25% Jujutsu Kaisen : The Larcenist / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : Deception is an art
Jujutsu Kaisen : The Larcenist Jujutsu Kaisen : The Larcenist original

Jujutsu Kaisen : The Larcenist

作者: IRTendor

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1 : Deception is an art

Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.

It was one of the only two educational institutions in Japan of its kind. The only two institutions that were aimed at fostering the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers - People who grappled with events in the shadows, away from the unsuspecting eyes of the public.

And in one of its many classrooms a lone boy was seated on a wooden chair near the window. Dressed in a long sleeved blue jacket and matching pants - The traditional uniform worn by students, his grey eyes, partially obscured by the strands of his messy black hair, were glued on to the book in his hand. Another one of his noticeable features were the pair of blue orb-shaped earrings he wore, adding to his elegant yet mysterious presence. 

As the needle of an antique clock on the nearby wall continued to tick, his focus was entirely on the book. Reading books has been one of his favourite pastimes for as long as he could remember. And considering his duties as a jujutsu sorcerer, time for pastime activities wasn't nearly as much as he used to have.

That was why he sighed softly when he heard some familiar voices closing in on the classroom. For a brief moment, his eyes darted towards the clock to check the time, before returning towards the book.

Confirming his suspicions, the door of the classroom was slid open and his three classmates walked in, talking amongst themselves. 

"Early as usual, eh Daichi?" The first to greet him was a giant full-grown panda, who settled into the seat positioned two places away from him. "Did you hear the news?"

"News about what?" Daichi asked him, not taking his eyes off the book.

"A new transfer student. And it sounds like he is a troublemaker." The one who replied was not the panda, but the bespectacled young woman who followed close behind him- Maki Zenin. Her dark green hair, tied in a ponytail, swayed with each step as she made her way to her seat and placed a long bag on the ground.

"A transfer student?" Daichi closed the book and looked up as a hint of intrigue crossed his features. "And what did he do?"

"Apparently, he stuffed four of his classmates into a locker." She clarified, settling on her chair. "While none of them are dead, their injuries are pretty serious. If that doesn't spell troublemaker, I don't know what does."

'That's gruesome…' He mused inwardly, as he leaned back on his seat. 'Though I'm more surprised by the fact that the four of them are alive even after getting stuffed into a locker…' 

"Tuna Tuna." His attention was then brought to the last of his classmates - Toge Inumaki. While Toge's short, spiky platinum-blonde hair gave him a distinct look, it was his unique form of communication that always intrigued those around him. He pointed his finger at the book Daichi had been engrossed in moments ago.

"Ah, right. I'm almost finished with it." Daichi replied, as Toge settled on his seat right next to him. "I'll give it to you by tonight."

"Salmon." He simply nodded in acknowledgement.


"I'll be back in a second." Deciding it was time to take a short break, Daichi rose from his seat, pushing his chair back with a soft screech against the classroom floor and headed towards the door. Sliding it open, he stepped out to the corridor, his steps echoing softly against the wooden floor. 

Due to the unique nature of their school, both the number of students and the number of teachers were quite low compared to an average high school. There were only four classes in the entire school to begin with, one for each year, and each class housed students that could be counted with the fingers of one hand. As a result, instead of the hustle and bustle one would typically expect, it was silence that greeted him as he made his way towards the stairs. But as soon as he turned the last corner, he came to a stop as he ran into a certain someone.

"Yo, Daichi! " With a wide grin plastered on his face, Satoru Gojo greeted him. He was in his regular attire which consisted of a dark blue zip-up jacket and matching pants. White bandages covered his eyes, which also propped up his snow-white hair, giving it a spikier appearance.

"Gojo-sensei? You are unusually early…" He was mildly surprised by the meeting. 

"Well, one thing led to another and now… " Gojo chuckled, playfully pointing his thumb behind him. "You've got yourself a new classmate."

Only then did Daichi's attention fall on the boy standing behind his teacher. The newcomer's demeanour was unmistakably nervous, fidgeting with unease. With dishevelled black hair and dark blue eyes, he had a rather plain appearance.

