52.77% Incest Stories(MILF) / Chapter 95: Daddy's Perfect Fucktoy Pt 02

章 95: Daddy's Perfect Fucktoy Pt 02

Jake sat in the living room sipping a scotch as he waited for his daughter to get home. Emily had left a few hours ago to meet Randy, a boy from college who was her partner for a chemistry project. He'd fucked Emily hard before she left, sending her off to meet her friend with his cum in her snatch and the promise to give her an orgasm when she returned.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway alerted him that Emily was back. His cock instantly stiffened just thinking about what he was going to do to her. The sound of the kitchen door opening and closing could be heard, then the voice of his daughter calling out for him.

"In the living room, baby girl," he yelled back.

Emily hurried to the front room. God, she was horny. Daddy had fucked her before she went to meet Randy but hadn't let her cum and she needed to so badly now. It had been all she could think about while chatting with her friend. Once, she'd even put her hand beneath the table, quietly slipping her finger under her skirt to rub at her panty-covered clit, desperate to end the incessant throbbing in her tiny hole.

She'd been at it for a few minutes when she realized an older man sitting across the coffee shop was watching her. From his vantage point, he could see what she was doing and his eyes had glittered with lustful intensity as he stared. She wasn't sure how old he was, probably in his late fifties or early sixties, but he looked in good shape. He'd smiled, letting her know he approved of what she was doing. She was embarrassed to be seen but it was exciting too, knowing this older man was watching as she wantonly played with herself. She'd stopped only when Randy had looked up from his textbook and asked her to take some notes. The man was still there when they'd left and he had smiled and shifted in his seat so she could see the massive boner hidden in his slacks. It made her feel good to know she'd been the one to give it to him.

"How'd your meeting go, baby?"

"Good, Daddy," staring at him expectantly. She hoped he hadn't forgotten his promise to make her cum.

Jake suppressed a grin. Jesus, look at this horny slut. She was jiggling on her feet, the need obvious on her face. He knew what she wanted but he was going to make her ask for it. "Good, work is important, baby," taking another sip of scotch.

Emily sat on the arm of his chair. "Don't you...want to do something now?"

"Like what, baby?"

"Well...you know, have fun."

"Sure, I'm up for fun. What type? We haven't played Monopoly in awhile."

Monopoly? She couldn't wait two or three hours for Daddy to fuck her! Squirming, she let her fingers play in his hair, "Nooo, not Monopoly...can't we...you know...fuck?"

Jake let his hand caress the side of her face before sliding down to wrap around her throat, squeezing it gently. "Is that what you need, baby slut? A good, hard Daddy fuck?"

Emily nodded, her pussy drooling at his words. "Yes Daddy, that's exactly what I need! Please fuck me!" Her voice trembled with excitement.

Jake grinned. "I thought you'd never ask." Standing, he wrapped his arm around her waist, half-dragging her to the sofa in his impatience to get his dick inside her. He placed her at the end, bending her over the arm of the couch. "Did you think about Daddy while you were with Randy? Did you think about my thick cock pounding you hard, baby girl?" He ripped her panties off, tossing them aside before kicking her legs apart. Pushing her skirt up, he admired her trim little ass, sliding his hand over her flesh as he caressed it.

Emily shivered, excited by the way Daddy talked to her. She loved being Daddy's slut...his fucktoy. "Yes, Daddy, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I had to touch myself a little under the table. Randy didn't know what I was doing but some older guy across the room watched me play with myself."

Shit, that was hot, thought Jake, an image in his mind of his baby girl's fingers diddling her clit while some horny old guy watched. It made his cock harden even more. "I'm going to Vegas in a few weeks and I want you to come with me. No one will know you're my daughter there so we can be affectionate in public. Think of the fun we can have; when we go out to dinner, you won't be wearing any panties. Maybe we see how many men you can make hard playing with yourself the same way, hmm? Let them get a flash of your pretty bald pussy."

Emily sighed happily just thinking about it. It was exciting to know her young, lithe body could make men want to fuck her into oblivion. "Yes, Daddy, I'd love that."

Jake removed her top and bra, leaving her only in her little skirt. He reached his hand around her body and gave a few strokes to her clit, already slippery with her juices. Stripping his clothes off, he pulled a small bottle of lube from his pant's pocket.

"Daddy, please fuck me!" said Emily, looking over her shoulder at him as she gave a little wiggle of her ass.

"Soon, lil slut." His fingers slipped into her damp hole, pumping hard. He felt the way her cunt clenched on them and the way she pushed back, trying to get them deeper, riding his fingers like it was her daddy's cock. "Mmm, what a perfect slut I have...such a good girl to ride Daddy's fingers," he said, as he continued to pump them deep.

Emily couldn't help herself because she needed to cum badly—had needed it ever since Daddy fucked her before leaving the house in a quickie that left him satisfied and her yearning for more. As Daddy removed his fingers from her cunt, she waited expectantly for the hard thrust of his cock into her needy slit.

Instead, his fingers began playing with her asshole, rubbing the tiny rosette before pressing his finger inward.

Emily gave a shrill squeak at the invasion. "No, Daddy...not there!"

His finger stopped its movement. "What did you say?"

"I said not there, Daddy."

Jake removed his finger and slapped her ass hard, leaving a reddened imprint of his hand on her pale skin.

Emily yelped as her father spanked her, her hands immediately reaching back to cover her rear. "Daddy, please don't!" Yet, even as she covered her ass, there was an odd yearning for him to do it again.

"Don't? Are you telling your father what he can or cannot do?"

Emily gave a little shake of her head, looking guilty. "No, sir...but I don't want you to put your finger there. Please?"

"That's not your decision anymore, Emily, and do you know why?"

