
章 49: Porta Vista

"So, are you guys going?"

An excited Misty asked both Leaf and Yoake. She was invited to the concert in Porta vista, a small island at the south-eastern tip of the Boso Peninsula and West of Viridian City. A concert is a Pokemon-related event, people with their Pokemon are invited to the concert as it celebrates the anniversary of the Pokemon League. All of the specialists in Kanto are invited, including the Pokemon champion herself and Yoake was also invited as well.

"Well, my sister is going to be a part of it…" Yoake scratched his head. He doesn't want to go to the concert since this morning he's been too busy training Urshifu. But since his sister is part of the main cast, he has to keep an eye on her after all, he doubts that his parents would show up.

"I guess so," Yoake said in an uncertain tone. Leaf took a glance at the trainer and laid her arms on his shoulders and answered Misty's question absolutely.

"Yup. We're going." Leaf stated.

"Alright then. I know Brock and Erika are coming so meet you all here later." After informing the two, Misty immediately left since she has to prepare her attire for this special event later on.

"How about you freshen yourself, take Claudine and the rest of the gang for some fun. You guys have been working so hard lately." She raised her arms as soon as Misty left. Yoake turned around and didn't hesitate to turn around and went to the training area.

"Yeah, I was planning to have a rematch against Sabrina today but with my sister's concert, I might do it tomorrow instead." Yoake sighed. He's aware that he's behind Ren at the badge count and getting Sabrina's badge would at least boost his place. He knows that Ren is getting stronger and even if he has Battle Bond, he doubts that he'll successfully defeat her.

"Aren't the specialists required to visit the event later? You can rematch her there." Leaf suggested.

"And have people watching me fight? You know me Leaf." Yoake sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"I know but having people watch you, support you and learn from you is different from just battling in some barren room against the specialists. If you managed to become a virtual Pokemon Champion then you must at least know the difference, right?" Leaf asked the trainer.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that, I don't think I'm ready to fight for a crowd." Yoake made an excuse as a means to not battle Sabrina later.

"Come on. If Erika managed to convince you to become a Pokemon trainer because of some archeological findings, then you should also have the confidence to do what the majority of Pokemon trainers do." Leaf ran. Erika told Leaf about how Yoake becomes a trainer and she was confused about the connection of some legend to how Yoake convinced himself to be a trainer.

Yoake chuckled and gave her one last answer before finally agreeing that he'll fight Sabrina later.

"Fine. I'll wake up Claudine and let myself find some beach attire. I don't want to have sand on my clothes." Yoake took a different turn and headed to their room to wake up Claudine.

Later on, they went to a nearby store and bought Yoake some clothes while Claudine bought a straw hat. She finds it neat and cute and asked both Leaf and Yoake to buy it for her since this is the only time Claudine demanded something, and they allowed it.

They only went to the store to buy Yoake his summer clothes since the majority of his wardrobe is a repetition of the thing he only wears. They bought him a black rash guard and some trunks as his summer outfit. As much as Leaf doesn't support him wearing his dear scarf but knowing how important it is for the trainer, she allowed it.

It didn't take long for them to get back to Erika's house. Upon entering it, they noticed that Misty and Brock were already there. Misty stuck to her old outfit while Brock wore a casual summer shirt with a sun setting scenery as its design. Erika on the other hand wore her usual golden kimono.

"So, is everyone ready?" Misty asked everyone in excitement after seeing the three.

"I'll just change clothes," Yoake said as he headed to the comfort room and changed.

He replaced his usual outfit by wearing his newly bought ones, he removed his shoes then socks and wore his newly bought black slippers. He then wrapped his scarf on his neck and walked out wearing his new summer outfit.

"Well well well, look at mister fresh out here." Misty teased the trainer as he slowly headed towards their room.

"Like the new outfit." Brock gave a thumbs up to the trainer after complimenting his new outfit.

"I agree." Erika complimented as she agreed with the other specialists' opinion about Yoake's new outfit.

"Alright then. Since everyone is ready, let's go!" Misty said in excitement.

They headed to a nearby train station and rode a train that was heading towards Porta Vista. It took a 2-hour ride but they got there in no time. As soon as they walked out of the train, they were greeted by a man with a black cap. Yoake was suspicious of this man as the cap is very familiar.

"Greetings. You three are the three specialists, right?" The man asked them with politeness.

"Yes, and you are?" Brock asked the man.

"I am one of the escorts that was assigned to escort you to the event later." The man said as he showed his ID to the specialists.

"Alright then, please lead the way." Brock said as they began to follow the man. Yoake kept a keen eye on the man because he was skeptical about him having the same cap that he saw when he was kidnapped by Team Rocket two days ago.

Leaf is also skeptical about the man but she decided not to bicker about it since it might just be a coincidence but after hearing Karen's statement yesterday made her think otherwise.

'Tomorrow is the day that they'll reveal Dmax and Gmax to the public. I fear that Team Rocket is coming to that event.' Leaf remembered Karen's words yesterday as the champion fears this day and she couldn't do anything about it.

