
章 22: The Bell Test

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

Tension hung in the air as we all got on guard, and Naruto, ready to pounce at Kakashi, felt my grip on his shoulder. "Don't run at him just yet - Wait for him to yell start. From there, we'll attack him the three of us at once."

Sasuke shot me a look, "Wouldn't splitting up and hiding be the correct choice here?"

I shook my head, "I could probably hide from him thanks to my Kekkei Genkai, but there's no way you guys could. He's an Elite Jonin. Sneak attacks won't work when he expects them, and splitting up would be counterproductive. We have to fight him directly... The Naruto Method."

Silent Step would be too risky against someone as skilled as Kakashi, misreading and getting caught in a trap means a waste of time or a game over for me.

Naruto grinned in agreement, "I like the sound of that!"

Kakashi gave us an amused look, patiently letting us communicate our plans. "You know I can hear you right?"

I gestured for him to start, "Start it already - I just had to get this out of the way so you don't tear us apart from the get-go."

"Start!" Kakashi yelled out.

Sasuke activated his one Tomoe Sharingan as he stood beside me, while Naruto launched towards Kakashi with a roar, taking out a kunai from his pouch.

Without losing a second, both Sasuke and I joined Naruto as we tried to engage Kakashi in Taijutsu.

"Hmm, Lesson 1 Taijutsu." Kakashi hummed as he observed my fast approach.

I reached him first, throwing a kick at his head that he grabbed immediately. I followed up with another kick, which he grabbed with his other hand, holding me mid-air.

"Let him go!" Naruto yelled as he reached Kakashi, attempting to slice at Kakashi's hands.

Seeing the easy solution, Kakashi attempted to ruthlessly block the slice with my body.

Quick thinking, with my hands free, I quickly formed the Shadowgraphic handsign for Toad, "Toad!"

A dip in my Chakra, stronger than usual, took place as I overloaded the summoning to get the stronger Level 2 Jeff.

Willing for him to appear just below us, his car-sized form separated Kakashi and me, sending me flying towards Naruto, who grabbed my body and let me down.

Kakashi observed the Car-Sized Jeff curiously, "The rumored Eight Shadows... Have to say, not really impres-" He casually taunted, only to be interrupted by Sasuke.

Seeing the opportunity as Naruto and I recovered, Sasuke launched at Kakashi for a one-on-one Taijutsu duel.

Damn, we really gotta work on our teamwork here, Naruto almost committed friendly fire.

'Support Sasuke,' I commanded Jeff as I formed my plan.

"Naruto, go help him. I've got a plan." I barked out.


Swift kicks and punches were blocked by Kakashi, who was simultaneously weaving from Jeff's tongue strikes at the gaps in his defenses. He proceeded to gut-punch Sasuke, causing him to sputter and be sent flying - Jeff's tongue grabbed him before he could crash into a tree.

"HRAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Naruto yelled as he ran towards Kakashi, who narrowed his eyes at him.

"Heh?" Naruto stepped on... A trap?!

Sending him up towards a tree, dangling on it.

When did he have the time to set that one up?!

Unperturbed, Naruto yelled as he was dangling, hand sign weaved, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A large cloud of smoke appeared below Naruto and up on the tree as they both ran towards Kakashi, and the other clones tried to free him from the trap.

Kakashi hummed, "Multiplying the number of idiots won't change a thing. You're still Naruto."

"OH YEAH?!" They yelled, enraged.

"Get out of the way Dobes!" Sasuke yelled as he took out a deep breath.

"Fire style - Fire Ball Jutsu!" A large ball of fire was spit from Sasuke's mouth as it made its way towards Kakashi, who dodged it.

But the Naruto clones fell victim to it, puffing out in smoke, yelling out a "TEME!" in their demise.

Sasuke reengaged Kakashi, his Sharingan blazing as he tried his best to hit Kakashi and yet failed, a hint of frustration crossing his expression.

Naruto, meanwhile, attempted to throw a few kunai and formed Shadow Clones once again as they rushed to join Sasuke in engaging Kakashi.

Observing the situation from afar as I formed my battle plan, nothing worked as I processed in my head.

Kakashi was too high level for them to try and provide me an opportunity.

He didn't seem like he was exerting too much effort against both Naruto and Sasuke here, he didn't even bring out his Sharingan.

He was even kicking away Jeff's tongue strikes whenever he tried something.

This guy's really good.

...I guess I'll have to be the one to try and press Kakashi with my Shikigami while they try and find an opening.

The problem with Shikigami becomes evident, especially when facing a skilled opponent like Kakashi or someone relative or above me in skill and strength.

An issue I had noticed in my spars with Makoto.

The basic Level 1 Shikigami are almost ineffective.

They either lack the power to make a difference or provide only a brief moment of support before being swiftly slain by a much stronger adversary - In the case that I was to face a powerful foe in a scuffle to the death.

Something I'd rather not happen since the death of a Shikigami is permanent.

Fortunately, as I've grown, my Chakra has also increased, making the cost of most Level 1 Shikigami a bearable expense.