But Daichi's immediate focus wasn't on his appearance - It was on the atmosphere surrounding him. More specifically, it was on the ominous presence lurking behind him. It almost caused him to involuntarily take a step back.

"He-Hello. My name is Yuta Okkotsu," The boy introduced himself, his voice trembling a bit.

"Daichi Okada." He simply replied, his gaze remaining locked on Yuta. "Sensei, is he…"

"Yeah, it's just as you think. He's cursed." Gojo nodded. "Right now, I'm taking him to the principal to finalise some paperwork regarding his transfer. I'll bring him to the class after that."

"Alright. I'll see you later then, sensei." Daichi replied, resuming his walk down the stairs. "You as well, Okkotsu."


As Daichi disappeared from view, Gojo turned his attention to Yuta. "So, what do you think, Okkotsu?"

Yuta scratched his head thoughtfully. "Well... he seemed a bit wary of me."

"Heh. He is actually one of the more level-headed students in the school currently." He chuckled, offering Yuta a reassuring smile. "And for someone who isn't familiar with your situation, that was a rather mild reaction."

"Eh? You mean others might be more aggressive?" Yuta started to look a bit concerned.

"Meh, don't sweat it." Gojo waved his hands, shrugged off his concerns. "Now let's go. Our dear principal may get cranky if we end up late."


When Daichi returned to the class from his break, he wasn't really expecting much to have happened in the brief time he was out. However, that changed the moment he opened the door and witnessed the scene in front of him. The chairs and tables were scattered and lying haphazardly, some of them even broken. Maki, Toge, and Panda stood side by side, looking a bit beaten and bruised. Yuta on the other hand, stood opposite them, his expression a mix of concern and worry.

"Ah, welcome back Daichi." Gojo greeted him gleefully. Then turning towards Yuta, he continued. "Even though you met him already, I'll introduce him once again. This is Daichi Okada. He is what you can call a 'delinquent-turned-jujutsu sorcerer'."

'... Why does a delinquent feel like the most normal person in this room?'  Yuta sweatdropped.

"And as you found out, Daichi…" Gojo continued, gesturing towards Yuta. "He is Yuta Okkotsu. A kid who got cursed by his childhood friend Rika who may or may not attack you if you harm him."

Daichi simply stared at Gojo for a few seconds before simply giving him a nod, his gaze shifting towards the chaos in the room and Yuta's worried expression. 'That explains why those three look beat-up.'

"Now then, since all five of you are here, I'll tell you about your afternoon jujutsu practice. I was originally planning on dividing you into two teams, but there has been a slight change of plans." Gojo explained. "Toge, Panda, pair up. You both have to visit an abandoned house in Shinjuku. Akari will give you the details of your mission."

"Maki, Yuta, the two of you have to visit an elementary school not too far from here. Ijichi will drive you there."

"Daichi, you'll be following me. Your mission will be a little bit different from the others."

"And how exactly will it be different?" Daichi raised an eyebrow, folding his arms.

"Because today, your mission won't be to exorcise curses. It will be to take care of a curse user." Gojo revealed with a sly smile. "You know what that means, don't you?"

"... Gojo-sensei, where will we be going for this mission?" A faint smile slowly crept up Daichi's face as he unfolded his arms, a subtle yet telling expression that didn't escape the notice of his classmates. While Yuta genuinely looked confused, the rest of the group simply sighed in resignation, well aware of the unique motivation that drove Daichi when it came to dealing with curse users.

Gojo on the other hand, simply grinned in response to his question.



Towering skyscrapers adorned with colourful neon signs illuminated the streets of Shibuya, creating a kaleidoscope of lights that danced across the bustling cityscape. The iconic Shibuya Crossing, a sprawling pedestrian intersection, was a mesmerising sight as people hurriedly crisscrossed in all directions like a well-orchestrated chaos. Street vendors offered a variety of mouthwatering snacks, their enticing aromas wafting through the air. The sounds of chatter, car engines, and street performers' music created a symphony of urban life that reverberated through the streets.

"So this is where he is?" Daichi asked Gojo, as they stood outside the fence, looking at the entrance of an abandoned factory in the heart of the city.

