29.41% Ichigo Awakens / Chapter 55: Parasites' End

章 55: Parasites' End

(Kasumioji Secret Grounds: Assassins base)

Hanza stormed into the facility, prying off the ruined Saiga and heading to the smithy where the Bakkoto were forged and developed. Joining him were three of his most powerful and trusted allies in the assassination unit. Genga; a scarred mountain of a man with yellow armor and an eyepatch over his left eye, Jinnai Doko; a small and lean man with pink skin, spaced out square teeth, and bald on the top of his head with what hair he does have being blonde, and Ryu Kuzu; a lean man with a black mask covering his nose and mouth, pink armor on his torso over his black bodysuit, a pink scarf around his neck, and a reverse straight pompadour for his brown hair.

"Where is master Kumoi?" Hanza angrily demanded, scaring some of the craftsmen working on the Bakkoto.

"L-lady Rurichiyo took over as the clan head and has been keeping him busy." One of the blacksmiths responded, only to be thrown out of the way by the assassin as he headed for the most recent of experimental weapons.

"Master Hanza, stop!" Another smith cried out, Nukui ignoring them. "Those weapons haven't been tested, they could consume you in an instant!"

"Shut up!" Hanza yelled as his three allies followed him, each one heading for a different experimental blade. "I have never failed in an assassination and I refuse to let this be the first. I'll kill them, all of them. All of squad 15 will die by my hand!" He shouted, grabbing the latest version of Saiga and letting the living flesh of the Bakkoto dig into his arm and permanently fusing with the blade.

"You think he's lost it?" Ryu asked his allies.

"These Soul Reapers have proven strong if they keep beating him." Genga answered. "At this point, it's a matter of pride."

"If this turns out to be a suicide mission, then why are we here?" Jinnai asked, interested in a challenge but not if he would die without any real reason.

"He gave us meaning in our lives." Genga reminded him. "We had nothing and he helped us, gave us purpose and direction. We owe him our lives." He went over to the large guandao blade and merged with it. "I'm honoring that." The other two nodded and picked up their new blades, Jinnai with a large one handed scythe blade with a chain attachment that latched onto his torso and Ryu with a straight sword that attached itself up to his elbow.

"Now my brothers, let's go." Hanza said, readying for what might be his final assault.

(Squad 14 Barracks)

"Amagai, Kibune." Love called out to his second and third, Ganju already by his side. "Ganju heard some interesting news." The Shiba man stepped forward and kept his face impassive, despite the anger he felt toward the traitors.

"One of my sources recently informed me of an illegal weapons deal going on in one of the old abandoned training grounds, and in one of the seedier alleys of Seireitei." Kibune seemed excited at the idea of a challenge while Amagai seemed more focused on doing his task.

"The Head Captain has made it clear that he wants these weapons disposed of as soon as possible. For the safety of the citizens of Soul Society. Now, Ganju will lead Kibune to scout the alleyways while Amagai and myself will check the old training grounds."

"Sir, if I may." Kibune started, gaining the Vizard's attention. "What are these illegal weapons?"

"Abominations called Bakkoto." Love answered, making the two stiffen ever so slightly. "You have your orders. Move out."

(World of the Living)

Hiyori was eating chips and watching the monitors, keeping track of everything important in Karakura Town. The hospital, the parks, the area around the base, the homes of the main officers, Karakura highschool, all with scanners to pick up Hollows, Fullbringers, Quincy, and most recently, Bakkoto. Eventually, the Bakkoto sensor started going off with several pings coming up... then more all over the city. Idly, Hiyori ate another potato chip and started typing away, and leaned back again without any sense of urgency.

"Should I make popcorn?" She asked aloud to no one as a large battalion of Kasumioji assassins appeared. "Nah, it'll be over soon." She sent a message warning of the attack and got ready to watch the battle.

(Fullbringers: Giriko)

The elderly Fullbringer was enjoying some late night tea, a pastime he was finally able to enjoy again now that things had settled down with the Fullbringers. Not for the squad, but he did some more experiments with his powers and found himself able to take his leisure so long as he was smart. He made his precautions so he was not concerned with the dozens of assassins closing in around him.

