3.94% Immortals: The Curse of Samsara / Side Chapter: The Rogue Pilot (Chapter 31.5)

Side Chapter: The Rogue Pilot (Chapter 31.5)

(Chapter 31 from Katherine Rogue's POV)

A/N: This is sorta a back door pilot to Katherine Rogue, a possible MC for another series I'm thinking of. Think Barry Allen's The Flash's introduction on CW's Arrow before getting his own series (god that's a lotta 's). In this chapter, we recount Chapter 31 from Katherine's perspective while hinting at what her story will cover.


 "Ms. Rogue? We're landing in Sanctuary's airport in fifteen minutes."

Katherine opened her eyes blearily. Her groggy vision slowly cleared and she yawned reluctantly before nodding at the woman in front of her. The woman was Laura, one of several attendants for her father's multiple private jets.

"Alright, thanks for the heads up," Katherine said while standing up and heading for the lavatory. Laura smiled, happy at Katherine's compliment. She was hoping that Katherine would put in a good word about her to Mr. Eason Rogue.

After five minutes, Katherine was all freshened up and returned back to her seat, leaning back against the sofa-like seat. Her eyes traveled out the window and onto the approaching landmass with great interest. That interest slowly turned to shock as the jet got closer, giving her a good view of Atlantis. At a higher altitude, three aircrafts designed like modern airships were floating around, each of them programmed to remove the excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This, along with the mini ice age that the Yellowstone Eruption, brought global warming down to a manageable level. [1]

As the plane lowered itself for landing, Katherine saw the skylanes, a path or lane in the air, that flying vehicles were taking. The flying cars were following a designated path in the airspace based on the airway traffic regulations, which prevented any accidents from occurring.

The plane descended even lower, hovering a few meters from the ground and Katherine saw several drones swarming around the city, observing and helping people such as students and tourists. The futuristic buildings past the airport also caught her attention; she couldn't help but admire how the skyscrapers were built, each of them was a modern-designed spire created entirely from glass, but she could tell that they were ecological at the same time. [2]

After exiting her jet, Katherine saw a small robot zipping towards her. It had a small hover engine on the bottom instead of legs, and its cute overly large eyes were attached to a rectangular head.

"Hello, Ms. Rogue and welcome to Sanctuary!" The robot said. "I'm Sanctuary's Self Reliant Robotic Assistant to Tourism and Travel, S.R.R.A.T.T 5Ei for short. But you can call me Rat."

Damn advanced for an artificial intelligence, Katherine thought as she watched the little droid buzz around her.

"Please follow me," Rath said before flying to a nearby self-driving car. The seats were curved like soft lounge chairs that softly enveloped her when she sat down.

Are these seats certified? Katherine thought as she looked around. Since it was a self-driving car, it was incredibly spacious with no gearbox between the front seats while the back seats were two single-seaters. They don't look strong enough to handle an accident. Then again, it's probably used exclusively for driving VIPs to the airport so crashes would be close to nil.

"Before we proceed, please put on the glasses located in the glove compartment," Rat said. Katherine followed his instructions and pulled a lightly tinted pair of sunglasses from a leather case.

"Whoa," Katherine said when she placed them on her bridge. The glasses' screen changed and a welcome note appeared before it connected to Sanctuary's network. The glasses worked just like the holo-lens, creating a semi-virtual world that augmented reality whilst allowing the wearer to see and interface with holograms.

"Damn, I feel like Tony Stark right now," Katherine muttered while looking over at Rat. The glasses displayed a status screen next to Rat, pulling out basic information about the droid which floated into the car and rested itself on the dashboard.

"As you can see, Atlantis is a city with fully functional holograms that are impossible to see or interact with unless you wear these special holo-glasses or holo-lens," Rat explained. "That is why it is mandatory to wear these augmented devices at all times. If you lose your glasses, please inform a nearby SecDrone or personal. If there are none nearby, please contact Sanctuary through the free network on any device to have a representative help you."

As Rat spoke, the car started to drive Katherine out of the VIP airfield and into the airport.

"As a valued VIP of Atlantis, you have already been registered and do not require to go through customs check," Rat told Katherine as the car parked itself beside the VIP entrance to the airport lounge. "Would you like to hire a chauffeur?"

"No, I've got a friend waiting for me outside. But thanks uh …" Katherine looked at Rat and grimaced. "Do they really call you Rat?"

"It's the closest name to my acronym," Rat explained. "But you can call me anything you'd like."

"Alright … Rath then. I'll call you, Rath," Katherine said and Rath buzzed around her excitedly.

"Rath … that's a good name, thank you!" Rath exclaimed, surprising Katherine. Rath was a programmed robot, meaning emotions and actions are scripted. Despite this, it still shocked Katherine that an artificial intelligence was capable of expressing emotions.