However, the drawback is that opponents at or above my level can easily handle them.

So, the solution is to use leveled-up Shikigami.

But then, the Chakra cost problem reemerges.

To simplify, it's akin to an issue in an RPG.

Your low-level characters were useful against low-level opponents.

Now, with greater reserves, you can use them freely, but they become useless against high-level foes.

The new high-level characters cost more, bringing you back to the initial problem you faced when starting your progression.

In essence, anything at Level 1 against Kakashi would be ineffective or only effective for a brief moment.

But Level 2?


I formed the Shadowgraphic handsign of a Dog, "Divine Dogs."

Overloading the Chakra once, twice.

'Level 3.'

Liquid shadows twisted and moved to quickly form the figure of Noc and Mir.

Level 3 Noc and Mir looked much more ferocious, a single horn on both their heads, muscles bulged beneath their fur coating.

As all-rounders, Level 3 Divine Dogs are ideal partners for straight-up combat as they can keep up with me.

The Synergy Chakra Reduction helped ease the toll on Level 2 Jeff's drain.

I have got around 40 minutes with all these guys.

'Attack Kakashi while I try to grab the bells.' I bark an order to Noc and Mir as they howl and launch toward Kakashi in a burst of speed.

Level 3 Noc and Mir were around the level of Sasuke, only slightly below in the speed and strength department.


While Kakashi was busy with Naruto and Sasuke's relentless assault, he noticed the fast approach of Noc and Mir.

"Lesson two, Ninjutsu!" He kicked Naruto and Sasuke away as he weaved hand signs at the fastest speed I had ever seen.

"Hey, it's the dogs!" Naruto pointed at Noc and Mir, while Jeff grabbed him to let him down.

"Eww..." He wiped the slimy mucus from his hands as Jeff let him down.

Seeing the opportunity, I shoved my upper body into the shadows, reappearing below Kakashi's shadow. Seeing the bells above me, I tried to grab them.

Whether it was Kakashi's veteran instincts, I don't know.

This aspect of the "Eight" Shadows Kekkei Genkai was never revealed if anything could've gotten us those bells.

It was that.

I was as silent as I could be...

He simply jumped and then landed a distance away, disappearing into the ground.

I took out my upper body from my dive into the shadows and yelled, "Noc! Mir! Where is he?!"

'Below Sasuke, He split in two.' They announced as they ran towards Sasuke.

"Sasuke look out below!" I yelled.

'Noc go find the other Kakashi!' I ordered.

Noc without question chased after the other Kakashi Chakra signature.

This could be either the real or clone Kakashi if his Chakra split in two.

I can't predict him.

Sasuke quickly reacted as he jumped, and Kakashi popped out right below where he stood from underground.

Steel wires met Kakashi's face as Sasuke smirked, "Got you."

Only for that Kakashi to puff out in smoke.

Shadow Clone.

As Naruto, Sasuke, and I gathered our bearings, we regrouped, "Noc is chas-"

"Who's Noc?"

"The Black Wolf."

Naruto asked, and I quickly responded.

"We've got barely any time left! Let's go after him!" Naruto pointed toward the direction Noc went.

I deadpanned, "We've still got more than an hour."

I hadn't the time to process Naruto's reaction as I heard a ping from Noc.

'Me. Fighting him.' Noc relayed.

"Let's go! He's fighting Noc." I ordered as I made the Shadowgraphic hand sign for wings.

'Thanks, Jeff.' I dismissed Jeff to reduce the Chakra Cost.

'Mir, you run forward and join Noc and try to press Kakashi as best you can.'

Using Jeff was a poor choice - I should have summoned him at Level 1 for that quick separation and support.

Level 2 didn't provide any clear advantages this time... Damn.

"Nue!" I yelled out.

A considerable dip in my chakra was felt as I overloaded Nue's initial cost once.

'Level 2.'

One of my most costly Shikigami at this point, Level 2 Nue is impressive.

From here, Chakra must be used sparingly, I've got more or less 17 minutes left with that before I have to dismiss them all.

A bus-sized Nue appeared before us, as Naruto let out, "WOAH! THAT'S SO COOL!"

Sasuke's eyes bulged at the sight of the large summon in front of us.

"Just get on! React later!" I got on Nue, and they did as ordered.

With a flap of its wings, we were up in the air.

"WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Naruto screamed as the wind was on his face, and we were up in the sky.

Sasuke only stared with a dumbfounded expression, a thought crossed his mind, 'His Kekkei Genkai was capable of this?'

Flying at an impressive pace, we reached above Kakashi and Mir, who were engaging in another clearing in the forest. Mir turned his jaw into shadows as Kakashi attempted to strike at it, and from afar, we saw Noc lying on the ground unmoving.

'Noc. Lost, Unconscious.' Mir repeated as he attempted to slash Kakashi whom dodged and wrapped Mir in wires.

Only for Mir to liquidize all his body into shadows, reforming to try to ram Kakashi with his horn, failing as he hit a wood block - Kakashi substituted a distance away from him.

But Mir chased relentlessly, using Kakashi's Chakra signature to chase him down.