"I'd advise against any violence or talking." He suddenly said before the first assassin could attack. "Also, don't stray too far away from me. A hundred meters to be precise." Several of them ignored the warning and tried to cut Giriko to bits, getting consumed by the Flames of Time as a result. "I did warn you." He answered as the assassins watched in shock of their allies dying so easily. "I have set up multiple contracts that keep you here and me safe. One, so long as I show no aggression, I can not be harmed by an outside force for half an hour. Two, so long as I speak honestly with you, you can not speak for forty-five minutes. Three, so long as I stay put, you are all trapped in this hundred meter radius around me for half an hour. Four, so long as others are aware of these contracts, every new person is subjected to them as soon as they enter my range." He paused to take a drink while the assassins fidgeted trusting that they were now stuck. "Though, all of that will make little difference. Since, five, those that are clearly identified as my enemies will be consumed by the Flames of Time after five minutes."

(Karakura Hospital)

Ryuken took in a drag of his cigarette, letting the burning tobacco calm him down from his latest surgery. His workload lightened up after Masaki and Kanae woke up and Masaki did some help in training their young Quincy so he didn't have to worry about that. However, a lightened workload didn't mean anything in his chosen profession got any easier. Humans still prove themselves as very fragile and he was just done dealing with one particularly risky surgery. A girl that was born with a weak heart valve, resulting in a very fragile body. He's going to keep an eye on her progress but for now, he needed to relax. A group of assassins appeared behind him and were immediately shot down with a barrage of arrows.

"Thank you Kanae." The Quincy master said, extinguishing is cigarette as his wife came to him, carrying a bucket of ice with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "I'm in no mood for these weaklings."

"You've had a rough day." She responded with a quick kiss on his cheek. "Time to relax."

(With the Kurosaki girls)

Yuzu, Karin, and Masaki were heading home from some late night grocery shopping. Ichigo was able to come home a lot because Isshin was doing his son's work on top of his own and Isshin hasn't been able to spend nearly as much time with his family as he used to. They made it easier by coming to visit him every so often and have the occasional family dinner at a family restaurant, today being reserved for a home cooked family meal. Everything was going alright, despite sensing the massive influx of disturbed Reiatsu. Putting their faith in Isshin's squad, they ignored the issue and went about their day.

"How about we have Udon tonight?" Masaki suggested, earning a cheer of approval from her daughters.

"Want me to help mom?" Yuzu asked, always ready to help in the kitchen. Masaki beamed at her child.

"Of course you-" She stopped when a group of assassins got too close for her liking. She disappeared in a burst of speed, leaving Karin to catch the bag before it fell, and quickly crushed the would be attackers. Barely three seconds after she first moved, she returned to her original position. "Of course you can, Yuzu." Karin noticed a small change in her movements that showed she exerted herself.

"You okay mom?" She asked earning a tired sigh from the Quincy.

"I'm still rusty it seems." She said, just as the five attackers slammed onto the road behind them.

(Fullbringer: Jackie)

The Fullbringer was covered in mud, sludge, and blood as she partook in the fighting. Taking advice from Ichigo and Sado about her over reliance on speed and power led her to pick up a proper fighting style. She chose Capoeira and spent all of her spare time learning the style, doing her damndest to be able to keep the flow as she increased the speed and power. She swerved and flipped around the attacks of the assassins, all of whom basically replaced their hands with swords as they all wielded Bakkoto, and used the force of her spinning and flips to smash her reinforced Dirty Boots against her opponents. She broke bones and snapped blades, which made her enemies pour their Reishi into their Bakkoto and consuming their arms and torsos, as they continued to converge on the Fullbringer. She watched as the flesh of the Bakkoto spread on her enemies and got a sense to get out of there.

"Clean Boots." She whispered, all of the gunk and mess on her just falling off. Her ultimate defense, born of the happy memories she had with her boots before they were stained in her family's blood, so long as she focuses on those memories then her boots remain clean and herself, untouchable. Her white raiment Fullbring now shined with a clean brilliance as she walked through the assassins. Those still conscious as they attacked her were more and more consumed by their Bakkotos, catching aflame and absorbed by the abominations. Within seconds, she was surrounded by corpses and hostless parasites. "This... this is disgusting." She said, trying to hold her food down.

