In a world of wizard nations, clans, and spirit animal powers, and suffering from two wizardry wars. A young boy named Yoann Bokio becomes a soldier to protect the weak as a promise to his blind older brother named Toii Bokio after watching him burn to death in an orphanage. Unfortunately, he was born with below-average spell slots, born into no clan, and didn't activate his spirit animal at a later age, and once he did his spirit animal "Human - Indomitable Will" has no combative or supportive ability but he doesn't give up on being a soldier of peace and being trained by his adoptive mother, Riyama Tetsushōri. (Inspired by Naruto, The Raid: Redemption, D&D, etc.)
作者 Yung_Sage
I like it, the prologue is really good as it contains mystery, drawing people into the story with questions I'm sure are to be answered. It is really impressive and should be a lot more popular