1.06% Ichigo Awakens / Chapter 2: Ichigo Became a Death God

章 2: Ichigo Became a Death God

(The beginning of the series proper)

Twas a beautiful night. A silver glow washing over the city of Karakura. Few lights remain on in this dead hour of the night as it knows a rare moment of silence. An image of tranquility and stillness to the living, not so much for the spiritually aware and the dead themselves. Standing high above the city, like a guardian light in the darkness, was a warrior. Clad in a black shihaksho with an elegant blade on the hip, the Soul Reaper stood watch as several monsters slipped into the city.

"I sense strong spirit energy close by." She said before rushing off into the darkness. Unaware of who she will meet, and what will happen.

(Evening the next day)

The day was on its decline, the sky releasing a burning bronze light over the city while everyone was going home for the day or indulging in their various hobbies. Some were simply walking around the town, enjoying the ending of the day. Others just goofed around, acting all big and tough, annoying other people with their attitudes and recklessness. What did Ichigo do in his spare time? He spent it beating the crap out of the latter of course. There were five people in front of him, three were cowering in fear, one was unconscious, the last was getting his head crushed into the pavement by Ichigo's foot.

"Alright, listen up you trash!" He growled out pointing to a knocked over broken bottle with some crushed flowers. "First question! What is that? Answer!"

"Oh, uhh." The middle nameless thug started. "I guess someone left those flowers for some kid that got killed here?" He whimpered before getting a face full of Ichigo's heel. Thankfully this is for comedic effect so no one is dying.

"Correct! Next question! Why is it on it's side?" He said, glaring at the next two idiots.

"Its because one of us was careless enough to knock it over?" The next guy said, hoping to appease the angry seer of the Dead. His response was another hard kick to the hard knocking him into the only other member of his group.

"If you know that," He said eerily calm before emitting a murderous aura, "then go apologize or the next time the flowers will be for you!" He growled, terrifying the group of thugs as the ran and screamed out their repentance. One bespectacled teen decided to reveal himself.

"Was that necessary Ichigo?" Uryu asked as he went to where a young girl's soul still resided, replacing the flowers and offering a quick prayer.

"Probably not." He admitted as he turned to his cousin and a little girl with a bloodied face. "But you know how protective I am. Besides, spirits like her deserve to rest in peace." She smiled and bowed to the two Quincies.

"Thank you, now I can rest in peace." The two smiled at the girl before walking away. It was one of those rare moment they could talk and catch up, not worry about the training Ryuken puts them through or the schooling to make sure they get that training.

"Father says that Karin is getting better in her Quincy practice." Uryu told him. The twins found out about their brother one day after following him to Urahara's one day. The exiled captain saw little harm in two sisters wanting to support their brother. "How's Yuzu's progress with kido?"

"You know, she's having trouble." He said. "Karin has no trouble but its harder for Yuzu. Maybe she just has no talent for it." Ichigo said apathetically, in reality he'd rather they not fight at all. He's fine with them learning to defend themselves but not go into a war like he and Uryu were going to.

"This coming from you?" Uryu asked through a laugh. "You still have trouble with controlling your reiatsu. You can barely use a Hado spell without blowing something up." An unfortunate incident were he caused some major property damage, causing him to swear to not use kido outside of a safe environment. The only safe spells were still extremely powerful and dangerous ones, very taxing on his physical body.

"So? I'm stronger and faster than most everything in this city." He threw back.

"So you can beat a captain of the Soul Society?"

"Maybe, we'll find out soon." Ichigo looked off in the distance, feeling a reishi he associates only with a few people he knows. "There's finally a Shinigami in this city." This made the two stop. Uryu glared in the distance, still feeling some level of resentment for his grandfather. Ichigo, more in annoyance that it took them this long to show up and help the lost souls of the city.

"Do you think you'll finally unlock your Shinigami powers now?"