(Lisa vs Jinnai)

"Now, let's see." The co-third seat of the squad said, double checking the statistics of their current situation. She was currently sitting outside of the barracks, stargazing, when the attack came. "The Kasumioji assassins outnumber us by about 1.5 of our current number, many of whom are losing pretty quickly to our soldiers with the Fullbringer assists." She checked off some points on her tablet designed by Hiyori to be the most advanced Soul Tracker, second only to her computer system. "There are four major Bakkoto wielders, it's captain Isshin's family time, lieutenant Ichigo and Orihime are still in Soul Society, so that leaves Uryu, Sado, and Tatsuki as our usual top fighters. But that's three..."

"Well well well, what do I have here?" Jinnai asked loudly, revealing his presence. "An officer of this squad 15 I presume?" He brandished his Bakkoto scythe, making the chain rattle to instill fear into his opponent. Except Lisa wasn't paying attention.

"Maybe I could get Ichigo to do that 'thing' I've been wanting to try if I actually fought. It has been a while." She was muttering to herself before Jinnai swung his scythe blade at her. Once it got within range, she deftly lifted her blade and blocked the attack with ease. Pulling his Bakkoto back, Lisa gently put her tablet down, taking note of several of her squad members Reishi signatures getting weaker by the second and some flecks of wetness on her cheek. She wiped her cheek and found blood on her fingers. "Maybe you assassins, with your Bakkoto, are actually a concern." She began to unsheathe her blade. "How about I crush you here for your mistreatment of my comrades."

"Don't look down on me Soul Reaper!" The imp like man cried out before bringing the spine of his Bakkoto blade to his mouth and biting off a chunk, chewing quickly and devouring the metal. The second he swallowed, a dark malevolent energy pulsed from his body. Blades erupted from his body, straight swords from his back and curved sickles from his forearms and shins. "Witness my Retsurai, and tremble at your impotence!" Jinnai shook with ecstasy with the power coursing through him. Hanza told him that the Bakkoto were powerful, and they became so much stronger in recent times, but he didn't expect this. It was intoxicating, he craved it, needed it, but first he needed to defeat the Shinigami before him. Lisa glared at her opponent and immediately had to dodge as he sent a flurry of blades to tear her apart. They were faster than she anticipated as she successfully avoided the blades, but her clothes were torn and she had numerous light scratches.

"I think it's time someone showed you real strength." She slammed the hilt of her blade and mouth of her scabbard together. "Smash, Haguro Tonbo." She spun her Zanpakuto as it extended and grew into her long pole arm spade. Before Jinnai could remark on the massive weapon, Lisa slammed the ball end of her weapon into his gut and angled it so that he'd be sent skyward. He managed to right himself and land on the roof of a tall building, with Lisa calmly walking towards him on the air.

"Damn Soul Reaper!" Jinnai cursed and he ate another part of his Bakkoto, causing more blades to erupt from his body and turn his skin into metallic scales. He fired another storm of blades at Lisa, prompting her to spin her spear and swing it like a fan. The air pressure deflected all of the blades, making them fly past her harmlessly, and she threw her spear toward the imp of a man. Jinnai leaped to the side, avoiding the blade, only to encounter Lisa's foot as she kicked him in the face. After tumbling for a few feet, he roared in pain and anger and began eating more and more of his Bakkoto. His teeth became shark like blades, his scales became metal, and every part of his body had a blade.

'So this is a Bakkoto.' Lisa thought as the fleshy attachment on Jinnai's stomach dug into his body. 'They must be destroyed!' She summoned her mask and opted to end the fight. Jinnai spun toward her like a serrated tornado as Lisa retrieved her Zanpakuto. Just when he got into range she swung her spade blade like and ax, cleaving Jinnai in two from the waist. She watched the two pieces of the dead assassin, in horror as the tendrils of the Bakkoto reattached the two halves and turned Jinnai's body into Reishi before absorbing its former master. "Incredible power at the cost of your life and sanity. A sad death for a sad creature." She said before dropping down to the cursed weapon. She saw the thing look at her and attempt to move before she crushed it with her spear. "Disgusting abomination."

(With Ganju)

The third and fourth seats of the Rukon squad made their way through the empty alleyways of the Seireitei. Even with the influx of new recruits, the main city of Soul Society was far from crowded as most of the graduates went to either the Rukon squad or the Living World squad, which were in constant need of new recruits. Makoto took point while Ganju stayed in the back as he managed to guide them to a dead end.

"We've been searching for hours." The bespectacled man said, feeling annoyed at the probable wild goose chase. "Are you sure our target would be here?"