"Right. Let's jump down. When I give the signal, get away from Kakashi." I nodded as Naruto, Sasuke and I leaped towards Kakashi.

As we were midair, "Sasuke think you could hold him for a second with your wires? Naruto the moment you land I need you to use Shadow Clone Jutsu, a cloud of smoke as large as you can, summon as many clones as possible if that's what it takes"

Sasuke grunted in agreement, punctuating it with a brisk nod, his Sharingan blazing with confidence.

Naruto gave a confident toothy grin and a thumbs-up.

Landing beside Kakashi and Mir, "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He yelled, and a massive cloud of smoke engulfed the area, concealing everything from view.

However, Mir had pinpoint accurate Chakra detection as he continued his assault against Kakashi, who was instinctually dodging everything...

Only to be grazed in the cheek by Mir's claw.

"Not bad," Kakashi mumbled nonchalantly.

As the smoke cleared, a literal sea of Naruto's surrounded us.

They all launched towards Kakashi with a roar as he met them and easily dismantled them by the dozens each time they ran at him.

Steel wires once again met Kakashi and a few Naruto clones as he casually stated, "Be careful, your weapon can be used against you." He channeled lightning through the wires.

"GAAAH!" Electrocuting Sasuke and some of the clones as he dropped to a knee.

"TEME!" Naruto yelled out in worry.

"NARUTO GET HIM AWAY!" Naruto grabbed Sasuke and took him away from the strike range.

'Noc, turn to liquid when I give the signal!'

I launched towards Kakashi to engage in Taijutsu with Mir as my partner.

Kakashi blocked my fist with his forearm, only to feel the after-effects of Shatter Fist, staggering and surprising him momentarily.


Mir read my intentions and managed to grab the bells with his claw.

Only for Kakashi to kick him away, proceed to swiftly reattach the bells, and throw a punch at my head, I weaved away but he quickly followed up with another that I blocked by crossing my arms, as it felt dangerous.

The impact hit hard, sending me tumbling a good distance. Rolling to safety, I quickly regrouped, dashing back into the fight with Naruto clones and Mir at my side, while the real Naruto assisted Sasuke to his feet.

From the shadows, I drew a kunai, its edge coated with a lethal liquid. I hurled it at Kakashi, who, in the same breath, executed a roundhouse kick on Mir, propelling him and taking down a cluster of Naruto clones.

'Mir, holding up?' I inquired not missing a beat.

'A. Scratch,' came Mir's reply, as he struggled to regain composure.

Glancing over, it was evident he needed a moment.

Up to me, then.

No time to dwell.

Kakashi effortlessly caught the kunai without a glance. "Poison? Now, where did you get that?"

Without hesitation, I re-engaged, producing another kunai from the shadows with the same toxic edge. Kakashi skillfully navigated through my strikes, but I managed to land a satisfying hit on his face with a kick straight on the chin as I ducked from his punch.

Finally! A solid connection!

Yet, he shrugged it off with ease, recovering faster than I anticipated.

"Should've infused more Chakra into that one," I muttered, berating myself.

Seizing the opportunity, Kakashi gripped my wrist as I attempted to retaliate, deftly twisting it to force me to drop the kunai. "Very persistent. Lesson 3, Genjutsu," he remarked, lifting his forehead protector to reveal the three-tomoe Sharingan, pulling me momentarily into a Genjutsu.

Unfortunately for him, as long as I had Shikigami summoned...

Through our connection, they can break me out of Genjutsu as long as they are aware I am in one.

...My weaknesses were more powerful Genjutsu or subtle ones, or when they were cast on me and my Shikigami all at once - Or when my Shikigami were completely unaware of me being in a Genjutsu.

Luckily, this wasn't the case as he basically announced its usage.

Whatever he tried, failed instantaneously and I lengthened my nails and sharpened them to match steel with a Jutsu I had created and mastered, inspired by Killua.

By concentrating Chakra on my nails to temporarily enhance their metabolism and grow them, the flowing Chakra also doubles to enhance the sharpness and durability of the nails.

I closed my hand, as the nails scratched Kakashi's forearm horribly, causing it to bleed.

Releasing my wrist, he hummed with both eyes widened momentarily, 'He got out of that Genjutsu way too quickly... I'll have to take the kiddy gloves off now.'

A shift in the atmosphere is what I could call this, as suddenly I was met with a knee to my gut.


I had no time to react.

I barely got to form the first-hand sign for Substitution Jutsu before I got launched so hard that I puffed out a few Naruto clones.

As I flew, it was the perfect opportunity.

'Mir! Attack him now!' I ordered Mir whom only a moment ago regained his bearings.

Kakashi turned to block the bite of Mir with a kunai, whilst I yelled amid the pain, "N-NOW NUE!"

The bus-sized Nue in the sky was waiting for this moment, as the lightning it charged was finally provided an outlet.

'Mir, in case he uses Substitution, report his exact location right after. Keep pressing him' I relayed immediately, as a powerful bolt of lightning hit Kakashi and Mir's location.

