6.41% Ichigo Awakens / Chapter 12: The Challenge

章 12: The Challenge

(Soul Society, West Rukon)

Ichigo and his friends appeared above the sky, dropping down onto the land that was the afterlife. The collection of empowered humans scanned the glistening white city on one side and the darker, less impressive wood and stone of the area they were at.

"Where are we?" Tatsuki asked while everyone continued to scan their surroundings. "Is this really Soul Society?"

"This is indeed Soul Society." The masculine voice of Yoruichi's feline form answered. "This is the Rukon district."

"The place with the greatest freedom but the poorest conditions." Ichigo continued, remembering what he was told a while ago. "Apparently the lower the district number, the worse it gets." He turned to the white city on the other side. "And that should be the Seireitei, home of the wealthy nobles and Shinigami."

"So when we die," Tatsuki started, "we either turn into mindless starving beasts hellbent on devouring others or just live in a facsimile of Feudal Japan?"

"Seems like it." Uryu replied, sounding rather disappointed.

"That's it in a nutshell." Yoruichi confirmed.

"This is the suckiest afterlife ever." Tatsuki deadpanned. "The best hope for people is that they have enough Reiatsu to become Shinigami."

"And even then, it doesn't seem any better because the ones in power don't seem to care." Ichigo said, a little miffed that this was the place he's been sending souls. One life to another that was pretty much the same as the last.

"Maybe it's not that bad." Orihime said, forcing her usual cheerfulness, trying to make the answer to an age old question of the afterlife seem less bleak.

"Chad. Launch." Ichigo said to his muscular friend. He nodded as Ichigo jumped toward him and he cupped his hands to give Ichigo a foothold before sending him skyward. Ichigo kept his eyes shut as wind streamed past his body until his ascent ended. He opened his eyes as almost all of the districts lined out in front of him. Each one becoming worse than the last. He took a glance to Seireitei, but was unable to identify any of the squad headquarters. Using his Pesquisa here would just give him a migraine but he might not have a choice. He had to find that Yamamoto guy. He began to descend back to his friends, managing a small stream of Reishi beneath his feet to slow his drop. "Nope." He said once he hit the ground. "Soul Society is the worst afterlife. Rukon gets worse and worse the farther down you get. Only thing that matters is how much Reiatsu and money you have."

"It certainly wasn't easy, I can tell you that." They heard a teasing tone say. Each member of the group turned their heads to a silver haired man with a fox like grin. He wore the Shinigami shihakusho with a white haori over it with a diamond pattern. A clear sign of a captain. "Hello~!" He greeted cheerfully, something Orihime was all to happy to return.

"Hi there!" She cheered. "Who are you?"

"What a cute girl." He said amused. "I am Gin Ichimaru, captain of squad 3."

'This is bad.' Yoruichi thought to herself. 'Ichigo and Uryu are the only other ones I'm sure that can fight captains, but they have no idea what he is capable of.' She noticed Ichigo stepping forward to speak with the man. 'Ichigo, make me proud. Don't rush in blindly like an idiot!'

"You must be Ichigo Kurosaki." He said giving his full attention to the hybrid. "The Commander is interested in meeting you."

"Feeling's mutual." Ichigo said quickly and calmly, trying to get a read on the man before him. "You here to take us to him? Did we really warrant an escort from a captain?"

"Its not everyday that humans try to invade Soul Society while they're still alive." Gin's hand rested on the hilt of his blade, completely nonchalant and without any trace of violent or ill intentions. "Fewer still that could get the drop on captain Kuchiki like you did. So, yes, you do warrant a captain as escort." Ichigo's instincts flared at that very second, causing him to draw his zanpakuto at the same time Gin did. "Shoot to kill, Shinso!" Gin fluidly drew out his short blade and aimed at Ichigo in the same motion. Ichigo barely managed to deflect the attack by a fraction of a second. "You will be executed after little Rukia dies." He said menacingly, causing Ichigo to glare as he flash stepped in front of Ichigo. "You are both criminals after all." He said before their blades clashed, causing a small shockwave. Two sealed blades, a regular katana and a wakazashi.

"And here I thought I was going to talk to him peacefully." Ichigo grunted, struggling a little against the strength of Gin's blade. "Guess that was a pipe dream."

"Oh he is interested in you Ichigo." He said, keeping that taunting grin and showing no exertion on his side. "But facts are facts. You stole a Shinigami's power, are trespassing, and no doubt plan on breaking out a criminal. Rukia covered for you, refused to say anything in her defense, and refuses to do anything but sit in her cell." He leaned in and his smirk grew. "She's going to die, because of you~." He sang, making Ichigo glare. "You can have your time with the Commander, but killing you will be easier after taking you in by-"

"Hado #1, Sho." Ichigo quickly said. Gin looked down and saw Ichigo's hand a scant few centimeters from his stomach, which flashed crimson before blasting him back into the Seireitei and embedded into a wall. Gin managed to get a look at Ichigo as the dust cleared. Ichigo raised his hand to give Gin the finger. "I wonder how this report is gonna go." He said before the spirit wall slammed down and separated the two.

