25% Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Smoke / Chapter 2: Japan 2

章 2: Japan 2

While unconscious, Hector's body was transported into a strange place. He'd never seen somewhere that remotely resembled it. Even with his hands held mere inches away from his face, all he could see was the thick blanket of smoke that chaotically wisped its way around wherever he was.

The 'ground' that he stood on, consisted of the same weightless fog which threw off his sense of balance. Every step he took was done out of sheer tenacity, it felt like everytime he moved he was sinking deeper and deeper into an endless quagmire.

When he inevitably lost his balance and fell to the illusory floor, it felt horrible. Hector assumed that it must've been how drowning felt like, as no matter what he did or tired he just kept sinking into the endless ocean of smoke.

At least, until he somehow found himself standing upright once more… Hopefully at least. He could tell his right from left, and for all he knew, he could be standing upside down.

Hector wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not, but he was positive that past the impenetrable wall of fog was a boundless void of blackness. It was a strange feeling to know that the space entrapping him was actually keeping him from whatever 'that' is.

After several more flailing attempts at walking, Hector gradually came to realise that it was easier to go with the flow of things. The more he tried to struggle, the more he was entangled by the space's imaginary shackles.

"The fuck is this place" Hector idly wondered.

"Aw shite, am I dead?" Realising that the idea was totally probable. He just hoped he at least blasted that blindfolded bastard to fuck.

If his maximum technqiue managed to off Gojo, then those other kids that were with him are probably fucked as well. A shame too, the burd was quite hot, had a nice set are knockers as well.

But collaterals, collateral. No point in mulling over things now.

Now that he thinks about it, this place feels quite nice actually. Nice and peaceful, no curses, no sorcerers, no nothing…

Who's he kidding, this place is utter balls.

Suddenly, as he was plotting ways to escape this shitehole, he felt his body getting ripped out of the realm. There was nothing he could do to stop it from happening, everything was gone in the span of a second.


His entire body jerked awake, only for his movement to be impeded half an inch later.

Hector looked at the room of mustard yellow talismans around him and quickly understood he was in some sort of prison room. The fact that he was tied to a chair only emphasised the reality of the situation.

Worst of all, was that sitting a few feet in front of him was the asshole he thought he brought to the afterlife with him.

Gojo was playing some kind of game on his phone, no even realising that his prisoner had woken up. More likely, he probably knew and just kept playing the game to wind him up.

While Gojo messed around on his phone, Hector's mind kept going back to that weird ass place he was in. Clearly, he never died, nor did he kill Gojo, who must've been watching over him while he was out.

Therefore, wherever he ended up, his body wasn't there with him. Freaky shit man. Though he might've just been tripping balls since he thought he was dead.

Bold blocks of text appeared on Gojo's phone reading 'YOU DIED' making the man click his tongue in annoyance, facing upwards at Hector he playfully commented, "Oh, it's about time you woke up. I've been here for so long my phone has nearly run out of battery."

Dumbly staring at Gojo and choosing to ignore the sorcerer's strange personality, Hector questioned, "Why am I still alive."

That's what he wants answered, because honestly, he doesn't know why he's tied up in the first place. Even though what he did was in self defence… mostly. That doesn't explain why he hasn't been executed yet.

There's literally no reason for him not to be dead, and Gojo seemed pretty keen on the idea before. He was a shady sorcerer/curse user to them anyway, so what's stopping him from being killed.

Snapping his hands into gun fingers, "An excellent question." Gojo states, before pulling his phone out to show Hector the sorcerer equivalent of his mug shot, "This is you isn't it?"

The picture of him was a few years out of date, must've been taken back when he was at his clan. In the photo he was still going through puberty, and his now well defined features, had much more of a boyish charm to them, not to mention his hair was nice and short.

Beneath the image was a basic file that had a fair bit of information on him, mostly from his younger years, anything from the past three were iffy at best.

He was surprised that Gojo managed to find so much on him, as he'd have to go to the sorcerers in Scotland to get this. Well, maybe it wasn't much trouble, being strong as shit can help with a lot of things, information gathering being one of them.

"Yeah, and what about it? No need to go digging shit up if I'm getting killed anyway." Hector spat.

Now with his smile beginning to show teeth, Gojo spun his chair around to the backrest facing me and he had something to rest his head on, "That's where you're wrong kiddo, you won't be dying anytime soon. Unless of course, that's what you want."

Sighing deeply Hector hung his neck back over his own chairs backrest, and dully replied, "What'd you want from me then? If it's a sexual favour then count me out, I'll break just break my own neck."

