86.9% I was Born the Unloved Twin / Chapter 145: Out of the dorms and into....

章 145: Out of the dorms and into....

Saying that the lowest most common dorms at the troops 'suck' is understating it.

Never before have I even considered it, let alone step foot in such a place. I never had to, nor any good reason to peek my curious little head in.

But this?

I don't know what I was expecting.

It's like a barn in here. Tall and musty. The walls are a thick and sturdy mixture of stone and wood. The roof is solid and secure.

Some rooms are sectioned off, but even the largest L shaped corner rooms are smaller than my own soap closet. Each 'room' fitting at a minimum of eight bunk beds.

Splintering wooden frames for beds of straw. A few are without sheets or any comforts over the plain lumps of straw, indicating it empty of any occupants. Nothing but bare straw, some of which I'd rather not know when it was last changed.

Those that are taken up have mismatched mats, bedding and pillows depending on what the occupant provided. What they can afford and telling of their personalities. Fur rugs. Privacy curtains. Or even nothing but a plain travel sack for a pillow.

A coat and storage space sits in between the hall of the barracks and the bunk rooms, but it's hardly a third of the space. Clothing and coats hang along with weapons, wooden trunks underneath. A hearth is allocated to each room, to maintain warmth. A single large wooden window each.

It's like the most terrible combination of a college dorm, a hostel, and tavern all in one.

Right outside the barracks are the showers and bathrooms. Not as convenient but keeps the place smelling....still terrible but not as bad as it could be.

The floors are stone-cold durable tiles, not straw like in stables or even some foreign castles. But they're very porous and rough. Obviously not swept daily. Parts of the inside are far worse than the courtyards outside.

To be fair, each dorm room has a different layout of furniture and supplies. Different tastes and standards according to the cooperating individuals living there. Some have made it their own, a cozy or crazy space. It could be comforting and welcoming like a rowdy family. Or it could be converted into a disgusting gambling and drinking den.

Some only see it as a bed to rest their nights before another mission. A temporary stay before they can afford to upgrade to the next level dorms or even move out into a private space of their own.

The lowest tier dorms. The most plentiful and common space. The very cheapest to allocate and rent a lot to park yourself. Full of noobs, grunts, and cheap money savers who don't know or care better.

I think I hear the pitter patter of rodents somewhere in the walls.

Oh I'm going to be sick. Just let me vomit into this dirty hay over here. Oh that's a bed? Same thing?!!

"Y-young m-iss! Breathe!" Abbey cries.

"Open the window, we'll just stick her head out." Georgie already has me picked up and angled.

"Ooooooh" my little sister wiggles in my other baby sitter's arms.

Yuna keeps a tight hold on the leash, preventing Lilyanne from wandering about and losing herself in the nasty hay. From down below Amar and Lukas follow along, occasionally saying hello to whichever friendly dormmates that pass by.

"Even princess knows how bad it is." Yuna grimaces, not counting who is the true princess in his arms, one who he calls 'feral'.

I kinda hate how right he is.

"You live here?!!!" I screech, gasping for fresh breath in the thankfully clean courtyard outside.

"Of course not!" Yuna sneered as if insulted.

Maybe once he did, a long time ago. Like most troop members. But a person like Yuna, as young as he is, would have moved out as soon as he could. It's disgusting. This place is too rowdy and disgusting!

"Not anymores! But it was funs! Come on I'll show you" Lukas climbs the window to me.

"No. No no no I'm good. I've seen enough. I don't need to see anymore. Oh my nose. Oh." I feel nauseous again.

I think I caught sight of something crawling through the hay. Oh ew. Oh ew ew ew.

"Rosalia, smell this." Amar appears beside me, sticking a tiny uncorked glass vial under my nose.

Due to lack of oxygen, and the reassuring thought that I would just vomit on him if it's something gross, I take a deep breath. Herbs, salt, and a peppermint like sensation tingle to the front of my brain. I take in another, and another. Breathing in the sudden relief.

It's a very potent smelling salt, but by the gods of small graces, it works.

"Good girl. Use that when it gets too bad?" Amar says, dropping the vial and string it's attached to over my head. Letting it dangle like a necklace. My own instant nausea relief, always within easy reach.

