100% It was all because of tuition / Chapter 1: It was all because of tuition (full)
It was all because of tuition It was all because of tuition original

It was all because of tuition

作者: Chungpu

© WebNovel

章 1: It was all because of tuition (full)

N.B. This story is a short fiction composed by the author so,if it is similar to the story or the life story of anyone anywhere, it`s not written purposely so I plead for his/her kind understanding. This story is written to keep fresh in mind class 12 Maths tuition - the best tuition ever. "Bicky, get up! It`s already 5! " shouted my room-mate.It was the first tuition day.I was very excited as I will be going for tuition in my favourite subject.We were just grown up young boys. We were in the age of enjoyment. And even though we were quite young, our favourite topic was about 'girls'. In fact none of us ever had experienced relationship but we all acted smart - as if we've completed our master in relationship. We were ofcourse very playful and everything was for fun for us. We all know how do a group of young teenagers spend their life. We were very innocent . When I rethink of those days , I feel ashame but in those days we thought that we were the only human beings in the world.

We were Edmundians and our motto was "Facta non verba" that is 'deeds not words' but for us it was just the opposite 'words not deeds' . If we did not have mouth in those days , I'm not sure whether any of us would be able to survive. We lived by our mouth and the one who was the best in speaking was ofcourse the smartest among us. Fortunately and unfortunately , I was alegend in speaking. I could turn black into white with my mouth. As soon as my room-mate woke me up, I was too excited that I was ready in a minute. I don't know how many seconds did I take to reach the tuition. Before we reach our tuition, we were fighting for girls as if we had ever seen them before.But when our tuition started , none of us even dared to open our mouth as if our lips were pasted with glue. We all felt shy but the tuition was good. After the tuition, on our way back to our prison, we were fighting for beautiful girls but we didn't even know whether there was any or not as we were too diffident even to stare at them. Just for the sake of enjoyment, we were fighting for the most beautiful one though we were not even sure how many girls were there.

It was a great first day- it was fun but very helpful for we could understand our sir's teaching clearly. We were only hoping that it would be that interesting till the last day. Above all, the day was made even better by the evening chicken. Soon, maths tuition days became the best tuition days of the week because we were learning with fun and plus chicken at night which can't be ignored. Days passed by and we became familiar with one another and thus, tuition became even better. We began to open our mouth in the tuition. I acted as if I were a very naughty student, the first time in my life people thought that I was naughty - of course except childhood naughtiness. Then we became frank to one another. .

Even though we were from different institutions, we cared for one another. Our teacher, too, was very caring, loving and understanding- the right kind of teacher we needed at that time because our warden was just the opposite. I began to become familiar with all the girls too. I used to tease them and they were very good. As days passed by, some students left while some new students came. I felt sad that some of them had left at the same time I was glad to have new colleagues and I was ready to make new friends.

I was a legend in speaking to those I was close but just a diffident young boy to strangers. As tuition progressed, I began to be attracted by a young lass name Ruth. I never knew what love was. I began to think of her often. I wanted to see her often. I wanted to talk and chat with her. But I was too diffident even to say "hi".I never knew love before, I was not so sure what those feelings were at that time. Was it love? Or was it just a natural urge to make new friends? All I knew was that she unknowingly began to influence my life. I did not want to tell my friends because they wouldn't even give a damn to it. All they knew was enjoyment and they would only play with my feelings which I feared would ruin my life.

But I could no longer hide them. My problem then was to whom should I revealed them so that my secrets would not become the latest news and public topic in the hostel. In those days, it was really hard. I began to observe my friends and I found the right person, Chungpu, the best in talking, undefeated in speaking and debate , but an Iron vault in keeping secrets. He was very wise, understanding and caring, very gifted in counselling and giving advice. I was really blessed to have a friend like him.

Ruth was a very beautiful lass so most of my friends were charmed by her beauty. I never believed that such a beauty would exist on this Earth but I said that I saw her with my own eyes. We were of the same age and height. She was frank, understanding and caring. I told Chungpu my feelings for her and just as I had trusted him,he understood me and jokingly said,"Atlast your time has come huh? You're earlier than I've expected. You may be the first to have a girl among us but be warned; you may not be the first to get married, I may overtake you". Then he said, "Don't worry my bro, we're always here for you. Don't be too much tensed. Instead, focus infocus in your studies. Remember ,if you are successful in life, she will definitely be yours. So picture in your mind the day you become someone and the day you'll marry her, then work very hard to make sure it comes true." His words were very encouraging and convincing, the right advice I needed at that time. He lightened the burden in my heart.

