70% In Marvel as Lor-Zod / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: And so it starts!

章 14: Chapter 14: And so it starts!

You must be wondering how I winded up here. Well, I will have to go back in time when I came back to my own reality.

~5 years ago~

Nothing happened for the first month. It was frankly boring.

I had brought Ivy and Harley to the city of Fortitude before we all came back. I had given them a personal house until I came back and helped them blend in.

Ivy told me that to bring life to Mars would take time, lots of time. This meant I needed a distraction. I could not let anyone know that I was planning to make Mars livable. Since no one has claimed it, I was planning on claiming it after I finished the Mars project.

I did not want to deal with the spies that would try to infiltrate during the project construction. I let my future self find the distraction. Right now, I was more preoccupied with a dilemma. To consolidate the Omega force in this world, I needed to get rid of the power Stone.

The omega force I brought with me is nothing but amber with a small piece of flame still burning. It needs fuel to rise again. I could not risk using an artificial stone as it would lower the chances of success.

I had already given the artificial Power stone that Nebula had to Carol and Steve. Now that I think about it. Darkseid must have realized that it was a flitting artifact. I could destroy the artificial stones at any time. Knowing Darkseid, he would not lower himself to use such unstable things.

The real power stone could help me fuel so many inventions but thinking about all the dangers in the Marvel universe, having the Omega force is a must. I used the mind stone's power to enforce my will in the Amber of the Omega force while I let it consume the power stone.

It was like training a dog. As it grew stronger so was my control over it. I had shielded myself and I was at the end of the Solar system. I assimilated the Omega force when it finished "eating" the power stone. I then locked my timeline. This guaranteed that I would have the Omega force within me even if time travelers tried to stop me.

I laughed like a maniac before returning to my house. I created Ivy and Harley's new identity. When I gave them their papers, I made sure to inform them about the general knowledge of this world. I was happy that they wanted to leave their criminal life behind.

As the weeks went by, I noticed that more young heroes were coming out. I paid attention because I remember that one group of new heroes caused the first Civil War. They even showed it on their TV show.

They were a bunch of season 1 Kid Flash. I planned to prevent the explosion that the group caused. I know that kids died that day. I'm not heartless enough to let kids die... if it does not affect my survival. I was planning on letting the civil war happen as it would be the perfect distraction.

I already had it planned. I save the day and then punch the leader of the group while showing the people he or she could have killed. The TV crew would show the kids. This would be enough to start the Civil War as I would make a speech about that group just being heroes for fun and not caring about the lives of others.

I said it before but if you want to make God laugh... tell him your plan but I will get to that later.

Something interesting happened. Bruce restarted his research on a cure for the Hulk. He holed himself in his lab for weeks. It got to the point that his cousin came to drag him out of his lab. They got into a fight. I was shocked to hear that. Guess she has guts. I like that. Anyway, in their fight, Bruce cut himself and some of his blood got inside a cut on his cousin's hands when she tried to help him.

We all know where this is going. The blood got into her system. She did not notice anything until the next day when she got angry during traffic. Luckily for her, she does not have or get a split personality. She was freaking out and blamed Bruce for it. The poor guy did take this good.

He dove into his research even more to find a cure. I had some time to kill thus I decided to go see the She-Hulk. She was having trouble not keeping her calm. I think I came at the wrong time because I heard her talk to her boyfriend. He was dumping her.

Contrary to the S.H.I.E.L.D agent's expectations, she did not Hulked out but broke down in tears. I felt super awkward. I did not feel like leaving because she saw me entering the room when she was talking to her boyfriend. I gave her some space to cry and waited till she finished.

When she did, she Hulked out but stayed in place. I knew what she was doing. She was calming herself down or more accurately pushing down her feelings. I knew where that led. I decided to intervene and talk to her.

Naturally, she was on the defensive until I told her to hit me. I am not a masochist, I knew she was neither strong nor fast enough to land a direct blow. I told her to hit me and that I would catch her hit. She had nothing to worry about. She hesitated until I told her how her life will be now.

She sent a barrage of punches each stronger than the last. It seems that she was venting her anger. I think she imagined that I was her boyfriend on the last hit. Either that or she did not take it well when I said that menstruation might be harder now. She calmed down afterward when she realized what I was doing before talking to me without screaming.

"T-thanks, *Sigh* I needed that."

I smiled remembering the times when I would have needed stress relief. As I was leaving, I spoke to her while weaving.

"Any time, beautiful."