"Thank you." I sigh in relief, still breathing it in as I muffle my mouth with a little scarf.

Oh, it is so unbearably nasty here. My house's horse stables smell hundreds of times better than this. How could anyone live like this?!

"You get used to it." Amar lies, as if his own sense of smell wasn't even more sensitive. Hey, shouldn't you be the one suffering the most here?

Well, I suppose that's what the smelling salts are for.

"But you live with stinky?!" Lukas agrees in his own way.

"Hi hi!" my sister waves at her conditioned nickname.

Her dainty little feet dangle, never once touching the filthy floors. Yet the grime and grossness does not damper her curiosity. Nor is it very encouraging with her bad habit of occasionally trying to eat things that aren't even edible. It's just too much of a risk.

"Please don't let her get loose. " I instruct Yuna, taking a lasting whiff of the herbed salt.

"I-it's...not so b-bad?" Abbey whimpers, hiding behind Georgie the entire time.

"Ah, that's because our pampered young miss has never seen any worse. Your parents are working in a major city right?" Georgie responds, taking her hand in comfort.

"Y-yes. I-it g-gets a lot more crowded. A-and e-everything is so c-clean here. Th-there are no street cleaners here b-but it's still so cl-clean. " Abbey remarks, still a little shy in a new environment.

"That's a good thing? Country folks have to have something good going on." Georgie laughs.

"You're all just nasty with your shit. Dumping them in streets or into open bloody wounds. " Yuna grimaces again.

"EEeep?!" Abbey chokes.

"...We do what now?" Georgie changes expressions instantly with the other boy, disgust morphing his face comically ugly.

"I saw it on more than one battlefield. Guy gets his arm chopped off or stabbed through the gut. Then his friend goes running for some damn dung, or takes off his pants and makes them hold it as he-"

"Ew, Yuna. Yuna stop. You're going to make Abbey faint. " Georgie stops him right there.

"I wish I didn't have to know either, but here we are. " Yuna sasses right back.

I stick my nose back into the smelling salts, breathing in and out to ease the grossness. Let's not...discuss the very shady subject of poop as medicine. At least not today. Please. I don't think I can take it.

Nor can Abbey if how pale she's getting is any indicator. She wobbles a bit, about to swoon backward right into the waiting arms of....no one really, Georgie is too busy arguing with Yuna.

"Ok, this is not a 'us' thing. Don't put this on me. Some people are weird, ok?! And disgusting " Georgie gestures.

"I have been to more nations than you have lived in years. And I've only seen real actual shit used as medicine in two places. Down south with the river gators and past the mountain borders here with you guys. " Yuna returns the gesture.

"You're messing with me, and I'm not falling for it. " Georgie stares as if he could get Yuna to back down with the truth.

"I spent too long in Vincent's lab, which goes to your apothecaries. Do you know what's in that white chalky cough medicine? You should know." Yuna threatens back.

"Lalalala! I can't hear you, you little shit. Lalala!" my assistant starts screaming.

"Well ring that winner bell, you actually got it Georgie boy. " Yuna only yells back louder, prying Georgie's hands from his ears.

"Lalalalalala!...You are messing with me right? " Georgie almost begs.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Don't faint in disgust. I am Rosalia Ventrella, the future star of all your nightmares. This ...must...not...defeat me.

"He is." Amar pipes up, much to Georgie's sigh in relief.

Even Abbey gets stabler after that, glaring at Yuna in tears, as if he were a great bully in telling disgusting stories. What a relief.

"For white cough powder, it's not human but old doggie poo. Just dried crusty parts on the outside? It's the recipe though, so even if it doesn't work we gotta follow what the apothecaries all want. That's what Vincent says. It uses old doggie poo." Amar finishes with a terrible twist.

"I will give you a dozen sodas right now if you shut up. " I tell him.

"How come I don't get sodas for shutting up?!" Lukas complains

Well, there goes Abbey. Good night Abbey, please don't faint into a dirty hay bed with bed bugs. Please and thank you.

Luckily she faints at the right moment that someone capable actually shows up.

"Why are there so many of them here?" Cass asks pointedly to Yuna, saving the day by catching Abbey into her arms. Her usual braids are back, tied together under a bandana. A little dusty from moving things around.