'You've grown strong kid.' Gin thought as his squad appeared. Their worried cries falling on deaf ears as he thought about the boy he was monitoring since his birth. 'Looks like your estimations were wrong Aizen, he's stronger. That definitely wasn't kido.' He vaguely heard his blonde lieutenant say something about broken ribs as he began healing Gin. 'The Commander is going to be pissed about this.'

(Back with Ichigo)

'That happened.' Ichigo thought to himself, flexing his hand. 'Should've expected this difference between sparing with a captain and fighting one.' He shook it a few more times to get the feeling back into it. It was then that he noticed the looming shadow of a giant with a fez and pony tailed sideburns. 'And now there's this guy.'

"That was quite the display Spikey Head." The giant said in a deep masculine tone. "It's been ages since someone tried to enter the Seireitei without a travel pass, and even longer since someone tried to fight a captain, let alone gain a captain's attention." Ichigo looked up to the man as they stared down the other. "My name is Jidanbo Ikkazanka and I am the guardian of this gate. There has been no person to ever come through this gate in the three centuries I've guarded it." He said with a smirk. "You're the first one to actually make me a little nervous about that thought, and the challenge excites me."

"Sorry to ruin your fun pal," Ichigo said, bringing his blade up before sheathing it at his hip, "but I have no interest in fighting you big guy." He told the gatekeeper, shocking the giant man. "Instead, could you be so kind as to give me directions?" He asked the big guy. "My name is Ichigo Shiba, I'm trying to find my clan."

"Oh, certainly!" Jidanbo said, pleasantly surprised. "Most nobles and Soul Reapers look down on us ghetto folk, which is why those that get out try to get stationed here to make sure they are treated right. The Shiba clan are also good to the people of the Rukon districts." He explained before looking closer to Ichigo. "How are you related to the Shibas exactly?"

"My father was a branch head of the clan." He said before pulling out Isshin's letter. "He told me to give this to Kukaku." Jidanbo squinted at the letter before he confirmed it's legitimacy.

"Alright. You want to head that way." He said pointing off into the distance. "You'll know it when you see a small house with a towering chimney and the banner being held up by arms." Ichigo paused at the description he was given.

"I would ask if you're kidding, but if they're anything like my dad, I shouldn't be surprised." Ichigo said before turning and leaving. "Nice meeting you Jidanbo!" The giant gatekeeper waved back before sitting down as the people came out of hiding. "Well I do remember seeing a house with a giant chimney stack so we should go there for now."

"Right." The rest said. Unfortunately, that trip was waylaid by the denizens of the Rukon district coming to meet the newcomers. After Yuichi showed up, Chad almost begged to stick around for a bit.

(Captains meeting)

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Yamamoto roared at the nearly recovered Gin. "Captain Kuchiki made it clear that Kurosaki was willing to listen to reason and speak peacefully. What you did was mark him as an enemy so he'll respond in kind!" Gin winced and struggled under the spiritual pressure the Head Captain was releasing in the room, affecting some of the lesser captains somewhat.

"Please... hear me out... sir." Gin managed to wheeze out under the ancient man's wrath. Yamamoto relented somewhat to allow the brat a chance to speak. "Thank you sir." He said, getting the air back into his lungs. "It has been so long since anything like this happened. It could help to make sure ourselves and our troops don't get rusty." He said, letting a silver laced forked tongue work it's magic. "Besides, this will let you see his measure for yourself. Whether you think he can be trusted or whatever it is that you have planned." Yamamoto could not deny that he was just a bit tempted to have the boy join the ranks of Soul Society, but guilt of his past actions forbade him from doing so. Depending on what Ichigo says to him, he could have a promising successor if his strength was not an exaggeration.

"This will not go unpunished Ichimaru." The old man growled. "We have a report saying that the boy claims relation to the Shiba clan, which means they will be using their cannon if he gains their assistance." 'And knowing that woman, they very likely will.' "But with the barrier in place, they will probably end up scattered. Inform your squads, I want them captured alive. Dismissed!" He announced as the captains dispersed, each one already planning which Ryoka to go after. 'Looks like I was right. Captain Issin, I hope your son surprises me.' He thought, turning his attention to the bespectacled Aizen helping Gin out.

"That was a risky move." Aizen whispered to his former lieutenant and trusted ally. "Even I thought he was going to kill you."

"It seems to have worked." Gin responded. "Now you just have to wait for them to create a ruckus so you can stage your death and take over the Central 46."

"Then push for Rukia execution when these Ryoka prove themselves enemies." Aizen smiled harmlessly, completely masking his dark intentions.

(The Shiba House)

"Banner." Uryu said, identifying the building.

"Chimney." Chad continued.

"Kukaku Shiba." Tatsuki almost laughed out.

"Arms." Ichigo finished, looking at the bizarre house that his cousins occupied. A sturdy looking warehouse with giant stone arms holding a banner saying, 'Kukaku Shiba' with a towering chimney in the back. "I know I'm not supposed to judge by appearances but what the hell?" Tatsuki cracked up laughing while Chad and Orihime barely reacted too much with Yoruichi getting some twisted kick out of Ichigo and Uryu's freak out.

