/ Video Games / It's Mark!
Mark is just another 16 years old high schooler who’s studying in Ramsay High. His life seems bleak but Mark's future is not.
Many expect celebrities to be born perfect but are they?...
Follow Mark's journey as he tries to be atleast ordinary but fate put "extra" in it.
レビューを書くOh hi Mark i ........... ............. .... ..... ......... ... ........ ......... ...... ................. .............. ....... .......
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作者 ImNex
Here's what most readers are worried about in this novel. 1-mc isn’t the only transmigrator. It's true. He's not the only one but MC's probably never meeting another one cause I did it just for background sake. 2- Every cliche you can think of is in the story(from tsundere to dumb mc) I know but it was intentional. I want to see them mature as the story goes and right now both of the characters you mentioned are 16. Most characters you'll meet are highschoolers as well so... 5- Mc is shallow and has 0 ambitions(previous life). I know. I made him to have no ambitions. MC's previous life was boring and didn't really meaning in it. Every aspect of his life is planned by the strict parents which is why he was doing whatever made him feel good(aka drawing) before he dies. Did I not describe his feelings enough? Let me know so I could add more descriptions in some aspects and write less about some. New readers, give it a try. You won't regret it and thanks for the one who actually wrote a review about this. You didn't need to delete it. I loved your criticism.