Shame, the black and white uniform suited her. Even without the bear ears. I should make those things more official.

"Don't look at me. They wanted to go 'shopping'." Yuna accuses over to Georgie and I, or well tries to with a wiggling Lilyanne.

"Hewo! I'm Lily!" my sister waves to any new faces.

"Thank you for having us," I curtsey politely, realizing that we are quite a party yes.

"House. Shopping. We have so much to do. So much to haggle and buy.~" Georgie ignores said polite manners, rushing to Cass like an old friend about to mooch.

The taller, stern young woman stares down Georgie. Then down at the fainted Abbey into her arm, the physical representation of tiresome troubles. Then back at the sparkly-eyed Georgie once again.

"Very well. You will help me secure discounts or I shall have you dig the pits of my fires." Cass warns plainly.

"Seriously? Just like that?" Yuna raises a brow.

"Oh this is going to be so much fun! Yuna, stop complaining you brat or I'm not giving you the blankets I promised." Georgie cheers, prompting Lilyanne to clap along as well.

"May I place down this one yet?" Cass lifts the human weight named Abbey, finally selecting a clean surface to lay her down on.

I don't know if I like my babysitters' new dynamics very much. The last time they got together, I ended up wearing nothing but onesies for nearly a week straight.

But I suppose it's good for Georgie to interact with others. Abbey too, if she ever wakes up.

"Miss Cass? I got the keys and paperwork finalized, and- oh no. Oh no, ahem I mean, welcome. Welcome, to my young misses. " one of the troop's administration dorm heads walks in, halting and bowing at the sight of us.

Mr. Malcom is another somewhat familiar face around the troops. A responsible, if a albeit tired looking, big chap. Most importantly he addresses me correctly. Which you think would be more the case around here but no! Not everyone treats the eldest young miss with the respect she deserves!

I do have to note it seems to be better today, after my first trip to the troops in so long. Is it because I have Lilyanne with me?

Yes, we are more recognizable as a pair.

"Hewo! Lily lots stronger now!" my sister waves at the man.

"...That's...wonderful youngest miss. " rightfully so, he appears to be looking for a chance to escape.

"Sword smack smacks bery good now. Cheese too. And bread. Bread hurts lots but smack smack wit-" my sister does not relent, continuing to babble.

"....uh….I'm so...glad for you?"

Wrong move, that only gets to keep talking more.

I give my greetings where respect is due, before turning to Cass. The subject and instigator of all this.

"Are you moving out of the dorms? All levels of them? And now looking into outside housing choices? Really?! Wonderful choice." I praise.

"Indeed. Great choice. I would too if I could but the employee dorms are pretty good already and it just got fixed up better. And it's so much money and not as convenient when I work right inside and-. " Georgie agrees.

"Yeah yeah we get it, moving on now. Let's clear out. " Yuna shuts him up with a toddler.

"Hewo Georgies!" Lily giggles and smacks him in the face with a demonstration of her newfound...skills.

"I have all of my belongings already put away. It is not much nor was it for very long, but thank you for your aid and guidance sir Malcolm. " Cass thanks the other man with a slight bow.

"No no, thank you for putting up with all this. Glad you could get settled into better circumstances so quickly." he nods back.

"I was but a humble guest. It is not quite settled yet, but it must be done. Will be. I have a property in mind. There is much to do before your winters hit. I hear they can be harsh as of late. " Cass continues keeping her head low in polietness.

"Well then, when you do get settled there's plenty of resources around here to use. If you ever need furnishing my home village the south of here has plenty of such businesses and pottery work. You should call-" he starts to advise back.

"Moving. On. I do not have all day." Yuna interrupts, using a giggling and leashed in Lilyanne to stop the polite back and forth.

Just places her right in between them.

"Hewo! We play now?"

Oh man, it could have gone on for much longer. Thank you, Yuna. Get me out of this stinky place as soon as possible. I don't know how long Amar's smelling salts can save me from spitting up all over this floor.

"Ahem, right. Just one more thing to clear out, right?" Malcolm coughs and clarifies.

"Yes. That's right. Little kahk?" Cass calls out to one of the minions.

"Finally. About time we get you out of here for good. " Yuna throws my sister into Georgie's arms, switching out to pull and nudge Amar by the hand.

