7.14% Key of Light(New) / Chapter 3: Arc 1 - Chapter 3: Time Will Tell

章 3: Arc 1 - Chapter 3: Time Will Tell

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 3: Time Will Tell

Chikao is relief, to make it to the haunted house without much trouble. However, he knew that people would soon begin to search for him. Therefore, it's time to abandon this car, to prevent others from tracking him down. After he relocates his boxes into the haunted house after scouting the place out first before moving in.

So, Chikao got to work and load a [Light Bullet] into the [Exorcist Gun] to fill up the empty chamber, then grab a bottle of [Holy Water] inside his suitcase.

Frowning, to see he is now running low on [Holy Water]. Chikao knew this just another reason for getting Asia to join him as soon as possible. [Holy Water] is a big thing for his survival against most dark creatures.

Thinking about it for a moment. Chikao grits his teeth and take the bottle of [Holy Water] with him. If there is truly a Stray Devil inside the haunted house and the only thing he has to fight with is the [Exorcist Gun], then by the time he out of [Light Bullets] and could have finished off the Stray Devil is [Holy Water]. It would be too late for regret as he would end up dead afterward. So, better to have now without any use for it than not to have it when the time come for the needs of it.

Now, seeing how the flyers are now a death trap in making, where Chikao may or may not get any of the decent Devils, and instead, will mostly get Stray Devils. Something Chikao wonders how in the world the Stray Devil manages to mess with the flyer with the familiar belong to one of the two Devil heiresses themselves or their peerages. If that wasn't a big sign of something big going on, then Chikao has no idea what other sign could be better than that.

Actually, Chikao has a new theory that just came to mind. Maybe that Stray Devil was actually a familiar that isn't shown in canon or maybe it's a Devil under Rias or Sona's control. Where they sent this Devil to check things out, but only ends up being killed. This theory kinda made Chikao somewhat afraid of meeting either of the Devil heiresses now.

Groaning softly, Chikao stops thinking about this and head to the haunted house, where it will be his temporary home for a while after he deals with anything living in it currently.

Careful to not make any noise, even making sure the wooden steps of the haunted house would creak. Sadly, just a gentle step had already caused it to creak, causing Chikao to flinch at the sound. Then dread of whatever inside the haunted house to hear this too. Chikao didn't bother to be careful any longer and rush into the building, where it looks like the front doors weren't locked. Lucky for Chikao. Though, that just means he will have to figure the locks later on his own time or find something to stop others from entering the building without him knowing.

Chikao narrows his eyes, to see the inside and check for any spots, that could be a hiding Devil or Youkai just waiting for him to drop his guard before pounce right at him. Yet, neither [Danger Intuition] or [Precognition] activated. But, that still didn't make Chikao drop his guards. Carefully, Chikao walks back to his car to grab a flashlight, but made sure to be prepared to roll to the side just in case something appears behind him for a sneak attack.

Looking back a few times before Chikao reaches his car, then quickly search through his things before getting the flashlight he needs and pick up the pace to search throughout the entire haunted house. Because he can only do this for a few hours before having to hide the car somewhere far away. Since people should have found out about the dead Stray Devil back in the motel by now.

3 hours later*

Okay, so he overreacted, but can anyone blame him if they were in his shoe?

Anyway, Chikao let out a sigh of relief, for he has just finished putting his boxes inside the haunted house, which is kinda dirty that no one has lived here for years. That's good for Chikao, then he parks the car behind the haunted house after finding out there is lots of room back there and he can leave it there, after covering it with some more bushes near a couple of trees.

Surprisingly, there is still a good condition couch he could use to sleep on. Seeing how there no beds in this entire house. Well, none that wasn't broke, which he will have to find the time to throw them out. After bringing in everything inside. Chikao begins to think about what he should do now that he is somewhat in the clear.

Since the plot still hasn't begun yet. One of Chikao's plans is related to Rias and could get her to do something for him in exchange to help her get out of her arranged marriage, but as how he is right now. Most of his ideas in dealing with Riser and his peerage during the Rating Game against Rias would be a bit useless if Asia not part of Rias' peerage at the time. Something he can't have since Chikao wants Asia to stay as human and be his new partner. After all, he can't recall ever of Asia doing anything holy related other than using her [Sacred Gear] to heal.

Chikao seriously hopes Asia can bless things like Freed could. Actually, if someone like Freed can bless things, then Asia won't have any problems whatsoever even if she was kicked out of the church. He still thinks that is a dick move right there on the church and Angel's side. Seriously stupid.

