6.89% I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped) / Chapter 1: Kid super soldiers

章 1: Kid super soldiers

"Ugh!" Mia exclaimed while opening her eyes. The bright light hit her eyes instantly causing her to shut them quickly. She made an attempt to move, before stopping herself. 

She could feel sharp pain coursing through her body. Her head throbbed intensely. She wanted to move, get up, figure out what happened.

Mia's mind was muddled. She had memories of her being a 29 year old doctor living in Boston. She got off work early and decided to have a few drinks with her coworkers.

Mia was in a car with her best friend Leah, singing loudly happily as she didn't have to work tomorrow. Her friend laugh loudly as they drove.

"UGH!!" Mia eyes shut tightly as her body instinctively moved from the pain that coursed through her. 

Her mind throbbed even worse as a new set of memories flooded her mind. 

It was of a three year old named Alexandria Romanova. She was a twin of a girl named Natasha Romanova. 

For as long as she could remember they were subjected to strict rules and boring days. She and Natasha would keep each other entertained. If it hadn't been for each other then they would be like the rest of them. 

The last thing she remembered was she was going to class as usual until they came... men dressed in all black.

They separated her from her sister and sent her to this weird place. Men would come in regularly, yet they always seemed to be upset that Alexandria was awake. 

 Mia head ached yet she thought clearly. She didn't know what kind of drug was dropped in her drink but she knew she would kill Leah when it wore off. 

She tried to get up again, yet even ignoring the pain she still couldn't move. It was as if her body was restrained. She opened her eyes again.

Mia turned her head around to move away from the bright light. She saw a small tube running up to an iv bag. She moved her head slightly to see a monitor. 

Step step step 

Mia hears footsteps coming her way. Before she could close her eyes a cold hand grabbed her hard. Her head was pushed further into the mattress. 

"ha!" She winced as pain coursed throughout her body. She wanted to keep her eyes open, but couldn't. 

"What the hell is wrong with this kid?" Mia didn't know what was weirder, the fact the doctor was speaking Russian or the fact that she understood him.

"What she awake again?" Another man speaking Russian came in. 

Oh bitch you done got us human trafficked...God I'm going to kill you.

Mia thought to herself. The men continued to talk. "What is this girl serious, the time she keeps waking up from the sedatives keeps getting shorter and shorter." 

"Z, you dumbass! That's why she was selected...unlike the rest of those brats the drugs in the orange juice doesn't affect her." 

Mia body trembled at this moment. As the men were talking Mia remembered some important moments from both Alexandria and Mia.


First, Natasha Romanova was a fictional character in marvel. 

Second, Leah was so distracted by Mia that she forgot to keep her eyes on the road. She looked away from the street for only three seconds, then all they saw were big head lights.

In a panic Leah swerved the car off the road. Mia vividly remembered her body going numb as her life slipped away.

Third, The men used to much sedatives for a little girl like Alexandria. She remembered trying to keep her self awake. She was scared and lonely. She wanted her sister, yet she couldn't hold on and died.


Tears fell down Mia's face as the memories of facing two deaths washed over her. One she wasn't even aware of and the other she was all to aware of.

She tried to calm herself down but couldn't do that. She wasn't a marvel fan if anything she preferred D.C.

They only reason she knew anything about either was because of her ex boyfriend Sedric. He was a huge marvel fan. She remembered him making her go on a marathon with him.

They watched every movie and show in chronological order, before watching them by release date. 

Mia didn't mind much as if was a nice distraction from her studies. It didn't become a problem until he wanted her to dress up as she-hulk.

The first man, who was known by Y, looked at Mia's tears and was annoyed.

"Fine since she doesn't want to wait then might as well take her to the next stage." He suggested looking at the other man.

"What? Her body hasn't even recovered from the radiation, from the first stage." Z spoke. 

"So what... over 300 patients and none survived. These kids are far to weak to handle such concentrated serum." Y said uncaringly.


"but X said..." Z watched as Y unclip the straps.

"So what even if we do this X could just go buy more kids."

Y picked up Mia knowing she wouldn't be able to move even without the restraints.

Mia tried her hardest yet couldn't do anything. She was scared, she didn't want to face death a third time. 

Y took her to into a different room. This room Mia saw twelve chambers lined up. They looked like the ones Steve used to become a super soldier. The only difference is these are smaller.

They are obviously made for children. 

Kid super soldiers?!? what are they trying to train them young? 

Mia freaked she couldn't believe what she was seeing or the fact that she actually believed this stuff was really happening. 

Y at Mia in one of the chambers. Her entire body was covered. She breath became heavily as she looked out the small window in front of her.

Click click click whoosh 

Mia could hear the buttons on the machine being pressed behind her. The noise grew louder and louder. 

"Please.." she pleaded not really knowing what to say.

Y rolled his eyes. Z looked helpless. He approached the chamber. "Just brace yourself."

As soon as he said that Mia felt countless needles dig into her skin. A cold liquid flowed from the needles and into her body.

A cold sensation washed over her. Her body became colder and colder until the coldness started to burn.

As the burning progressed a searing pain engulfed her entire body as if each cell was being scorched by a thousand suns. 

"Aaaaaahhhhh" Mia screamed loudly. 

 Instantly sharp waves of pain coursed throughout Mia's entire body. She wanted to move her body yet every movement sent the needles and the liquid deeper into her body.

Pain was to unbearable. She screamed as tears flowed down her face. She looked out the window. Z was faced the other way as if it was to unbearable for him to watch.

"LET ME OUTT!!!" She screamed 

Mia lost a sense of time, seconds felt like hours, hours felt like days. Mia didn't care about the needles anymore. She thrashed around the chamber, wishing, hoping someone would make it stop.

Mia was in hellish pain so much so she didn't even notice blood flowing from her body. Her cries continued to echo in the quiet room. 

"Huh?" The men looked at the chamber. 

"She stopped screaming." Z trembled as if facing ptsd.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