"...Do I really have to?" Amar asks.

"Yes you stubborn twerp!"

"Absolutely. I have only stayed on the women's side but I am disgusted for you."

Both Cass and Yuna scold the boy, making Amar pout with his head low.


"You live here!?" I point to the boy in horror.

"We both did! It's where we slept and stuff. And we got our corner back when Yuna slept here and with any other kids under 12 or something but it's more fun outside in the hall with everyone snoring and playing and screaming and-" Lukas exclaims with a dumb wide smile.

"Why?!" I gesture to all the mess. The very lowest rung and worst dorms in this place.

There are more dorms in the troops. One can very easily level out of here or use credits to get better lodgings. Upgraded levels of dorms. Share an apartment or cottage dwelling with roommates or your adventuring party. Hell, you can even do what Cass is planning right now with house shopping outside the troop's immediate walls.

Nothing says you have to live in the troops. It's just more convenient and economical for most members since their hometowns are far away.

"I didn't wanna live in Hoody's lab any more than I had to?" Amar answers simply, looking slightly confused at the ruckus I'm making.

Oh. Well.

I'll just shut up now.

"You're just a stupid twerp. Could have gone with me. " Yuna mumbles, dragging the kid down the hall.

"I'm not old enough for your dorm Yuna. And it's ok, the more places to hide, the better. " Amar calmly tells him.

"You're not still getting locked up in the warehouses are you?! I thought we resolved that." Malcolm asks in surprise.

"The.... what is it now?" Cass vaguely threatens.

"Oh I did not tell you about this yet, but wait till you hear about, oh and there was that time with the Giloh guy on this trip.." Georgie gossips to her.

The hall gets colder all of the sudden. Not just because of the draft as we get into a more run-down interior of the building.

"Ah....no. Nope? " Amar goes limp in Yuna's hold at the sound of Cass's stiff voice.

Like a little kid trying to get out of trouble. More afraid of the retribution of the babysitters over everything. Suffering silently is ok, but others finding out isn't.

That kind of thing. I unfortunately would know.

"Lukas. Spill me warehouse incidents. Stat." I poke at the blabbermouth minion. While he doesn't make all that much sense either, he's very good for pure truthful nonsense that I can at least somewhat piece together.

"What does stat mean!? Oh and the locks there are really weak and I don't think they should have punished me so much for breaking them when they were already weak. And it's the stupido doo doo heads faults for forgetting if Amar or anyone still in there and locking up all the time. But I remembered! And there are sometimes good snacks if they have it stocked, and we made a fort up top near the roof. And lots of time we sleep in there instead of this place cause it's cooler and we have the hole in the roof for light and getting in and outs!"

"I thought we resolved and cleaned that nest...hole in the roof...in the rafters as well..." Malcolm comments, noting down everything Lukas says.

Well, say goodbye to your little fort nest boys.

But the warehouse though?

Something doesn't sound right. But then again, it never did.

"It's okay. I get kidnapped lots now." Amar pipes up.

Malcolm, the only stranger to this nonsense, makes a very disturned face and sound to that. Before he can question any more, Yuna makes a bang.

"And we're here. Home shitty let's get the hell out here home. " Yuna kicks the entryway into one of the bunk quarters in a corner.

Hay is everywhere. Literally everywhere. Spilling from the bunks. Lining the floors. The air is stale with must, and the wooden window is covered in a layer of dust. As if untouched for a long time.

"Not a lot of kids at this time of year. They all went home for winter. " Malcolm coughs through a cloth, opening the window out of necessity. Otherwise, no one is breathing in here.

Now, this is a barn.

"That's better. Wonder if we can use some of that rare allocation money to clean this side of the building up better, ahahaha I joke. Not like they remember. " Malcolm laughs in a self deprecating manner.

Grampa, grampa you shitty old man. Maintain the living quarters of your own troops better. Organize! Grampa!!!

"Oh boy! I remember this!" Lukas is already off, up and climbing the bunks and ladders like a hamster on an obstacle course.

"Lukas...please get down from there. Please. That hay hasn't been replaced yet. Please, before you break anything else. Please your account is still in the negative. No one can afford this. " Malcolm seems to plead the boy, already tired again.

Ah, the camp counselor type.