Emily shook her head uncertainly.

Jake leaned over his daughter's back, his lips near her ear. "Because I own you...every damn part of you...your tits, ass, cunt, mouth—they're all mine now—mine to caress or spank or bite or pinch or fuck. Don't forget that." He laid one hand on her back, holding her in place while his other hand began to spank the globes of her ass, watching the pale skin bloom with rosy color.

Emily practically danced as he spanked her, her feet jiggling as she squirmed to evade the blows but weirdly the pain made her pussy throb with increased need. God, she needed to cum so badly now!

"Are you sorry for telling Daddy what to do?"

"Yes, Daddy, I'm so sorry!"

"Good girl. Now what am I?" his hand continuing to rain blows as he awaited her response.

"You're my Daddy!" she squealed, wishing he would stop because her ass felt like it was on fire—like a really horrible sunburn—and it was getting worse with each hard smack.

"And what are you?"

"I'm your slut...your fucktoy, Daddy!"

"And what does Daddy own, baby slut?"

"Me...everything I have, Daddy!" Tears were trickling from her eyes now, more because she had disappointed him than from pain. In fact, the warmth of her ass was causing a corresponding heat to blossom in her cunt, making her even wetter.

Jake stopped his hand, caressing skin that was now scarlet. "Yes, baby...that's exactly what you are...Daddy's personal cum bucket. Now, Daddy has a new lesson for you, one that is going to be a little hard," smirking to himself at the play on words, "but know I only have your best interests at heart. Ready?"

Emily nodded, "Yes, Daddy," not sure what he meant but having a sinking feeling he was going to fuck her ass and she wasn't sure if she wanted that. "It's not going to hurt, is it?" she asked, sounding fearful.

"It hurt when I fucked your cunt the first time but now you want it all the time, right?"

"I guess so," but she didn't sound convinced.

Jake drizzled some lube on his cock, and began to massage it over his hard length until it was well-oiled. Truthfully, he was a pussy man, always had been, but like any man he enjoyed variety and tonight, he wanted to tear his little girl's ass up. He didn't have the best cock for ass-fucking—it wasn't the length that was the problem, but the thickness—and while this might be a difficult lesson for his daughter, she would have to learn it. It was her role as his fucktoy to allow him to play with her however he chose.

Fortunately, the head was narrow but below the rim his cock swelled to tremendous girth. It was going to hurt at first but he knew, slut that she was, she would soon learn to crave it.

Pouring lube on her asshole, he used his fingers to work it all around before massaging it in. Jesus, she was tight!

"How's that feel, princess?"

Emily wasn't sure. She gave a small grunt as Daddy's finger began to stroke in and out. "It feels kinda weird."

"That's only because you're not used to it. Some women love to be ass-fucked; they cum really hard that way. And when I'm fucking you bent over like this, my balls will be slamming your clit with each stroke. You're going to cum fireworks, baby girl."

While Emily wasn't sure about getting ass-fucked, she had no qualms at all about cumming. She'd been horny for hours and was desperate to feel the delicious contractions deep in her belly that her Daddy could give her.

"That sounds good!"

Jake chuckled, adding a second finger as he continued to stretch her sphincter. He drizzled more lube, making sure there was plenty inside because she was going to need it.

It was odd knowing he was about to fuck his tiny daughter's ass. He loved Emily deeply; she was his precious baby girl, the one he would protect with his own life if it ever came to that yet, at the same time, the one he needed to use for his own sexual desires. It was as though once he'd gained complete access to her body, the loving, fatherly side had been pushed aside and, in its place, a sexual demon had taken possession. He seemed to have no ability to control this dark part of him—not that he wanted to. In truth, his only goal was to unleash it and plunge it into the depths of his little girl's body as hard and as often as he could.

When he felt Emily been loosened up enough, he placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her ass. "Get ready, princess." One hand held onto her shoulder to keep her in position while the other held onto his cock as he pushed the head steadily in. Emily's asshole seemed to have about as much interest in getting fucked as Emily was in having it fucked because it strongly resisted his entry.

"Relax, baby," he said, placing his other hand on her shoulder as well. Pushing forward with his cock, he used his hands to pull her body back toward him at the same time. As the head slid in, he gave a satisfied groan. Shit, it felt fantastic!

Emily didn't seem to agree because she was squealing like a stuck pig as he pushed deeper.

"Daddy, stop...it hurts!"

Jake had no intention of stopping before he'd buried his cock to the root in his daughter's ass and had anointed her bowels with his cum. She had no idea the head was the easiest part—it was the rest of his cock that was going to be really difficult.

"Be strong for Daddy, princess. You want to be a perfect slut, right?" Slowly and steadily he worked his cock deeper into his daughter's ass, giving tiny thrusts and watching her asshole stretch wider to accommodate his meaty shaft. He poured a little more lube on before grabbing hold of her shoulders again with both hands, holding her tightly so she couldn't escape. "Good girl," he grunted, wanting her to feel like she was doing the right thing. "You're making Daddy feel fantastic, baby."

Better than fantastic. It was like fucking a tight, hot, rubbery napkin ring with a vise-like grip on his cock. He pushed deeper into the sleeve...then pulled back, working his hips as he sunk into Emily's ass, inch by slow inch.

Emily's eyes went round as she felt her daddy shoving ever deeper into her rear. She gave a small whimper, hands clenched and toes curled, as he continued to work his dick inside.

Jake was nearly all the way in...one more inch and he'd be completely buried in his baby slut's rear. "Almost there," he grunted.

One last hard shove and he was fully in. He ignored Emily's yelp of surprise as he basked in his accomplishment. Damn, it felt good!