"Yep." Gojo nodded, pushing open the gate making his way inside. "Renzo Katsuragi. This guy is a grade 2 sorcerer, who is apparently an expert when it comes to the super-secret art of running away when you are about to lose. So much so that he has managed to escape from even some grade 1 sorcerers in the past."

"His cursed technique?"

"Probably. Either that, or he is just that good at running away…"

"Well, only one way to find out." Daichi opened his palm as cursed energy swirled around him. Soon, a book materialised in his palm, most notably having a brownish-red leather cover with a white handprint on its front.

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." Gojo chanted, as a barrier manifested surrounding the area around the factory. While curtains were typically used to maintain secrecy while exorcising cursed spirits, the current situation which involved a curse user warranted a similar approach.

As Gojo and Daichi ventured deeper into the abandoned factory, they found themselves surrounded by the eerie remnants of a once-bustling industrial site. The dimly lit interior was shrouded in shadows, broken machinery and rusted equipment lay scattered about, giving the place a haunting ambiance. The sound of water dripping echoed in the distance, hinting at the presence of leaks in the decaying ceiling. Graffiti adorned the walls, adding splashes of colour to the otherwise gloomy surroundings. The air was heavy with the scent of dampness and decay.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence, as the two of them came to a stop. As they looked on, a man emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding attention. He had a hulking, bulky frame that filled the space around him, and he appeared to be somewhere in his late forties. His dark brown hair, peppered with a few strands of white, added a touch of age to his rugged appearance. The man's demeanour seemed tense, and he regarded Daichi and Gojo with a mix of caution and defiance as he stood there, clearly prepared for a confrontation.

"Tsk. To think I'd run into you again, Gojo Satoru…" He grumbled, seemingly irritated.

"Hmm? You are Renzo, right? Have we met before?" Gojo tilted his head in confusion.

"Of course you'd forget me. As far as you are concerned, I guess I'd be an absolute nobody." The man started gritting his teeth, as he reached out to his pockets. "Maybe this will help you refresh your memories?"

'That's…'  The carefree grin that was on Gojo's face vanished the moment he saw the object he took out of his pockets - A paper bag mask, with an opening for one eye and a cross-shaped mark for the other. Stitches adorned the mask in a manner reminiscent of a mouth.

"Judging from your expression, I take it you remember?" He smirked, wearing the mask.

"... Nope. Who are you again?"



"Actually, you know what? Don't answer." Mocking and infuriating Renzo even more, he turned towards Daichi who was staring at him with a deadpan expression. "Why don't you take on him by yourself, Daichi? Meanwhile I'll go and get some souvenirs we can take back."


"Take your time, there's no rush. See ya later…" Before Daichi could even complete his sentence, Gojo disappeared from the spot, leaving behind two individuals who were frustrated, although for completely different reasons.

"Hey kid, you're a student aren't you?" After a few seconds of silence, Renzo asked him.

"Well, what gave it away? Was it my uniform?" Daichi retorted, deftly sliding his book into the satchel on his belt, a subtle action that didn't go unnoticed by his opponent.

"Sorry about this, kid. But what's about to happen..." Renzo cracked his knuckles, as his cursed energy began to flare up. "... Is just me trying to blow off some steam. Nothing personal, of course."


As Gojo exited the curtain, leaving behind his student to sort out the mess, he was still deep in thought.

'He was the one from back then, huh?'  Gojo had recognised the man the moment he saw his mask. It belonged to a curse user he met and defeated quite easily years ago, during a certain mission he couldn't forget even if he tried.

'Well, there's no reason to believe Daichi can't handle him.'  The confident smile reappeared on his face, as he continued on his way.

'But first, I think I'll treat myself to something sweet.' 



Daichi leapt away just in time as a fist coated with cursed energy crashed down on the floor, as visible cracks appeared on the concrete. Without giving him any time to breathe, Renzo quickly leaped towards him, throwing punches and kicks. Daichi, keeping a close eye on his movements, bobbed and weaved through the series of strikes launched at him.

'As expected, he is a close-combat type.'  Daichi crossed both of his arms as a fist landed on him, sending him skidding backwards due to the impact. 'A good one as well, at that.'

