Interdimensional Supermarket Interdimensional Supermarket original

Interdimensional Supermarket

作者: JJA_Lightzero

© WebNovel

Chapter 1 Winning Ticket

 A young man in his late 20's was staring on a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers on it.

 Amidst the honking of cars and people talking around him, he was thinking really hard on what numbers to choose.

 "7, 18, 22, 35, 36, 42. Oh Lord, I hope I'm lucky today." With a sarcastic smile he braved the crowd and handed the ticket on the middle-aged lady handling the booth.

 Yes he was doing the daily routine of any normal person would do. Gambl- a legitimate Lottery.

 "That should be 20 pesos." Asked the lady to him.

 "Here." He then handed to her the only bill left on his wallet.

 "1000? You only spent 20 pesos and you handed me this? You do know that it is still early in the morning. Do you have anything lower than this?" She asked him with full of annoyance.

 He answered her with a wry smile. In fact he doesn't bet on lottery that much. The only time was when he needed to replace a large bill to some smaller notes.

 After scanning she then handed back the paper and also the lottery ticket to him and before she could tell the man who almost take all her spare change to bring a smaller bill next time, he had already disappeared.

 "Phew! That lady's face is scary, I'm not really that good around people like that. Remind me never to come back on that booth again." He then checked the money if it was right then decided to go back home.

 Before he took a few steps he suddenly realized he forgot something. "Oh wait! Didn't checked the ticket. Eh?"

 "Congratulations on winning the Interdimensional Supermarket!!"

 After a few seconds looking at the ticket on his hands, with a constipated look, he walked back to the lottery booth.

 As he went back he saw no one was lining up, he then went straight hoping for the lady to still remembered me and not getting annoyed.

 "Hello? You might have mistakenly handed to me the wrong ticket?" He knocked on the glass window but later found out that no one was inside.

 "Lunch brake? Damn so my 20 pesos was wasted." Feeling the cold wind blowing on him he dejectedly gave up and regretted his decision on why he decided betting on lottery.

 "Tough luck, bet my numbers wont win anyway. Sigh!" He now just wanted to go home and not think about his loss.

 But as he take a few steps he suddenly had a weird feeling, like being in the barren place with no noise pollution that can be heard in a bustling city.

 "No! It's too quiet all of a sudden!" He then realized that he hasn't seen any cars passing by the road, he haven't also met any people along the way! Not even birds nor stray cats and dogs!

 "What's happening?"


 After about half an hour of speed walking, he finally could see his house. With no vehicles to hail, he could only walk(he got tired of running for a minute or two).

 With disappointment, he could not see his neighbors. Usually at this time, the aunties should be chatting near the road. Not even his uncle who usually just lazed around sitting outside of his home.

 "PA!" With a call, he opened the door of his house and hopefully can see his father lying on the couch and watching YouTube on his phone.

 His father has liver failure and will undergo dialysis twice a week. So he don't do much work at home.

 But to his dismay his father was not in the living room, bedroom and not even the bathroom.


 He then went outside again to check his dogs, went inside the house of his neighbors. Called his mom and younger brother, even his friends, the police and tried to dial any number he could think. Even tried to see any live videos to check if someone is there.

 But even so, not even one was successful. No signal not even internet.

 For almost all afternoon , he roamed almost every house on his neighborhood.

 It was already dark when he went back home. He was now sitting on the couch alone with all the lights and electric fan. It was so quiet that he decided to turn on the speakers and played some music.

 He was now scared for the unknown.

 Aliens? Ghost? Spirited Away? Some f*cking trueman show? Matrix?

 "WAIT! The ticket!" Everything was just a shock that he forgot the ticket that he just received earlier.

 He reached from his pocket and unfolded the ticket. To his surprise their were no crease nor stain from his sweaty pants. It was like brand new.

 "Congratulations on winning the Interdimensional Supermarket!!

 You will now be the owner of this out of the world store!!

 Caution! You might gonna experience something supernatural, like everyone is missing!!

 Don't worry since by accepting the prize, you won't need your current boring life to begin with.!!

 You would be traveling to different dimensions and providing high quality products to every customers whether they're humans or not!!"

 "What the!?" With a dumbfounded expression. He almost think that this was a joke omitting the things he had experienced all afternoon!

 "To claim the price and to inherit the Supermarket you just need to sign your full name on the blank line at the bottom and drop a blood on the square box at the bottom left."


 With a complicated mood and no other choice left, he wrote his name. He then took a kitchen knife and punctured his thumb and blood dripped on the square box.

 "That's it?" After waiting for a minute but nothing happened. "Wait, there are more at the back."

 "If done tear the ticket into two.

 "Failure in doing all the instruction before 20:00 is considered as not accepting the prize.

 Once you touched the ticket you had already been transported to a temporary space. Even if you wont receive the price, you cannot go back to your own world."

 "Wait so I'll be stuck in here forever if I won't accept it? That's too much." With helplessness and no other way out he could only proceed.

 Just as he was about to tear the ticket into two. He accidently saw the time on his phone.

 "19:59. F*CK!!" He then hurriedly tore the ticket into tiny bits to make sure!

 "Did it fai-" Just as he was about to complain, his sight turned black and he passed out.

JJA_Lightzero JJA_Lightzero

another novel! Don't know if anyone would read it!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


