/ Anime & Comics / In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique

In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique オリジナル

In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique

Anime & Comics 63 章 1.6M ビュー
作者: David_555

4.21 (34 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Uchiro Madara, a modern otaku is transmigrated into Jujutsu Kaisen world with a God like Cursed Technique.

General Audiences
  1. David_555
    David_555 貢献した 79
  2. xPsixopatX
    xPsixopatX 貢献した 17
  3. Master_Atlest
    Master_Atlest 貢献した 16


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



From the start the protagonist has the worst, most unnecessary and sad backstory. The protagonist's parents die and then he is reincarnated and they die again. He has the power of foresight, instead of using this ability smart or strategically he reveals his predictions to his friend that was never introduced before. Then he gets adopted, then there's family arguments and then he joins the academy. He never trained before, and after serveral years still doesn't train or learn martial arts, and instead is a crippled third grade sorcerer that can't use cursed energy with a powerful seal. And then he goes to classes but he knows everything, he still acts like a child, and the interactions are bad. So after several chapters there's no progress or anything interesting.

6 の返信を表示する

the story seemed ok, but it just has a lot of small details which I dont like. First of al the powers, the mc has an amazing power which involves time, it'll grow stronger as time goes on and starts with a few abilities of which one is time stop. What i dont like about this is how he doesnt use this to its full potential. Why enter fights with dangerous opponents head first when you can stop time and do a double tap. There are also some oc's which are based on other animes and have their powers. It also seemed like the class was full of people which shouldnt be possible since even kyoto and tokyo, the hot spots for curses, have classes of ~4 people. Then the dialogues, I dont really like most of em, the way they refer to each others irks me a bit with the whole "senpai" while they know each other well enough to move past it (thats just a small thing tho). Dialogues and character building are also pretty lacking and then suddenly the mc gets angry cus dad almost gets killed and enters a "berserk mode" where he starts laughing like a maniac and killing people. Idk i just don't really like how the story was written. Perhaps if things were rewritten and the edgy/cringe things were removed it could be fun

6 の返信を表示する

DAS DAT GOOD SHIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Simplesmente nem nexo os pais são idiotas o protagonista e idiota nunca vi alguém tão idiota como os pais eo protagonista pais que não deixam o protagonista treinar mesmo sabendo do perigo do mundo e tem a mãe idiota dele eo protagonista que acha que só porque o nome dele é madara ele eo fodao o autor não tem criatividade em nomes e sem criatividade de desenvolvimento Simplesmente o protagonista diz que nunca aprendeu a lutar e luto cara a cara contra uma pessoa bem mais forte que ele sem usar energia amaldiçoada ele disse que nunca aprendeu arte marciais mais o autor esqueceu desse detalhe e fez o protagonista usar vários ataques de artes marcias Simplesmente horrivel

5 の返信を表示する

I do not know how to write a quotation. I really like the story, even though I haven't watched the anime. I got acquainted with the canon in the Wiki. I like the interaction of the main character with the characters. I hope this work will not slide, and there will be a bit of pathos. Especially when it comes to the canon, and he will be famous and strong. I look forward to the next chapters. Good luck author !!!🎉🎉

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one of the best jujutsu fanfic and dont drop this fanfic, read this fanfic Jujutsu Kaisen: Unlock The Eight Secret Arts at the Start, you might get an idea from this fanfic

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Good story. The only thing is that I found MCs character annoying. Emo, and somewhat self deprecating, there's even a point that he began acting like 'I'm a psychopath' which is lame in my opinion. His name is Madara and throughout the entire show, I can see the shadow of 'him' but because of some unnecessary actions, it felt more like a failed copycat of Madara's character. He's boring and too dramatic.

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From my point of view, this is one of the best ff about KJ. Even it has its own drawbacks such as an uncreative approach to choosing the name of new characters and their abilities, a not very well described range of emotions of the characters, but despite of this, in general, it's really nice story.I will hope that authors do not drop it in half way. All the best!

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Its pretty good hut the something about the way the author writes seem off. The quality is good and there are barely any grammar mistakes and even if there is one its very hard to notice.

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Snajdndekncndjddncncirkkekxodjejxkendixjnekdkenedkrmrkdo. I don’t know how to review.

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thank you for the novel, I'm very sad, because of stupid people like them, your novel almost stopped, I'm very annoyed with them, those who have only read a few chapters have already determined the ending,

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dis shi gud, cmon lemme get all those sweet sweet chaps u got there author

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All good for like the STORY OF THIS FF. Will give a proper review after the completion of the story!

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LV 13 Badge

A different version of Jujutsu kaisen where there would be someone that can rival gojo satoru. with gojo that carries the power over space, our mc has the power over time. Read how having 2 Sorcerer supreme in 1 era affects things.

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A really good story. I would recommend reading this.

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The story is going great and the mc has a technique with great potential. if the story is written correctly it would be a great story.

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Grea story including techniques from other animes and all. Has a potential to be a great book.

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This story is very good so far, and I look forward to more future chapters. I hope you don't drop this because it would be a shame if you did.

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作者 David_555