"Yeah, he's here." Ganju said, slowly and silently unsheathing his blade. He failed to hide the intent in his voice as Makoto's posture changed, showing that he caught on. "Makoto Kibune, you've been found guilty of wielding the illegal weapon Bakkoto. You're under arrest." The traitor turned and gave an arrogant smile to the Rukon noble.

"And they saw fit to send you?" He asked as he unsheathed his blade. "I'm actually insulted, but I suppose it fits. A noble of the Shiba clan, yet you are a pathetic dog compared to me. I never liked you." He got into his fighting stance as Ganju returned the scowl.

"Same here. I thought you were scum the moment I set my eyes on you."

(Tatsuki vs Ryu Kuzu)

She danced through the many assassins that came after her in the park. They were quick, but training with Yoruichi and squad 2 gave her plenty of experience on fighting assassins. She didn't want to waste her strength on small fry, but she was also hesitant because of what her Zanpakuto spirit said. Fire and heat hasn't hurt her since she gained her powers, but she was burning in her inner world. She knew she could beat these guys with ease, but she was still hesitant when fighting people trying to kill her. She was still out of their league, but she knew she should be beating them a lot faster then she was.

"So violent," A voice called out before a heavy mist swept in "and so strong. You must be one of the officers of the squad, are you not?" The fog surrounded her and grew thicker by the second, obscuring her vision greatly. "I'm Ryu Kuzu, just to let you know the name of the man that killed you."

'Where is he?' Tatsuki thought worriedly, scanning all around her for her opponent. She saw a silhouette in the mist and was about to charge when a dozen others revealed themselves. She got herself ready to fight, but her heart was racing. She thought back to her inner world and the suffocating flames, to when that fat Arrancar was trying to kill her, to her Zanpakuto calling out her weakness. She's fought with allies to her back, fought people trying to capture her, she was still not ready for people trying to kill her. A blade quickly cut her back as she was slow to react to the sudden attack.

"Why don't you just give up?" The assassin taunted as dozens of blades appeared, connected to the mist. "This battle was over the moment you were trapped in my Shiragiri's Mugen Kairo." The blades danced around her, striking at random and forcing her on the defensive. She pulled out her blade to the attacks she couldn't evade. But despite her best efforts, it was a battle of attrition she felt like she would lose.

'Damn it Tatsuki!' She thought in anger, being on the defensive. 'You're better than this, you know that!' She avoided a lethal cut, gaining a nasty gash on her arm. 'FOCUS! What would Yoruichi do? What would Ichigo do!?' She wondered before something clicked, something her Zanpakuto asked her. 'What should I do.' Suddenly she was no longer in that mist and that storm of blades, she was back in that burning field, staring straight at the flaming bird that was her Zanpakuto spirit.

"Do my flames mean destruction?" She asked calmly, watching as her wielder stood up proud and unflinching in the inferno.

"They protect the people I care about and burn my enemies." She answered, stern and confident.

"What are you in your group?"

"Ichigo is our leader, Chad our strength, Uryu is our long range fighter, Orihime is our support, and me?" She started, the fires building up around her. She returned to her present situation as the blades drew closer. "I'm our heavy hitter." Her body began to glow brighter and brighter as she channeled her Reishi into her limbs. "SHUNKO!" She yelled as she exploded, a massive ball of fire expanding from her center and consuming everything around her. The mist quickly faded and Ryu Kuzu was left defenseless as his concentration broke and was consumed by the burning wave. The raging flames died down and she was left in a smoldering field of embers. She soon collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily from exhaustion, and held up her blade to look at the spirit steel. "Looks like... I need to work on that... Shunko thing a little more... What do you think Hidori?" She felt the blade vibrate in approval as she passed out with a smile on her face. Kuzu was barely hanging on to life, dragging himself toward the unconscious Tatsuki with the intent to kill her. His mission of vengeance ended when a blade removed his head.

"Get some rest Tatsuki." Lisa said, finishing the assassin and recovering the fifth seat.

(Ganju vs Kibune)

The fight was not going well for the Shiba man. Kibune proved his skill by being faster and stronger than Ganju, especially with what seemed to be a psychokinetic control of his Zanpakuto Reppu. The most Ganju could do was block and dodge, and his strength was waning. He figured being in a more confined space would give him an advantage and limit the flying ability of the glaive, but it was more agile than he thought and Kibune was kicking his ass... literally. Not just using his Zanpakuto but a variety of kicks kept Ganju from mounting a proper defense. He kept moving, and drawing circles on the ground and walls.

