95% In Marvel as Lor-Zod / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Ennemy within!

章 19: Chapter 19: Ennemy within!


I was careless. After thinking about it, I can't trust my future self. Sure, now Jean is happier with Emma than she has ever been with me. They have connected both body and mind. Jean got the one thing I could not give her with Emma but thinking about all the shit either of us- knowing what she went through to get her happiness makes me question my future self. Sure, we had both moved on and had both agreed to do this but it still didn't feel right to know that I could be a victim of my future self just because he got over something.

I need to prepare for that. I did not feel like losing my child just because my future self moved on and did not want to lose something else. I must be ready!

~3rd POV~

Lor was brought back from his internal monolog when Thor informed them that Odin was waiting for them in the conference room. It had been built to organize and explain the plan to defeat Hela... Odin TRUE firstborn.

The plan was simple. Odin would try to reason with his daughter first, if that failed they would fight Hela together. Odin left the organization of the battle to his most trusted General and oldest friend, Skurge.

[AN: Again reality Boom]

Skurge had been one of Odin's executioners alongside Hela. Though he had disagreed when Odin wanted to stop his conquest and find peace, he did not rebel like Hela. He had chosen to become an instructor and teach the way of the battlefield to the young Asgardians. He was also the man that Lor would remain eternally grateful to.

There was still a month before Hela arrived but Odin wanted to make sure that everyone was ready before then. Lor and Carol went back to Earth to inform a few people what was going to happen before they came back. Thor had asked them if they wanted to make a weapon made of the same material as his new weapon, the Warhammer-axe, Stormbreaker. Carol refused but Lor accepted. He wanted knuckle Dusters like the ones Adam from Records of Ragnarok had.

He did not need a weapon but the fact that those knuckle Dusters would be able to open a Bifrost was Lor's Aim. Lor managed to get the map to Eternity from Odin on the condition that he returned the space stone as well as stated the wish he wants to make. Lor was now in front of Odin with Thor, Loki, and Frigga beside the King of the Norse Gods while Carol was beside Lor.

Lor: The wish I want to make is to make my planet never to be invaded.

Odin: Hm... I presume it is not Midgard but the newly habitable world that you made close to it but why is that?

Odin's words brought confusion to Thor, Loki as well as Carol. Lor had not hidden Mars from Asguard since people tend to trust less what they don't know. Lor knew that Odin would neither mind nor interfere with his Mars project if he ever bothered to look at it.

Lor: Earth has been the center of unwanted attention for more occasions than I would like. There is a possibility that a danger bigger than Earth's protector can defend might come to Earth. It would be wise to have a plan for the worst-case scenario.

Odin: That still does not explain why you need Eternity to grant your wish.

Lor: *Sigh then points at Carol* We are expecting a child. I'd rather make sure that there is a safe place in case I'm not there.

Odin was thinking about how to respond to that when Frigga sent a rolled piece of paper, a parchment, towards Lor who caught it.

Frigga: That is the map to Eternity. However, I have enchanted it to open when the fight is over.

Frigga's intuition told her that Lor was telling the truth about expecting a child. She owed Lor her life and thus decided to repay her debt now by giving him the map. She was still the Queen of Asgard and thus had to enchant it with a time release. She knew that Lor would fight with them but she did not want him to be tempted to start his journey before they vanquished Hela.

Odin and Frigga made eye contact before he sighed. He knew that his wife would stand her ground on this but since he had taken the space stone there was no way for Lor to access Eternity or so he thought. He gave Lor complete ownership of his Knuckle Dusters since without the space stone they could not return to Midgard unless they used the Bifrost, which the Knuckle Dusters were capable of doing.

After the meeting, Lor explained to Carol that he had made Mars livable. She was barely surprised as she already had a feeling that Lor was hiding something on Mars since he always refused to have their... "meetings" on Mars. The future parents were given a room for their duration on Asgard. They enjoyed sighting Asgard as they waited for Hela to arrive. Soon, a month had passed as everyone able to fight gathered near the gates of Asgard. They were all facing thin air as a green gas started to spread out of thin air. Slowly it became liquid as it changed into the form of a portal. Out of that portal, a gorgeous woman clad in tight and thin shredded pieces of clothing walked it. She had epaulets on her shoulder which were like her short cape.

[AN: We all know I'm terrible at describing appearance as well as writing R-18 scenes]

Odin ordered every to not attack until he gave the order. He walked up to Hela along with Skurge.


