalling information on the person named 'Heavenly Venerate Xufu', a respectful expression appeared on his usually arrogant face.

"Even in my previous life, he was someone I could only look up to due to the vast number of accomplishments he'd amassed throughout his cultivation journey and the sheer number of legends he'd made.

"From what I found out later on, he seemed to have vanished a few centuries before I became a god-king, and was thought to have ascended to a higher realm or died.

"It really was a stroke of fortune meeting him, as he's even helping me look after Xue'er and Mei'er, otherwise I couldn't have even thought of participating in the tournament with them around.

"Speaking of the tournament..."

As Long Tian thought of the tournament, his teeth unconsciously clenched together.

"Emperor Wu... that bastard!

"To think that the 'special reward' would actually be a cover-up in order to threaten me into doing his dirty work.

"But it's not all that bad, as after conceding to his threat he's provided me with a good place to stay and a bunch of herbs and pills to assist my cultivation."

A dense killing intent then appeared within Long Tian's eyes, as he smirked coldly and thought,

"Plus this doesn't change anything.

"If anything, I've received an added bonus!

"After all...

"I was going to slaughter that bastard, Bu Cai, anyway!"

After thinking of all that, he got up from the silk pillow he was sitting on and stretched his body.

As his different joints made cracking sounds akin to the snapping of twigs, he let out a comfortable sigh.

"Now that I think about it, although I've stayed in this palace for a few months or so, I still haven't gone out much.

"Though there are some areas I've been told I cannot enter, as long as I don't go there I should be fine.

"I might as well, as currently, I'll have to wait a while before my dantian settles from the failure of the breakthrough.

"And practising my sword techniques in this place is just asking for trouble."

With that in mind, Long Tian exited his suite and walked out into the massive corridor that lead you through the palace.

The corridor itself was made from gold, giving the corridor a beautiful lustre. As you walked down you could see various ornaments and paintings littered across the walls and in display caskets, ensuring one would never run out of things to be entranced by whilst walking- One could liken the place to a museum!

Long Tian, himself, although not too impressed as he had seen a myriad of grander things in his long life as a god-king, still couldn't help but somewhat appreciate the scenery.

After a while of passing time by walking through this seemingly endless corridor, Long Tian grew bored and decided that he'd exit the palace and spend some time in the city.

"Hmmm, how should I get out of here?"

Long Tian knew the way to the closest exit, however, he really couldn't be bothered going all the way there.

As he looked around, he quickly realised what he could do.

"Aha! How foolish of me!

"If one cannot be bothered to go to an already established exit, why not make one of your own?"

The god-king, in his usual uncaring way, approached the window and with no hesitation punched through the glass window as if it was paper.

He then retrieved his sword from his spatial ring, stood on it, and then flew off.

Was he nervous that breaking the windows of the palace may bring him trouble?

Of course not!

Once being a high-ranked cultivator himself, Long Tian knew well the thought process of these beings!

Weighing benefits!

Why would the emperor ever punish someone like him for a window, when his value was far higher?

The fact was, that the emperor relied on Long Tian to get rid of Bu Cai, so making a fuss of some broken window was definitely not something he'd do!

Sure, some others may not like it, but why would Long Tian care about them?

As long as he doesn't piss off the absolute authority of this place, what could the rest of them do to him?

As he flew away on his sword with a straight face, he looked back at the palace for a second when he spotted something that made him raise his eyebrows in shock.

No, it wasn't something... it was someone.

The person who gained Long Tian was a young boy, who looked no older than fourteen or fifteen years old.

The boy had golden blond hair, vivid blue eyes, and an imperial aura around him that could only come from being royalty!

As you've probably guessed, it was the spoiled prince, Wu Yan!

The longer Long Tian focused on him through the window, the more and more excited and shocked he became!

"...That physique!

"That aura!


"There is simply no way!

"In the 'Chronicles Of The Ancient World', the most profound history book, it was stated that due to the True Dragons' tyrannical acts, they lost the heavens' favour and hence this allowed the Dao ancestor to alter the realm rules and forbade any to exist in the first realm!

"Could it be that in this new timeline, things are different in history?

"Just how much has changed?!"

Long Tian pondered over this for a few moments, until he decided that he'd put focus on it later.

As he sat there on his sword, Long Tian's eyes flashed with a merciless light and he began to mutter to himself coldly,

"I must find a chance to kill a walking treasure trove like him!

"Not only is his blood and body an incredible ingredient which can be used to refine a variety of incredible pills, but I'm certain even his soul will be useful!

"Not only that, I will have to look into other members of royalty to see if any more of them can be used to be made into pills!

"Hehehe, seems like even on mundane days like this, my list of people who need to die for my cause increases!"

Long Tian then flew away to the city with a joyful smile adorning his face as if he was a child that had found a great toy.

But contrary to his expression, his thoughts were so callous and demonic that if found out it would make many shudder in fear.



Author's note:

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.

As always, if you have any suggestions or feedback please drop it in the comments, as I'd appreciate it.

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  • 世界の背景

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