"I won't force the issue Uryu. But I have a feeling that it might happen soon." They then went their separate ways, each feeling that there was nothing more to say to the other. The sun finished it's descent as the light went from warm bronze to pale silver from the moon and streetlights. Minutes of walking later and Ichigo finally returned to his home, where his family waited with dinner. In most families you would hear, 'I'm home', or 'I'm back.' In this house, shielded in a strong barrier to keep it hidden from unwanted eyes, Ichigo's first words to his family was-

"Bakudou no. 8, Seki." He rose his arm, now with an orb of light hovering on his wrist, catching his father's swift kick and blowing him back. Ichigo immediately charged at his father who recovered from the counter and began throwing fast punches at his son. At the table, eating that dinner Ichigo came home for, sat his twin sisters. One was as gentle as a blooming flower with hair much like her mother's while her sister more rough with black hair like her father.

"Can't they wait until after dinner?" Yuzu whined, puffing her cheeks in displeasure as father and son fought.

"Leave them." Karin told her sister, holding her bowl out for more rice. "Ichigo needs to be ready for anything. You know that."

"Doesn't mean I like it Karin." She said, giving her sister another helping. The fight ended as soon as it began with a tie between father and son, each one at their physical limit.

"You're definitely getting better my son." Isshin said, looking at his son with pride. He was glad that his son was already on par with most lieutenants, he just needed to become a Shinigami to confirm that. The two men of the house returned to the table to enjoy their family dinner. While they still missed Masaki's cooking, Yuzu was doing a fine job with it. Before they went to bed, Isshin told his son that Urahara wanted to see him tomorrow. That it was important.

(The next day)

Ichigo was walking through the city, in his gray school uniform, to check up on the spirit of that girl from yesterday. That's when he heard the howling. Like a large beast crying out in hunger. He remembered those cries, the same beasts that tore his teacher apart so many years ago. He ran into the city to find them and the little girl they were chasing. The people were frantically running in terror, away from a danger that they could not see but certainly made it's presence known. It was a giant brown bug-esque monster resembling a Praying Mantis. In front of it, running for her life, was the little girl spirit from yesterday.

"Help me!" She cried, fleeing for her soul. Ichigo reached out and grabbed her before skating away with his Hirenkyaku. He got them to the end of the sidewalk when he finally found that Shinigami he was sensing. She moved so gracefully, slashing through that hollow like a blade on the wind, killing her prey in two swings.

"Finally. A Soul Reaper shows up." He said, watching her as the hollow dissipated. She glanced at him, eyes wide in shock. 'Crap, she saw me do that.' He thought to himself before disappearing from the scene.

"That boy." The Shinigami said as the target of her inquiry vanished from her sight. He looked so much like him and he was definitely no ordinary human. "I'll have to find him." She began to leave to continue her duties. "I have some questions for him."

(Later in the evening)

"Hey Kisuke." The young hybrid said as he entered the small sundry shop, punching Jinta in the head for tormenting Ururu again because she's so timid. "I'm here." He walked down the center aisle of the small store, lines of nondescript and unimpressive products of random types waiting in the selves and display boxes. It surprises him that Kisuke manages to keep this shop in business, probably not something he wanted to know the answer to. Maybe it had something to do with the real purpose of the shop, catering to the spirit beings. "What did you want?" He asked his disheveled teacher.

"Well my prized pupil!" The bucket hatted scientist exclaimed excitedly, putting Ichigo on edge knowing his teacher's mad scientist habits. "I have done all the calculations, all the experiment variables, tested in the only ways I had, don't ask, and finally... I feel confident enough to give you this." He threw a black soul candy ball, the same as a faux soul used by the Shinigami. "Swallow that and it will separate you from your body." Kisuke said, being serious with his disciple. "After that you have a window to awaken your latent Soul Reaper abilities, but it's going to be very risky." Ichigo looked at his master, who had no trace of his earlier comical demeanor. "This method can only be done by someone like you and only you." He leaned in close to his student and told him what he had to do.

"That is going to hurt a lot." Ichigo said, somewhat worried about doing this and excited to finally have the rest of his powers awakened. He was about to leave before remembering that Soul Reaper from earlier. "By the way, a Soul Reaper is in town. She may have also seen me using my Hirenkya-" He tried to finish before getting attacked by the one person he still could not keep up with. Yoruichi was clawing at his face in her cat form while berating her student.