Nonetheless, Chikao won't waste any time just waiting for Asia. He needs to put in some of his other plans into action. And as much he rather not use those flyers given around by the Devils' familiars. He needs them in order to finish his acting like a monster.

A week later*

Fucking hell.

Chikao has gathered a bunch of flyers and he has tried to summon either the Gremory's Devils or Sitri's Devils. For an entire week. All but those two groups of Devils. All he got were Stray Devils.

What. The. Fuck.

By that time he was on the last flyer. That is also the same time he used his last [Light Bullets]. Chikao had long since used his last bottle of [Holy Water]. Talk about plans going wrong, because the only things that went fine are the backyard of the haunted house seems like no one could hear anything at all from it. Since that's where he always summon the Stray Devils nearly every single day, be it daytime to nighttime.

To make it worse. He made no progress in his acting to be a monster. Leaving it stuck at 53% for an entire week. If it had increased by 1%, then that would be fine for Chikao since it's better than nothing. Yet, he got nothing for that entire week.


Chikao made more loss than gain anything good other than increasing his experiences in fighting Stray Devils. But, he could have done that still either way by just wandering around this town. Something he wonders why neither Rias nor Sona took care of at all. There are just too many Stray Devils in this town, that make him wonder if there was someone else hunting down the Stray Devils instead of either Rias or Sona. If so, then they suck big time, for not cleaning up the mess in the town, with the two Devil heiresses and the younger siblings of two Satans.

Well, that isn't his problem. Chikao's problem right now is wondering if he is going to end up summoning more Stray Devils, that by the time he be able to summon one of the Gremory's Devils or Sitri's Devils. He might have killed all the Stray Devils in Kuoh Town

So now he holding the very last flyer he got and Chikao could get more later, something the Devils don't seem to care who get the flyers. Making him realize how easily this would be taken advantage of by Stray Devils. Chikao still hasn't figured out how they have done it, but boy there are too many to count over the week and making Chikao really look down on both the Gremory's Devils and Sitri's Devils for not fixing this or finding this out on their own.

However, Chikao has no way of defeating the Stray Devil come from this flyer if he still unlucky that is. No [Light Bullets]. No [Holy Water]. If possible, Chikao would have gladly tried out becoming a Priest just to make bless things alone. Making it possible to have semi-infinite [Holy Water] at hand. But, Chikao knows it would be near impossible to become part of the church and leaving afterward without being hunted down by other people from the church. Nor does he want to become a Stray Exorcist either. He has already seen what those people are like thanks to Freed and the knowledge of canon, with other Stray Exorcists being crazy.

Actually, now that he thinks about it. Does he even need to become a Priest to bless things or it something related to holiness or whatever? Because Chikao really doesn't think Freed is considered a true Priest, even then, his ability to bless things shouldn't be possible after becoming a Stray Exorcist. Fallen from grace or whatever it's called in the church in this world.

Well, Chikao will just have to figure out something, because he is not going to risk it with this flyer, seeing how his [Danger Intuition] and [Precognition] are kinda useless due to not being triggered until AFTER he uses the flyer, not before it. Making this a problem for him. Not that he won't do it again if he was given the chance of doing it again. Since there is no gain without any risk involved.

So, now that's out of options. It's time for Chikao to seek out the Stray Exorcists in Kuoh Town if they are still here that is. And the first place to check is the abandoned church, which he will be extremely careful at. After all, Chikao knows he can't outrun a flying Fallen Angel, who could easily kill him via to the back of his chest and out of the front with a [Light Spear]. And this is the mercy of a painless kill in Chikao's eyes, for these Fallen Angels could do a lot worse to him that would make him beg for a quick death.

"This can't go on." Chikao mumble to himself, narrowing his eyes, for this keep going on. Not making any progress in improving himself, even with all the daily training he keeps doing to not get rusty while trying to continually improve himself to be better. Even more of a reason to quickly find a way to improve himself is the lack of means to defend himself as he out of bullets, not that it works that much after seeing how he had to spend all the [Light Bullets] in a single week, that should have lasted him longer than a week. "Time to act an entirely different monster. Well, hopefully, it will work."

Chikao knew this will draw unwanted attention, but he just doesn't have the time. Plus, this will help him get some cash in the process.