I watch as Odin walked up to Hela. As I was focusing on them. I heard Thor call me from my right. He was trying to keep the morale in the front up. I smile at his cheerful nature but frowned when I saw the shock in his eyes. I looked to where he was looking. I saw Odin had been stabbed not by Hela but by Skurge. He joined Hela and rambled about how Asgard had grown weak. He said that he along with Hela would make it great again... through destruction and rebirth.

As we were going to fight them, the ground shook. We all looked at the source which originated from the palace. The palace was crumbling down in flames as a giant fiery demon erupted from it. It was the one destined to destroy Asgard, Surtur.

I could see from the shock on both Hela and Skurge's faces that they had nothing to do with it. It barely took a moment before the Phoenix Force tells me that it was responsible for it since it wanted to help me further my plan. I found this odd. This had not been the plan I had chosen.

I planned to explain to Odin after we beat Hela that they could save everyone from Ragnarok by causing it while no one was on Asgard since Surtur would be too big to notice. I knew that Odin would accept sooner or later as he had confirmed that I had no wish to rule Mars much less his people. Something did not feel right. I hid my worries from it as it could not read my mind. I would figure that one out later.

I brought Odin back to our side with my super speed. I sent Omega beams towards Skurge and Hela. Skurge was caught off guard while Hela managed to block it with her swords. Once he got hit by the Omega beams, Skurge scream as he got disintegrated. Everyone looked at me. I levitate a few inches above their heads. I spoke as I turned to face Surtur.

"We will hold down tall, dark, and ugly while you deal with girl Loki and meet us after."

They all nodded as they knew Surtur was more powerful than Hela. It was a divide and conquer the situation. I looked at Odin who saw that I had more to say.

"By the way... Are you sure that Loki is the adopted one cuz from what I see I'd wager Thor being adopted?"

This made the Asgard royal family look at Loki and Hela before looking at Odin asking for confirmation with their eyes. Odin told us to get on with our respective fights as he healed himself. Carol and I flew towards Surtur. I punched Surtur's face. The force behind my punch obliterated his whole head. Carol sent laser beams with her hands which cut off his left arm making him drop his fire sword. I planned to prolong the fight as I saw that the other group could defeat Hela with time as long as Odin was on their side.

I prefer Carol being close to me and fighting Surtur. He was too big and slow to pose a threat to Carol. At her speed, she could evade him even if it was at the last second. I used Surtur as target practice for my Omega beams. I still could not control them as well as Darkseid could.

I sent two Omega beams that pierced Surtur's throat, one of them turned at a ninety-degree angle twice and headed towards his right knee. It pierced his right knee. As the beam pierced his right knee it bent diagonally and pierced his left knee. This made Surtur fall to his knees.

The other beam that had pierced Surtur's throat bent and went towards his elbows. It pierced his left elbow before his right. After that, the two beams met as they simultaneously hit Surtur's face. Surtur screamed during all of this.

I had put my guard up and used the mind stone power to sense emotions near me that way I would sense if people tried to do a sneak attack on Carol. Oddly enough, I sensed fear, near me. It was not Carol nor was it Surtur. I sense rage from him. I concentrate more as Surtur was using the eternal flame to heal his weakened self. I found that the source of the fear I sense came from within me. As I realized that I heard a voice I had not heard ever since I came to Asgard.

~Thy must be a vigilante. Enemies are often closer than thyself realize. Thy must learn from Odin.~

The space storm's voice faded after that. I had doubts but I did not have time to dwell on that for now as Surtur had just gotten back up. Carol flew close to Surtur's face and uppercut him on his chin. She then flew toward his chest aiming to make a hole in his "heart". I knew she would be fine but I coated her body with a protective field with my reality-warping powers. Surtur had enough as he plunged his sword deep inside Asgard's... Pause... ground.

I knew what he was trying to do thus I flew towards and punch his chest upward. It obliterated his whole upper body. This stopped him for a bit. I looked at the other battle as I thought by now it had already been three hours, they should have been close to finishing off Hela. Odin was with them thus they should have the advantage, sadly I had neglected the fact other than me, others were bound by fate.