Clock ticked on and days passed by. Each day was no better for me. Chungpu and I, we had been planning many strategies but all in vain. On the other hand, classes in tuition were getting even better. We were learning with fun-the best method of learning. One day Chungpu managed to get me Ruth's number. From that day we had been chatting through cell phone . In no time, we became very close friends . The world is indeed a global village. Thanks to technology, because of it, I could make friendship with Ruth.

I really enjoyed her friendship. Since she was very caring and understanding, she could lighten my burdens and tensions as my friend. At the same time I tried my best to be reliable for her.Within a few weeks, we became best friends. We became so close that she was already a part of my life. A morning without her message means tension throughout the day. If we didn't text for a day, I found it as difficult as starving for that day. She really influenced my life. Fortunately, she supported me in all my works and she would always be there at the right time to be the source of encouragement and strength. Her word and message were so powerful and special to me that it would influence me more than a thousand counsellor's advice.

As our friendship grew, my feelings for her inside my heart grew simultaneously and secretly with it . By then, I could tell that it was a love. I wanted to convey them to her but I was too afraid of losing her friendship .In fear of losing her friendship, I decided to keep that burning coal of my heart a secret even though an open rebuke was better than secret love. I had no confidence at all nor was I fit for her? I didn't have the right to be confident either. The bond of our friendship grew but time passed quicker. As we all know that even the strongest man ever born on this Earth cannot stop time nor slower it down a bit, the time had come for us to write our 12 board exam. After a few weeks, we had finished our exam-practical and theory. Even after finishing our exam, both of us had decided to stay in Shillong and had some computer training before our result was declared.

Those few weeks of computer training after our exam had been the best time of our friendship.We did enjoy alot and we could spend more time together than schooling days. But as Albert Einstein rightly says, "Time passes more quickly when we are with our love ones", time seemed to travel at the speed of light in those days. It seemed as if time was against us being together. Even though it was two full months, it seemed no longer than a blink of the eye for me. Within no time our result was declared and we both fortunately got satisfactory result.She decided to persue her career to become a doctor in Mumbai and I decided to continue my Bachelor in Delhi . She told me that on the coming Sunday she would leave for Mumbai .It was on Wednesday that we agreed to have a small farewell programme on that Saturday. But at around 10a.m.on Thursday, I received a message from her . With great joy I quickly opened her message but my expression transformed into a sorrowful expression after having read the message. It read,"There will be bandh from today at noon till Monday so my mother prepones my ticket for today. ....If not, I will be late for admission and all struggles till now will be in vain. ....Our bus will leave at 10:15 a.m.and how I wish if you could come and atleast say 'goodbye' before I leave".....

No sooner had I read the message than tears rolled down from my eyes. I had nothing to reply. Only tears from my eyes replied the message. I was so happy to received her message b4 I read but the words in the message were just the opposite to my happiness. The only thing I wished in the world was to let us never be separated but I got what opposite to what was my only wish. I was shocked. I was in delimma. I planned to express all my feelings for her the next day but she would suddenly leave just the day before. We were from different districts. Would I ever meet her again? Why didn't I tell her everything when I had so much opportunities? What if I never get the chance again to convey them to her? What if she forgets me?

All these thoughts echoed like a melancholy in my mind.

After all these thoughts came spontaneously in my mind, I decided to go and meet her one last time before she left. It might be the last time in my life but I was only hoping that I shouldn't be. For all those days we were very close and even though it was very hard to hide my love, it was somehow bearable as we chat and met almost everyday. I borrowed my friend Miki's bike and rushed to the bus station. On my way, I was thinking of how I would live my life when we were apart. My only consolation was that even when we were together our hearts were million miles apart so even if she left for Mumbai, if we kept in touch, it would be bearable. I was not her lover, we were just friends-only for about five months- so would she really care to keep in touch with me?While thinking of all those, I reached the station in no time.