It looked good too. His thick dick was fully buried in his daughter's beautiful heart-shaped ass, still reddened by the spanking she'd gotten earlier. Fucking beautiful. He gave her ass a few hard slaps, before pausing to knead and caress the rosy skin.

Emily still wasn't quite used to the feeling of having something so thick in her butt but it didn't hurt like it had at first. Maybe Daddy was right and it was the same as getting fucked in her cunt: uncomfortable at the beginning but the discomfort soon dissipating to leave nothing but pleasure in its wake. She felt him flex his cock gently, getting her ready. That actually felt sort of good, making her moan softly in response.

Sliding his hands from her shoulders to her tiny waist, Jake held his daughter tightly. "Daddy's going to fuck you now, princess. Ready?"

Emily gave a little nod. "I think so, Daddy."

Jake started with slow thrusts, letting his daughter get used to the feel of him and allowing the lube to work its magic in the tight passage. He could tell the pain had lessened for his daughter when her body began to relax. She gave a soft sigh of relief and it was as though that small exhalation gave Jake the green light because he pulled back and then slammed deep, giving a grunt of satisfaction. He loved the sensation...loved the tight ring that massaged his thick dick combined with the feeling of pumping into an infinite void. "Oh god, princess...you are making Daddy feel fucking great. You're such a good girl to take Daddy in the ass!"

Emily gasped as her father began to fuck her harder yet felt proud to earn his praise. It didn't hurt like it had at the beginning but was still a little uncomfortable, especially when he jabbed hard. Yet, with each hard thrust, his balls slapped against her clit and that part felt incredible.

"Rub your clit, baby, it will help."

Emily did as she was told, giving a soft sigh of relief when the discomfort disappeared. She kept rubbing, suddenly wondering what it would feel like to have a cock in her pussy at the same time Daddy was fucking her ass. The thought was so hot she moaned loudly with pleasure.

Jake grinned. It looked like his baby slut was getting off on getting ass-fucked, which was good because he knew with certainty this wouldn't be the last time.

"Mmm...too bad that old man watching you earlier isn't here to fuck your cunt, hmm? Or suck your tiny clit while Daddy pounds your ass."

"Yes, Daddy," whimpered Emily, aroused at the thought of two older men using her body at the same time. Daddy's cock stroking deep in her ass didn't hurt anymore. In fact, she could feel tension starting to build in her small body and knew if he kept this up, she was going to cum. It was different than being fucked in the pussy—which she liked better—but there was something about getting ass-fucked that was arousing too. It made her realize she really was Daddy's fucktoy...his personal whore who would do whatever he wanted.

Jake stroked faster, really ramming it to her now because he was getting close to cumming. Sliding his hand beneath Emily, he forced his thumb into her clasping cunt.

"Oh Daddy!" sighed Emily, loving the way it felt to have Daddy's thumb in her slit while his big cock pounded her asshole. It felt great now—better than great! She gave a tentative push back, helping him get deeper.

Shit, his little slut was starting to fuck him back. "Daddy told you it'd feel good, didn't he? That's it...work your ass on Daddy's thick meat."

Emily did, grinding back each time Daddy surged forward. His balls continued to pound against her clit as his thumb dug deep into her pussy. She wasn't sure if it was his cock in her ass, his thumb in her cunt, his balls pounding her clit or her own fingers rubbing her pleasure nub that did it...or all of them together...but suddenly Emily knew she was going to cum and when she did, it was going to be like nothing she had experienced before.

"I'm going to cum, Daddy..." she gasped as her daddy skewered her ass with such a savage thrust it actually lifted her feet up off the floor.

"Do it, slut...come all over my dick...show Daddy how much you need his cock in your ass."

Emily whined deep in her throat, feeling the rush of pleasure build to a crescendo in her body—and then it happened. "Daddy, I'm cumming!!" she squealed as the contractions exploded deep in her belly. Omigod, it felt good. Grinding her ass back against her father, she frantically rubbed her clit. "I love being your fucktoy, Daddy!"

As soon as Jake heard that high-pitched sound, he leaned over, his hips still pounding his babyslut's ass and bit her hard on the shoulder, marking her with the imprint of his teeth. "And I love you, my pretty little whore."

Emily squealed again when her daddy sunk his teeth in her tender flesh...the mix of pleasure and pain extending her sharp orgasm. "I love you, Daddy!" she moaned, her small body shivering in reaction.

"I know," he said confidently, knowing there was nothing he wouldn't be able to get his daughter to do now. He used both hands to hold tightly to Emily's waist, not caring about anything at this moment but the need to dump his seed deep in her body. He could feel her contractions, her shithole actually sucking on his cock as she came. He thrust hard and rough, the way he'd always wanted to fuck an ass in the past but never had the opportunity to do before. How ironic it was his own young daughter who was giving him the experience.

His hips whipped faster as he felt himself getting closer...knew that when he came it was going to be mind-blowing. "HOLY SHIT...I'M CUMMING!" he groaned, feeling cum exploding from the tip of his cock to bathe his daughter's intestines with his slimy seed.

Groaning with pleasure, he thrust into his daughter's ass a few more times before giving a last hard shove, holding himself deep as he finished unloading in her. Each spasm made him grunt loudly but as the contractions began to ease, he pulled back, thrust in again...fucking out the last few drops before slumping exhausted on top of his daughter's body, pinning her to the sofa.

Emily couldn't believe she'd just been ass-fucked. It was awful and dirty but exciting and arousing at the same time. And boy, had she cum hard! Once she got used to it, it hadn't hurt much—had actually felt really good and she certainly had no complaints about how hard Daddy could make her cum this way.

