25% Kaeya x Reader (One-shots) / Chapter 1: Garden
Kaeya x Reader (One-shots) Kaeya x Reader (One-shots) original

Kaeya x Reader (One-shots)

作者: MXTXfan

© WebNovel

章 1: Garden

About: Y/n takes a night walk and ends up in a garden they never saw before.

Kaeya and y/n aren't on the best terms at the start and y/n is easily irritated.

I found myself taking a night walk around Mondstadt. Getting bored of the usual area I decide to explore near the outside of the gate. Walking around for quite a while; While being lost in thought.

I look around my unfamiliar surroundings with no thoughts momentarily before panic starts to set in. I manage to slightly calm my breathing and I try to think logically.

Leaves sway with the wind, and though a soft breeze, it causes me to shiver. My focus is taken by a faint sound that passes as quick as the wind. It seems as if the world goes completely silent as I try to listen closer.

Without a doubt, there is someone near by. My heart beat quickens and I can only hope they would be kind enough to help me. I walk slowly to follow the soft sound of humming. The closer I got, the clearer it became and the more my nerves calmed. I feel a little down when the soothing hums come to a halt.

It's hard to sneak around when walking across leaves that give out your position no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

With the humming gone, only the faint sounds of the wind and leaves remain. With a deep breath and an exhale, I stride forward in hopes of finding the owner of the voice.

In front of me is a big gate guarding a garden that seems endless. I rub my eyes and I'm even more confused when the garden is still there. When had there been such a place in Mondstadt?

I put my hands to the gate, hesitating before pushing it open. It's not locked, so it should be fine to go in right?

I wince as the gate creaks to a stop. It's time to give up on trying to be quiet. I walk into the garden, admiring everything there. Filled with a variety of different flowers and trees. I squint my eyes to better see the different colors, some parts of the garden look gaudy and not much to my taste. I walk farther for about 20 seconds before coming to a stop.

I notice that a new section of the garden starts. The flowers on this side bloom with different colors and the big glowing trees only compliment the perfectly trimmed green grass. Crystal flies flutter around and lighting bugs glow slowly. Seems whoever is the care taker of this place picks favorites. But no complaints here, if I wasn't so scared right now I would think I'm dreaming. I can only wonder how it looks during the day.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I hear something creak back and fourth. Only then did I remember why I'm here. Who would be here at this time, isn't this too much of an eerie situation? Maybe I took a wrong turn...

I decide that my life is of value and I turn around. Before I could walk away I hear someone speak from behind me.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" The tone is casual and smooth neither too deep or high.

I feel my breath hitch for a second at the familiar voice. I turn around to face him. He stands half a head taller than me. "Calavary Captain Kaeya?..This is a surprise, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same." Kaeya smirks and raises an eyebrow, "Never pegged you to be the type to snoop around."

"Ah..no, it's a long story actually.." I cough under my breath as I prepare to explain myself.

He raises a hand to stop me. "Hold on there. There's no need for you to explain yourself to me. I was only teasing." His smirk becomes more of a smile and he crosses his arms. "Well, it isn't safe to be out alone at night. Taking a stroll?"

"Calavary Captain...aren't you here alone too?" I had just planned to say hi and walk away, but I'm sure he knows the way better than me so I'll stay. "Hey, I've never seen this place. What is it? Where are we?"

"We're pretty far from the village." Kaeya looks at me for a moment before coming to a realization. "Wait..don't tell me. Are you perhaps lost?" When I don't respond his grin only widens. "You went out at night by yourself, only to get lost? How adventurous."

I glare at him and I swear he was holding back a laugh.

"Wow, hey cool down. No need to get upset" he raises his hands in defense, "You're quite intimidating." He speaks in a sarcastic tone before crossing his arms and going back to normal. "Unfortunately for you, I'm your only chance at getting out of here." He tilts his head slightly to the side as he waits for my response.

I frown and shake my head with a sigh. "I'll stay here for tonight then." I walk to a log and sit down.

Kaeya follows behind me, not bothering to hide his amused grin. "Awh, y/n, your words make me sad. How could I leave you here to fend for yourself..?"

"Isn't that a little much, I don't think this is a life or death situation" at least I hope it's not...