This … it feels like I'm in a sci-fi world, Katherine thought uneasily. Nothing is the same. If it wasn't for my family and friends …

As Rath flew away joyfully, Katherine walked to the lounge where she found a familiar face that made her grin. Selena was sitting on a single seat sofa, leaning back while crossing her legs and reading the news on her holographic screen. Her black blazer was form-fitting, showing off her perfect hourglass figure while her bare legs, accentuated by her short office skirt, blinded nearby onlookers. As Katherine's eyes found Selena, a window opened up next to the sitting figure, showing her the information that the latter allowed to be shared.

"Selly!" Katherine called out cheerfully and Selena frowned for a moment before turning to look at Katherine. Recognizing her immediately, Selena smiled wryly as she stood up and hugged Katherine.

"God, look at you," Katherine pulled away and studied Selena from head to toes. "It's been what? Eight years since we last saw each other? Damn, you've lost weight!"

"You're acting like we haven't met each other in all that time," Selena replied amused. "But we're always seeing each other through holo-calls. Besides, I haven't lost that much weight, I actually gained some."

"I noticed," Katherine said while her eyes landed on Selena's chest. Her eyes narrowed underneath the glasses when she noticed that they were twice her size.

Damn, they're bigger than before. Life is so unfair, Katherine thought enviably while Selena, unaware of her evil gaze, smiled wryly while looking the former's outfit.

"You know, being a CEO, you tend to meet a lot of rich people. But none of them have a preference for wearing … is that a biker outfit? Not to mention ..."

Her eyes travelled to Katherine, who was wearing a casual outfit that was cheap and normal. It was a cropped jacket that settled on her lower midriff, just where her belly button would be. She had a plain white shirt underneath and a pair of fashionably torn blue jeans. What attracted more attention than her outfit though was her flaming hair colour.

She had a short haircut that reached slightly past her neck. The hair was dyed in various layers of colours: red, orange, and yellow were most obvious and her hairstyle resembled a burning flame.

"What? That's not true. We, billionaires, dress up like this occasionally, only when we want to go under the radar," Katherine added as she looked down at her outfit and joked, before brushing a hand through her hair. "And what's wrong with my hair? Does it look bad?"

"No, no. It suits you," Selena answered truthfully. Katherine was always hot-headed and brash, this hairstyle expressed her attitude very clearly.

"Oh, that's good. Thought you'd think it was overkill," Katherine said with relief.

"Not at all. We should get going," Selena took Katherine by the hand and led her away.

"C'mon, the car's over here," Selena said while guiding Katherine to the airport's exit for arrivals.

Brushing past happy families and friends that were reuniting with other passengers, the two made a beeline to the reserved parking that was right in front of the entrance. Resting next to the curb was a beautiful silver car with blue racing stripes running down it. Katherine gasped before walking closer to the car.

"Is that … ?" Katherine asked with excitement.

"Yep, one of the few remaining Ford GT40s. Took a lot to get this baby, mostly cause the buyer was a collector who didn't want to sell it," Selena said while Katherine brushed her fingers over the car with admiration. "But a … friend of mine was persuasive enough to get her to let it go." [3]

"Oh? Is this a friend or a friend?" Katherine asked while looking back at Selena with sparkling eyes.

"He's just a friend," Selena replied as her smile slowly faded.

Her thoughts drifted back to Jason, who was the friend in question. She could still remember, in vivid detail, how Jason brought the GT40 she had an eye on as a birthday gift for her, deepening the mark he had in her heart.

"Oh, a 'he' is it?" Katherine said in a gossipy voice.

"Yes, Kat, a 'he'. But still, just a friend," Selena said with a sigh. She couldn't deny the fact that she had feelings for him, a fact that oozed out of her voice. "He made that pretty clear."

"Oh," Katherine's teasing face faded and she looked at Selena softly before shrugging. "Well, his loss. And besides, he's probably a terrible catch. There's plenty more fish in the barrel!"

Katherine slogged her arm over Selena's shoulder as she cheered the latter up. Selena gave a small smile but didn't say anything and Katherine narrowed her eyes in response. She could tell that this person had a definite effect on Selena, and she had half a mind to beat the fucker up.

"But man, am I glad to ride this girl," Katherine said while gesturing at the car in an attempt to change the subject. "I thought you'd be bringing a flying car or something."

"Are you … you seem different," Selena said while frowning. "For the past few months, you've disliked technology. What's up?"

"Nothing. Just trying to get my head over some of these ... stuff," Katherine said evasively while sitting in the front passenger's seat. "Hey, what about my luggage?"

"They'll be sent to your hotel room," Selena answered as she sat in the driver's seat. "Don't worry it's done by drones and computers so there will never be an error in the delivery."