I heard some noise but I did not pay attention to it. I went back to the city of Fortitude. I noticed that everyone was happy. It was a good thing but it meant that fewer people would follow me to Mars. I was confident that I could convince Magneto. He was one of the few people here that would not mind reinforcing the city's defense.

After three days, the Hulk went on a rampage. From what Bruce said, his cure almost worked but the Hulk fought back when he realized he was about to be killed. He was angry at the betrayal. That saved his life. Sadly, it also doomed it. I could see it in the eyes of Tony and the others Illuminatis, that they were planning on sending him away.

I could prevent it but World breaker Hulk would be the perfect distraction. I would just need to save his wife and all would be good. All I would need to do would be to travel back in time and space and save his wife before using my reality-warping powers to give Hulk the illusion that his wife died. This will prevent any paradox from being born.

I spent the next month helping Jennifer get accustomed to being She-Hulk. She decided to stay a lawyer but focus on super-powered individuals. We celebrated her decision and I was really happy that day because the Omega force had gained a will of its own, me.

I had become the will of the Omega force. This meant that even if people were to take away the stone's power as well as the power of the Phoenix force and space storm, I would still have the Omega force.

You knew? I did not properly explain it. It means that if someone were to obtain the Omega force in this universe and use it after I died, they would slowly be resurrecting me. You think I was already death-proof? No, I am not one of those people that assume they can't be killed. There is an infinite amount of universe.

Who is to tell someone won't show up in this universe with the tools to kill me? I know the chances are as I stated earlier, slim to none but it is better to be prepared than not be prepared.

Six months, after returning, went by without hearing anything from the others. I felt something was up. I used the space stone powers along with the mind and reality stone's powers to observe them unnoticed. Turns out they were planning on using me to fight the Hulk whichever win would be weakened for them to take down.

Charles proposed that we first talk to me. They all agreed that I was more diplomatic than Hulk. They wanted me to go to therapy and be restricted to certain places until it was clear that I was not a danger to everyone just like I was not a danger to mutants.

I could have rebuked them but I knew they were adamant about the restriction. I would basically stay in a house they chose until I was clear or they needed my help. I guess they did not want me to live in the city of Fortitude where my lab was.

It was Charles's idea for the therapy. He wanted me to stop being that paranoid. To heal my "psychological wounds", to let him inside my mind. I mean do I need to tell you guys how it sounded to me? I had half a mind to beat everything they planned to throw at me. Black Bolt's voice was destructive but I could crush his larynx before he even opened his lips.

Then it hit me, those idiots just handed me the solution to my problems on a golden plate. They would use every bit of their resources to make sure I could not escape while monitoring the city of Fortitude. They would not even think about Mars. I knew they would not kill me because even if they think they could, they knew my death would lead to a war between mutants and humans. Charles must have told them about it.

When I break out of my "imprisonment", I could use it as a reason to leave earth and most of the citizens of the city of Fortitude would follow me. Especially if Civil War happens. I had a plan to ensure that they would not experiment on me. Charles was one of them as well as the city of Fortitude but I planned on breaking the reality and space stone upon my "defeat".

I was curious as to what they were going to throw at me since Thor had left Midgar to train. It was an order from Odin. I guess he wants his son to be ready for Hela. He left his hammer here in case someone was worthy enough to wield it. He was leaving it for Steve but he thought that if another mortal could wield it then that mortal would be worthy enough to be a hero.

I flat-out refused their offer. I was basically going to be their bitch to call when they can't handle something. They were not surprised by my reaction and Stephen opened a portal beneath my feet. I let it transport me. I suited up thanks to my reality-warping power and pressed a button on my left forearm.

I was transported to the center of New York. There was no civilian there but there were cameras everywhere. Those Fuckers thought things through. With no civilian, those in front of me could fight at full power while those cameras that were love streaming would make me hold myself. They knew that I did my best to never paint mutants in a bad light and they used it against me.

In front of me was Bruce and behind him was everyone that was going to fight me. They were all ready to fight but Bruce seemed inclined to talk. I looked at every one of my future opponents before talking to Bruce.

"I am surprised you of ALL people would in here, Bruce."

He looked at me with a look of shame and regret.

"Lor, I know how you feel, you know that I do but you need help. We have been putting this up for too long. You need to trust us."

I looked at him before laughing. I laughed for five minutes but no one interrupted me. It looks like their plan requires stalling.

"Hahaha! *Huf**Huf**Huf* That's a killer. YOU! Of all people, YOU side with them and tell me to trust THEM! You realize that after me you are next! Heck, I wouldn't be surprised that they backstab you when this fight is over."