I completely understand. For Lukas is a great headache on his own. I don't know how much of a migraine it is to try to oversee more children, let alone all of this. Mr. Malcom looks overworked and understaffed around here as it is.

Maybe we should focus more on the details of reorganizations in the troops this winter? Oh, the poor sap looks in need of a vacation. Or at least actual funds and more staff. Can we also do something about all this hay?

"Understood. I shall *cough* have...grampa *cough* or more reliable sources informed about the need. " I speak through pinching my nose.

Oh god, the window is open now but why does it still smell so bad?

"Someone forgot their pants!" Lukas waves out an offending article of dirty clothing from amidst the straw.

"Lily too. " my sister waves her little hands, wanting to jump and play in the hay piles.

"How about no. " Yuna holds steady, the young blonde makes for a much more effective baby sitter than he appears.

Cass pinches the temple of her nose, stress veins slowly appearing. She takes in all in, and releases with a sigh of frustration. Very dramatic for a dirty room. Perhaps it's her maid instincts?

"Lilly kahk, gather what you need and we will be gone. Immediately," she instructs Amar, leaving no room for arguments.

"Oh thank goodness, " Georgie was already rummaging through the storage room, "anything in here?"

They're all right. This is horrible and it's long past due for any child to be staying at. Even as some backward world summer camp.

"No? I don't keep anything in there. It's too easy to steal from." Amar turns back to answer, climbing the ropes and ladders on the other side of the room.

"Oh. That is encouraging. " Cass states dryly, a glare moving from every point in the room to eventually rest on the poor camp counselor employee.

Malcolm also laughs low and awkwardly, having nothing to say to that. It's all true. What can be expected of the lowest level dorms.

"Oh oh oh and this is where we slept!" Lukas crawls over to a corner loft covered with a cut-up potato sack for a thin curtain.

Okay, it's not really a potato sack but it might as well be. Or worse. This place is only fit for storing potatoes and such.

"That's where Amar slept....your allocated spot was...oh nevermind. " Malcolm gives up remembering, or rather he doesn't want to.

That is fair. Even now I do not know how many pieces of furniture Gable has gone through since Lukas came to live with him. Didn't we lose his entire bed in a lake about last year?

"Yep! Lots of knives and stuff!" Lukas unveils the curtain, showcasing....a hell lot of daggers and even arrows yes.

The problem is that they're all facing down. As if thrown and stabbed into the straw. A strangely shaped lump that could have been a reed and straw pillow plays decoy. Roughly the size of a sleeping child.

"Whoa, so many this time!" Lukas exclaims, pulling and gathering up the bounty.

"It's been a while since I came back?" Amar nods to him, climbing and disappearing into a hidden hole in the ceiling.

"Hand them over" Yuna makes a motion, as if Lukas and Amar should know the drill.

"I counted this much." Lukas brings them down like a gathered bunch of flowers, presenting them to the teen.

"Ahem, " Mr. Malcom coughs, drawing attention.

"Oh come on! You all don't even do anything?! " Yuna complains at getting the ammo and blades confiscated.

"We can search and match the inventory and reports. We do not go stabbing people we think are suspects. Not again. Please. Your account. " Malcolm reminds him.

"My credit score is just fine. I got that last thing from the Third Thirsty Goat crossed off. Wasn't my fault. " Yuna huffs.

"You still shanked someone, your own teammate before that." Malcolm counts off Yuna's juvenile history.

"He was asking for it, and I delivered. " Yuna states with an attitude.

"You what now?" Georgie finally asks, eyeing the terrible conversation back and forth.

Ah, there are too many troublesome minions and servants to keep tabs on now. Too many. Why can't they just behave? Better yet, why didn't I just ignore these brats and select better minions in the first place?

"Got it. I'm done" Amar drops down from out the ceiling, a single small sling bag on his back.

"You know...you're not allowed up there. Right? Oh nevermind. Just never mind. " Malcolm tries at first.

Something the grown man gives up immediately on when Amar tilts his head cutely in questioning.

"Is that it?" Cass bends down to question the boy, picking a cobweb and dusting off his messy hair.

"Mmmm uh huh? I have other hiding spots. Tamera and Vincent keep most of my things, but I don't need lots. And I don't know how but I have different clothes when I stay over with Lukas or Rosa. I told you. I get kidnapped lots more now. So it's ok." Amar says quietly.

