50.93% In Naruto: Reborn with Talent / Chapter 243: Ch243. New Kazekage 1

章 243: Ch243. New Kazekage 1

Temari, in numb satisfaction and quiet horror, watched as the jacket behind Rasa, the very same jacket Pakura discarded at the start of the fight burst into what she suspected was some sort of clone and in one fluid motion slit her father's throat before he even realized it. Only when he already dropped to his knees, his lifeblood flowing out of his neck did the clarity return to Temari as the realization hit her hard. Her father... lost.

Owlishly blinking, a bewildered "Ughh?" left her lips, her brain refusing to accept that her horrible father was dying in front of her very eyes. "Is it... over?" Temari turned to Chiyo in confusion, noticing the old woman had the same expression of utter bewilderment she herself most likely sported. "Just like that?"

Temari couldn't wait for the answer from the village elder, however. She heard a choked sob next to her and realized Kankuro was also present. It was her duty as his older sister to give him at least some measure of support. She turned around and hugged her younger brother who stared at the corpse of their father with an empty look.

It was then that Temari gained a small understanding of what it means to be a ninja. How easily one's life could be lost no matter how strong one was. As she comforted Kankuro, her eyes suddenly gained determination as her mind processed the entire event.

She absolutely refused to be just another nameless corpse on the field! Not like that!

Chiyo was completely flabbergasted. She knew the fight barely started. Both combatants barely exerted a small percentage of their chakra reserves. The battle was just starting! Until it wasn't. Until it was over before it even really started. She expected a massive ninjutsu fight. She expected an awe-inspiring and arena-shattering clash of titans. She expected anything but...

A knife to the neck.

The worst and most humiliating way to go when facing a famous ninjutsu expert. A sign that it didn't even take ninjutsu to kill you. And yet... Chiyo had to applaud Pakura's move.

Pakura chose cold and brutal efficiency. Dispatching her enemy in a way that let her ready and relatively fresh for another fight.

With this one fight, she not only gained the position of the Kazekage but also cemented it beyond anyone's doubt. She reminded everybody of her power by cornering Rasa while only scratching a surface of what her bloodline could do. Every single ninja knew facing the unknown was dangerous. When the said unknown could vaporize you in an instant? Chiyo doubted there was anyone who would try to directly scheme against Pakura unless there is some convenient buffer to absorb damage should the plans go awry.

Most importantly, Pakura has subtly shown ruthlessness and cunning that would stop many of the clan heads from acting out even if they had a scapegoat. Slighting Rasa's throat was a message.

'Piss me off at your own peril.'

Rasa, for all his good points, was a calm man with a peculiar kind of brashness. He was straightforward and if she were to be honest, he was not cut out for politics.

Pakura on the other hand?

She just finished off borderline S-rank ninja with a plan she weaved from the very start of the fight. She not only accomplished that but also ensured nobody got even an inkling of what she was planning despite the presence of so many high-ranking ninjas of Suna.

'Healthy mix of fear and respect... That's how you want to rule, eh, girl?' Chiyo sighed, knowing the following years in the Suna Council won't be easy. Her eyes glanced at the Wind Daimyo who, contrary to the expectations, didn't look as jubilant as at the start of the fight. 'Maybe…'

In the center of the stands, Mikumi, the Wind Daimyo, watched Pakura with a conflicted gaze. The way Pakura dispatched Rasa hit him like his fifth wife after she found him doing that cute little maid she promptly sacked only to have her return as one of his concubines because he really appreciated her nimble tongue.

And damn did that slap hurt!

One would think she would get the hint considering she was his TWELFTH-concubine-turned-FIFTH-wife. Apparently not...

Troublesome power-hungry woman.

The real reason why Mikumi felt uneasy at the way Rasa died was a bit hypocritical. Even he could understand that. Ninjutsu was cleaner, seemed less cruel, less ruthless. He knew that Pakura using her bloodline would be either infinitely more painful or instant, depending on how fast Pakura would decide to vaporize the man. It would have been a cruel way to go but there would be no gore and blood for civvies like him to get upset about. It looked way better than seeing Pakura's clone coldly slit Rasa's throat, his blood gushing out, covering the sandy ground in a red blanket.

Mikumi was not stupid. He knew Pakura wanted power over Sunagakure and he also knew the Uzushio Trading Company would have a degree of influence in the village through the new Kazekage.

And that was fine. As long as Rasa was out of the picture and no foreign ninjas tried to separate his head from his body, Mikumi was totally okay with losing some of his control over Sunagakure. He knew the Suna council probably won't see it like that. They would expect him to lash out, demand, threaten, whatever, just to get Pakura under his thumb. They will expect him to try to reel Pakura in, giving them a chance to grab more influence for themselves and their clan.

Alas... he would have liked to think he was smarter than that. This little display of cold-heartedness from his favorite scorching hot kunoichi just enhanced his resolve to not mess with Pakura and her new rule unless it somehow threatened his entire nation.

Plus, pleasing the Uzushio Trading Company seemed like a good way to bolster both diplomatic relations with the Uzumaki AND make his nation richer. Oh, he could almost see the money rolling it!

Pakura wouldn't be worse than Rasa. Not by a long shot. Their meetings in the last two months gave him ample time to both observe and test Pakura's skills in diplomacy, economy, and politics. Three things Rasa sorely lacked. Rasa was a prime example of why power shouldn't be the only deciding factor for the Kazekage election.

Mikumi never wanted power or even the rule, to be honest.

When the battle for the position of the Daimyo started between his remaining nine siblings, he went to the countryside, making it abundantly clear he wanted nothing to do with it. He was a prince! That had to count for something! Or so he thought. He was wealthy enough to live in luxury for his entire life, indulging in debauchery with the prettiest women of the Land of Wind. Life was good!

Until his nine siblings offed each other, leaving only him as the last heir to the throne. Life got bad. Real fast.

Responsibilities pilled up, his free time dwindled, assassination attempts started... Honestly, the only thing that was still keeping him in the position of the Daimyo was the fact his head would roll if he stopped and all the nobles willing to offer him their very eager daughters... well, his life of debauchery was the ONLY thing he was NOT willing to compromise on. He was happy as long as he had a willing woman under his table while he did his paperwork. He was happy as long as an eager and naked wife lying in their bed greeted him at the end of his busy day, offering herself for his relaxation. He was happy when he woke up to a nice warm sensation from his lower member.

He was happy as long as he had his women eager to please him, no matter if it was to get more power for their families, further their ambitions, or simply to live their lives in luxury. Mikumi long ago saw that he was just a human being and decided to enjoy his life without trying to chase some imaginary dominance over other nations.

His entire life depended on a fine balance between fulfilling his responsibilities, which kept him alive in considerable luxury and his state running, and enjoying his life to the fullest alongside all his mistresses, concubines, and wives. Rasa was threatening this balance by just existing with his utter stupidity and the man didn't even know it! That's why Mikumi hated him to the core.

As such, why would he care about who ruled Sunagakure as long as they did right by their duties to the Land of Wind?

Still... Mikumi made a mental note to never piss Pakura off lest it would be his throat she slit the next time she gets the urge to soak the ground in something red. Hey, he was the Daimyo, not a God! He knew his limits!

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C243
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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