"So... out of curiosity." Ganju started when Makoto returned his Reppu to his hand. "What's the end game here? What's the ultimate goal?" Kibune smirked arrogantly as lime green Reishi flared around him.

"Same thing I've always wanted, power." He said before sending Reppu spinning toward Ganju again. "I've strive to become the most powerful Soul Reaper at the Academy. The top of every class, excel at every subject, but no one understood my worth. I was always passed up for squads by those so much weaker than myself." The spinning blade clipped Ganju's side as he tried to grasp the handle. "When I did finally join a squad, I excelled once again. I killed more Hollows than anyone, no matter what got in my way. I was never stripped of being a Soul Reaper, but I never gained that recognition I deserved for my power." His Reppu returned to his hand. "When I was part of the expedition unit, I found the Kasumioji and attained the power of the Bakkoto." He revealed his left hand, already one with the parasitic weapon.

"I'm guessing that the real reason you Zanpakuto flies?" Ganju asked, glaring at the fish eye on the weird thing attached to his hand as the flesh tendrils climbed further up his arm.

"I guess you aren't completely stupid." Makoto said, readying his weapon for another strike. "But you ARE pathetic, just like that weakling brother of yours!" Numerous small explosions went off on Reppu, covering him with sticky mochi and playing havoc with his ear. Ganju didn't even smile as he invoked his strategy.

"My brother gave his life in a fight of honor, dying only because no one expected such an altered Hollowed that could possess and disarm Soul Reapers." Ganju said calmly as his Reiatsu grew stronger and stronger. "Anyone could tell you why you never became an officer until the Gotei got desperate." Kibune poured his Reishi into his Bakkoto and pried himself free of the trap. "And you just stomped on those ideals of a true Shinigami Makoto. I won't forgive you for that." He slammed the hilt of his blade on the ground and cried out. "Renka Seppa Sen!" Dozens of sand pits and holes formed on the ground and walls, everywhere Ganju drew his spell. "Erode, Asusheika."

(Chad vs Genga)

The giant of a man was sitting on a bench, amidst a field of broken Bakkoto and dead bodies, hunched over in prayer. After seeing so many consumed by their Bakkoto, he thought he'd be able to free some by removing the parasite. He never knew how tight their grips on their hosts were and the few he freed soon bled out from the missing limbs. He's familiar with the idea of giving one's life to a goal, promising his to help his friends, but he never saw such an instance of pointless sacrifice. The Kasumioji assassins should've learned this was a losing fight long ago, why are they throwing their lives away now? His latest opponent, one of the last two major enemies, made his presence known.

"Thank you for giving me the time to give due to the dead." Chad said as he stood up to face the man, slightly bigger than he was with a broader stature. "Though I must ask why you're all throwing your lives away like this? You must know you're losing."

"Most of the assassination unit believe that Kumoi would be better as the clan head." Genga started, wanting to show his resolve to prompt his new opponent to take the fight seriously. "Others want to present us as rogues so the Kasumioji won't be completely ruined after this comes crumbling down. For Hanza, he's never failed a mission and it's a matter of pride now for him. Even if it means his death he'll try to kill someone close to Ichigo Kurosaki, or any member of this squad. My brothers and I were random thugs that he gave purpose to. But personally," He brandished the guandao attached to his arm, "I want to have power and to test that power. Hanza gave me that so I'll fight for him." Chad kept his eyes on the man as he pushed himself to his feet.

"I won't pretend to understand your friend, but I do understand you." He activated both arms of his Fullbring and got ready himself. "But that doesn't mean that you'll win, or that you have a chance here." Chad shot forward with his Bringer Light while Genga stabbed into the ground. All around the two of them shot up green energy, turning into stone walls and branching off to form a crude labyrinth. It didn't slow down Sado as he delivered a powered sidekick into Genga chest and sent him flying. He broke through a couple walls before becoming embedded in one and sinking into it. "Figures, they've upgraded."