Mir, having turned to Liquid Shadows did its best to hold Kakashi in place before having to liquify and avoid Nue's blast.

A literal field of lighting was created, as the tree and grass were burnt from the sheer voltage, Kakashi's body looked like Coal and most of the Naruto's were puffed out.

A puff of smoke was all I needed to hear.

'Where is he?'

'Behind you two Kaka-'

As I heard that, I immediately tried to dive into the shadows, as I felt someone grab my arm whilst my whole lower body was already in the shadows.


Taking out my lower body and legs from the Shadows I bent to kick Kakashi in the face, who simply retaliated by punching me in the gut before my leg could even reach his face.


What's with this guy and gut punches?!

Accustomed to pain, my hand held firmly by Kakashi, I seized the opportunity to summon the sole Shikigami accessible with only a single hand, "GREAT SERPENT!"

Liquid shadows formed quickly to create a large white snake that opened its mouth and grabbed hold of Kakashi, as they reached beyond the height of the trees.

"Akira!" Naruto met the real Kakashi as they engaged in combat, the Kakashi in Solid's mouth was a clone as it puffed out of existence.

Sasuke having gathered his bearings joined Naruto in their duo assault against Kakashi while I got up to make my next move.

Damn, three Shikigami manifested, and I only have six minutes left on my Chakra.

There's too much time left before noon.

Barely twenty minutes have passed.

I shouldn't have gone for the middle ground and gone all out or carefully maintained my Chakra with one leveled-up Shikigami or multiple level ones...

Reflect later.

I have just two more tricks up my sleeve.

Kakashi's eyes moved rapidly as his Sharingan analyzed Sasuke and Naruto's strikes, his movements and blocks more profound and fluid than before, occasionally it looked in my direction.

"Damn it!" Naruto yelled out in frustration as he failed to get a hit on Kakashi.

His fist hit Kakashi's palm, as he responded, "Calm down, no need to yell. I'm right here." He then decked him in the face, sending him flying.

Sasuke responded without pause as he joined in a simultaneous attack with Mir, as they pressed an attack on Kakashi.

I ran to grab Naruto as I dismissed all my Shikigami except Mir to conserve Chakra, I caught Naruto mid-air, "ERGGGH THAT DAMNED BAKAKASHI!"

I whispered as I let him down, "Think you can make a few more Shadow Clones? I've got another plan."

Naruto raised an insulted eyebrow.

I deadpanned, "Shouldn't have asked... Okay listen here's what we're gonna do."

For a few seconds, I quickly provided the plan description while Sasuke and Mir were distracting Kakashi.

A grin formed on Naruto as he nodded pleased, "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A large smoke cloud formed covering both Naruto and myself.

From there an army of Naruto Clones ran towards Kakashi, as he...

Grabbed Mir who couldn't liquify in time and threw him at a lot of clones.

Some of the Narutos dodged as they managed to reach Kakashi, while I waited patiently.

One of the Narutos managed to reach close to Kakashi but didn't join the rest of them in engaging Kakashi while Sasuke ducked below a kick.

That Naruto...

He made the Rat hand sign, as Shadows began to move rapidly towards Kakashi.

Then, they managed to hit him!

"Shadow Possession Jutsu!" I yelled out as I broke out of my Transformation of Naruto.

'That, not him!' Mir warned, as then I saw the one whom I captured was a Clone of Naruto.



"Mah, it was a nice trick." I heard Kakashi's voice appear behind me.

As I was about to turn around to counter attack he began "Leaf Village Secret Fin-"

Oh okay, he'll regret that any second now.

He continued, "ger Jutsu: One Thousand Years of Death!"

Only for his poor fingers, to meet and bend painfully with a crack, as they impact something with a metallic clank.

I came fucking prepared.

"Y-You put metal in your underwear? W- What's wrong with you?" Kakashi for the first time in a long while, was finally and utterly bewildered.

His eyes were wide as he backpedaled, staring at me as if I were the Nine Tails itself.

It was this momentary lapse in his emotions that he instinctively dodged a strike from Mir, but failed to grab the Bells that were currently in the hands of the smug Uchiha.

Kakashi's eyes were practically dead while Sasuke with that smug smirk of his played with the bells in his hands, turning off his Sharingan.

'Thanks Mir! I'll treat you and Noc something for the hard work' I dismissed Mir as I heaved a sigh.

Shaking his head and completely disregarding any of his injuries like the bent fingers and bleeding scratches, Kakashi clapped, an eye smile as he hid the Sharingan under his headband, "Well done little ducklings!"

"YEAH! WE DID IT! TAKE THAT!" Naruto celebrated as he approached the three of us, dismissing whatever remained of his clones and dismissing his transformation of me. Tauntingly pointing at Kakashi.

Kakashi hummed neutrally as he folded his arms, "So, Sasuke. Who will you give the bells to?"

At that, Naruto's enthusiasm died down and his face fell and turned pale.

Sweat began forming on his forehead and the atmosphere thickened as his eyes moved from the two bells to Sasuke, who lifted an eyebrow.