Jake wrapped his arms around his daughter, holding her tightly against his body as his tongue slid along the marks left by his teeth. "Mmm, best fucktoy in the whole wide world. You made Daddy cum hard, lil girl." Now that his lust had abated, he was left only with the great love he felt for his daughter and, truthfully, it was the mix of these two emotions, love and lust, that made the sexual experience with Emily so damn perfect.

Emily giggled, "I'm glad, Daddy...you made me cum really hard too. I didn't like it at first but once you got going, it felt fantastic!"

Jake reached for her chin, turning her head so he could kiss her, jamming his tongue down her throat. "Daddy is always right, baby slut, just remember that. Even when it seems weird or you're scared, just know that Daddy will always make you feel good. This isn't about sexual pleasure only for me...it's about pleasure for both of us. I know so much about sex and you know so little yet but I'll never make you do more than you're capable of handling." That wasn't entirely true, he was going to make her do every single perverted thing he'd ever wanted to try but, hopefully, she'd soon be so under his fatherly thumb, she would go along with anything he suggested.

"I know, Daddy," said Emily, her voice soft. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, princess," capturing her mouth again as he kissed her hard.

He couldn't wait for Vegas.


Jake gave sigh of satisfaction. He'd been in Vegas for three days now, meeting with current and prospective clients but with only one sales meeting left, he'd soon be able to enjoy a few days of R & R. He reached for his cup of coffee and took a swig before setting it down on the side table next to the leather chair in which he sat, completely naked.

"Mmm, feels good, baby," he said, crooning the words to his 18-year old daughter who was kneeling between his legs, her mouth suctioned on his cock like a baby bird enjoying a fat, tasty worm. "Keep that up and Daddy's going to give you a treat." Tenderly, he brushed a bit of hair from her eyes as she diligently sucked him.

Emily's hand gently cradled her father's balls as she continued to work oral magic on his dick. She loved sucking off Daddy, loved the sounds of pleasure he made and the way he thrust into her mouth when he was close to cumming—the way he was starting to thrust now.

With his hands on each side of his daughter's head, Jake held her tightly to him while roughly jerking her on and off his cock. Each choking, gagging sound brought him closer to release. "Suck, baby girl, suck as hard as you can." God, he loved the way she was hoovering his fat cock while her tiny pink tongue wetly laved his meat. "Gonna cum soon, princess, get ready to drink it all." He groaned as he felt Emily suck harder, as though trying to suction the cum into her hungry little maw.

He spread his legs wider, humping up into his precious daughter's face, his hands laced behind her head so she was forced to take every inch into her throat.

As her father's movements became more frantic, Emily slithered her pink tongue over the veiny surface of his cock, managing to dart it out far enough to swab at the root.

It was the feel of her little tongue sliding beneath his balls that did it for Jake, knowing he was fully buried in his daughter's slutty mouth. Giving a last vicious jab, he froze, body tense, as his balls unleashed their slimy gift.

"Aaanngghhhh!" he bellowed, hosing the inside of his daughter's gullet with hot, thick seed. "Eat it," he gasped, "every fucking drop!" His hands pulled her tightly to his crotch, keeping his cock deep in her throat so that her lips were mashed against his body. "Fuck yes!" he grunted, his hips pumping out the last few drops. Shuddering with satisfaction, his tension now released, he fell back against the chair as his dick slithered wetly from Emily's throat. He panted hard, his heart pounding but at least his dick was finally quiescent. Reaching down, he gently stroked his finger along the side of Emily's face. "Thank you, lil girl, you're always so good to your daddy."

Emily smiled happily. Her daddy's praise was like a drug to her, one she couldn't get enough of—and the same was true of his cock. She leaned close and placed a soft kiss on the head before letting her tongue busily clean him, making sure to lick up every trace of his cum. Daddy did so much for her—and made her feel so good—that some days it felt like there was nothing she wouldn't do for him.

Even though he'd been busy the past few days in Vegas, he'd made sure they had a really awesome suite she could enjoy when work took him out of the hotel and he always made sure she had plenty of cash to spend in the casinos as well as a credit card to shop with. While she was sometimes a little lonely during the days, nighttime was a different matter. In the evenings, Daddy took her to see some of the entertainment around town and, once back in their hotel room, he fucked her hard and often. Some mornings, it was a wonder she could even walk but she didn't care because she loved being Daddy's plaything more than anything.

Now that she'd been introduced to the pleasure a man's cock and fingers could give her, it was like she was addicted and couldn't get enough of cumming. Knowing that, Daddy took advantage of the situation, sticking his dick in her as often as he liked—which was a lot.

She sighed happily as she rested against his leg, her cheek cushioned on his thigh. She wondered what her friends would think if they could see her now, sitting at her father's feet, his cum nestled in her belly. They'd probably think she was a total pervert—him too—but she didn't care. If being a total pervert meant cumming like gangbusters several times a day, she'd accept the moniker with pride.

"You're gonna wear your old man out, baby."

Emily giggled. "That's not true. You want it as many times a day as I do, usually more!"

He grinned. "You got me there," he said, ruffling her hair. Jake had lost count of the number of times he'd fucked his daughter since their relationship had taken a sexual turn. Most days they fucked four or five times. It's like once having wetted his dick in his daughter's cunt, he couldn't get enough of it. It was tight and hot and wet and when she came, it was like an explosion of firecrackers in her tiny hole, each clench and spasm squeezing his dick hard. Feeling her cumming on his cock almost always triggered him.

Hell, he hadn't had as much sex with his wife in the last few years combined as he'd had with Emily the past couple of weeks and he was almost like a teenager again in his recovery power. It didn't take long after cumming before he was ready to go again and he credited the taboo nature of their relationship for having that effect on him. It was damn exciting to know he was blasting the very seed that created his daughter into her sucking baby cunt night after night.