Their conversation turned a bit awkward as Katherine avoided Selena's previous question while the latter, who knew her so well, understood what she did. What made it more confusing for Selena was that Katherine's excuse was ridiculous. The only thing that was relatively new was the hologram technology, even then, it existed previously but with severe limitations. Regardless of her doubts, Selena played along with Katherine and the two tiptoed past the subject.

The two were exchanging smaller chitchats as Selena drove into the city when Katherine jumped. "Whoa, hey! Is that overpass moving?"

"That's a bus," Selena explained. "Sanctuary is a city but we have a large population, mostly due to Espers and Spellcasters moving in with their families. So, in order to lower traffic congestion, while providing quick and simple transportation, the Bus was created."

"I have to admit, it's an ingenious idea," Katherine said while watching the bus slide above them. Moments later, it sped away, allowing the clear sunny sky to appear again.

"Yeah, but we can't take all the credit," Selena answered. "The idea came from Japan, they tried implementing a similar form of transportation but failed when the war started."

World War … Katherine sighed as she looked out the window. This world was completely different than the one she came from, so much so that she wasn't sure if she really experienced a rebirth.

"So, where to? Do you want to rest in your room or …?" Selena asked Katherine who roused herself from her thoughts.

"No," Katherine said firmly. "I need to see Alina. I can't rest without knowing she's alright."

"Okay," Selena said slowly, confusion apparent in her face.

Katherine noticed but didn't elaborate. How could she explain that Alina had died with the Sages in her previous life? Knowing that Alina was alive was a relief, and she wanted to take her in and train the latter into managing Rogue Industries once she left. But more importantly, she wanted to see if it really was her. If Alina was alive in this lifetime, then did that not mean that others, who died previously, could also be alive?

Could … Mikael be alive then? Katherine thought as she clenched her hands. In her mind, she could see a scruffy man with salt and pepper hair, his sapphire blue eyes looked back at her with gentleness. Could I save him this time?

"Just to give you a heads up," Selena said drawing Katherine's attention. "She's probably at school where her brother is teaching."

"Seriously, who is this guy?" Katherine asked. "You say he's the reason why Alina's alive and you left her in his care after finding out about her. Do you know him?"

"Yeah …" Selena hesitated before answering, her eyes on the road, avoiding Katherine's. "He's … the same friend who got me this car."

"Oh. OH," Katherine said as she realized what Selena meant. "No-no-no, hold up. He's the guy you like? And he happened to be taking care of Alina?"

Selena nodded at each question that Katherine asked, unsure of what she was getting at.

"... He a pedo?" Katherine finally asked seriously and Selena lost control over the wheels for a moment.

She glared at Katherine with amusement and annoyance. "No!"

"Just checking," Katherine mumbled. "I mean, look at you. Remember how all the boys would drool over us? Almost half of them were after you and your melons!"

Katherine sent another envious glare at Selena's chest.

"More like they wanted to bang us together," Selena grumbled and Katherine laughed.

"I'm just saying, no one in the right mind would not date you," Katherine said while wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah, well, he's interested in someone else," Selena said. She could tell that Jason wasn't interested in a serious relationship at the time. In fact, he would be melancholy at times, staring out into the sky pining for someone who wasn't there.

"Ah," Katherine said. "So, does this guy have a name or is he perpetually called 'he'?"

"His name is Jason, Jason Sage," Selena said and Katherine frowned.

Jason … She thought. The roguish Drifter who turned into a hero from her past life flashed in her eyes and she shook her head. No, it's just a coincidence. He can't be the same Jason as Jason. Besides, the name's different, it's Jason Sage, not Jason Singh.

"So … how did he end up with Alina?" Katherine asked.

"He was … adopted into the Sage family years ago," Selena explained. "Honestly, if it wasn't for him, Alina would have died along with her family. He saved her and they both escaped. Finally, they settled in Sanctuary once he knew they were safe."

So he's the anomaly? Katherine looked out the window to hide her frown from Selena. There was no one who was adopted last time, meaning he's the reason Alina survived … could he also be the key as to why everything's so … different? Why the past and present is vastly different in this new … timeline?

Katherine looked up and watched the flying cars zip above her.

There's still so much I don't understand …

"Alright we're here," Selena said while parking in front of the school. She exited and introduced the academy to Katherine. "Callahan's Greystone Academy, better known as Second Academy."

"Second Academy?"

"It was the second academy to be built in Sanctuary and the first to open its doors to everyone," Selena explained as they walked into the school grounds. "The First Academy was for the prestigious, meaning you couldn't enter without paying an arm and a leg. Second Academy allowed anyone with Esper or Casting abilities to enter, regardless of their financial situation. The only problem is that it's completely based on meritocracy, meaning-"

"Meaning the rich and the powerful have a head start," Katherine finished with a grimace. The system of meritocracy was meant for those that were capable to advance based on their results. However, those with poor backgrounds would have fewer resources to spells and training methods compared to the rich, hence the unfair advantage.