"You hit harder than I expected." Genga's voice echoed from all around him. "And you're right. My Kakuyoku is improved to allow me to create my walls however I wish so long as they are stable." He said as more energy surrounded Chad, attempting to trap him in a stone prison. "Also," He shot out for behind Chad, "I merge with my walls!" He stabbed at the Fullbringer's back, but he twisted just enough to only have a large tear in his shirt. That was the attack he saw coming, another blade was coming straight for his head. He barely avoided decapitation and got a deep cut in his cheek. There was no time to breath as more stabs came at him. He kept his shield arm at pace with the piercing strikes, trying to buy time until he could find the perfect chance to get his opponent out of those walls. Suddenly Genga came at him with an overhead strike which Chad blocked, but a smirk on the assassin's face alerted him to a sinister plan. Coming at Sado was a spear of energy, too close for him to throw off Genga and block. It was times like this he was glad for his training.

"Doble Brazos, Gigante!" He yelled out, turning his left arm into a shield, exactly like his right. He figured his right arm was to defend while his left was for attack, but he knew that would only go so far. He pushed himself to be able to change sword and shield, even having both arms be swords or shields. With his new shield, he deflected the energy and broke free of the stone. Taking advantage on Genga's shock, he grabbed the blade and yanked him out of his walls. He then threw Genga through the walls and back out into the open. The impact knocked the wind out of him and he was having trouble pulling himself back up, even with the energy he was pouring into his Bakkoto. He was about to get back up when a foot pinned him to the ground. He saw his opponent and tried one last swing, giving every last ounce of himself to Kakuyoku.

"Brazo Izquierda del Diablo." Chad said, reverting his left arm back to his offensive power. Using it, he caught and shattered the blade of the Bakkoto, leaving his opponent helpless. "I know you'll never stop, so this is for you're own sake. I'll make it quick." He grabbed Genga's face and charged his power again. "La Muerte." He whispered, before destroying the assassin's head and leaving a skull crater. Chad rose to his full height again and offered a silent prayer for the soul of the recently dead.

(Ganju vs Kibune)

The battleground changed from calm to chaotic, Kibune's flying Reppu and Ganju's Asusheika clashing for supremacy. The edge the Bakkoto wielder had was the last as Ganju manipulated the sands around them to his will with a swing and wave of his blade. The former third seat sent his blade spinning toward Ganju, who blocked it with a sand wall. The sparks flying until it returned to Kibune, most of his arm was engulfed by the Bakkoto. They paused for a moment to catch their breaths, Kibune panting heavily while Ganju was hunched over.

"For all of your abilities, you're still no match for me." Kibune said mockingly. "But since you seem to think to know why, what distinguishes me from a so called 'actual' Soul Reaper?" Ganju actually chuckled, gasping for air while laughing.

"I said it was obvious didn't I?" The noble looked and the man glaring at him. "It's in the job description of a Shinigami, protecting innocent souls. You said it yourself that you were always interested in power for its own sake, never for helping anyone. A true Soul Reaper fights for others, gains power to protect their allies, and is ready to give their life for those that can't defend themselves." He held up his blade, a gritty metallic bar slightly longer than his sealed cleaver. "Asusheika gives me the ability to manipulate sands to my will. Awesome ability with the cost of taxing my Reishi heavily. I use this power to help my allies, you'd just cut down anyone in your way!" He yelled before stabbing toward Kibune, sending several streams of sand toward the traitor. He blocked the torrent of sand and used his telekinetic control over his Reppu to bring him to the sky.

"And still so foolish!" He yelled out, high above Ganju and seemingly out of his range. "Why tell me your power when I can counter act it?" He readied his blade for the next strike. "If that's a true Soul Reaper, than I'm glad to be in a different league!"

"A conceited bastard to the very end." Ganju said before stabbing his blade downward. At the same instant, Reppu's form exploded into a shifting mass of metal particles, stabbing into Kibune's chest. Losing control, he dropped to the ground like a rock as more of the metal sand spread inside him. "Grinding and polishing blades works by rubbing it against fine grain stones. Like whetstones or durable sandstone. What do you think happened every time my sand collided with your Reppu?" Kibune glared at Ganju as he coughed up blood. "Tiny grains of your blade came off and under my control. Like I said, sand." He pointed Asusheika to Kibune and made one more swing, perforating his chest with the remains of the metal sand in his being. "Never mock my family, especially my brother, You wannabe Soul Reaper." He turned and left the man to die of his wounds, ignoring his cries as the Bakkoto devoured him.

(Uryu vs Hanza)

The Quincy kept careful watch on every major conflict from his vantage point atop the safehouse. He sensed how the assassins began dropping much more drastically as the stronger members of the squad defeated the main Bakkoto wielders, leaving only one notable fighter left. The same assassin that faced off against captain Isshin, and he was coming straight for him.