"Come on, how bad it this compared to what you two have seen?" She asked while walking ahead.

"Uryu." Ichigo called to his cousin.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Thanks for being somewhat normal." Ichigo said gratefully.

"No problem Ichi... Somewhat normal?"Uryu asked, offended.

"Let's go!" Ichigo yelled, dodging the conversation. They got close to the banner when they saw someone wearing a bandana, black vest, with baggy gray pants and matching undershirt. Riding a boar with a bunch of goons.

"Hey! Who are you guys?" He called out, curious about Ichigo's group, until he saw Ichigo in his Soul Reaper garb. "What's a crummy Soul Reaper doing here?!" He growled stomping up to Ichigo.

"I told you to get a change of wardrobe Ichigo." Uryu called out. "I offered to make you a new outfit but you said no." The irate man tried to get Ichigo's attention, but Ichigo felt this talk was more important.

"I told you, I don't think I could pull off the whole cape thing." Ichigo said, remembering early outfit drafts Uryu made. "They'd get in the way of my zanpakuto and my fighting."

"Nonsense." Uryu defended. "I'd be sure to make it fashionable AND functional. Not overly long like most people think of capes as."

"I asked you a-" The man tried again, until Ichigo grabbed him by his face without even sparing a glance.

"Hado #11, Tsuzuri Raiden." Ichigo recited, electrocuting the man in his hand until he dropped the cartoonishly burned man. "It'd probably end up torn up and ruined anyway. You know how I fight." Ichigo said while the man's goons were screaming about 'Boss Ganju' being down. "You'd probably spend every other week making me a new cape."

"I did have designs other than ones with capes." Uryu mumbled in his defense.

"How dare you!" They heard a voice growl out from above. The group looked at the top of the arms to see two men standing atop them.

"Attacking master Ganju like that." The other said as they dropped in front of Ichigo, Ganju safely away with his underlings trying to bring him back to consciousness. They looked like twins except their color and faces.

"I, Koganehiko!" Said the yellow clothed man with the long face.

"And I, Shiroganehiko!" Said the white clothed man with the cleft chin.

"Cannot allow you to come any closer!" They yelled together. They were both bigger than Chad in height and muscle and were prepared to fight. "Leave now or die!" Ichigo merely stared at them, not intimidated in the slightest, as he remembered his father telling him about these two. The loyal retainers of the Shiba clan. Told him that with Yoruichi and his letter, those two would end up begging forgiveness if they did something stupid.

"Sorry, but could you let us in?" Ichigo asked, pulling out his Isshin's letter. "I have this message from Isshin Shiba for the head of the clan." The twins looked surprised and examined the letter when Yoruichi spoke out.

"That letter is real." She said, still in her cat form. "Isshin is alive needs Kukaku to read that." The twins freaked.

"Yes, yes of course!" Koganehiko said, bowing respectfully to the now 'honored' guests.

"We apologize for earlier Master Yoruichi. Sir... Ichigo?" Shiroganehiko said, trying to remember the earlier conversation between hybrid and Quincy.

"Please, come this way." The yellow dressed man said as he opened the door to the descending staircase. They reached the bottom where it looked like a more proper home with doors and hallways. "Wait as I announce your-"

"Just let them in Koganehiko!" A rough girl's voice yelled out, making the man stiffen.

"Y-yes! Master Kukaku!" He cried, opening the door to reveal a large room filled with Tatami mats, and a lone woman with bandages on her messy black hair, tattoo on her left arm while her right was absent, with a loose red robe showing off her ample cleavage.

"It's been a while, Yoruichi." She said with a tomboyish grin.

"Holy crap!" Tatsuki yelled out in surprise. "Her boobs are bigger than Orihime's!" Orihime looked down, cupping her own boobs, and felt lacking in the breasts department for the first time in her life. Something Ichigo noticed.

"Don't worry Orihime, I don't love you for your boobs." He said, pulling her in for a hug. "I love how you make me feel better just by being you." He said, making her smile with a happy blush.

"And you love me cause I'm a confident fireball that kicks ass, right?" Tatsuki said, getting in close.

"Yes I do." Ichigo growled at her, capturing her lips quickly.

"Good answer."

"Quite the ladies man isn't he?" Kukaku asked her old friend as the cat walked to her.

"Yes, although he doesn't have as many girls as he should." Yoruichi lamented, being unable to tease him with her sexiness or embarrass him for being a playboy.

"So, you had a letter from my uncle?" Kukaku asked, getting Ichigo's attention again.

"Yeah." Ichigo said, freeing himself from his girlfriends to hand over Isshin's letter. "Dad did say to give this to the head of the clan." Kukaku actually looked shocked and read the letter before cracking up.

"So that's what the old goat was doing!" She laughed before rising to her feet and wrapping her lone arm around Ichigo. "Welcome to the family cuz! Let's get you to the Seireitei!"

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