Steve came in front of Bruce and spoke.

"Lor, you have my word that we are only here to help. It was fine before but you tried to implement a law that new heroes must go through training before operating. We know this was your way to keep them in check. That trauma is causing you to threaten a line we should not cross. Believe me when I say we are only here to help."

I tried to make a law so that I could find whom I was looking for. I guess they saw it as me keeping tabs on who was a potential enemy. I scuffed.

"More like stalling, I'm done with this. If you are here to fight, let's get this over with. Now is your last chance to leave."

I said that while levitating and my eyes turning red. I saw Johnny Storm back step a little before turning into flame. Bruce sighed, he threw away his glasses and started to transform as everyone got ready. When Hulk came out, he looked at me before he rushed at me. I grabbed the fist that he threw at my head before speaking.

"Don't blame me when they stab you in the back later."

I used my heat vision to blast him through the city. Steve did his "avengers assemble" before the avengers, the Fantastic Four, and Black Bolt's personal squad came at me. I was tempted to use my Omega beams, but I did not want to kill anyone here.

Steve threw his shield at me which I caught, very easily if I might add. I threw it into the Hulkbuster suits that Tony had tried to sneak behind my back. Stephen came out of a portal as he created a portal for the shield to hit me in the face. I used the incoming shield to my advantage. I used my heat vision that flew everywhere due to the shield reflecting it.

Stephen used portals to redirect the laser back at me, but it did nothing. I scuffed as I heard someone.

"It's clobbering time!"

I saw the thing flying at me, being carried by the Human Torch. He was thrown at me and raised a fist ready to hit me. I caught that fist with my bare hand. I threw him towards Reed. While they were shocked, I used my super speed to take out Natasha, Clint, and Rhodey before using the space stone's power to send them away.

Hulk came back for round two, he was angrier than before. I used my super speed and strength to send a barrage of punches to his body before hitting him with a lot of strength on his chin. I sent him flying on the horizon.

I was about to go for Steve, but Vision flew at me, and body slammed me to the ground. I was pissed. I punched him at Mach 5 and sent him flying in Orbit. I decided I needed to go finish steve right now. As Stephen needed more time for whatever they were planning.

He tried to block my fist with his shield, but I used my super speed to punch him in the gut sending him threw a few buildings. The thing seemed to have regained his bearings after he smashed into Reed. As he was getting back up, I fly towards him and grabbed him before spinning him and throwing him towards the sky.

The Human Torch flies to catch him as I watch who was left. Stephen suddenly opened a portal below everyone else and they fell into it. I only needed a second to realize why he did that. Black Bolt came out of a portal that appeared near my face while throwing a fist at me.

I caught that fist as well as the other when he tried to punch me a second time. He grabbed my hands, and we were now in a locked position. He inhaled before screaming at me. I saw it coming but I thought I needed to experience it when they are trying to confine me instead of killing me.

I did not understand what he screamed but it hurt like hell. It sent me flying across the city. Every orifice on my face was bleeding. This hurt like hell. I said it before, but I need to say it again. I was not going to pull my punches will Black bolt… that much since he could take it.

I flew toward him, and he looked like he was about to scream sadly for him, I sped up and grabbed his throat. He could not utter a word as I used my cold breath to freeze his mouth. He tried to punch me with his right fist, but I blocked it with my left hand before breaking it and throwing him to Vision who was coming back.

Vision hesitated whether to phase out of the way but after seeing the state Black bolt was in, he decided to catch him. I had beaten Black Bolt at super speed when I threw him at Vision. This sent both of them into the Sky. Medusa and the rest of the Black Bolt squad rushed at me, but I swatted them with ease.

After I finished the last one of them, I got hit by a ray from behind. I instantly felt my strength draining as I fell to the floor, I stopped myself by using my knee to support me. I look behind me and saw that Tony, in his Iron Man suit with what I can presume to be a Solar energy drainer.

As I was analyzing the situation, Reed took this opportunity to bind me with his arms. At that moment, the sky darkened. My eyes glowed blue instead of red with sparks leaving them. Reed let go of me after the voltage became too much for even him.

I jumped at him ready to punch his smug face that was now anxious. Before I could reach him, Sue came in between us and erected an invisible shield to protect them. I was about to destroy that shield when I stopped in my tracks completely. This shocked everyone. Sue had closed her eyes thinking that pain was coming.