"Hmph. You are nowhere near the level of your teacher." Renzo snorted, closing the distance once again and throwing a kick aimed at his face. Daichi stepped back to avoid it before throwing a punch of his own, one which he effortlessly caught with his left hand. "Looks like I was worried for no reason."

"Well, I wouldn't really need a teacher if I was already on his level now would I, Einstein?" Daichi surprised Renzo by grabbing his other arm with his free hand before using him as leverage to deliver a knee strike straight to his opponent's face. The strike was powerful enough to daze Renzo, an opportunity which he used to its full effect as he delivered a series of well placed strikes, sending him flying backwards and crashing on a pile of metal pipes, the clatter of metal ringing throughout the abandoned factory. It took him a few moments, but Renzo slowly stood back up, dusting himself off. While Daichi's attacks had inflicted some damage, it was clear that they hadn't been enough to put down his opponent.

"Looks like I underestimated you, just a bit." Renzo cracked his neck, a wry smile appearing on his face, hidden by the mask. "I guess I'll have to try a bit harder."

"That reminded me…" Daichi raised an arm, motioning him to pause, before walking towards a pile of metal pipes that were lying on the ground and picking up two of them. "Tell me, how good are you at fighting with weapons?" He asked him, tossing one of the metal pipes towards him.

"What?" Renzo caught the pipe, confused by his actions. "What are you getting at, kid?"

"Absolutely nothing." Daichi gave him a wide smile. "But I do certainly appreciate you catching that pipe I threw at you."

"Oh Cra-"


A deafening explosion at point blank range caught Renzo by surprise. The explosion was accompanied by a brilliant burst of blinding light and a shockwave that rippled through the air, sending dust, debris, and bits of metal scattering in all directions. When the smoke was cleared, he could be seen down on the ground on one knee writhing in agony, clutching the bloody stump where his left hand had once been, his breath coming in ragged gasps. A portion of his mask was even torn off, burned by the explosion.

"Y-You!!" If looks could kill, Daichi would be dead ten times over from the sheer amount of hatred with which Renzo was glaring at him. Daichi responded to this with a smile, simply showing him the back of both his hands. It was only then that Renzo noticed the symbols that adorned them - A sun on his left hand and a crescent moon on his right, and the dense flow of cursed energy around them.

"The sun and moon." Daichi softly said, as Renzo looked on. "By touching any target, I can mark the surface with each symbol, depending on the hand I used. Then, if the two marks come in contact with each other… well, you should know what happens by now." As he spoke, he circled around the curse user with slow, deliberate steps.

"But it's not as simple as it sounds. You see, to get the full power of the explosion, I need to 'charge' the mark by keeping in contact with the surface for 3-5 seconds. And if I fully charge the mark, then the marks need not directly touch each other to trigger the explosion. If even some other point on the same surface comes in contact with each other…" He pointed towards the stump on his left hand "... that happens."

"You are left-handed, aren't you?" Renzo's eyes widened when Daichi pointed it out. "It was easy to deduce from the fist fight we had. When I grabbed your arm earlier, I was actually marking it with the symbol of the moon." Daichi bent down to pick up a small piece of metal that had survived the explosion. "Then, all I had to do was to toss you something marked with the symbol of the sun, and the chances were that you would grab it with your left hand. Luckily for me, that's exactly what you did."

'I underestimated him. I severely underestimated him… '  Renzo almost wanted to smack himself for the blunder he made. The blunder which cost him his left-arm, and if this went on any further, probably his life. He slowly got up from the ground, not taking his eyes off the young jujutsu sorcerer in front of him. 'I can't escape from here due to that damned veil either… Guess I've got no choice.'

Daichi observed with keen interest as Renzo pointed his right hand toward the ground, causing cursed energy to gather and morph into a humanoid shape—an identical copy of himself.

"Cloning, huh?" Daichi commented casually, acknowledging Renzo's technique while taking out his book from the satchel and opening it. "And it looks like it is formed in the shape and form of the user at the time you activate your technique, correct? You really should have used it at the beginning of the fight… "

"Shut your mouth." Renzo growled, as he created a total of four clones, however each one of them had their left arm missing. He gave a signal as all four of them rushed towards Daichi. He blocked a punch thrown by one of the clones, but felt that the impact was far less compared to the strikes that were thrown by Renzo earlier.

