/ Anime & Comics / Integrated Comics: The Rise Of Mutants

Integrated Comics: The Rise Of Mutants オリジナル

Integrated Comics: The Rise Of Mutants

Anime & Comics 8 章 67.9K ビュー
作者: DreamStolen


詳細 目次 Reviews


In the world of comics, Mutants who have superpowers are extremely miserable.

Lynn who travels in this world became a student of Xavier Institute with the ability to create Spells(Magic).

Apparition, Avada Kedavra...

Glacier Spikes, Fire Storms...

Fire God Slayer Magic, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic...

True mirror image, Dimensional leap, Time freeze...

After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying Spells(Magic), and he knows very well that it is meaningless for Professor X to let the students act as thugs to save the world to make humans and mutants coexist peacefully.

The only way to change the living environment of mutants is to increase their right to speak!

Where does their right to speak come from?

Strength is the foundation!

Money on the left and power on the right!

So, he approached Professor X and proposed a package plan to establish a mutant consortium and gain power through money: The first step is to create Oasis, a virtual reality world!

Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1247401.html

  1. TarviEST
    TarviEST 貢献した 2
  2. Komodo
    Komodo 貢献した 2
  3. rami2023
    rami2023 貢献した 1


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景


LV 15 Badge

cmon lets gets more chapters done my friend :)

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作者 DreamStolen