She opened her eyes to see my surprised face. The words I utter next shocked everyone. Nobody expected this especially not me. I had stopped because I had heard two heartbeats. That was excluding Reed. Yes, I had heard two heartbeats in her body.

"Y-You're pregnant?"

Her shock proved that she had no idea. Reed was as shocked as her. Everyone became immobile for a few seconds. Well almost everyone. Stephen used that window to cast a spell to bind me, Aizen style. I used my super speed to take the two gems on my suit and crush them much to everyone's shock. The spell managed to bind me for good as I did not resist after that.

The next time I see the light was in a cell that was illuminated by red sunlight along with a solar energy absorber battery on my chest. I had the clothes of an inmate, orange. My cell was the same as the one from the Hulk in the first Avengers movie. I looked around to see everyone who fought me. Bruce was not there. I spoke before they did.

"I see that everyone is here but Bruce… don't tell me? HAHAHA! I knew you guys were going to backstab him"

As I gloated, a bandaged Steve answered my question.

"We did not backstab him, nor did we backstab you, Lor. You sent him far away during the fight. W are still trying to find him."

I had to applaud the cover story they chose. This way even if Bruce does not show up it would look like he believed me and started hiding from everyone. Heck, people will even blame me instead of them as long as Bruce does not come back which they think he will not.

I looked at everyone before stopping at Reed. I smirked before clapping my hands.

"I have to give it to you, Reed. I did not think you had it in you, to use your own unborn child as a distraction against me. Bravo! *Clap**Clap**Clap* You guys did good, but you forgot one thing."

Reed did not look well; he took a few breaths before speaking.

"What thing?"

I got closer to them. I walked till I was in front of the glass. I hit my head against it before speaking.

"I was the one thing those brainless idiots feared enough to rain in their greed. I was trying to prevent the death of thousands, but you guys stopped me. Now you are at the edge of two wars."

This confused most of them, but Tony did not buy my warnings.

"Big talk for someone that lost."

I looked at Tony and retorted.

"Oh, trust me. This is far from over. I will get out and the best part of all of this is that you will be begging me to leave this cell."

He snorted.

"Yeah, right. You know you sound like a second-rate villain right now, right?"

I smirked as I went to the bed that was in my cell.

"Laugh while you can. Just know from now on that every SINGLE life that I could have saved is on your hands."

I lay down on the bed and waited for them to leave. I had sent a signal to the city of Fortitude before I entered Stephen's portal. That signal was for a program to start. It was an artificial Intelligence with my personality and plans for the future. It only had plans for Mars. I did not want to risk any more being leaked.

I had other artificial intelligence working on other things. I knew that some people would use this chance to spill all the dirt they have on me. Well, two could play that game. I just needed to wait and attract attention to myself. Time flew fast.

~Sue Storm POV~

I was shocked. I learned that I was pregnant by none other than the guy that was about to electrocute me. At first, I did not want to believe it but after using a pregnancy test, I saw that the result was positive. I was happy and told Reed, who was happy as well as anxious. I guess he feared that Lor might take revenge on the baby to hurt us.

I had a feeling that would not be the case, but Reed seemed preoccupied. He became this preoccupied after we all put Lor in his cell. Months went by and we all started to see the tension rise. Tony and Reed decided to tell the world that Lor had a trauma he needed to face but did not want to.

We saw more and more mutant activists opting for violence. We went to stop them only to realize after that most cases were just self-defense that got painted in a bad light. The words that Lor said to us kept coming back into my head. I heard Reed curse about the senate trying to impose new anti-mutant laws and wanted the Avengers to enforce them.

I wanted to strangle those senators. Did they think we beat Lor at full strength? We barely won and that is without him going for the kill and using the reality stone. If he had punched any of us with the same strength he punched Hulk, we would have died. Black Bolt would have survived but most of us would have died.

We all knew he was going easy, especially after Tony and Reed pointed it out. Lor subconsciously went easy so as not to increase the fear people have of mutants. Reed even found out that Lor used the two infinity stones to protect himself. Tony used this as a reason not to give him to S.H.I.E.L.D. Surprisingly, Fury accepted it instantly.

I guess like us, he did not buy the fact that Lor did not even try to free himself. He was planning something, and Fury wanted nothing to do with it before he learns more about it. The fact that Lor acted like he was in a tropical resort was quite alarming.

Our child was born. It was a boy and we decided to name him Franklin Richards. We still were not married but we already had a date. As I saw the look on Reed every time he held Franklin, I remembered the face Lor made when he found out I was pregnant.