Hela had annihilated most of the extra help. Only a few individuals such as a valkyrie that Thor had found were alive. Odin was mortally wounded as well as Frigga. Thor had lost an eye while Loki had lost an arm. Hela was immortal while she was on Asgard thus she did not have any lasting injuries. She was currently being stabbed by Heimdall while also piercing his heart with a long dagger. Seeing this, I created a giant spaceship with my reality-warping powers on the outskirts of Asgard.

I flew at super speed looking at every corner of Asgard. I had put everyone on that Spaceship. Everyone that was still alive, even those that were about to die like Heimdall, Odin, and Frigga. I went back to Asgard and put Hela next to Surtur who had healed and resumed planting his sword. Pause. I punched her in the heart. My hand went through her chest. I held her heart in my right hand.

You can never be too careful. I went back inside the ship as we all watched Surtur destroy Asgard. What I had done seemed like an instant to the ones on board of the Ship. They were confused at first until I told them what I had done minus me giving Hela the Injustice Joker treatment. Nobody was mad that I had done that.

If I had done this at the beginning of the fight they would have protested but now that they had experienced Hela's strength, they were happy that they survived as well as won against two powerful foes. They gathered around the dying Odin, who told them that Asgard did not perish as Asgard was the people. His speech was more or less the same as in Ragnarok other than the fact that Odin praised Loki as well as Thor for their wits and bravery. Frigga praised Loki's magic. The king and Queen held each other hands as they died. Heimdall had died at the same time Asgard exploded.

I gave them time to grieve. After five hours, Thor came to me accompanied by Loki. He wanted to bring the Asgardians back to Earth while Loki wanted to find another planet where they rebuild their kingdom as well as a rule it. I proposed a compromise. I told them they could rebuild Asgard on Mars as long as they were willing to defend the planet when threats came. They agreed since I had saved them all. We discussed and agree to have two kingdom side by side. One is the future "country of Fortitude" while the other is New Asgard.

The Asgardians volunteer to search for the space stone after I had made a spacesuit for them it took them three days to find it. After that, I brought them to Mars which looked like the planet from the movie Avatar, with the blue giants. Ivy had been weirded out by this but luckily Harley shared my artistic taste for that movie's scenes.

This is where the clone I remotely controlled spent the last five years. What? You thought I spent five years in a cell? Bruh, when I wanted to get out I would just remotely control a less powerful clone. I could modify its appearance at will thus I did not miss anything. All I needed to do was to fake meditating while I was remotely piloting a clone. You do not know the numbers of times I wanted to tell Tony that I could be remotely controlling a clone that is banging Pepper during those five years. Sadly when the New Warriors were fighting Nitro, Lor was still asleep on Mars.

Speaking of the five years, I spent some time trying to find the reality-warping mutant that Charles mind fucked. I found him and made sure to slowly erode Charles's influence on him. Surprised? I keep telling you guys, I hold grudges. The existence of my child did not change my mind about stopping this. That mutant will shatter the trust everyone has for Xavier in the city. Even if he protests about going to Mars, all that will fall on dead ears.

Charles was a great mutant rights activist, and that had been one of the reasons why I did not want to get rid of him even after his "betrayal" since I would likely be expected to follow in his footsteps, something I did not want. I like having free time. That is why I left Charles partly in charge as he is as great of with public relations as he is a passive bitch. Unlike me since there are hundreds of floating corpses in space that can attest to that.

Magneto was there to insure that they do not take the city of Fortitude for the X-mansion. I had given him along with Logan more authority over the city since the latter was not the type to start a war with the world while the former had simmered down after living with his children.

I could control the mind of nature with the mind stone power to make sure that the animals would not be overly hostile towards the Asgardians. They refused that I do anything further as they preferred to hunt with honor.

Thor was livid when he learned of the events in Civil War. If it was not for his duty as the new king of New Asgard, he would have gone to the Avengers Tower and drenched Stormbreaker with Tony's blood. To Thor, Tony had defiled his honor as well as their friendship. He was also curious about the new female Thor that had appeared after Civil War ended. Thor put those things on hold, he would settle the scores with Tony as well as meet the new Thor after his kingdom foundation has been rebuilt.

Carol and I decided to fly back to Earth. As we came above the pacific Ocean, a purple portal appeared. I knew who was coming. A guy in chains was on the other side of the portal. He begged us to free him while he was trying to mind control us. I fired my Omega beams and killed him though he screamed in agony. Carol was shocked at that and screamed at me. She thought I had killed an innocent person.