The event is taking place on a large open stadium near the beaches of Porta Vista. Yoake knows this place since this was the layout of many online Pokemon competitions.

The man escorted them to the backstage of the concert, where they met one of the main cast of the show, Yugure Katsuragi, Yoake's sister. The sibling didn't hesitate to meet them and teased her big brother about his broken arm.

"Oh my, you three are the specialists right? Leaf! Long time no see! and- not you- and Gardevoir! It seems you've grown up." She said as she passed each of one of them, from going to the specialists to Leaf to ignoring her brother to Claudine. But since she doesn't know Claudine's new name, she just called her as Gardevoir.

"Ahh Yugure, How's idol life been going?" Leaf asked Yugure. It's been a long time since Leaf saw Yugure. She remembers her constant courage of becoming an idol and two years later, she finally becomes one.

"Been doing great. I've managed to get a contract for a concert in Sinnoh at the end of the year." She said in excitement. She always wanted to visit Sinnoh and even dreamed of living there.

"That's good to hear, Just remember what I told you two years ago." Leaf reminded the young idol.

"Yup. It's good to strive but never to push yourself too hard." Yugure said as if she always recites these words.

Yoake rolled his eyes after seeing Leaf and Yugure chatting, Claudine noticed her trainer being annoyed by his little sister.

"Right. I have to practice, see you guys later." Yugure said as she walked away with a paper on her hand as the lyrics of her song are in it.

"Shall we?" The escort asked them. They all nodded and followed him once more until they reached a door with a sign labeled 'For Pokemon Specialists and Trainers only'.

As the escort opened the door, everyone was shocked to see the two prominent figures in the room, sitting on the couch while giving a malicious look on them.

"Sabrina? Janine?" Yoake uttered the name of the two specialists.

"What are you two doing here?" Leaf didn't hesitate to ask the two specialists. Yoake was confused on why Leaf was shocked to see Janine sitting alongside Sabrina

"We're important guests, same as all of you too." Sabrina said with a lowered tone. Erika, Brock and Misty were also looking at the two specialists, it's as if there was a terrifying ghost in the room, a monster that one cannot look away. The room was getting intense as both sides were looking at each other with a deathly stare.

"Why not all six of you take a seat and discuss our current situation?" Janine suggested to the other specialists. There were only two sofas in the room, parallel to one another. One side was empty while the other is where Sabrina and Janine are sitting.

They followed what the Poison-type specialists suggested and sat on the sofa that was facing towards them. Upon sitting, they noticed that Sabrina and Janine were wearing a bracelet. It was white with a red line on its left while blue on the right while having a black screen on its center.

As they were looking at Sabrina and Janine's bracelet, the Psychic-type specialist noticed the blue arm-sling that Yoake had on his right arm.

"So you managed to escape but left injured." Sabrina said as she looked at the trainer.

"Heh. We all know the power you possess, I can assure you, if you join us, you'll be a god." Sabrina said as she tried to seduce the trainer from joining them but Leaf immediately jumped into the conversation to stop her.

"He is not joining Team Rocket nor will you ever touch him again." Leaf warned.

"We always get what we want. Either you give us the boy peacefully and we'll spare you or not and we won't hesitate to kill all four of you." The tone quickly shifted as warning went from repercussion to caution.

Yoake gulped in fear as he realizes that he's in a crossroad of two groups that are willing to fight till the death for him.

"We won't hesitate." Erika said as she revealed a Mega Stone from her hand. Sabrina made a small chuckle as if she was mocking both the specialist and Mega Evolution.

"Do you think I'll be afraid of some Mega Evolution? I always defeat you Erika. You and your pathetic weed-type Pokemons are no match against me." Sabrina mocked the Grass-type specialist.

"And even if you think Battle Bond would save you. Yoake is too weak to fight. His broken arm also affects Gardevoir's. Try to and I'll slice both of your hands off at once." Sabrina has full control of the room and everyone has no choice but to hold their grudges against her as the Psychic-type specialist can pull anything off that could cause their death.

The room's intensity drastically rose as nearly everyone, except for Janine, was looking at Sabrina with a furious stare.

Yoake is afraid at that point. He doesn't know what Team Rocket will do to him while also being afraid of them killing the only people he cares the most. His mind was raging as a storm of thought not knowing what to do in the current situation but something was coming that could decrease the tension of the room.

There was a knock on the door, it opened and it revealed itself to be Ren.

"Ren? Why are you here?" Yoake asked his rival.

"Duh, we're important guests. I got my invite from Professor Oakido yesterday." Ren said as she looked around to find somewhere to sit but since the sofa where the six is sitting is full, she decided to sit on the sofa where Sabrina and Janine sit.

"So…. this is an awkward situation…" Ren commented as she heard the heating conversation early on but as soon as she entered the scenery, Sabrina slouched and discounted the conversation they had.

"You can say that.." Misty said as she tried to break the silence in the room.

"I see.." Ren replied.

To be continued

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C49
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