I had seen that look before, jealousy and longing. That look was the same one my friend made when she found out I was pregnant. I felt that something was wrong. She played it off as being happy for me, but I kept pushing until I found out that she had learned she could not have kids of her own.

I guess Lor wants a family as well. It then hit me. I had not thanked Lor for stopping his attack. Sure, we were fighting but if he had not stopped our baby might have been hurt. It was mostly out of self-satisfaction, but I needed to thank him. He had helped me before we fought on another… thing. I went to his cell, but the door was locked. I hurried to the surveillance room only to find Reed and Lor talking.

~3rd POV~

Reed had just locked the door. Lor looked at him while raising his eyebrow.

Reed: We need to talk.

Lor: About what?

Reed: About the reason why you did not attack Sue?

Lor: Oh, and I guess you have your own theory, right?

Reed: My son was born-

Lor: Congrats!

Reed: I did some tests today and saw that he has the mutant gene. Don't you find it odd? You who do practically everything for the betterment of mutant kind stopped yourself from hitting a pregnant woman who happens to birth a baby with the mutant gene.

Lor: Okay, how about you ask the question you want to ask instead of beating around the bushes?

Reed: When we were in that other reality, I remember one day Sue could not even look me in the eyes and kept looking at you-

Lor: HAHAHAHAHA! You think we did the dirty in your back and that your kid might be mine?

Reed looked at Lor, he clenched his teeth and hands before answering.

Reed: Yes.

Lor: HAHAHAHAHA! Jealousy really does cloud judgment. For your information, the night before that day, Sue was debating whether to stay with you or not. You had been giving your full attention to that reality. You practically forgot that you were in a relationship. I just caught her at a bad time, asked her what was wrong, and she told me her worries. I just reassured her and that was it.

Reed was speechless.

Lor: Also, if we had done the deed that day the pregnancy would have been visible by the time of our fight. You wanted to find the reason; I stopped that day. I just did not want to hit a pregnant woman, but you thought so low of me that I would do it.

Reed could not look at Lor, he looks at the ground.

Lor: I got some news flash for you, Reed. I bet just did a test to see if the baby had the mutant gene, but you did neither a paternity test nor a test to see if you had the mutant gene since it's the father that passes it to the child.

Reed realized how rash he had been as he was leaving, he heard Lor's words.

Lor: Word of advice, make sure one of you guys is with the child twenty-four seven because the sole reason for the government to stop experimenting on mutant kids got locked up.

While both Reed and Sue were affected by those words. They chose to deny them until their fear got the best of them and decided to learn more about mutants. They had decent access to information thanks to their relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.

They had thought that no matter how exaggerated stories were no one could experiment on kids. When they saw the photos, videos, and research papers. Their blood froze in fear for their child's safety. Lor's words kept repeating themselves in their heads. Sue had even forgotten her rage towards Reed accusing her of cheating.

Years went by and Franklin was already four. He had started to show signs of powers. What was concerning to the couple was that Franklin could teleport. He would teleport at random times, but they knew where he would always go to. It was Lor's cell. Franklin had exhibited telepathic powers.

He had heard them say that he was a mutant in their minds and about Lor's existence. When they first lost him, they search everywhere only to go plead to Lor for advice and find them playing together. Lor told them that Franklin had teleported into his cell since he wanted to meet Lor.

They were furious at first but decided to calm down as they thought that Lor was depowered, he could not have abducted Franklin even if he wanted to. After a lot of back and forth between them, they decided it was best to let Franklin play with Lor when they were observing them.

If there was one thing, they knew about Lor was that he would never hurt kids much less a mutant kid. They saw that Lor would always be ambiguous when Franklin asked him questions about the relationship between mutants and humankind. They realized that as Charles had told them. Lor would never brainwash a kid.

Charles had asked if they wanted him to look out for their child and teach him. They refused. In all honesty, they were more comfortable with Franklin being with Lor than Charles. They knew firsthand that no anti-mutant mad scientist would dare come close to Lor after the world saw that fight. They also thought that with this Lor would save Franklin if they were not able to.

A month went by, and disaster struck. The government passes into law the Superhuman Registration Act. The reason for that law was the death of hundreds of innocent civilians caught in a battle between the New Warriors and Nitro. Tony was all for it and even managed to become the head of S.H.I.E.l.D. Steve was against it and managed to gather a lot of allies. Slowly but surely, everyone that fought Lor, realized what he meant that day. A Civil War was upon them.

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show!

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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