I told her to look at her bracelet which was signaling mental intrusion detected. Carol had put the bracelets noticed on mute as it bothered her during the fight with Surtur. She soften up once the analysis of the mental intrusion said that it was aimed to increase the chemicals that caused lust in the brain.

It did not take a genius to guess what that being's motif was. She shyly said thanks and we went to a hotel. She was currently living in the Avengers Towers but we both knew that if she brought me unannounced a fight she wanted to avoid would break loose. We spent the night cuddling nothing dirty. It was quite nice. The next morning, I was woken up by Carol who had difficulty escaping my cuddles. I smiled and kissed her on the cheeks to show her that I was awake. We took a shower together and went to the Avengers Tower.

~3rd POV~

When Lor and Carol arrived at the Avengers Tower, they were greeted by the Avengers being on the defensive. Lor saw new faces such as Luke Cage, Daredevil, Spider-Woman, a new Yellowjacket, and ect... There were even some old Avengers that came back like Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. They all seemed nervous. Lor looked at them and try to calm them.

Lor: Guys, relax. If I needed you all dead, you would already be dead.

This did not ease the tension. Tony came out of the Tower and landed in a superhero landing pose while in his Iron-Man suit. He stood up and looked at Carol.

Tony: Carol, I received your call so I know why you guys came here but I can't allow him to enter the Tower. He does not have the clearance-

Tony stopped mid-sentence as Carol and Lor vanished from his sight. Before he tried to find them, he got an intruder alarm from the Tower. When he looked at the surveillance camera, he saw Lor sitting in the breakroom watching TV while Carol, who was beside him, was holding her head with her right hand and shaking her head sideways before sighing. Tony turned to the Avengers.

Tony: They're inside we're going in with- what's with the word faces?

The Avengers were either making weird faces or holding in their laughter. Peter was the one to explain things to Tony.

Peter: Mr. Stark, you might *Chuckles* want to look at your suit-

Tony, being the genius that he is, wasted no time and looked at himself via surveillance camera. As he saw his suit he could only utter two words.

Tony: ...THAT...BASTARD!!!!!!

There was a sentence written in a big letter on Tony's pink Iron-Man suit. It did not take a genius to realize that Lor was the one behind this. The words were:

"Don't tell anyone that I ask Pepper to use a strap-on when we do it."

Tony flew at high speed towards Lor. He did not care about the damage as he crashed into the walls. Once he saw Lor, he started to fire everything he had at Lor, who remained steady and kept watching the TV. Carol had already gone to her room as she did not want to deal with this shit. She did make Lor promise not to kill anyone before she left.

Carol knew the fight had started when she heard all those explosions going on. She waited until it ended before going back to the breakroom. Now that she was pregnant, she could not drink coffee, it passed her off. She became jumpy at anything thus they agreed that unless it was a fight to save lives she should avoid any stress she can avoid.

When she arrived at the Breakroom she saw that most of the Avengers were watching Tony fire something at Lor who completely ignored him as he continued to watch TV. Lor saw Carol thus he stood up and went towards Tony.

Lor: Tony, I've got to say that I'm disappointed. I thought with your genius mind you would be able to solve that noise problem. I guess we all have our off days. Here for your trouble.

Lor gave five hundred bucks to Tony. It was not much for both of them but that action had injured Tony's pride. No weapons he designed managed to hurt Lor. Lor did not even pay attention to Tony and he gave what is less than pocket change to a billionaire as if he was a homeless guy. If this had been a Chinese fanfiction, Tony would have puked the mother of all blood vomit.

Lor and Carol announced before explaining the reason for their presence. Everyone calmed down when they learn that Carol was pregnant. They had decided to celebrate. Toby even joined although he was still salty about his wounded pride. Lor was surprised that Tony did consider but instantly rejected the idea of using the unborn child. The celebration had helped him calm down a bit. During the past months, he had come to terms that Lor was harmless... as long as you left him alone.

He knew that Lor had something planned as payback but he knew that it would only be on him. Lor wasn't going to kill him since Tony did not try to kill Lor. Tony's ego thought that he was smart enough to take on what Lor had planned and after that, they would be even. Tony's pride still did not let him rest until he created something that could wipe that smugness off Lor's face. He had told Lor this and only got a burst of laughter out of Lor.

Three months and a half went by as Lor and Carol spent time together. Carol complain about the fact that Lor would always follow her even if it was to stop a bank robbery. Lor knew that she was secretly happy that he did that.