Grunting, Sasuke approached me and threw me a bell which I caught.

My Green eyes met Sasuke's Onyx as I gave him a look that insinuated, "Don't fuck this up."

He snorted as he approached Naruto, who struggled to keep his legs from shaking and wobbling.

"Here, Dobe." He threw it to Naruto, who barely caught it.

"Woah... What?" Naruto blinked as he stared at the bell in his hand and the empty-handed Sasuke.

Disregarding Naruto's rollercoaster ride of emotions, Sasuke looked at the expressionless Kakashi, "The answer's teamwork. Right?" He smirked confidently at Kakashi.

Kakashi eye smiled as he nodded, "Correct!" He gave a thumbs up.

He added, with a genuine tone, "I think I'm beginning to like you guys."

"You pass. Congratulations, Team 7." His announcement was the signal for Naruto to renew his cheers.

"I don't know what happened but another step closer to Hokage, Dattebayo!" 

Were those tears?!

Well, I couldn't help but be slightly emotional myself, as I imitated my Uchiha teammate with a small smile of my own.

I have a lot to reflect on.

I had made poor use of my Shikigami against such an overwhelmingly strong opponent, except Makoto I have not managed to spar against someone of that level.

My experience on the field basically amounted to a few C-Rank espionage, infiltration, and assassination missions.

Translation - The worst of it was the bandits.

Granted, risking me fighting real Shinobi regardless of Eiichi's presence is still not a favorable thing for my Clan, so I do understand their angle to an extent.


I should've either retained my Chakra and focused on level 1 Shikigami, since Kakashi wouldn't kill them, or simply gone all out by summoning all my Shikigami at their leveled-up form.

Ah... More work.

Though, getting the bells sure was anticlimactic.

We only won thanks to Kakashi's antics.

Granted, I wasn't using my assassination arsenal.

But he was holding back severely.

It doesn't take a genius for one to figure out that Kakashi let us show off our capabilities as much as possible.

He could have ended us whenever he felt like it.

...Isn't that a scary thought?

Though I'd be able to escape...

On the plus side! We managed to press him a considerable amount greater than in the show! So... That's something?

As we contemplate our victory and the official formation of the team, a minute passes.

Kakashi finally breaks Naruto out of his cheers.

While masked, Kakashi couldn't hide the subtle smile of approval beneath the cloth, "Alright, alright. You kids did well. Now, the real challenge begins." Kakashi's tone shifted from the light banter to something more serious.

He leaned against a tree, arms crossed, and regarded us with an analytical eye.

As he took out... A script?

...Aren't you trying to be professional, mask-fetish guy? The least you could do was memorize your script.

Of course, I didn't say that.

Coughing, he started, "You managed to surprise me, and that's no small feat. But the real world isn't as forgiving as a training ground. In real missions, surprises are deadly, and the enemy won't hold back."

"YOU WERE HOLDING BACK?!" Naruto yelled out in bewildered accusation.

Sasuke and I gave Naruto a unified glare of disappointment.

I turned to Kakashi and nodded, acknowledging the truth in his words. "We understand, Kakashi-sensei. This was just the beginning."

He pushed himself off the tree and walked towards us. "Good. Now, return the bells."

Naruto and I tossed the bells back to Kakashi, who caught them effortlessly. The jingle of the bells echoed in the clearing, marking the end of our first test.

His eyes quickly scanned the... Script? As he started, "You passed the initial stage. You've shown teamwork, strategy, and some unconventional thinking. But the road ahead is tougher. Training and the path of Shinobi don't end here - it's a continuous process of improvement. Remember, you are still but Genin. Chunin and Jonin are realms apart."

Kakashi looked at each of us, "You've got potential, but potential alone won't make you great. It's the hard work, dedication, and the ability to adapt that will set you apart."

Naruto grinned, unfazed by the challenges ahead. "We'll do it, Kakashi-sensei! Just watch us become the best team ever!"

I shared a determined glance with Sasuke, and we both nodded in agreement.

Kakashi then placed the script back in his jacket as he met eyes with Sasuke, the one who gave us the bells, his lone eye conveyed more emotion than we had ever seen from him thus far, "Teamwork was the answer, but it's deeper than that. Those who abandon their mission are scum. But those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum."

Letting his words sink in, Naruto nodded his agreement to those words profusely, Kakashi gave a wave, "On that note, see you later. I, unfortunately, need to get these fingers and wounds treated thanks to a certain cute Genin of mine. Arrive at the Mission Desk at 8 AM, sharp. Also, the three of you go to the Hospital for a quick check-up, I made sure you're fine... But mah, who knows?"

We nodded our agreement to his orders.

Before Kakashi made his leave, Sasuke asked, "Kakashi-sensei, where did you get that Sharingan?"

A melancholic tone escaped Kakashi as he responded, "It was a gift from a dear comrade." Refusing to elaborate further.

"Hn" Sasuke grunted understanding.

With those words, Kakashi vanished in a swirl of leaves, leaving us standing in the clearing, the remnants of our battle strewn around.