"What part of 'be careful' keeps getting lost on you!" She yelled as Ichigo pried her off his face. "You know that you're under his observation! We can't let him know we know he's watching, and Soul Society is not that lenient with someone like you! You could be killed on the spot if they found out the full truth too early."

"The old man is willing to listen but only when someone proves themselves trustworthy." Kisuke said. "Your best chance is most likely after Aizen's betrayal, if that happens."

"I'll keep that in mind." Ichigo said as he left his teachers and started his trek home. Back home for his dinner, soul candy in hand, and a sense that it will be used very soon.

(Kurosaki Clinic. Night time.)

He laid in his bed, staring at the small ball in his hand, reflecting on what he was told and what he was going to have to do. His sisters finishing up their chores while their dad was at a meeting with his uncle, learning about the new practices and method for doctors in the ever expanding field of medicine and surgery.

"Hey." He called out to the only people with him. "You think this is going to work?" Next to him in a flowing tattered black cloak was the Quincy Zangetsu while his hollow Zangetsu was at the other end, a color negative of his human half.

"It should." Said the white Zangetsu. "He never failed you before."

"But this could be dangerous for him and those around." The older Quincy said. "You might want to make sure that your sisters are behind the barrier when you use it." The barrier, made by Kisuke and Tessai. Designed to shield the occupants from reishi based attacks and surveillance, but not keep spirits out.

"She's coming." Ichigo said as he felt that Soul Reaper from before coming by. The projections of his zanpakuto disappeared back into their master, moments before she finally entered his room. "What do you think you're doing?" He growled at the black clad woman, silence being her response. "Hey! Didn't you hear me?" He tried again, and again no answer as she seemed to scan the room. She stood there, in the middle of his room, searching, sensing, trying to find any trace of the remaining hollows.

"I feel it." She said to herself. She sensed a great energy, but it saturated a good portion of the area, leaving that sense useless. So intent on her mission, she to notice the young teen in the room... or what he was about to do.

"DON'T BREAK INTO SOMEONE'S ROOM AND IGNORE THEM!" Ichigo yelled, slamming his foot into the short Death God. She fell into in undignified heap as the hybrid continued to lecture her. "I don't know how you were raised in Soul Society or care that you're a Soul Reaper, it's rude to just break into someone's room and ignore them while they're talking to you!" The Shinigami wasn't listening, again, as she tried to understand what just happened to her. She was just kicked, she was seen, by a human.

"Yo- you can see me?" She turned her head to look at the young man, than she recognized him. "Wait, you're that boy from earlier!" She remembered seeing him pulled that young girl's soul away from that rampaging hollow, only to disappear before her eyes. "How did you do that?" She asked getting up to her feet, barely reaching his chin. She began examining him, rudely grabbing his chin for a closer look. "You certainly look human enough. Are you defective?" Ichigo swatted her hand away and bonked her on the head.

"You are neither the sharpest sword nor a good people person, are you?" He growled while the Shinigami was nursing a lump on her head. "Now, who are you?"

"You want to know?" She asked, glaring at him in an attempt to regain some dignity. "Very well, I'm a Soul-" she was interrupted as Ichigo hit her again.

"I asked who, not what. Pay attention." He lectured as the Soul Reaper was about to cry from the pain. "I already know about Shinigami, hollows, and Soul Society. What I don't know is who you are." The Soul Reaper looked at him in surprise. Most humans shouldn't know anything about any of those. "Now, will you please tell me your name?"

"M-my name is Rukia. Rukia Kuchiki." She told him.

"Nice to meet you Rukia." He said, not even bothering with any formality. "I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." For a second Rukia could swear she saw her old mentor again. The boy looked so much like him it was uncanny. "Now, can you tell me why it took so long for a Soul Reaper to show up and help any of the souls here in town?" Her response was unsheathing her blade and performing a Konso on a nondescript soul next to him.

"The influx of spirits and hollows suddenly rose in this particular city." The soul vanished in a flash of light and turned into a black butterfly, flying away from the duo. "When I got here I was searching for those hollows, but something is making it hard to sense them."

"Or someone." He said sensing several hollows coming to his home. "You probably noticed that I personally have some pretty abundant spirit energy. Those hollows are probably looking for me." He said opening his window and letting the hungry wails echo into their ears. "And they sound hungry."