Emily knew her father had to leave soon for a client meeting but she still hadn't cum and she wanted to. She played with his cock, giggling as it started to harden again.

"You need to cum, baby girl?"

Emily shivered. "Yes Daddy, I do."

"It'll have to be a quickie; Daddy doesn't have much time left." Jake's cock was already throbbing and stiff as he leaned down to haul her up onto his lap. "Spread those pretty pink petals for Daddy, sweetheart," watching as Emily did just that, making it easy for him to plant his cock at her moist entrance. With her facing him, he pulled her down, groaning with pleasure at the feel of her hot, wet walls clutching his shaft.

"Oh Daddy!" cried Emily, shivering softly as her father forced himself into the depths of her body.

Jake captured his daughter's lips, kissing her deeply. No matter how many times he had his daughter, it would never be enough. He loved everything about her: her long blonde hair, her pretty blue eyes, her slender, petite build that made her easy to manipulate, her rounded breasts each topped with pink nipples that hardened so prettily, inviting his mouth to suck and bite and lick them. Her trim bubble ass that looked gorgeous when reddened by a spanking but mostly her tight honey hole that felt as though it was custom made for his fat dick. Jesus, even after he'd fucked it as hard and often as he had, it still felt impossibly tight.

With his right arm wrapped around Emily's small waist and his left under one of her legs, Jake started to lift his tiny daughter on and off his cock. He loved the small yelps and moans she made as he began to pound her hard and fast on him, slamming her down with such force it's a wonder he didn't punch right through her cervix. "Like that, baby? Like how it feels to have Daddy's pole jabbing deep and hard in you?"

Emily's eyes were closed, her head tossed back, her tits jiggling wildly with each thrust. "Yes, Daddy, it feels delicious! I'm going to cum soon."

"Do it, baby slut, cum all over Daddy!"

Jake continued to pound Emily on him, the sound of their slapping flesh loud in the hotel suite. Jake wasn't really fucking his daughter at this moment, he was masturbating with her, using her like a living, breathing Fleshlight in order to cum quickly. Only this Fleshlight gasped and moaned each time he slammed it on and off his needy cock.

"Gonna cum any minute, baby slut," he gasped, "rub your clitty."

Emily mewled helplessly as her fingers found the hard nub and played desperately with it. "I love your cock, Daddy!"

Jake feathered small nips along Emily's neck and shoulder, wishing he had more time to spend with her before his meeting. "Daddy's gonna mark you so you don't forget who owns you, sweetie," saying the words as his balls begin to tingle. He nuzzled the tender skin of his daughter's breast and then bit hard. The small scream that spilled from Emily's throat as he marked her, along with the way her pussy involuntarily clenched tightly on his cock in reaction was enough to send Jake over the edge. He slammed Emily down hard while he ground deeply in her, the same way his teeth now ground into her pale flesh, leaving marks. He might be giving Emily a little pain but her body was learning to love it because the instant he bit her, he felt her cunt ripple tightly around his cock.

"Aaahhhhhh, Daddy!" she squealed, her hips jerking out of control.

Jake held his daughter tightly to his body as she slumped against him, limp from her hard orgasm. He pressed his lips to hers. "Daddy loves you, baby. Don't ever doubt it."

Emily looked up, cheeks pink, lips trembling in reaction. "I love you too, Daddy! I never knew sex could be this good."

He smiled, kissing her. "No one will ever love you more than your Daddy, baby girl, and don't you forget that." With a sigh of regret, Jake lifted Emily off his cock and stood her on her feet, seeing his seed dripping from her. He cupped his hands between her legs and once his leavings had oozed into it, rubbed the cream onto her breasts, marking her with his scent. He stared at her small body, now shiny with his cum, wishing he could stay longer to enjoy his little baby slut. "I need to shower and get to my meeting and no, you aren't showering with me," he said, seeing the bright look in her eyes. "If I get you in there with me, I'll be fucking you all over again and this meeting is too important to miss."

"Yes, Daddy," said Emily plaintively because she wanted more time with him and his thick cock. "I'll miss you while you're gone."

"I'd rather stay here and fuck the hell out of you, princess, but once this meeting is over, we'll have plenty of time to play the next few days. Sound good?"

Emily nodded happily. "Sounds great, Daddy!"

"Good girl, have fun while I'm gone. I'll catch up with you later."

After Daddy left, Emily showered and slipped into a pink halter top, short white skirt and white leather wedges before deciding to visit the casino to pass the time. At eighteen, she was too young to legally drink or gamble but a fake ID made both possible.

Vegas was like no place Emily had ever been and she loved the whole brassy over-the-top carnival feel of it. She would have been almost as happy just standing around people watching but luckily Daddy had more planned for her than just seeing shows and playing slots. Well, there was one slot Daddy had already played a lot since they'd arrived...her own, giggling as she recalled how often he'd fucked her in the few days they'd been here.

She'd decided to try her hand at blackjack, spending almost an hour at the table before being forced to call it quits when she spent her last chip.

"Not having much luck today, huh? Here, maybe this will help."

Emily looked up, surprised when an older man who'd been watching handed her a stack of chips. She wasn't sure if she should accept or not.

He seemed to understand her hesitancy. "Go on, no strings attached. I'll just lose them anyway if my luck holds the way it has been; maybe you'll do better," he said, smiling in a kindly way.

"Thanks, mister, that's really nice of you!" She took the small stack from his hand, noting how thick and stubby his fingers were. She wondered if his cock was the same. "If I win anything, I'll split it with you."

He grinned. "Deal, pretty girl."