In the past, whenever we met, we greeted each other with a smile - our faces were bright white happiness. But on that day, tears were in the shoe of smile. We had been very close for quite a number of weeks then, so to part like that without a proper farewell was not that easy.If the pain in my heart could be weighed, it would weigh a million tonnes. No word could be formed in my mouth. The person who could keep on speaking for hours and hours, for the first time in my life, no word could come out from my mouth. It was 10:10a.m. , every second was worth a million diamond. We were sure whether we would ever meet again but we were sure that even if we were to meet again, I wouldn't happen in a number of years. Atlast she said, "Bicky, you've managed to come? "Even though my heart was filled with sorrow I wanted to see her smile not her tears so I jokingly replied, "I want to wish you well before you leave. Since I want to see your beautiful smile for one last time, I travel at the speed of light but you show me only your tears. " Then she smiled and tears rolled down from her eyes simultaneously with it. Even though she was filled with tears, her pretty little smile could overshadow all her tears. I loved that smile but I would never see it again for a long time perhaps even in my life. I would always long for that smile- in times of happiness and sadness, ofcourse in every moment of my life.

"Ruth, I want to say something to you. It's very important to me," I told her. She was very curious and she waited eagerly for my word but time was not kind enough to wait for it. "Ruth,I have been. ..."before I could complete even a sentence, the driver blew the horn and started the engine so she had to go. I told her that I would call her and tell her through cell phone. The bus moved slowly and slowly and to see my love growing smaller and smaller and then disappeared not to be seen again for a long time perhaps even in my life was really hurting. I felt as if the life out of me was dragged out slowly and slowly infront of my own eyes.

I called her but she didn't pick up. Then she sent an sms telling that she was with her parents and she would inform me when she was in the plane. She would travel to Mumbai alone and in the airport her uncle would wait for her. After two very long hours of waiting, I got an sms stating that I could call her then.

No sooner had I read the message than I called her.I asked her how she was and we had been talking for around half an hour encouraging one another to work hard and to stand by one's side and to always keep in touch. Then she asked me what the very important thing I would like to tell her was. Then I started, "Ruth, all these days we have been very close friends. I really enjoy your friendship. I am afraid to lose you as my friend. I've never had a friend like you before and I am not sure whether I'll have another one like you again. You're one among million friends who comes once in a blue moon. A true, good, caring and loving person like whom I've never met and I will not have another one again. "

"I wish if we can have a proper farewell programme before you leave. But time and environment doesn't permit us. I have been wanting to tell you all these feelings which I have been bearing in my heart. But I have no confidence and I have no right to have either. I know that a person like me is not even fit to be your friend so it's impossible for me to woo you. I enjoy your friendship and I fear to lose your friendship. Because of all these, I have been hiding all these burdens secretly. I can no longer hide it anymore and life without telling you all these will be impossible. How long can I hide a burning coal under a blanket. If I do, the burning coal will burn up the blanket. This secret love (the burning coal of my heart) burns down the blanket of my heart and I can't hide it any longer. I know that you may be shocked or angry. But please don't for the sake of our friendship. I hope you will understand me. Will you please understand my love? " Then she replied, " Why do you tell me all these. ......."and the line was cut off. I tried again and again but the only response I got was, "The number you are calling is currently switched off please call later.".....

I called her a thousand times but it was always switched off . "I should have never said all those words," I said to myself. Why did she hang up even before completing her sentence? Was she really angry? What if she did not want to be my friend any longer? I asked all those questions to myself in my heart? My worst was to lose her as my friend which indeed had become reality. I wished if it was only my dream but my humble wish could not change the reality. As I had been fearing, I had lost her friendship which meant I lost her forever , I thought. I could not even think how I should lead my life then.How hard it would be for me-life without her lovely and charming smile and her joyful messages? Only on that day I realised that I had been addicted to thinking of her and it had been my habit to miss her.Her name has been embedded in my blood and the urge to keep in touch with her flowed through my veins but I couldn't contact her. It was when I lost her forever , I realised how much she meant to me.For weeks I did nothing but think of the past memories , the only gift she left for me, sleeping on my bed with my eyes never dried. It was very hard but I knew that I could no longer afford to live like that.All my consolation was that if she was meant for me she would come back one day.I knew that I carried the hope of my family and my friends. It was very hard though.Eacmorning reminded me of her and every newday brought new lonliness for me . Whenever I came across the places we visited and where we spent our time together, it reminded me of her.Every night I would weep to lighten my burdens and I would conversate with the moon.If my pillow was able to speak, it would say,"Master, why had you never kept me dry for a night? Please stop shedding tears and keep me dry atleast for one night ."My pillow would be drenched as if it was put in a bucket filled with water evry night.If the moon was able to speak, she would say,"My friend please stop living like this. I don't dare to look at your suffering and lonesomeness any longer. "

