/ Anime & Comics / In the World of Tensura WAY TOO EARLY, Another Route
A reimagining of my other work, In the World of Tensura WAY TOO EARLY!!!
This work has been completely rewritten with a new protagonist, a more mature theme, and a lot more lore-accurate information than my previous works in the Tensura series.
レビューを書くIt's like watching a Naruto fic without the author having seen Naruto, in this case the author creates attacks with things that have nothing to do with TenSura, it's as if in Naruto you tried to use chakra to create a beam of energy without having to use the lightning element. So far you can see that the author does not fully know or see TenSura and how the power system works.
I'm done with authors that think that only tragedies will make a great character development. I dont even care anymore about all those that have been killed throughout the first few chapters. They had no meaningful additions to the story that contributes in a good way that develops the mc's character development or even their own character development. Those side character are only there so that you the author have a reason to force the mc to become stronger. it such a shame though you had a good writing style. Though I'm wondering why most new authors don't understand that there are more ways to develop a character than them going through bad situation. I mean for example this fanfic the characters killed are only there to be killed and "develop" the mc. i mean what are you aiming for this fanfic, is it meant to be a power fantasy where he gets stronger than others? then why bother with useless side characters. if you meant for this to be a somewhat of a natural progression then why kill those useless characters than spending time to develop them more, make them more emotionally there and part of the overall story? i hope you improve, i love the way you write, and i hope you continue and be a great author in the future.
ネタバレを明かすEverything is awesome! The writing, as well as the mc is amazing! I hope to see more of this in the future, have a great holiday season! *words*
the MC is great until his personality turns into a overly goofy disappointment. like how does having a child turn him into a dense over the top idiot.
Stereotypical Hero story with nothing to add and cliche plot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
There is no character development for mc...not even after his parents death , after he got to know his best friends secret ,after his supposed friends betrayal...
Serieus review here. First of all the quality of the writing is top tier, like your not gonna find many stories better grammatically correct than this one (at least I haven't). Sencond the stability, So far at the moment of this review, updates are fairly consistent but guarantee quality! Third story development, So far the story has nice development so far and has definitly interested met. The mc has to face a lot of hardships and this is the one complaint I have so far. It's good that he has to face difficulties but a win every now and then couldn't hurt could it? Then to the final and most important point of this whole review and the most important thing to any fanfic in my opinion! The powersystem. Tensura has a very complicated powersystem and because the translation is kindy iffy between the different versions of the slime story it can be difficult to understand the full scope of the powersystem. HOWEVER this absolute madlad of an author has managed to be 99% accurate with the powersystem, and I cannot tell you how much respect I have for that. This is literally the only slime storie that has managed to capture this part of the slime universe this accurately in my opinion! Conclusion, Absolutely worth every second spend reading SO GIVE ME MORE!!
A estabilidade é boa, mas essa historia é um lixo, não se sacrifique como eu que ficou ate perto de acabar a história e continuou achando que em algum momento ia melhor. Ponto positivo, não tem harem,
it's, not harem that why I m giving this fanfic a 5 star rating: Now fanfic:-too much cliché and mc is like a dumb hero sorry bro it's for hero type like fans who read righteousness like mc novels I like anti heroish character novel. I mean..... well I think you what I want to say. well for those who like hero and righteous type novel then this is for you. 👍👍👍👍
Good story. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Author please don't drop this book I love it and I appreciate your work and please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 don't drop
I quit like this story but my only problem is the veldora clone fight because he ’s way too strong. He fought against velgrnd and velzrad not to mention all the others when veldora is t one shot by velzard later on.
It's great! I mean it's a tensura fic with an original story and without harem, not to forget it's without system or any other ridiculous cheats and the MC has very limited knowledge about the world he is in. He even needs to TRAIN to become Powerful! For everyone that thinks about reading it, I wholeheartedly recommend you do.
How come I never found this? I read the last version and never though this would get rewrite. I write this review before reading it so if there is anything wrong with it then just ignore
good fanfic----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It amazing Gagagafagagssfsfsfsfsdfdsfsffdfsfsfsfsfsfsfsffsfsfsfafsfafaffsfafafafaffafafafffffafececggegdychfbbfbxhchhfbdbxhdhbrhdhxgfggdgdgdhdhdhdhdhddhgd
作者 Golden_Slime
please don't be a harem I haven't read a 1-1 relationship, the story is really going well great backround and I love the fact that the mc is not the supposedly protagonist that has a system and supper op