His tone of voice meant to be a comfort, but the contents shake Cass up even more. Causing her to worry if the whites of her knuckles were any indication.

"Alright, let's finish up here officially. So you can be on your way. Amar?" Malcolm pulls out a strange device, embedded into it was his own troops' badge and signal stamp. Meant to be activated only to his person or stamp.

"Okay dokey." Amar moves out of Cass's grip, walking over for the man to scan. Somewhere below his ankle socks, he pulls out a small string and pin-sized badge.

Malcolm, being a tall grown adult, needed to bend down even as Amar reached up on his tippy toes to present the small metal badge.

"Account #0659, Amar, cleared. Congrats on moving out kiddo, don't let me catch you around in here again. Nor the warehouses at night!" Malcolm rubs the boy's head, putting away the scanner with a sigh.

"What about me? My turn." Lukas appears right next to him, a leather-bound bracelet pulled out with his own charm-like badge.

"...You moved out of all dorms...a very long time ago. Don't you remember Lukas? We have your place of residence with your apprenticeship." Malcolm says slowly, as if speaking to a very innocently dumb child.

"I still wanna be scanned. You said I was in negative, there's no way! I did lots and lots of cool things, like fishing and the ship to save my sidekicks cause they dumb and silly like that. I should have lots of awesome points. " Lukas shakes his badge again, one I didn't even realize the child had.

Which makes sense, since every troop member has one. Some basic and barely above probationary. Some customized and branded with their own crests or family icons if they so wish. But they're all made with a special material, and molded with a certain account.

Even I'm not entirely sure how it works.

Not that I ever used it. I'm the hero's granddaughter, I get everything I want automatically or with a snap of my fingers. No credits nor money needed. I don't need to prove my identity or pull up any other sort of information. Not around here in my home territory at least.

"That's....not how it works Lukas....remember?" the poor camp counselor states like a robot, sounding like he's had this specific conversation with Lukas before.

Lukas hops up with his badge again, much to Amar's giggles, and Malcom gives up with another sigh. Pulling back out the scanner and having Lukas stand still.

" Account #0703, Lukas, your total balance is....negative 477 points. " he reads.

"...Amazing Lukas." I praise him in a way, for I have never seen an account so in the negative before.

I didn't even know we could go into the negatives. Does that mean there are more troop members in debt? Debts they haven't paid to us? Oh ho ho.

I'm learning so many practical things today. It's almost as fascinating as it is terrible.

"No way! I did lots, Cap even told me he put more points in there because of how cool and strong I am!" Lukas complains.

"It's ok. Cool points and credits are different. " Amar giggles, patting the other boy on the back.

"Indeed. Your negative number was...a lot higher. You have a lot of property damage, slowly being paid for. ....Thank god it's getting paid." Malcolm presses and scrolls through the device, seeing a screen the rest of us don't. Maybe something to do with a transaction history.

I'd believe it.

"Oh poop." Lukas pouts, crossing his arms.

"It's okay, you're cool. You're very cool. Food outside the camp is better, like at Rosa's house. But I'll still pay for you in the mess hall. Don't cry. " Amar laughs as the other boy goes snuggling into his little arms. Lukas's blond head going limp and sad in search of comfort.

Man what a mooch.

"Lily too! " my sister demands. Watching the whole scene from Georgie's hold and refusing to be ignored.

"....I'm sorry what?" says the employee that does not get paid enough in the first place, let alone for this.

"Do dat wit Lily too!" she points and wiggles, demanding to be scanned like an item at the market.

"...Uh?" Malcolm looks around, for any instructions or procedures about directly listening to the unreasonable toddler that is the precious young miss of the Ventrella family and the entire camp.

It's a very dangerous person to cross understandably.

"Just get it over with. The sooner the better. " Yuna grabs my sister, holding her up high.

"Ssssh, just....go with it. Could be worse. Ssshhh it makes them happy. " Georgie adds in.

"Uh....zoom?" he makes a very fake noise to go with the hand motion that is scanning over my happily giggling little sister.

"Yaaaay! Read! Read Lily now!"


