Chapter 18
Was it luck? It was hard to tell since Snow had worked quite hard to get here. He thought that even if it was unexpected, he still earned this and it did make sense that there would be so much for him to take. After all, the island literally took everyone who entered it, so the ships and other possessions of the victims would still be on the island.
There were pirate ships, merchant ships, marine ships, and other luxurious ships clearly made for the rich. They were stocked out of sight a bit deeper into the island, and most of them were well-maintained. And so was everything that was once inside them. Weapons, money, treasure, and even alcohol filled the island's warehouses.
The years' worth of treasure was now for Snow to take since the occupants of the island didn't sell it and didn't have a way to use it without others discovering what they were doing. As foolish as they were, Snow gladly accepted the farewell gifts. He was so happy that he let most of the islanders go without too much beating for their little schemes.
"This is nice," Snow said as he looked at another expensive and delicious-looking wine bottle. "Caribou, you know what to do."
Snow took everything apart from the ships. He let the islanders have them. The flotilla of ships was more than enough for them to get out of the island. Snow didn't bother to see if there were more hives of giant ants underground. It wasn't his business, and some islands were better left alone.
And even if they didn't want to get out, they still could sell the ships for a good price. None of the ships in the Grand Line were cheap. If it weren't such a bother, Snow would also take the ships to sell them, but he didn't want to waste time on it. He was more than satisfied with the other treasure he got out of this ordeal.
"With all the money we collected, we probably could buy an island," Penguin said with a wide smile as Caribou consumed the treasure. "There is so much we could buy; just thinking about it makes me tingle with excitement."
"Or hire an army. Even the Germa 66 would be enticed by such a sum," Shachi replied.
"It is just a drop in the sea compared to what the World Government has at their disposal," Law said in his good old cold tone. "If we try something like that, they will crush us."
Snow had to agree with Law. He could never stay in one place in the Grand Line for too long. If he did so, he would be crushed by the World Government. His best advantage against them was that the sea was too big for them to track him down. So, he can wreak havoc and escape them at any time. But it did give him to ponder over something. What was he going to do with all the money he had?
"Captain!" Ikkaku yelled out from a distance. "A ship is approaching!"
"Well, let's meet them then," Snow replied as he stretched. "What flag do they bear?"
"In black and white, it looks like an ugly face with elephant ears," The only woman in his crew answered.
"That wings, I think, Ikkaku," Snow wasn't sure though. "Well, they are pirates, and they probably came to pillage this island. We could just leave now and not bother with them."
Snow looked back on the people of this island. Most of them were beaten up roughly but otherwise fine. They got what they deserved; the pirates could kill them all, and Snow still would call it justice since the islanders were murderers themselves. There was no reason why Snow should stay here any longer and engage in useless conflict over the people who tried to feed him to giant ants.
"Wait a minute," Snow said as his eyes glanced over the children. "Wouldn't it look like we are running away from them if we leave now?"
Snow would never acknowledge that he felt pity for them. Even if they were part of the island's scheme, they were still just children. And it would leave a bad taste in his mouth if he let a bunch of no-name pirates do something to them. And since he didn't recognize the Jolly Roger, the newcomers were probably nobody important, and it shouldn't really be too hard to beat some no-name pirates.
"I have to say that some ugly ship," Law said. "It has an even uglier face in front of it."
Snow smirked, as he could tell that Law was still quite angry about what the islanders tried to do to them, and since they were just normal people, they couldn't beat them up too much. But pirates could take a bit more of their frustrations. It was better not to bottle up emotions, so in silent agreement, Snow and Law agreed to let up some steam.
"I didn't expect anything more from lowly barbarians as you lot," Cavendish said, polishing his sword. "I will not participate in such barbarism. But my bleeding heart doesn't want to let some lowly pirates wreak havoc before my eyes."
"Heh, don't forget you are one of the lowly pirates too, princeling," Caribou replied. "Let's go, Coribou. We will show this lowly pirate what real pirates look like, heheheheh."
As Snow's crew gathered at the port and waited for the newcomers to come to them, Snow couldn't feel any happier. It was quite funny, but he really grew to like his crew, and he was enjoying their little banter and presence. Snow now couldn't imagine a life without them. Drawing his umbrella, Snow smiled as he turned to the ship coming for them, and the next moment, a pillar struck him, sending him flying back into the town.
"That hurts."
Snow pushed the pillar, which was about four meters tall and quite thick and heavy—as heavy as his umbrella. Dusting off the dust from his cloak, Snow fixed his shirt and walked out of the destroyed house he was sent flying to. He let his guard down, but not much damage was done, and it only got him quite excited as he was now expecting a good fight.
As he dropped his umbrella back at the port, Snow picked up the pillar and put it on his shoulder before walking towards the port, where he heard fighting. Snow tried to remember who they were, but it had been a long time since he got into this world; there was no way he could remember every pirate crew in the story. It was good enough that he remembered the most important things.
As he came back to the port, Snow saw his crew fighting a bunch of big and ugly guys. They looked quite tough as even Cavendish and Caribou were struggling to defeat them. And there was one guy who stood out. He was standing before Law with his massive and imposing body. But he didn't move, and neither did Law.
"Hey, butthead!" Snow called out the man and threw the pillar he had at him. "Watch where you throw your trash."