"Then stay here." Rukia said, preparing herself for the coming challenge. "It's my duty to purify these souls." Ichigo ignored her as he made his way for the door. "Hey wait!" Ichigo did not stop, he couldn't. These things were going to become a danger to his family. He had to protect them. He will protect them.

"Yuzu, Karin." He called out to his sisters as he descended the stairs. "I'm about to do something dangerous and stupid. I'd like a snack when I get back." He said as he walked out the door.

"Ichigo! Wait up, don't do this!" Rukia called out as she chased after him.

"Bye Ichi-nii! Bye Shinigami-san!" Yuzu called out already thinking about what to make her brother.

"You think that Soul Reaper is going to move in now that she knows about Ichigo?" Karin asked, channel surfing.

"The more the merrier Karin!" The more cheerful twin said.

(With Ichigo and Rukia)

The duo exited into the darkness of the night, the moon and various streetlights exposing the five large beasts craving Ichigo's bountiful power. Different shaped heads, different colored bodies, different hulking beasts standing over their soon to be prey. Ichigo met their hungry gazes with a defiant scowl, a hand in his pocket rubbing his black soul candy. He figured now was the time to use it, and if anything was to happen... well he had Zangetsu for that.

"Rukia." He said, pulling the soul candy out. "Watch my back." He swallowed the small black ball and felt his body and soul separate as he jumped at the first hollow in front of him. A large dark grayish one known as Fishbone D.

"Stop it you fool! You'll get yourself killed!" She called out to the foolhardy teen. The hollow slammed his fist into Ichigo's body and sent him into the middle of the others. Ichigo silently thanked his dad for the constant attacks, letting him deflect the blow enough to not hurt him, but get him right where he wanted to be. "Ichigo!"He heard her cry. She was scared for him, worried for him. This would be hard to explain to her.

'Zangetsu,' he called out in his mind to his powers, 'help me through with this.' His hands went to the chain bound to his chest and began to pull, trying to rip off his Chain of Fate. Everything around him went silent. He could no longer hear the howling of the beasts closing in on him, nor Rukia's frantic warnings that he was doomed. The seal came off his chest with frightful ease, and he was consumed in a whirlwind.

"Ichigo!" Rukia cried out. She never saw anyone try to tear off their own Chain of Fate like he just did. He willingly turned into a hollow? To what end? What was he thinking. She didn't realize, watching that all consuming whirlwind of dust and power, that the hollows that were attacking the boy had vanished. Completely gone with no trace. Rukia couldn't comprehend what she was watching. One second four hollows were about to devour that idiot brat she just met, then the next, they were just gone. All there was left was a crushing pressure, greater than any hollow she's ever seen. She dared to believe that it actually matched her brother's in power. So focus was Rukia that she didn't notice the fish like hollow that attacked Ichigo creep up behind her, or that she was getting weaker by the second. The hollow was planning to devour the absent minded Soul Reaper given that prime chance, but the whirlwind finally stopped, the dust was slowly settling, the hollow known as Fishbone D felt he was no longer a predator here, he was going to be the prey. In this dust, he saw a figure with a pair of glowing yellow eyes. The last thing he saw before a massive blade cleaved his skull..

"Well," Rukia heard from someone coming up behind her, "looks like my boy's got this." She turned to see a man, similar to Ichigo with darker hair and a thin beard on his face. Ichigo moved from his position of his transformation to sink his massive katana into the hollow's skull. "Come on inside and we'll discuss the living arrangements." Isshin said as he returned to his home, carrying his son's soulless body. "You might be with us for a while." Ichigo finished killing the hollow and joined back up with Rukia.

"Who is that?" She asked the hybrid. Shock still racked her being from what she just witnessed. First Ichigo was just another plus, ejected from his body. Next he tore off his own Chain of Fate and decimated five hollows with ease? What was with this family? What was with Ichigo? And she wasn't sure but she could almost swear she saw him with a mask before attacking that last hollow.

"That is my father, the former captain of Squad 10." Ichigo said as he made his way back to his home and family. "He'll fill you in."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