"You took your sweet time." Uryu said condescendingly, unconcerned with his opponent. "All of your allies are dropping like flies." He looked at Hanza and saw what the man became. The Bakkoto was already wrapped around his upper body, leaving only his head and legs free of the tentacles, sweating and wincing as if he was in pain. "And you want victory so badly you're killing yourself for power." Hanza ignored him as he growled out a demand.

"Where is your captain?" He yelled, glowing with lilac colored energy. "If this is my end, it'll be by his hand." Uryu calmly stood up and pulled out a Seele Schneider.

"Today is his time with his family." The Quincy answered as he activated his blade. "Besides, you disappointed him too much in that last fight when you ran." With out any warning, Hanza attacked Uryu to no avail as the Quincy blocked the attack. "And seeing as I'll likely become the next captain of the squad, I should be more than a match for you." He forced Hanza back and started gathering Reishi.

"Don't mock me!" Hanza flashed his paralysis light, but Uryu circled behind him. He swung behind him, creating a wave of energy as he tried to cut the Quincy, at the same time as Uryu cut across his back. He cried out in pain he felt his Saiga start moving him according to his will. He willingly shattered the mirror on his blade and shot the shards toward Uryu, while unleashing a massive blast of energy from the hole. He was hoping to distract the Quincy while using the ultimate power of Saiga, the Nightmare Illusion, to crush him with his worst terrors.

"I believe you're done." He heard from above. He looked up to see his opponent with five arrows that he shot around him, each one a silver rod that harnessed Reishi, held in place around him with spirit threads. He was about to move before an arrow destroyed the nucleus of his weapon, making the Bakkoto wither away. He tried to move but his legs were dead.

'He severed my spinal cord with that slash!' He thought in terror as energy from each one of the rods bound him in place.

"I normally wouldn't be opposed to dragging this out, giving you a good fight." Uryu said as he floated in front of Hanza, next to one of his Seele Schneiders. "But, about twenty of my squad members are in need of major surgery and healing, and I'm only one of two qualified for those as the rest are medics of varying skill and our BEST healer is currently in Soul Society." He took out a Ginto capsule and got ready to pour the liquid Reishi onto the blade. "So take this as punishment for inconveniencing me and my father. Sprenger." He let a drop fall before disappearing. The last of Hanza was consumed in a massive explosion of light. "Such a pain." The Quincy groaned as his gear returned to his hand and he pulled out his phone. "This is third seat Ishida, gather what wounded you can and bring them to Karakura hospital. We'll take care of the worst cases there." He finished the message to the squad before calling his father. "Dad, we have critically injured Soul Reapers in need of surgery."

(Love vs Amagai)

"We're here." Love said, the captain and lieutenant made their way to an old training field, where Love said their lead for the arms dealer was. Love suddenly stopped and turned to face his lieutenant, his features the most serious they've been in a long time. "I'm not gonna bother being coy with you Amagai, I know you have a Bakkoto." Amagai eyes widened a bit before going stone faced.

"And here I thought I kept up my ruse fairly well." He responded, feigning that he was unsheathing his blade and Bakkoto when he was reaching for the papers he kept in his robes.

"You almost fooled me, but there was always something about you I didn't trust." Love continue before flashing in front of Amagai. "Hado #33, Sokatsui." He cast his kido spell and engulfed Amagai in the pale fire. The traitor appeared behind Love, covered in small burns that were most prominent where his papers were. "If it wasn't for squad 12 getting a Bakkoto sample and making a tracker for them, you'd probably have gotten away with none the wiser." Amagai scoffed as he pulled out his Zanpakuto and his tuning fork Bakkoto blade. "Though I gotta ask, why? What's your goal in all this?"

"My goal is revenge." Amagai answered, ready to use the nullification power of his Bakkoto. "Against Genryusai Yamamoto, for Shin'etsu Kisaragi's death." The name registered with Love, but he wasn't sure where he remembered it from. "He was a loyal member of the Gotei, served under Yamamoto and his loyalty was repaid with his death!" It was then Love recognized the name, the man that first investigated the Bakkoto on behalf of Yamamoto. "For his sake, to avenge my father I will kill everyone involved with the Bakkoto!" He yelled out. "Yamamoto, Kumoi, the whole of the Kasumioji clan, I will not stop until they're dead!"