Waving what he said off, Gojo answered "Nah, I'm not into dudes, don't worry about that. I just want you to help me with something in the long term. For now you'll join Jujutsu Tech, and become one of my prized pupils~" Finishing off the sentence in a playful manner.

Hector perked up at that, as a mix of confusion and a plethora of other feelings swam through him. For sure he thought he'd be blackmailed into doing something dodgy, but so far things aren't looking too bad.

Never been to a Jujutsu school before either, Scotland doesn't have those, nor does most other countries. To his knowledge, only Japan, USA and China have them.

"As crap as going to school sounds, it's a better alternative to dying. That's what happens if I say no right?" Hector said, obviously knowing he doesn't have a choice in the matter.

Tapping the chair in time with his words Gojo exclaimed, "Ding, Ding, Ding, correct answer." Placing his hand over his heart and looking genuinely moved, he continued "It's great talking to someone who understands their situation."

"You're quite lucky, the last person that was in here had to choose between execution and execution." Gojo idly murmured.

'Quite the choice he had' Hector thought before saying "Fine man, I'm game. Just give me my stuff back and get me out these bindings." Referring mostly to the talisman that brought the mimic curse to his location.

Rubbing his hands together like some sort of two bit villain, "Good, good. Nice to have you on board." and with a snap of his fingers Hector's bindings fell to the ground.

Stretching his arms and wrists, Hector asked again "About my stuff?" If he doesn't get it back, he'll have to jump this cunt for it.

Fidgeting around in his pocket for a bit, Gojo thien pulled out a crinkled talisman, Hector's taliman.

"This what you're wanting?" Gojo said with an innocent smile.

Grabbing the talisman from the man, Hector channels his cursed energy though it. Moments later his companion curse appeared from thin air, clearly the room he's in was meant to keep people in, not out.

The curse worriedly glanced around, seemingly startled at the teleportation. When he realised it was Hector who made him appear, the worry disappeared and he sprang at his long time friend like an abandoned puppy that found his owner.

Its long gelatinous tongue stretched out and repeatedly licked Magnus's face in excitement. The curse's excitement never transferred over to Hector, who was less than impressed as he was slowly being covered by curse drool. Though he was inwardly happy that Mimic wasn't captured, or worse killed by Gojo and his team.

Then all his stuff would be gone.

"He's quite the cutie, ain't he?" Gojo said as he watched their interaction

While trying to wring Mimic off him, Hector managed to get out "That he is."

Putting a stop to that, he reached into the abyss like insides of Mimic and pulled out a packet of cigs and his tartan lighter. Quickly sparking one up like his life depended on it, he took a big fat draw and exhaled a miniature cloud of smoke reminiscent of the weird ass place he was not long ago.

As soon as he began to smoke again, his inner reserves of smoke slowly began to fill up. Adding substance to that claim, the gashes on his arm that had shrivelled up due to the lack of smoke inside him, gently relaxed back to their base states.

It was a great feeling when that happened, Hector loved it. It feels similar to a good stretch, only a hundred times better. The few incisions he had on his back went through the same process, and he capitalised the opportunity to stretch his back at the same time.

"A smoker eh, can't really say I'm surprised with the whole smoke gig you've got going on. Come to think of it, I know someone who smoked in their student days, maybe you two'll hit it off." Gojo shrugged, he was clearly interested in the way his new student's Cursed Technique works. Hector could feel his intense gaze peering at his arms even through the blindfold that covered his eyes.

A lot more relaxed than before, Hector asked Gojo, still half groaning "What's the deal with your long term thing then, can't leave me hanging here. Spill it", spilling another puff of smoke out into the room.

"Nothing much really, just want to oust the higher-ups, and for that I need capable sorcerers to take their place. Geezers have been in power too long, and they're stagnating jujutsu with their out-dated beliefs." Waving the smoke away, he chuckles "Come to think of it, I probably should've found out if you were on board before taking those bindings off."

Hector's eyes widened at his soon to be sensei's words. He's practically saying he wants to completely change the way Jujutsu society works by wresting control away from the ones currently running the show.

"What you're saying is downright outrageous…" Taking another toke from his nearly finished fag, a wild toothy grin contorted itself onto his face and smoke spilled from the gaps between his teeth "...I like it."

Gojo snorted, amused, "Great, I knew a strapping young man like you would love it." he replied

DodgyWriter DodgyWriter

What'd you think on how I done Gojo's character in this chapter. I think I done quite alright to be honest.

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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