Lor had successfully changed the majority of the government. He mused himself at the fact that nobody realized it. It was the boiling frog tactic. When you put a frog in hot water it will jump out of it but if you put the frog in regular temperature water and slowly raise the temperature, you will boil it alive as it stands there. Less anti-mutant laws were being proposed. It baffled Lor as how they were still anti-mutant extremists after all he did.

Whether it was his hero work or his pest control work. It had taken him some time to realize that it was fate or the will of the universe. In comics, mutants are under constant segregation. It was what made them the underdogs that readers rooted for. This fact further reinforced his desire to migrate the city of Fortitude to Mars. If his plan was successful, he would get his revenge on Charles while having the perfect reason to move to Mars. Though Lor made sure there was no orphanage like the one in Deadpool 2, that abused mutant kids.

After Lor had made sure that Carol was asleep, he teleport to where Eternity was. Lor used his Knuckle Dusters to open the door to Eternity. He had written his wishes on a piece of paper. Once he saw Eternity, Lor spoke.

Lor: I wish that everything that "I" wrote on this piece of paper becomes true.

Sometimes the hardest problem can be solved by the easiest solutions. Lor saw that Eternity was trying to find a way to deny this thus he added something.

Lor: You should watch out for the First Figment, he has his eyes on you. The moment you are weakened, he will pounce at you along with his minions, to absorb your powers and get his revenge on the celestials.

The first Figment was the first thing the One above All created. The first Figment had created the celestial and the dark celestial. The celestial had created a weapon to kill that omnipotent being. They had created something to destroy the entire universe. His destruction leads to the birth of the multiverses. If you need a more simple explanation, Eternity is the embodiment of everything that exists in this universe. There is an Eternity for every multiverse. The first Figment would be a more powerful version of Eternity or all of them combined.

Eternity looked around the white space around them. There was water beneath them reflecting their image. After ten minutes of looking around Eternity looked down upon Lor.

Eternity: You are correct. I saw the Dark Celestial keeping watch on my every action. They only listen to HIM, thus you must have told the truth. They were cloaked enough to require more effort to detect them. I must inform the other of this. As gratitude for preventing my demise, I will grant your wishes without trickery.

Lor helps Eternity for two reasons. He knew that Eternity could tweak his wishes since he had used a loophole. Having Eternity in his debt prevented Eternity from Monkey pawing his wishes. The second reason was that he did not wish to deal with the First Figment. Lor knew that the celestial would prevent his resurrection now that Eternity would inform them along with the living tribunal.

Lor returns to his bed where Carol was still sleeping. Her belly had started to grow but Lor stopped mentioning it when Carol destroyed his house in a fit of hormonal rage. Lor woke up first and made breakfast for both of them. He brought it to their room just in time for Carol to wake up.

Lor: Morning sleeping beauty.

Carol: Hmm. Morning Lo.

He kissed her on the lips before they enjoyed their breakfast I'm bed. Lor enjoyed spending time with Carol like this. They had arranged one day off for every week. Today was this week's day off. Lor was planning on paying a visit to Adam, A.K.A Blue Marvel along who was going to celebrate his brother's recovery. Last month, Anti-Man reappeared. Lor had briefly fought him and used the mind stone's power as well as the reality stone's powers to fix Anti-Man's mind and stabilize his body. Anti-Man was in a coma for two weeks before waking up. It took a week for him to adjust to his surroundings. Another week for his body to be clear and he left the hospital. Anti-Man still had his power, though now they were stable. He was riddled with guilt about the pain he had caused to his brother Adam, who constantly told him that it was alright, his being back was more than enough to make up for the past. Anti-Man was still not ready to meet his family but Adam was getting him ready to forgive himself and face them

[AN: Frankly don't know the story, I'm just making it up for those that want to point out the comic version.]

Lor could have cloned a normal body for Anti-Man and put his mind and soul inside the cloned body but that would be a waste of ally. Lor knew that with this both Blue Marvel and Anti-Man had become loyal to him as long as he did not cross their moral lines. This meant that if the Skrull or Kree invaded he would have more allies to beat them while he protected those he cherished.

Carol had met Adam and they had become good friends. Both were military and both had walked bumpy roads along their career in the military. They held mutual respect for one another. Carol had been curious as to how strong was Adam but after Lor forbade them from fighting she decided to wait until she was not pregnant.