Emily blushed at his compliment because she wasn't used to getting attention from older men—and this one was quite a bit older, in his late fifties, she guessed. He had dark eyes and steel grey hair and was a big man, as tall as her father but with a heavy physique that proclaimed his love of food...yet he was beefy and solid rather than fat. His eyes were kindly as they rested on her but there was something in their depths that said his interest wasn't entirely innocent.

Unfortunately, Emily had no more luck playing with his money than she had her own. "Sorry," she apologized, "I was hoping to end up with enough to buy us each a drink."

George Banfield tilted his head at her words. "You're thirsty, huh?" as an image of her sucking cum from his cock suddenly blasted in his head, making his cock stiffen in his slacks. "Well, that's easily rectified. C'mon, my treat," he said, setting off in the direction of a restaurant.

"But that's not fair," she protested, trotting after him, "I lost your money so you shouldn't have to buy me a drink."

"Don't worry," he chuckled, "I'm getting something out of it. When guys see a youngster like you on my arm they'll think I'm the luckiest stud in town. You'll give a real boost to my reputation."

Emily giggled as he reached for her hand, allowing him to twine his fingers with her own. She knew Daddy wouldn't be happy she went off with a strange man but it was exciting. Besides, what could happen in a public restaurant?

George ushered her into one of the eateries on the premises and asked the hostess for his usual booth, one tucked into a corner that guaranteed almost complete privacy. He was surprised this little honey had come with him so readily and hoped she'd be as easy to convince to do other things as well.

He'd noticed her the instant she'd walked across the casino floor because of the bright pink stretchy halter-top she wore kept on by only a string tie at the neck and the back. His fingers itched to untie them. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra from the way her breasts bounced as she walked and the way her nipples poked at the thin material in an obvious invitation to be noticed. She was a tiny thing too and he loved petite girls. Even with the four-inch high heels she was wearing, she was still several inches shy of his shoulders. This little girl was a genuine spinner and he was hoping to have a chance to spin her on his cock today.

Once in their half-round booth, he ordered appetizers and drinks: whiskey for him and some crappy girl drink for her that came with a paper umbrella but she looked cute drinking it and the way she sucked on the straw in it made him hopeful of getting his cock treated the same way.

"Give us some privacy for awhile, will ya?" George told the waitress. The woman looked bored, as though seeing an older man with a girl young enough to be his grand-daughter was something she saw hundreds of times a day. With a shrug, she walked off.

With the waitress gone, George let his eyes rest on Emily's firm tits, the thin fabric top clearly showing the shadowy outline of her nipples beneath. "Guess you don't like wearing bras, huh?"

Emily giggled. "Sometimes I do, if they're pretty and lacy or...sheer." She knew she was teasing the older man but it was fun.

"Mmm, what a lil hottie you are." He gave her a speculative gaze. "You looking for a sugar daddy to play with, sweetie? I can treat you really well. I like taking care of pretty girls like you." While it was possible she was a prostitute—there were tons of them on the prowl in Vegas—he didn't think so; there was an untouched quality about her that said she was fairly new to sex.

Emily stared into his dark eyes and saw the lust there. Her pussy instantly gushed at the thought of fucking this older man and knew, if not for being in a relationship with her own father, she'd have fucked this man in a heartbeat. She shook her head reluctantly. "I already have a daddy."

George felt a rush of disappointment but wasn't ready to give up. There was something about this girl that really excited him. He scooted closer, placing his arm along the seat back behind her. "Does your daddy ever let you play with others?" His fingers gently strummed the strings of the halter tie at her neck as he waited for her answer.

There was an uncertain look on her face. "Not yet. Our sexual relationship is still sort of new so I'm not sure what he might allow in the future."

George reached into his jacket pocket for his money clip, peeling off two crisp $100 bills. He laid them on the table in front of her. "Does this change your mind about having fun with me, little girl?"

Emily's eyes widened at the money. God, she could buy some seriously nice shoes with that! She was tempted but shook her head. "I can't be disloyal to Daddy."

Her father had been right about one thing. She could call him Daddy all she wanted in Vegas and no one would ever suspect they were biologically related—not with all of the sugar daddies and sugar babies here looking to hook-up. People just assumed she was Daddy's escort and it was exciting to know she could kiss him in public with no one suspecting the truth of their relationship.

The man gave a sigh as he put the bills back in his pocket. "Pity...a loyal girl is hard to find. Your daddy is a lucky man. By the way, since you aren't going to call me 'Daddy', you can call me George."

Emily laughed because it was funny that she'd taken chips from a man and had accepted his drink invitation without even knowing his name. "Nice to meet you, George, I'm Emily."

"Well, Emily, I don't suppose you'd take pity on an old, horny man and let me have just one little feel—as a thank you for your drink and the betting chips?"

"A feel?" Emily wasn't sure about that but it's not like it was sex and he had been generous.

He nodded, an easy smile on his face. "Just a little one."

Emily looked around. With all of the large potted plants and a tall pillar surrounding their booth, it wasn't like anyone could see them. She found the thought oddly exciting. "Okay, but nothing major."

George didn't wait for her to change her mind, sliding his arm around her shoulder to pull her close. Leaning over, he used one hand to gently squeeze her breast while the other quickly untied the strings of her halter at the neck, letting the material fall down to expose both tits.

Emily gasped, not having expected him to disrobe her. "No, wait..." she protested but before she could say more, his lips latched onto hers in a deep kiss.

He was a good kisser, his tongue delving between her lips to taste her sweetness. Giving a shiver, Emily let her own tongue play with his, feeling herself getting wetter. There was something erotic about sitting topless in a public place, a strange man's hands on her tits and his tongue in her mouth.

Before she knew what he intended, George's hand left her breast and wormed its way beneath her short skirt.