Naruto slapped me on the back, grinning ear to ear. "We did it, Akira! Sasuke! Next stop, becoming the best ninja team ever! Team 7!"


I mean...

I chuckled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Yeah, let's do our best."

Sasuke, though less expressive, nodded in agreement.

The sun was climbing higher in the sky, a testament to our victory, as it had not even reached noon.

...My gut hurts, I should actually get that checked out.

Naruto whistled, "So... Ramen for lunch to celebrate? I'm starving here!" He asked excitedly

That was Sasuke's cue to dash out of there, literally.

"NEVER MEANT TO ASK YOU ANYWAY! TEME!" Naruto yelled out at the disappearing figure of Sasuke, who most likely would go and chow down on some tomatoes anyway.

I gave him a look, "Not everyone's got some weird healing factor on them, I'm off for a cursory examination at the Hospital." Before he was too disappointed I added, lifting my finger, "But... I might join later if Shikamaru's back home and up for it. Else it's Auntie's food, I'm afraid."

Speaking of Auntie...

'Yo, Whiskers. False alarm. We managed to beat him without relying on the Kamikaze Whiskers tactic, I'll be dismissing you and your dozen clones dispersed in the forest.' I pinged.

'But... Auntie pets. Feel good?' Original Whiskers whined as he was most likely being held in Auntie's arms as she took a liking to him.

Hmm... Well, it'll only delay my Chakra regeneration.

Ah, why not?

'Sure, you can stay for a couple more hours.' I ordered.

'Appreciate.' He pinged back.

Not surprising that she took a liking to Whiskers, to be honest.

It fits for her to be appreciative of a Rabbit that nonchalantly states, "To Bathe. In the blood of. The enemy. Death is. Small Sacrifice"

Very fitting, I might add.

-Scene Change-

-Third Person POV-

The sky bled dimly as evening descended upon Konoha.

In a meeting room just below the Jonin Standby Station, a large table scattered with numerous papers showcasing various Genin pictures occupied the center. Around it, the Jonin instructors lounged, all eyes on the man in charge - Lord Third, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Hiruzen sighed painfully, his gaze shifting to the vacant chair at the table.

Kazuki Tanaka, wearing an irritated expression, remarked, "That damned Kakashi! Does he have no respect?!"

Asuma Sarutobi, cigarette burning, exhaled smoke with a helpless shrug. "That's just who he is."

Growing more heated, Kazuki retorted, "And how is that acceptabl-"

Pinching his brows, Hiruzen interrupted Kazuki with a tone mixed with exhaustion and authority. "Enough, we'll begin without him. Report the results."

His gaze turned to Team 1's Sensei. "Team 1 Under Nanami Kento... Pass." Nanami replied neutrally, mirroring the Hokage's exhausted tone as he adjusted his sunglasses.

Hiruzen nodded, a thin smile on his face as Nanami reciprocated the gesture.

Turning his gaze to the others, he went on, "Team 2... Failed, One decided to return to the Academy, the other two decided for the Corps."

"Team 4... Under Amane Yuro... Failed, all sent to the Corps."

Then, Hiruzen faced Kurenai's crimson eyes as she smiled proudly, "Team 8 Under Yuhi Kurenai... Pass."

Kurenai took pride in her Genin passing on their own merit, not relying on the guaranteed passage granted as Future Clan Heads.

Hiruzen cast a stoic gaze at his son, Asuma, who met his father's eyes with a laid-back attitude. "Report." Hiruzen raised an eyebrow.

Some part deep within Hiruzen felt he had failed Asuma, and he wouldn't be surprised if, as a small jest, Asuma failed the Clan Head Genin - granting Hiruzen a mighty headache.

Thankfully, his worries found relief as Asuma reported, "Team 10 Under Sarutobi Asuma... Pass."

A close-eyed smile graced Hiruzen's face as he nodded, heading back to his chair.

Only to hear the door opening, "Sorry fo-"

"YOU'RE LATE!" Hiruzen turned around and roared, going from 0 to 100, giving everyone a miniature heart attack.

"Well, there wa-"

"NO EXCUSES! GO TO YOUR CHAIR!" Hiruzen barked at the easygoing Kakashi, pointing at his designated seat.

"Yes, Lord Hokage," Kakashi responded with a hint of seriousness, striding amid the glares of his peers as he sat down without trouble, not wanting to further infuriate and give the old man a heart attack.

"Woah, Kakashi is that a scra-" Asuma noted excitedly, only to be shut up by Hiruzen's interruption.

"Kakashi, report," Hiruzen ordered, a degree calmer than before.

Closing his lone eye, Kakashi responded with a tone of regret, "Team 7, under Hatake Kakashi... Pass."

In Konoha, a Shinobi Village, where political and conventional rules were often prioritized, Kakashi was a man known for disregarding them.

Promising Genin or not, politically sensitive or not, were they not to pass his test - Kakashi would fail them without hesitation.

They can send all the complaints they have to the Hatake Compound Mailbox - which was oddly overflowing for years now.

This sentence from Kakashi brought a sense of relief to Hiruzen and moderate surprise to those familiar with Kakashi's unconventional "Standards."

