"Jaun, son of Atticus, age 54. Proclaim, who is your Patron God.", a cold, majestic voice boomed and echoed.
In the lone spotlight stood a man, weary with only a stick to support him as he had completed the pilgrimage through the underworld. The man was an honest farmer who had now reached the end of his lifespan and had been guided by Thanatos, the God of peaceful Death.
" The wealthy one is my Patron God, my Judge, Lord Rhadamanthus.", his voice resembled his exhausted countenance. He glanced up at the giant statue with glowing blue eyes.
"Who was it, that led you to the ferryman?", a softer and poised voice reverberated across the Hall.
" It was Lord Thanatos, my Judge, Lord Minos.", the old man bowed to Rhadamanthus, showing his apology, before turning his back on him to look at the giant statue with glowing yellow eyes.
"... Who else was present-a at your passing besides Thanatos?", like thunder another voice tolled in the Hall. The voice shook the Old Man and almost made him lose his equilibrium.
"I believe... it was Goddess Nemesis, my Judge, Lord Aeacus.", the old man, now trembling, slowly regained his balance and peeked up at the giant statue with red glowing eyes.
" Juan, son of Atticus, you have committed the sin of mur-der...", fury broiled in Aeacus' voice as his red eyes shined brighter, "...How do you plead-a!"
*cough* The old man fell to his knees as the voice of Aeacus made his bones rattle, a pressure so high it drowned out voices and choked his throat. He could still breathe but only barely, "...g...g-Guilty..."
A hammer rose higher, all three Judges held in their hands chains by which they pulled the hammer up *clank* and the hammer fell.
Pin drop silence, "*whiz* hah*", the Old Man swallowed the air greedily, " HARKEN", he screamed out a second time as he looked up only to see the hammer just a few inches off of his head.
Slowly, the hammer rose again and disappeared in the darkness, "We hear your call, sinner... Speak.", Rhadamanthus' cold voice pierced Juan's heart as he lay there trying to get up.
" h...h-he killed my... daughter... after he raped her.", tears slid down his face, his shoulders trembled in anger and pain filled his eyes. This pain and anger gave him strength as he threw away his stick and stood up on his own two feet.
"So? How does that absolve you of your sin?", the detachment in Minos' voice was palpable despite his soft tone.
" So? So??... SO!! That animal deserved it, he came from nobility and I knew there would be no justice for my daughter. So I killed him because he deserved it. With all due respect, Kings of Men, only Lord Eidenai.", Juan straightened his back and gazed with defiance in his heart straight in Minos' glowing yellow eyes.
"So shall you be judged by the God of the Underworld.", suddenly, a whisper resounded the Hall as a chill ran up Juan's spine. Where he was just looking at the Kings of Men, now he looked at Hades sitting on his Throne and looking down on him.
This left him completely baffled as he was sure he was still in the Hall of judgement with the Hammer looming over him and the chain which was held by the Kings of Men was now in Hades' hand.
" Speak child.", resting his head on his hands Hades implored Juan to recite his story.
"I bow to the Judge of the Souls, my lord I am but a humble farmer who worked on the property of the Nobility. My daughter who was just 12 years old used to help me out with my work, her mother had died during childbirth and so alongside helping me on the farm she also worked as a maid in their household. But then that man... that animal raped and killed my girl.", emotions of love, frustration, anger, bitterness and pain poured out of his heart and he cried his heart out in front of Hades.
" His status made sure he would face no consequences of his actions neither my daughter is granted justice... so I killed him.", with trembling lips he said those words and looked up to see Hades still looking down on him.
"You do not get moral points for being born poor, nor do you get moral points for being born rich.
You do not get moral points for your tragedies or your triumphs.
All that matters is the choice, everything else is material.
You do not get to judge who lives or dies nor do you get to decide what they deserve.
Your judgement for the sin you have committed is the same. A sin is a sin no matter the context, and one must face the consequences of EVERY choice one makes.", Hades' judgement lay bare before Juan and he delivered his judgment with indifference, not swayed by emotions.
Jaun grew numb as he collapsed on his knees, he had hoped that his actions would be understood so that he be let into Elysium so that he could reunite with his daughter. According to the texts in the Cult of Divine Oblivion, children were allowed straight to Elysium and then proceeded to be reincarnated.
" Thanatos will lead you to your destination.", like a lifeless doll Juan stood up and followed Hades' instructions. He reached the end of the Hall where Thanatos stood.
Juan tried walking past him only to be blocked by his scythe, "I'm on a five-minute break, in the meantime, you can observe the others.", Juan merely nodded.
" Joseph Alexander, son of Philip Alexander, proclaim, who is your patron God." the lifeless body of Juan suddenly regained some of its strength as he heard Hades call out the name of the filth he killed.
"The King of Olympus is my Patron God, my Judge, Lord Eidenai." with a trembling voice Joseph answered his Judge.
"Who was it, that led you to the ferryman?", Hades asked as he lifted his head.
"... It was the Messenger, Lord Hermes."
"Joseph Alexander, son of Philip Alexander, you have committed the sin of defiling the bodies of 149 children of ages ranging between 8 to 13. You have also committed the sin of the murder of all those children and the unborn child of one of those girls named Amelia...", Hades' eyes glowed yellowish-red as a monumental fear ravaged Joseph's heart, "... How do You Plead!"
"n-Not... Guilty.", laying on the floor, Joseph balled up in fear as he screamed his response.
The fear stopped and finally, Joseph got back up to his feet, " Speak your defence.", Hades tolled, any moment he could drop the Hammer on Joseph.
"They were my servants, they had a duty to serve me in any way possible and observe my commands even if it meant them dying.", Joseph's reply sent Juan into maddening anger as he took a step towards the centre of the hall intending to rip his soul apart but again the scythe blocked his path and he glared at Thanatos, who completely disregarded his outburst.
A crazed grin appeared on Hades' face, he truly looked like a Devil planning on how to torture the soul of his victim.
" You shall endure Tartarus for millennia and then you shall be reborn as a black woman in 1620, after which you shall once again endure Tartarus and then be reborn as a cripple Jew in 1925.", if it wasn't the fact that Joseph existed as a soul he would have died again over enduring Tartarus just a single let alone twice.
"NO PLE-" *BAAM* before Joseph could beg for his soul the Hammer fell.
The impact of the hammer shook the Hall to its foundation and it brought Juan from his stupor. Soon tears slid down his eyes as he grabbed his chest trying to subdue his pounding heart.
"Let's move mortal my break is up."
A/n:- Hello there.
I have begun writing the next chapter which will focus on the Dynamic between Persephone and Hades and then we will officially begin the "First Invasion Arc."
Alright, imma pass out.
You fellow Drinkers
Hope you all are well. This chapter was written to give a bit more depth and perspective of Hades' view on morality and his job as the sole judge of Souls. I hope to write a complex MC which is neither emo edge lord nor a self-righteous saint. Hope you like it.
Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!
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