She pulled back, trying to push his hand away. "No, not there!"

"Naughty girl," he whispered in her ear, "you're not wearing any panties." He resisted her effort to push his hand away as his thumb began to rub her clit. "Sure you want me to stop?" As his thumb repeatedly grazed the slippery nub, he slipped his middle finger into her tiny hole and started to pump. "I think you must like this, slut, because you're getting wet."

Emily gave a soft gasp as his finger slid deep. It felt good but this wasn't right. As she opened her mouth to protest, his lips captured hers again and he plundered deeply, his tongue playing with hers.

Emily's small body shivered because it was exciting to be used like she was a whore for hire. She should tell him to stop but it was already too late. Her body was betraying her by consorting with the enemy, her hips jerking in time with the movements of his finger as she fucked it back.

"Oh yea, show me what a whore you really are," he whispered, low enough that no one seated close could hear. "Unzip my pants and take my cock out. Do it, slut!" the last spoken sharply when Emily hesitated.

With shaking hands, she did as he demanded. His cock was much like his body: thick and powerful. Precum oozed from the tip and her fingers felt wet as she started to stroke him.

"What if the waitress comes back?"

He shrugged, not concerned. "It won't be the first time she's seen someone getting sucked off here. Now, speaking of sucking off..." He pushed Emily's head down to his cock, "Open wide, slut. Show me you've every lesson you've learned from your daddy."

Emily felt his cock battering at her lips and knew the best thing to do would be to make him cum as quickly as possible so she could leave.

As soon as he felt her lips part, George surged into her tiny mouth causing Emily to gag. His large hand lay heavily on the back of her head, preventing her from pulling away. "Mmm, I love that sound," he groaned. He added two more fingers to her slippery hole, pumping harder. "Suck it, bitch and get all of my seed." God, he wished he had her in his bed right now, rutting deep in her hungry snatch and filling her with his potent seed, maybe even leaving a souvenir in her womb that would make a nice surprise in nine months. Grinning at the thought, he started to pump upward, banging the back of her throat.

Emily moved her lips on the man's cock as she sucked, her hands jacking the base. As horny as the man made her, she was worried about being caught so wanted to make him cum quickly. She knew Daddy always came quick when he used her throat so she angled her head to facilitate his entry, hearing his surprised grunt when she pushed down, forcing him to sink into her gullet.

"Hell yes!" he gasped, "take it all the way down your throat, you little bitch!" His hips jerked frantically as he pounded Emily's face.

Unfettered by the halter top, Emily's tits jiggled in time with his movements as he fucked deep. She moaned softly as his fingers continued to pump into her hot hole.

"Almost there," George gasped. He usually could go a lot longer but he'd been half hard ever since he'd first seen this tiny slut. "Cum for me, bitch!" He hoped she'd cum soon because she was so wet the squelching noise made by his fingers fucking her hole was getting loud and he didn't want to risk some curious customer peering over to have a look—not that it would have stopped him from using the slut.

Emily was almost there. It was exciting to be used so wantonly by this stranger. It was hard to believe only a few short weeks ago she was a virgin and now, she'd not only been used in every one of her holes by Daddy, she was sucking off a man she'd only met an hour ago and was about to cum on his fingers.

The eroticism of the experience became more than her small body could bear. Squealing softly, the sound muffled by the thick cock in her mouth, her pussy clenched spasmodically on his fingers.

"Man, when you cum, you cum hard! You're squeezing my fingers off!" said George, sounding excited as he rammed his cock in her mouth with frantic thrusts. Withdrawing his fingers from her slit, he used both hands to haul her head on and off his cock as he forced her to take him deep. "Get ready to guzzle my cream, bitch," he groaned softly, forcing his dick deep in Emily's throat as he shot his load. "Yeah! Take it...take every fucking drop, whore!"

Emily gagged as he forced his cock deep, filling her belly with his sticky seed. Her hands pressed against his stomach but he held her tightly to his cock, refusing to release her until he'd used her throat to milk the last of his cum by giving a few short thrusts. Finally, with a grunt of satisfaction, he fell back against the cushions of the booth. "Damn, I needed that more than you know," he said, zipping his pants up.

Now that she'd cum and her need was gone, Emily was sorry she'd done it. It felt like she'd betrayed Daddy. God, she really was a slut!

Quickly doing up the ties of her halter, Emily covered herself before using the cloth napkin between her legs to wipe away her juices.

George finished his whisky as though nothing had happened and he hadn't just had his cock down her throat only seconds before. Standing, he handed Emily a hundred-dollar bill with his business card. He hastily wrote his room number on the card. "I'm staying in this hotel if you change your mind and decide you want to play with me after all." He tossed a large bill on the table, enough to take care of the drinks and the waitress's tip. "Take care, lil cunt. Hope to hear from you soon." He kissed her hard before walking away.

Emily watched him leave, waiting a few minutes to be sure he was gone before heading off herself because it would be awkward riding in the same elevator with him after she'd just eaten his cum. Plus, she wasn't entirely sure that if he'd pushed for her to join him in his room, she would have been able to resist.

Ten minutes later she was back in the suite she shared with Daddy on the twentieth floor. He was just finishing up some paperwork and stood as she entered.

"Perfect timing," he said. "I met with my client and have everything settled; the next few days will be devoted entirely to you." He gave Emily a close look, noting she seemed a bit flushed. "Everything okay? Been winning any money in the casino...or did you spend your time teasing old men instead?" he asked, grinning at her.

Emily felt horrible. "Oh Daddy!" she sobbed, rushing to him and flinging herself at him. "I'm the worst daughter in the world."