"Unfortunate, yes. But you still find many who manage to rise despite the odds," Selena said.

"Right, but the majority won't see it that way," Katherine pointed out. "And if there's anything that's truly scary in the world, it's mob mentality.

"Well, whatever. It doesn't concern us," Katherine shrugged while looking around. "You said class should be finished but why is-"

Katherine was about to point out at all the students who were watching from the school windows when two figures ran past her. The second figure tackled the first and the two wrestled for a stack of bills that were folded in the first figure's hand.

"Gimme back-"


"My money-!"




The first figure, who was taller, stretched his arm holding the cash away from the second figure who tried reaching out desperately.

"Uh, what the fuck?" Katherine asked when she saw the two adults fighting like a bunch of kids.

"Oh, God," Selena muttered while covering her face with her hand.

"Hmm?" Katherine looked at the embarrassed Selena then at the two men fighting before widening her eyes. "Selly, don't tell me …"

A sharp sound resounded through everyone's ears surprising them. From the school, a woman dressed as a teacher, and holding hands with a child, walked up briskly to the two men who looked at her guiltily. Behind her were two girls that looked at the two men with amusement and anger, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment and slightly behind them was a woman dressed in a military camo outfit.

"Junco!" Raphael breathed quietly but the blonde beauty in the military outfit ignored his call and Silvia glared at him.

"Honestly, I expected such childish fights from Jason but you, Raphael? I expected better!" The teacher, Silvia, said, her voice laced with disapproval.

"He started it!"

"He started it!"

Both men shouted out simultaneously before turning and glaring at each other.

"I don't want to hear it!" Silvia shouted as she slapped the pointer in her hand across her other hand. The faint whipping sound made the two sit up straight and she began lecturing them while they sat down like two mischievous boys who were trying to behave.

Katherine ignored everything as her eyes laid on Jason, refusing to bulge as her mind spun around like a merry-go-round.

Jason … it's really you. Katherine's eyes watered as she looked at Jason. His bronze skin, messy stubble, and deeper than black eyes were all the same. The only difference was the air of subtle dangerousness that he emitted, it was completely different from the noble aura he had in her previous life. I finally managed to find you, you ass.

She had so many questions for the man she viewed as her best friend and brother. But instantly, from the moment she laid her eyes on him, she realized that he had no memory of her. A pang of pain stabbed her heart and once more, she felt alone in this unidentifiable world.

Wait a sec, Jason?! Katherine spun to look at Selena then Jason repeatedly. So, the Jason that Selena mentioned, and liked, was the same one looking after Alina?!

Suddenly, a wave of sympathy passed through Katherine and she sent a look of pity at Selena. Yeah, makes sense. Dude was always terrible at relationships. Yep, no wonder it didn't end well. And damn, she's in for a fierce competition if she wants him.

"Hmm? Oh hey, Lena! And …" Jason finally noticed the two and cheerfully called out to Selena before freezing when he realized that Katherine was standing beside her. Katherine felt of pang of pain when she saw his cold eyes look at her without recognition.

"Katherine Rogue," Jason said quietly. His face was impassive for a moment before he smiled and stretched his hand out. "Pleasure to meet you."

"You too, Jason," Katherine replied as she shook his hand.

You have no idea how good it is to see you, Katherine thought.

[1] Airships with this kind of design: (https://www.popsci.com/resizer/0ly2HwPB68CINi1NzMHmfzyifGw=/1008x528/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bonnier.s3.amazonaws.com/public/CNUFEI4XIP4P5EIB545I2CRKQA.jpg)

[2] I had this song stuck in my head while imagining the concept of Atlantis: Blue Stahli - Red Carpet Rush (https://youtu.be/5z7DI4IQ0vE)

[3] The Ford GT40, 'nuff said. (https://images.cdn.circlesix.co/image/1/640/0/uploads/media/2019-01/02/a466a5bb4f2c69e8/screen-shot-2019-01-02-at-103740.png)

A/N: So Katherine's backstory is sorta complicated. She knew Jason really well and the two sorta had this isekai moment where they were separately transported to another world, the cultivation world that's one level above ours. Here, they journeyed together and experienced a lot before Katherine was sent back through time in a rebirth manner (like all those other female lead webnovels). Although after returning back to a younger age, Katherine realized that the world was vastly different than she remembered. The US was still picking itself up from the Yellowstone Eruption, WWIII happened, and technology was much more advanced than what she remembered. To make it worse, since the world was entirely different, everything she knew about the previous timeline, her cheat, was basically useless. Now, she's starting to cultivate again while trying to fix this new life and discover what truly happened to cause such an irrevocable change to the past, present, and future.

Drakonous Drakonous

Stop limiting the author's words, Webnovel!

next chapter
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