Granted, the Bell Test was a special Jonin Genin Examination method passed down to him.

But, still, it was a surprise - judging by the majority of surprised expressions of the Jonin occupying the room.

"Wow, you actually passed a team. Not to give you too much credit since you were supposed to let it pass considering it has the Last Uchiha and the Nara's Prodigy." Kazuki rolled his eyes as he commented dryly.

Disregarding Kazuki's comment, Hiruzen proceeded, "Very well. I am certain you have had enough time to write your evaluations of the Genin you were assigned on the papers here, so you may take your leave. Those who failed their respective Genin Teams are to return to standard duty until the next batch. The rest are to return to the Mission Desk as ordered tomorrow with their Genin. Of course, Kakashi stays." Hiruzen tipped his hat as he gestured for the other Jonin to leave.

Asuma and Kurenai gave Kakashi an amused and helpless look as he shrugged, while he ignored Kazuki's seething glare.

The rest left without a word, leaving Kakashi alone with Hiruzen in the room.

Gazing momentarily at the paper, Kakashi thought, 'A pointless evaluation when we just got the Genin.'

Kakashi lamented the woes of Bureaucracy

Especially when he had multiple broken fingers...

Luckily, he was a man of many talents.

Kakashi wordlessly began speed writing on the papers at his seat, each labeled with a name and a picture.

However, he had to work a little harder on a specific one:

-Shinobi Evaluation Report-

To Be Updated Every 2 Years Or Promotion, in the case of Fresh Genin, Update Quarterly

*To The Shinobi Writing The Evaluation - Please note that the information you provide needs to be as accurate as possible. In the case of the aforementioned Shinobi turning Rogue, this information could be the deciding factor between the Life and Death of fellow Konoha Shinobi. Evaluate with care. You may add notes with brackets - ()*

Clearance Level - A.

*The Latest Version Of This Report Will Be Declassified Should The Shinobi in question turn Rogue.*

Shinobi in Question - Nara Akira

Formal Shinobi Ranking - Fresh Mint Genin (<1 Year Experience)

Taijutsu - B (Extremely Noteworthy)

Genjutsu - Untested

Ninjutsu - B+ (Kekkei Genkai Dependent, rest unknown)

Versatility - A (Extremely Noteworthy, Kekkei Genkai Dependent, rest unknown)

Adaptability - B+ (Kekkei Genkai Dependent, rest unknown)

Teamwork - B-

Decision Making - C+ (His skills overshadow his decisions - Hinting at a lack of experience against opponents at a higher level than his own)

Intelligence - Untested (Rough estimation at B-)

Experience - Untested (Fresh-minted Genin)

Chakra Capacity - Untested (Have not managed to test his limit, but his Kekkei Genkai would most likely be costly... Get a Hyuga for that anyway.)

Loyalty - Untested (Fresh-minted Genin)

Possible Weaknesses -

(1) Heavy Chakra Drainage. (He dismissed his Shadow Creatures, it is safe to assume for the purpose of reserving Chakra).

(2) Lack of experience. (Overestimates his strength - Landed a hit and lowered his guard)

(3) Unknown (Fresh Minted Genin)

Evaluator's Estimated Ranking Of The Shinobi - High Chunin.

Recommended Rank Of Shinobi To Hunt Down The Rogue Should ANBU Not Be Available - Low Jonin (Taking into account other possible capabilities and the rest of the unknown "Eight Shadows," it is safer to assume he is Fresh Minted Jonin level.)

Detailed Notes - ...

After writing at an unreal speed, Kakashi completed his evaluations for Sasuke, Naruto, and Akira. He dropped his pen back on the table and gathered the papers, bringing them to Hiruzen.

"You'd wanted to see these three personally, right?" Kakashi inquired, his tone casual.

Hiruzen nodded in acknowledgment, "Good." His aged eyes quickly scanned the papers as he formed his conclusions, while Kakashi returned to his seat, folding his arms as he listlessly gazed at the ceiling chandelier.

Hiruzen hummed, speaking in an impressed tone, "Peak Genin for Naruto, Low Chunin for Sasuke, and High Chunin for Akira? Yes, I'm more than pleased..." His tone then turned grandfatherly as he turned his gaze from the papers to Kakashi, "But what about you, Kakashi? Are you feeling more confident about being their Sensei? You've passed them after all."

Kakashi huffed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling, "I'm not so sure, Lord Third. They did pass. But I had already failed one prodigy."

The image of Akira in Kakashi's mind was quickly exchanged for Itachi's.

Shaking his head, Hiruzen responded, saddened, "You need not take the blame for Itachi alone, Kakashi. I was the one who was responsible for him. I, the Hokage. He is as much my failure as he was yours." A whisper escaped Hiruzen, "Perhaps much more."