3 days later*

Name: Chikao Fukui

Pathway: Wheel of Fortune - Low Sequence 9: Monster

Acting Process: 70%

Abilities: [Danger Intuition - Rank: Low] and [Precognition - Rank: Low]

Chikao sweatdrop upon seeing the 70% and still can't believe it increased up to 17% in these few days just by acting like a crazy delinquent demanding money from poor helpless people, even went far as to beat up anyone that dare go against him.

Nonetheless, at the rate, this is going. Chikao can see him reaching 100% in a week. Who would have thought that acting like a delinquent before others would make the acting process increase so fast compared to the time he killed off those sinners. Then, Chikao could only think of the difference between the two cases.

One: The group of people who feared him as a monster are dead.

Twp: The group of people who feared him as a delinquent are alive and continue to fear him as time goes until someone puts a stop to this.

This might be one of the most Chikao's stupidest guesses he could think of, but that is the only thing he could think of the reason why he gained such a good amount of progress in acting compare to before. Besides, at least this way, he can freely act more often with the same group of people without causing too much harm repeatedly until he is done with the [Low Sequence 9: Monster]. Honestly, he should have done this earlier on and be done with this acting like a monster already.

Furthermore, Chikao realizes that he will need to work on his body even more since just being better in reflex, stamina, and awareness won't mean much if he can't even hit the target nor have the strength to beat them. Something Chikao knew, but couldn't think of anything he does to increase his fighting ability as a human other than maybe [Magic], but he sucks at math. If he remembers correctly, that for humans to use [Magic] in Highschool DxD. It's through math, crazy math. So yeah, that path is kinda off for Chikao.

"Well, back to acting like a douchebag again..." Chikao groan, that this whole thing is messed up. For all those people with amazing or stupidly figure out to recreate other powers from different series during or before the plot began.

Chikao can only say these two words everything he thinks about this.

Fuck them.

The next day*

"So... Hey. I'm here for the protection money." Chikao leans against the doorframe, staring at a family of three, running a bakery and customers in the shop trying to avoid looking at him in the eyes. The last person that did end up with a broken nose. That shut up everyone's complaints. However, there will be a few brave ones, which Chikao respect then beats them up.

"He-Here. Please don't hurt my family." The father of the family bakery slowly with sweats covering his forehead as he hands over, hoping, the right amount of money to get this monster of a delinquent to stay away from his family quickly. Sooner the better.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow." Chikao didn't bother to count and head off, then check his status window if the acting process had increased or not, much to his joy. It did by 7%. That's a big jump, making Chikao wonder what did he do outside of exhorting the money out of the family bakery just now.

23% left to go and he will be finished. Honestly, Chikao can't wait to be done with this and see what would happen next. Something that has been bugging him for a long time and also because he hated how he wasted so much time for not figuring out what he had to act in order to make it go up instead of staying at 0% for too long.

Anyway, on the bright side, he now has more money. Exhorted money to be precise, but money nonetheless. So no need to worry about not having any money to buy food. He is still human after all. Therefore, food is required along with water, with the latter easily taken care of. While the emergency food back in the haunted house would last him a week or two, but those are rations meant for last resort, not eaten right away. So, Chikao still needs to buy food daily.

Though, Chikao really hopes his acting process reach 100% soon, because he has no idea when the plot starts. Issei still hanging out with his two perverted friends still, so there that. But, Chikao will have to treat every like it's nearly the time for the plot to happen. This was not a healthy mind, but Chikao uses this as a motivation to pick up the pace and get stronger fast. Once the plot starts, then shit starts to hit the fan and everything begins to become chaotic.

Of course, if Chikao can figure out a way to leave this world for another, then that will be great. Since as a human, not wanting to be a Reincarnated Devil, he is pretty much cannon fodder on a large scale in the supernatural world. But, Chikao will make sure in given time as he watches his steps. He will soon reach the top fighters of this world and won't have to always worry about each day is his last.

For now. Chikao just has to keep acting like a delinquent and make sure to put up a show, that makes others think he is a monster and completely different from other ordinary delinquents. Chikao can already see the trouble he will have to go through later from this performance of his. But, really, Chikao is nearly on his last leg and he seriously rather not gamble his life by entering Kuoh Academy to meet up with Rias or Sona personally. That is just asking for more trouble than its worth. Better to summon them instead, since that will give him the chance to get something out of them at the beginning without looking so suspicious.

Letting out a sigh, Chikao walks into a restaurant and got back to acting.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