"You think the old man is involved with the Kasumioji?" Love asked with a raised eyebrow. "With the Bakkoto?"

"The Kasumioji made many suspcious and questionable moves but Yamamoto refused to do anything, even after this so called 'revolution' that Soul Society is going through. And why else would he kill his subordinate?" He asked, demanding answers from his captain.

"A small matter of adhering to the law that said he couldn't interfere with the affairs of the nobility, for starters." The Vizard responded. "He also didn't want to become a tyrant, though his patience it reaching its limit with the nobility. As for why your father died, I doubt you'd believe me so it'd be best to bring you to the old man in person." He said while unsheathing his blade. "But you've been a naughty little bastard, disrupting the peace like this with your little vengeance mission. You need a time out kid. Slam, Tenguma-" Before he could finish, Amagai tapped his tuning blade against the hilt of his Zanpakuto and Love paused. "What was that?"

"My Bakkoto is Kumoi's masterpiece, able to cancel out other Zanpakuto in the area." Amagai answered with a confident smirk. "Except for mine. Sever, Raika!" He called out, turning his katana into a long white blade topped with a hook and a few shell like pipes for his hilt. "I have nothing against you captain Love. Honestly, I respect you. But you don't stand a chance against me now so stand-"

"You said you only canceled my Zanpakuto right?" Love asked, earning a nod from Amagai. The next instant he was slugged so hard across the face he thought his neck was going to snap and sent spiraling through the air. "Too bad for you, there's no defense against the fist of Love!" He yelled out, shamelessly quoting one of his favorite manga. Amagai bounced and rolled on the ground until he finally stopped himself, his vision already hazy from the punch. "Let me school you on a few things Amagai." The Vizard said, flashing in front of Amagain and pulling him up by his throat. "One, Bankai doesn't automatically make you a captain as only an idiot would deem that as enough. You should train to AVOID using Bankai, become strong without relying on it. Second, just because you canceled my Zanpakuto, doesn't mean you canceled my FISTS!" He yelled before slamming his fist into Amagai's gut, sending him flying again. Once he managed to get up, he shook himself clear and focused on his fight.

"Ban-!" He readied himself to use his final release when Love's sword turned into a giant Kanabo club with spikes instead of studs. He thought they were out of range of his Bakkoto so he chimed the blade again, with no results. Suddenly, Love was right in front of him.

"And three? I'm a Vizard boy." He said, just before bringing the club down on the man.

(Yamamoto's office)

The head captain was reading over the damning evidence and report from Tsukishima, already aware of the suicide mission against squad 15. Ichigo and Orihime were alerted, but Ichigo stated that he wasn't worried and the squad was ready for most anything practical for Soul Society. He was reading the report to determine who to send into the Kasumioji grounds and clean house. His musing was cut short when Love entered the room, dragging an unconscious and beaten Amagai who was bound tight with a kido spell. With zero tact, Love grabbed Yamamoto's cup of tea and splashed it in Amagai's face.

"Wake up!" He yelled, smacking the traitorous lieutenant across the face. Then Love realized what he did. "Head Captain, I can expl-"

"Quiet." He said firmly and looked at Amagai, who was glaring at him. "I assume there's a reason for this?" Since it was the end, Amagai figured he had nothing to lose and spoke his mind.

"This whole Kasumioji conspiracy is my doing." He admitted. "I promised Kumoi a place at the top of the nobility if he played along. Give me a Bakkoto and stir up enough trouble among the Gotei to act unnoticed. All so I could kill you and the Kasumioji for the creation of the Bakkoto and the man you murdered. My father, Shin'etsu Kisaragi." He finished with a growl, waiting for a reaction from the man he knew was responsible for his father's death. Yamamoto said nothing as he stood up and went to a pile of files under the list of KIA. He pulled out one folder and tossed it in front of Amagai.

"Your knowledge seems to be lacking boy." He said before freeing Amagai of his restraints. "I admit to killing your father, but you are mistaken if you thought it was out of malicious intent. Should you read that you will know why I killed your father, but it will bring you pain." He warned before sitting back down. Hate coursing through Amagai's veins demand that he try to kill Yamamoto, but he had no weapons and curiosity demand that he look through that file. He took a deep breath and opened the file, proving Yamamoto correct.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C55
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