With a more positive tone, Hiruzen encouraged, "Kakashi, I have high hopes for Team 7. It was why I chose you specifically on top of keeping in mind your request to be the Sensei of Minato's Legacy. We've talked about this, you know how to train prodigies like Akira, who has shown to be less capable than his predecessor Itachi but with a more predictable attitude. Only you can teach Sasuke how to use the Sharingan, as his clansmen have been butchered. And finally, only you can fill the role of teaching this team of powerhouses, as I am afraid not many Jonin will be able to keep up with them as they grow - Except you."

Kakashi waved him off, "Mah, just give them to Guy at this point."

Hiruzen smirked, "He already has a team."

Nodding, Kakashi got up and asked, "Will that be all?"

Hiruzen responded, "Dismissed."

That's all Kakashi had to hear to make his leave.

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

Title - Home Visit (Canon)

-Third Person POV-

At first, hearing of Hiruzen's intentions to let him be Naruto's sensei, Kakashi was overjoyed.

He had owed too much to his Sensei.

And had failed every time it counted...

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say, that Kakashi was on the edge, and the only reason he had to stay - Was his friends? Loyalty, and the debts he had to pay.

Now, was the time to pay one of them - Delayed as it might be, much to Kakashi's shame.

But... The addition of Sasuke Uchiha and worse of all... Another prodigy in the name of Nara Akira.

Honestly, when Kakashi had heard of Akira and the existence of the Eight Shadows.

He couldn't really care less, as it had nothing to do with him.

Sure, it was revolutionary from the standpoint of the Clans and the Nara.

But as acting Clan Head of the long-extinct Hatake Clan.

...He truly didn't care.

What gave him a minor level of concern was the prospect that the wielder of the new Kekkei Genkai was also a prodigy - But again, as long as he didn't butcher his clan and hadn't decided to make himself part of Kakashi's life and stress, he didn't care.

Well... There was that one conflicting incident.

Nevertheless, The dreaded thing seems to be happening in real-time for poor Kakashi.

Joining Kakashi was Hiruzen Sarutobi, as they decided to visit Nara Akira's home when he wasn't there during Academy Hours.

Knocking on the door, they heard a feminine voice call out to them to wait.

From there, the door opened to greet the Wife of Shikaku and Adoptive Mother of Akira, Nara Yoshino, "Lord Hokage? Kakashi?"

To say she was surprised was an understatement, a surprise that was broken by Hiruzen with a short smile, "Are we not welcome?"

Safe to say, she swiftly welcomed them in and sat them down.

Hiruzen explained himself easily, "I came here with Akira's Future Sensei. Of course, our visit is an A - Rank secret, but you know that already?" He teased.

She nodded as she complained, "My husband works so hard, and yet his Hokage has time to make leisurely house visits, does he?"

Hiruzen barked out a laugh, "Don't forget I'm your Hokage too!"

At the atmosphere, Kakashi could only gaze in curiosity at the household, still skeptical, "What's with the sour look, Kakashi?" Yoshino pointed out, observant as always.

Hiruzen responded in Kakashi's name since he'd never admit it, "He's hesitant about training a prodigy like Akira, fearing he'd turn out like Itachi. That one incident with Akira's Dogs saving Naruto from Iruka in particular gave him mixed feelings."

Yoshino narrowed her eyes, in a mixture of stern and gentle, "Do you not trust Shikaku?" She asked.

Kakashi waved her off, "Mah, I trust him, but it's not about tru-"

She narrowed her eyes further, "Could you stop running away from your issues, Kakashi Hatake? For all the years you've been called a genius and a prodigy, you're being incredibly stupid right now... Let me make this point very clear, Akira is not a monster like Itachi and he will never be. if I'm wrong, Shikaku, I, and the rest of the Nara Clan are ready to face the consequences."

Despite going on a rather emotional and sound tangent, Kakashi gave, as always, a half-assed answer, not letting others get under his skin no matter how correct, "Mah, I'll consider it. Could you send it to the Hatake mail bo-"


-Omake End-

-Author Note Start-

Hello people!

Here's the new chapter!

Hope it was enjoyable and up to quality and stuff.

I'd love to hear if you liked the fight, your opinions on Akira's evaluation, and of course, on how I interpreted the Canon Characters!

Sakura and Anko will appear later down the line (To those who care and were about to ask)

To summarize - Team 7 ducked it out, Steel Underpants won the day.

Akira was performing poorly against Kakashi in terms of his resource management (Honestly a skill issue)

Akira is Estimated at High Chunin (Freshminted Jonin with Ten Shadows fully unleashed (Estimated))

But remember people! The longer the fight goes on, the weaker the user of Ten Shadows is!

Now you may ask... What are the Max levels of stuff?!

How many levels do Noc and Mir have, etc...

Well - I'll be showing Akira's notebook in an Omake next chapter or two (Please someone remind me)

Do take note, not even Akira knows their Max level - But you'll know about what he has in his arsenal. (No spoilers on the new abilities some of them get)


Of course, as the story goes on, and especially at this point - the more likely I am to make a contradictory or logical mistake, so I'd appreciate someone pointing out one if they notice - I'm not afraid of criticism.

I will also be taking creative leverage by increasing some Canon Characters (No Spoilers) IQ from double digits to triple digits, hope yall don't mind.

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