Time passed by and even though it was very hard for me, with help of God and my friends, I could manage to work very hard. I used to picture in my mind the Day I would become someone and on that day she might love. Keeping those in my mind, I had been working very sincerely and consistently though with my only broken hard. Fortunately, in the year 2020, I became an IAS officer.

My first jurisdiction was the West Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. One day as I was in my office, I had a lady visitor (I was informed that she was a well known doctor).No sooner had she entered the room than I realised that she was Ruth! I thought that it was just my imagination then I rubbed my eyes that I was sure that it was a reality. The moment I had been eagerly waiting for throughout my life. "But was she married?"I feared. She recognised me too.Then, we went to a restaurant, enquiring about each other's life. After a few minutes of conversation, I brought up the topic of the day she left Shillong for Mumbai . I told her how I had been suffering because of my love for her since that day.I told her that I still loved her even though she might already have a life partner. She asked me, "How are your children? " Then I replied, "I haven't got married. I cannot love any other girl but you. " Tears rolled down from her eyes, and she said, "I'm very sorry, please forgive me. I am sorry for keeping you hurting for all these years".

Then I told her, "It's not your fault. It's only because I love you too much. But I wish if you didn't hang up my call when you were on the plane that day". She replied, "I didn't hang up, my battery was dead. You know I went even without knowing that I would go that day. I left in emergency because of the bandh so I didn't have sufficient battery. I realised that my battery was dead after I completed my sentence, 'Why do you tell me this now? I have been loving you too.'I thought of callling you back when I was in Mumbai but I lost my cell phone in the airport. I have always been trying to contact but there is no Way . You don't have fb account either. Sorry for keeping you hurting. Please forgive me. If you still love me it's not too late, I am still single. I made an oath that either I will never get married until I see with my own eyes that you have children or you are the person whom I will marry."

Since that day we were in relationship, we cared for each other and loved each other dearly. We always kept in touch with each other. After a few months, on 27th April 2021, the day I thought existed only in fairy land came true. On that day, I was waiting for Ruth before God and the Reverend in the Church as she was coming dressed in white. That day was our matrimonial day.That day I was sure that even the angels would not be as beautiful as Ruth was. Since that we have been a very loving and caring couple. I am confident that we are the perfect couple.

Today is 25 march and All these past memories keep playing in my mind . We are expecting our first child tomorrow I.e.26 March 2022.

Whenever I relive these memories - life in Edmund's, in the hostel and of course in the tuition, I am very happy and feel very blessed. I am very lucky to have gone to maths tuition and in that particular batch. I often tell Ruth that I am the luckiest man on this Earth to have her as my wife. Had I not joined the tuition, I would have never met Ruth and my life would be different. I don't think I will go this far without her or if I had not met her. My love for her had been keeping me disciplined when I was in the age of enjoyment and carefree. My love for her had been making me work hard in the age of Laziness and luxury. Had she not gone to Mumbai or had she accepted my love that day she left for Mumbai, I would have not cared for my future for I would not need to struggle to win her love and I will not be what I am today. I realise that all those sufferings which I thought as a curse from God were just a blessing in disguise. It's just a boon from God for me to become someone. God used all those sufferings to make me become a better person and a successful person.We will have our first child tomorrow. And my son will grow and grow and one day he will ask me, "Daddy how did you meet my mom? The best mother in the world".Then, I will tell him all this story and tell him that, " IT WAS ALL BECAUSE OF TUITION. "

The end....

next chapter
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