He sits beside me, his eyes never straying from my face. He goes silent for so long that I start to worry.

I tap my finger on the log as I try not to glance at him. "Well...what is this place, how come I've never seen it?"

"Who knows? Maybe you don't go out enough." He shrugs with a smile. "Just teasing, don't look so down~"

I look at him and it's hard to hide my annoyance. I've never payed much attention to him, he's just someone from Mondstadt who I happen to work with. And even though I never really cared for him, I knew one thing. He's annoying. He flirts around and doesn't seem to take his job too serious. More than that, no one seems to know much of his origins, there's no way he can be trusted as a knight. Unfortunately, as he is my higher up I am required to respect him, which would've been easy if he didn't annoy me so much...he's the only person who makes me feel like this.

My heartbeat quickens but I'm unsure why. "Whatever..." maybe I'm being a bit much. But I'm tired and quite honestly scared, so I'll explain to him later...

"I come here 4 days a week." Kaeya suddenly speaks. "The grandmaster originally wanted me to take care of this place for a few months as requested by a friend of his." Kaeya gazed up at the sky. "At first it seemed like a drag. But I eventually started to enjoy it. In fact, I even requested to take care of the garden for a longer time."

"...So you eventually learned to like it in such a sort amount of time?"

He looks at me and laughs. "They say the best relationships start off rough. It's calming here, a place where you can let go of your worries. Even if momentarily." He goes silent for a moment before standing up. "Y/n, follow me." Before I could respond he already started walking off.

I follow behind him. He leads me deeper into the garden, past where the colorful plants and green grass grew.

"You don't plan to do anything to me right?"

He glances back at me with a look that says 'really? Something like what?' He sighs dramatically, "What do you take me for?"

Ah maybe he isn't so bad-

"I have standards."

I shove him forward and he glares back at me.

"Ahem...I was only joking, y/n. Don't be too offended. My friend, I'm bringing you to my favorite spot, isn't that evident enough that I think you're alright?" Kaeya pats my shoulder.

"Whatever." I suppose it is surprising that he's taking me somewhere, but the only place I want to go is home.

Kaeya comes to a sudden halt, causing me to walk into his back. "Hey, what's the big idea..." I rub my nose and I look over his shoulder.

In front of him is a swing connected to a big branch. The tree is darker than other trees and there are few leaves. Creepy, but the view makes up for it. This place allows you to see that the garden stops at the end of a hill. There is a small black fence a few feet away from the swing.

I look at Kaeya to see a small smile on his face. He motions for me to sit on the swing. At first I wanted to shake my head, but I couldn't find it in myself to say no.

I sit down on the swing. It creaks under my weight and I wonder how long it'll be able to support me. He glances at me and grins, standing beside me with his arms crossed.

We stay there in silence. Looking at the trees, the sky and the world. And for once came the thought of him not being so annoying, not one thought of punching his face crossed my mind.

A minute later he tells me to pick a flower from the garden and to hold it still. He says he's going to freeze it to preserve it for me. I stand from the swing to pick the best looking flower from a farther part of the garden. I look at him expectantly.

Honestly, I was waiting for him to call out one of his skill lines from when he usually fights...like "Cool it!" Or "Freeze!" But I was a little disappointed when he just glossed a hand over the flower and it froze. Kaeya smirks and explains that it should stay frozen for quite a while.

I can't help but to smile and I thank him.

Kaeya looks a little surprised for a moment before poking my forehead with his finger. "This is the first time I've seen you smile y'know."

My smile fades and I turn away. "Right...I should probably go now..."

"And I take it that you suddenly know the way back to Mondstadt?" He softly nudges my shoulder, "Alright alright. Let's go then?" Before walking away he turns to me, "Coming?"

I sigh and shake my head before following him while holding the flower tightly. Five minutes later we arrive at the gates of Mondstadt and I allow him to walk me home.

It was after those events that I learned to "tolerate" Kaeya, especially because he began to act more friendly around me. And as annoying as it is, he isn't as bad as I originally thought.


I wrote this while being tired as crap-

Does it seem a little rushed near the end? I think since this is a one-shot it doesn't need to be "full story detailed" anyway (definitely not an excuse to stop writing this)

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