'The clones are weaker than the original? Maybe their strength decreases if more clones are used?' Daichi theorised as he manoeuvred through their strikes, parrying, blocking and evading them.

Daichi capitalised on a brief opening, leaping away from the clones and turning the page of his book. Renzo watched, puzzled by the action in the midst of their battle. However, the next moment confusion turned to shock as he seemingly disappeared in a flash before he found a fist burying itself on his gut, sending him flying backward and crashing on a wall. Daichi looked on, as the body he just hit dissolving into a muddy goo.

"Why do you think none of the sorcerers I've faced before were able to catch me?" One of the clones behind him smirked, as it began to explain. "I can change out the real me with a clone anytime I-" But his words were cut short as Daichi's powerful kick landed squarely on his head, resulting in the same outcome as earlier, dissolving into goo.

'What the hell is going on?! He wasn't this fast before!'  Renzo was frustrated. It was then that he remembered the book that was in his hand. 'Come to think of it, he wasn't using the book before… I see, that must be it! That book is probably a cursed tool that gives its user a boost in speed. In that case…'

Daichi looked on as the two clones rushed towards him, and expecting a strike, he crossed both his arms to block it. However, that turned out to be a mistake as both the clones tackled him, and pinned him on the ground.

"What?" Daichi found himself struggling to break free, as the third body slowly walked towards him.

"The more clones I make, the weaker they get." The third clone explained, his tone oddly calm, as it slowly walked towards him. "However, each time a clone gets destroyed, a portion of its strength is restored equally to the remaining ones. And since you destroyed two of my clones…" He pried off the book from Daichi's hands, inspecting it with curiosity, as a confident smile appeared on his face. "You are really strong, kid. But this is the end."

"... You are just asking to be made a fool out of, aren't you?" Daichi chuckled despite his predicament, drawing Renzo's attention. Confusion clouded Renzo's expression, but before he could react, he felt an unusual sensation emanating from the hand holding the book as it disappeared in a flash. The next moment, he found himself getting drained of something, as the two clones that were holding Daichi turned into goo and splattered on the floor.

"What?!" He shouted at Daichi who slowly got up from the ground. He extended his hand towards the ground, attempting to make another clone, only to find nothing happening. "What did you do? Answer me!"

"My cursed technique is named 'Larceny'." Daichi began explaining, as he extended his hand and the book re-appeared on his palm. "It allows me to steal the cursed technique from other cursed users and cursed spirits. But of course, I have to meet certain conditions before I can steal a technique."

"One, I have to personally see the technique being used."

"Two, I must either ask the user a question regarding the technique and receive an answer, or I must have a complete understanding of how the technique works."

"Three, the person whose technique I'm trying to steal must touch the book with their hand."

"And four, all of the above conditions must be met within an hour."

"Usually, the third condition is the hardest one to fulfil." He smiled at Renzo, who had a look of horror and despair etched on his face. "But thanks to you being so eager to grab my book, that ended up working out fine."

"Now this…" He slowly walked towards his opponent, before standing directly in front of him.

"... Is a checkmate."


"Well, you look pretty satisfied." Gojo commented upon re-entering the factory, holding a bag that seemed to be filled with food items, particularly an assortment of sweets. He found Daichi sitting on a broken piece of a chair, while the curse user was nearby, bound by metal chains.

Daichi chuckled, looking up at his teacher. "What kind of teacher leaves their student to fight a criminal and then goes on a shopping spree?" 

"Only the best ones," Gojo responded with an unapologetic grin. "I take it you stole his skill?"

"Yep," Daichi confirmed with a nod. "It's a pretty darn useful one too."

Gojo glanced at his mobile phone and mumbled, "Well now, since it's getting late… How about we go for a trip around Shibuya? This is the first time you've been here in a long while, right?"

Daichi's eyes lit up with interest. "You know what? Screw everything. I think I've earned it."


IRTendor IRTendor

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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