"Hey, what's this all about?" Jake frowned as he gently stroked her hair. It wasn't like Emily to behave like this; she was usually so cheery. "What happened, baby girl?"

Giving a few hiccupping sobs, she kept her face buried against her father's chest, unable to look him in the eye. "I was bad, Daddy. It just happened, I didn't mean for it to."

"What happened?" he asked sharply, setting her away from him so he could look into her face.

Reluctantly, Emily told him, her small body shivering in fear at his reaction but she had to be honest. Not telling Daddy would be like lying and she couldn't do that to him.

"So basically you let an old guy fingerfuck you and then you drank his cum?"

She nodded silently, guilt racking her.

"Did you cum too?"

Emily hung her head. "Yes, Daddy."

"I'm very disappointed in you, Emily," said Jake in a stern voice. Okay, so that was a huge lie but Emily didn't need to know that. He'd been thinking lately it might be exciting to watch his baby girl get fucked by other men but worried it might be a hard sell. Instead, he'd just learned she'd gone there on her own and all because she had a horny cunt that needed relief. She'd opened a door; one he could exploit and that made him happy as hell.

"I'm...I'm sorry, Daddy."

"We have learned one thing though."

"What's that, Daddy?"

"There's no doubt you're a slut but there's nothing wrong with that. Most women enjoy sex but you need it a lot more than most do. You're a cock-hungry whore but I need to be the one who determines who gets to use your pussy or when you are allowed to have it fucked by others. And do you know why?"

She nodded, remembering what he'd told her before they came to Vegas. "Because you own my pussy, Daddy."

"That's right, I do. I want you to be safe in your encounters so, from now on, you don't fuck anyone unless Daddy knows about it first. Now who was this man?" asked Jake.

Emily handed Daddy the man's business card. "He gave this to me in case I changed my mind about fucking him. He knows I have a daddy but thinks you're just a sugar daddy."

Jake nodded as he took the card but his eyebrows went through the ceiling when he saw the name on it. "Holy shit, I know George Banfield. He's one of the guys I met with earlier this week. We've worked together off and on for years. Older but still horny as hell. No woman is too big or small, too young or old for him to stick his dick in but he's always had a bit of a fetish for young girls." He laughed. "You must have been a dream come true for him, especially in that sexy outfit you're wearing."

He gave his daughter a speculative look. There wasn't a shy bone in George Banfield's meaty body and he remembered some of the stories the guy had shared about his sexual escapades over the years, one even involving the teen daughter of his boss at the time—but he could be discreet when needed and that was a good quality.

"Strip, baby girl," said Jake, the smile fading from his face.

Emily looked uncertainly at her father, not sure what he intended. Usually he was more lighthearted when they had sex but he looked serious. She took her clothes off quickly and stood naked before him.

"Bend over the desk and don't say a word."

Emily moved to the desk, still not sure what was going on but when she glanced over her shoulder she saw her father removing his belt and folding it in half. She wanted to beg him not to do it but knew she deserved to be punished. Her body tensed as she stared at the wall in front of her, waiting.

Jake glanced at his daughter's ass, her bubble butt round and firm the way a young girl's should be. "This is so you'll remember in the future to check with me before you engage in any sexual activity that doesn't involve me or I haven't given permission for." He slammed the belt hard against his daughter's ass, hearing the satisfying smack.

Emily flinched as the belt cracked against her ass, trying not to make a sound but couldn't suppress her small shriek of pained surprise. "I'm sorry, Daddy!" she said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I said not a word, Emily!"

He rained blows fast and furious on her tiny butt, loving the patterns that started to develop but making sure to keep the blows only on her ass and not her thighs. He wanted her wearing short skirts while in Vegas and didn't want anyone to see she'd been punished—at least this time.

A few times the edge of the belt caught her pussy, once even her clit, and she physically jumped in reaction. It hurt but it was an erotic hurt. She knew she was getting wet from this and equally knew she desperately needed to get fucked by her Daddy. And the weird thing was, the more he whipped her, the more she needed fucking!

Finally, Jake stopped. His daughter's ass was beet red with large raised welts. He laid his hand on the tortured skin, gently caressing it before sliding his fingers to her pussy. "Someone is wet," he murmured. "My pretty cock whore gets excited when her ass is beat, doesn't she?"

"Y-yes, Daddy...I can't help it."

"Tell Daddy what you need, baby."

"I need you, Daddy!"

"No, tell Daddy what you need!"

"I need your cock, Daddy! I need you to ram my hot wet hole until I cum hard. I need your cum to fill me up and your balls to slap hard against me. I need to feel my cunt squeezing your cock as I cum and I want your teeth to sink deep in my flesh as you fuck me the way a fucktoy deserves—without mercy."

"Yes, my pretty cock whore, that's exactly what you need."

Emily heard the sound of her father's zipper lowering only seconds before he plunged deep into the depths of her slit. Pulling her top off, his hands squeezed her tits, his fingers pinching the now taut nipples.

"Yes, Daddy...oh yes...don't stop fucking me...!" Emily moaned. Even though she'd cum on the George Banfield's fingers only minutes earlier, she was ready to cum again—could feel the tension building in her small body as her father used her.

In the past, Jake had held back with Emily, not wanting to scare her but this time, he fucked her the way he'd always wanted to fuck a woman: brutally hard and painfully deep. His fingers dug into her perfect breasts as he feathered small bites along her shoulders and neck.

"Whose fucktoy are you?"

"Your fucktoy, Daddy...only yours!"

He smiled. "For now."

Soon he would contact his old friend, George Banfield, so that Emily could learn how it felt to be skewered on two cocks at once. Howling with pleasure, he filled his baby girl's thirsty cunt knowing more deliciously perverted times were ahead for them both.

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