That day, Carol found out what Kitty meant that Lor could be adorable with his heat vision. She would constantly tease Lor into flaring his heat vision at her. She knew that she could tank them on a normal day but now that she was pregnant she was certain that Lor would not fire them at her.

Lor would get back at her by oversleeping while cuddling her. She would try her best to free herself but would not be able to until Lor woke up. She could not make too much movement as it might affect the unborn child.

A month went by and Carol was six months into her pregnancy. Lor had told her that she would stay in the city of Fortitude until she gave birth. Carol was about to protest but she realized that Lor was just being overprotective. Kitty had come to visit her and when she told Kitty, she only received a look of pity while Kitty told her that she will get used to it.

~Carol POV~

AARRRGHH. It's painful! Whoever said giving birth was the miracle of life deserved a beating. It hurts so much. Damn my past self that refused the painkillers. What were you thinking?!

I push one last time as I heard a small cry. My heart tightens from hearing my child cry. I want nothing more but to hold my child. As I am about to hold my child. The doctors turn into morbid creatures and take my child. The whole room turns black. I see a chain wrapping around me preventing me from rescuing my child. As I try to break free from the chains I see the monsters taking off what I now realize were masks. I now see Asleep Lo each holding our child and walking away. I screamed.

"MY BABY!!!!"

I find myself in our bed with Lo sleeping by my side. I took a few deep breaths and realized that I just had a nightmare. I still can't shake the stress off me. That was until I feel Lo's arms bringing me closer to him as he hugged me.

"You had a nightmare? Don't worry it's just a dream."

His words calm me down. Enough for me to ask a question.

"Lo... After the child is born... what do you plan on doing?"

I see him look into my eyes. I see the concern in his as I am sure he must have seen fear in mine. He brings his forehead close to mine and they touch each other. He looks me in the eyes while having a warm smile.

"We are going to raise our child together, you and I, remember fight in the middle."

This causes me to chuckle. I sighed and we went back to sleep with Lo cuddling me even more than before as if he want me to feel safer.

[AN: For those that think she is exaggerating things you guys clearly never met a pregnancy-brain woman. I actually downplayed it.]

~3rd POV~

A week went by after Carol had her nightmare. Lor spent even more time with her to make her feel safe. He had received news that Asgard had finally been rebuilt. They had invited Lor and Carol to celebrate. The duo accepted. Lor accepted for another reason since he knew what the next day had in store for Earth. The next day, the world would see a holographic project of Hulk dressed in gladiator fashion holding a bloodied Black Bolt by the collar, showing him to the world.

Hulk: People of Earth...

~Phoenix Force POV~

HAHAHAHA! I finally insured my revenge. I knew about my current host's existence, he can fulfill my mission but that does not erase the years of agonized pain he caused me. I slowly influenced Jean with doubts. It took time but I knew that horny mortal would jump at the occasion of obtaining Jean, once she was weakened by doubt. Lor on the other hand was tricky.

I needed to gain his trust first before having my revenge. Luckily for me, centuries are but an instant for me, let's not talk about a couple of years. All I had to do was not cause any problems and act like a subservient pet. He let his guard down.

When I saw that he acquired the soul stone, I knew it was my time to strike when he was still regaled in that illusion of complete invincibility. It barely took any effort to convince him since his mind had been focused on his child. He would not let the past be changed and all I needed to do was to make him believe that he already did that. Though I did not count on him talking to my last host, fortunately, all went as planned. It does not matter if he got the green light from Jean, he will torture himself since I can still feel his guilt.

His guilt prevented him from sensing my emotions. While he wasn't paying attention, I told my past self of our plan, to change the past. Even if he learns of what I did, I made sure to inform my past self to semi-fuse with Jean's mind, if he were to come back and stop himself, I would break Jean's mind. He would not try to take me by force but that would result in Jean's mind being destroyed. His newfound guilt would not allow him to do that.

Since my current host has absorbed the time stone power, he is immune to the paradox but he is still in too much of an emotional state to think logically. I still can't read or access his mind though. I admit that got scared when he used his Omega beams, that power is more dangerous than I initially thought. This might be enough for my revenge but it is just the beginning of my plan. I must first earn more of his trust then...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He does not even realize that I wrote something on the paper he showed Eternity. like my current host always says, I hold grudges too.

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

Wrote this on my phone might have a couple of mistaken even after using grammary

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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