"One man's trash is another's treasure," the man said as he grabbed the pillar with one hand and put it on his shoulder.
"Butthead?" Law turned to Snow. "Is that the best you could come up with?"
"Anyway," Snow changed the topic. "Who the hell are you? And why haven't Law dealt with you yet?"
"I didn't want to," Law replied calmly.
"Kukuku," The big man with wings spreading behind his back laughed. "I am Urouge, Gravedigger Snow. And you stand in my way. I came to claim the faithless souls of those sinners behind you."
"From my perspective, it is you who stand in my way," Snow replied, trying to remember from where he heard that name and if it meant anything. "I curious how you know them, but it matters little to me. I have already taken care of them, so if you are not going to leave, I will bury you."
"Kukuku," Urouge laughed as Snow picked up his umbrella and turned to him. "I am not leaving anywhere until they are judged. The countless souls that were lost on this island demanded retribution, and I came to deliver it."
"And it has nothing to do with treasure inside this island?" Snow asked.
"Kukuku," Urouge only laughed.
Snow didn't know why Law didn't want to interfere as with his powers, he could easily dispatch someone like the big guy, but Snow decided not to think too much about it as Urouge stabbed his pillar at him. The strength behind the attack was quite impressive, as even while blocking the attack, Snow was pushed back.
"Heh," Snow couldn't help but smile. "Then let's begin."
Letting the pillar slide through his umbrella, Snow stepped closer to Urouge and punched him in the stomach. Urouge's body felt like it was made of stone. And Urouge's fist felt like a hammer as Snow was hit in the head. Cracking his neck back, Snow's smile grew. His umbrella descended upon Urouge, hitting his side. Urouge's pillar hit Snow's shoulder.
The air around them cracked with each hit, and the ground shook under their feet. But neither Snow nor Urouge took a step back. It was nothing but a brawl, hitting each other with all the strength they had and then receiving a hit back. There was no technique or skill, just barbaric and brutal beatdown. And Snow loved it.
As Snow's umbrella blocked Urouge's pillar, the ground under them was threatening to break. Still, Snow had no intention of backing off. He pushed Urouge's pillar and stabbed his umbrella into the massive four-meter-tall man's chest. For the first time in dozens of blows, pushing Urouge a step back.
"Is that all you got?" Snow asked as he wanted more.
"Kukuku," Urouge's face distorted into an even more disgusting smile. "Not at all."
Snow watched as Urouge's body grew even bigger. His muscles tore off his robes as they expanded, and soon, a seven-meter-tall giant stood before Snow. Snow felt even more excited after seeing that. For the first time, he found someone who fought like him. Using only strength and throwing punches without any useless techniques or other bullshit. It would have been sad if it ended so easily.
There was nothing in Snow's eyes anymore. Nothing existed beyond this fight. He didn't even want to use his devil fruit powers as it would sour the experience he was feeling right now. The only thing before him was now a giant fist that was falling upon him.
Even as Snow tried to block it, it meant nothing. The weight and strength behind that fist hammered Snow into the ground. He had no other choice but to roll and dodge the other fist, descending upon him as it pulverized the ground. Getting on his feet, Snow was met with a foot flying at him. Not wanting to be hit by it, Snow jumped over it.
It was quite not fair that Urouge was more than three times taller than Snow. So, he had to climb up the giant and show that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Kicking off Urouge's arm as he tried to catch him, Snow spun in the air and used all his strength to strike Urouge's head with his umbrella. One hit didn't seem to be enough, so Snow got on Urouge's shoulders and started beating him as fast and as hard as he could.
With one last strike falling down Urouge's head, Snow managed to bring the giant to his knees. Jumping off, Snow breathed out heavily, regaining his energy. His lungs burned painfully as he exerted himself a bit too much. But he was still satisfied with what he had done. It was a fun fight, and he proved his strength to himself.
"Kukuku," Urouge laughed as he struggled to get on his feet as blood fell from his head and the rest of his body. "You won't even show your devil fruit powers. How pathetic of me."
"Don't be too hard on yourself," Snow replied. "It was a fun fight. But next time you want to challenge me, get stronger. Otherwise, I won't even acknowledge you, Urouge."
The rest of Snow's crew were finishing up Urouge's crew, too. In the end, nobody could hurt Caribou, and Cavendish was too fast and skillful with his rapier to let anyone even touch him. The rest of the crew held on their own, too. Law didn't even interfere as he looked upon Snow and the rest. He seemed to have gotten too deep into his head thinking about stuff.
"Keheheheh, soon the Grand Line will be ours," Caribou laughed as Urouge's crew fled back to the sea with their captain. "Not even Mad Monk Urouge stood a chance against us. Keheheheheh."
"No," Snow realized something while fighting Urouge. "We are missing something very important in our crew. Almost the most essential part of any crew. Without them, there isn't even a point going any further."
"Who?" Law asked, seeing how serious Snow was.
"A musician," Snow said. "This fight would have been ten times more fun if music was playing in the background. We can't no longer ignore it. Good thing, I think I know a perfect fit for our crew."
A.n. Sorry for not posting for a long time. I finally got a week of vacation. At this time, I will try to update most of my stories, maybe even twice. I have to see how lazy I am. It was a hard month for me, so I plan to relax for a bit. Sorry if the grammar is getting worse. I am literally trying to push the chapters as fast as I can, so the quality might suffer for that.
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