"Yaaaaaaaay!!! Number Lily!!!!" my adorable, albeit somewhat simple-minded sister cheers and repeats. "

"You're doing great. Keep going. " Georgie whispers from behind, thumbs up.

"...Right. Account number ....Lily. You have a total of....100 points. Yes. Just because!" bullshits the poor man.

My sister gasps and screams in excitement. The babysitters play along, all 'yaaaaaaay, good job young miss Lilyanne!" and "whoopee, you got imaginary points. For nothing.".

Everyone is doing such a great job putting up with this.

"How come stinky has 100 points and I got nada?!" Lukas sniffles, getting held back with Amar's petting.

"There there. That's her stinky points. You don't have those because you're not stinky. It's ok. We can earn more real credits later. " Amar comforts him in a hug. A very wet and messy hug as Lukas bawls.

How adorable. Ridiculous. But adorable still.

"How many points do you have, Rosa?" Lukas distracts himself, looking over to me with those big teary polar bear gray eyes.

"Zero and infinity. " I state immediately.

"No way. That makes nada sense!"

"Yes way, I'm Rosalia. Now let's get out of here. Everyone go go go. My delicate sensibilities can't take this much longer. " I order us all out.

Soon, before I climb and jump out the window in desperation. I feel I need a bath after this and I didn't even touch anything! Baths! Baths for everyone, especially the boys! Deep clean everything!

"Mr. Malcolm. A word. " I ask for a moment when we're safe and out of that floor of those barnyard dorms.

"Yes, young miss? Uh...." he looks towards Georgie and Yuna once more, unsure and afraid, even more so than before with my twin.

"Just listen to the princess. " Yuna advises.

"It makes her happy. Ssssh, play along. " Georgie gives two thumbs up this time.

"That one isn't as feral and sometimes she drops good loot. " Yuna adds on unnecessarily.

Rude much? Loot? What am I, a little video game monster?!

"Just smile and nod. If it threatens you...do not show fear or hesitation. You will survive." even Cass has something to say.

Why is everyone's treatment and opinion of me this state of low?

"You are all very rude. Now come. '' I snap to a clean and private corner, motioning for Georgie to keep watch as I force Mr. Malcolm to follow.

Looking around, I make sure no one is a witness or spying. Unless they're a secret guard or some crap. But then they already know too much about me.

"Take this. Scrape into clean water or the regular stuff for a better scrub wash." I pull out cases of plain soap from my magic purse.

Yes, cases. It's obviously very necessary.

I admit I've gone a little crazy about mass soap production after the visit to the leprosarium. But what right do I have to judge others when the home territory is this deplorable?!

It's a sad but necessary cost. Imagine if illness spread in a place like this. I'm surprised it hasn't already. Loss of product again, even if it's the ugly unsellable stock. I'll simply have to deduct the payment from grampa or the administration rooms again.

"Uh..." Malcolm stands at a loss for words, watching the magic show that is cases and cases of barely packaged soap fill up the wall all from one little girl's purse.

I make quite the sight, yes I am aware.

"Be tougher with them. Especially those in debt. Use them as labor if need be. We'll be allocating a better work rotation system sometime in the near future. Thank you for your opinions and hard work." I pat at the employee, hardly reaching his knee caps.

"Oh right, I almost forgot, " I rummage through my purse again.

It's a little hard to navigate with all the stuff I have packed in here sometimes.

Pulling out my crest in a little metal stamp, a charcoal drawing pencil, and a sad little page of rough paper parchment ripped from somewhere, I stamp my mark and orders.

A list of items to do, as per my orders. A certain amount more funds allocated if taken to one of the offices or administration buildings. New chores and regulations to implement. A list of names and history on my own minions, whatever their id numbers were.

So many things to look into. Like what the hell the deal is about all those confiscated knives and arrows? I don't think they were some friendly presents?!

This would have been easier if I just left those kids to rot the day I met them all. But here we are and now I don't have the luxury of looking away.

I rub my personal crested stamp onto the final end with my name. There we go, it's official now.

Ah to think I would be using this thing already in troublesome things like this.

"Here you go. You may collect more allocations by following the specifications. I suggest making an appointment with the accounting department of the main house, oh wait let me get you his ID. Hmmm yes, Nikola will do. Yes, he will help you with figuring things out better regarding the dorm finances. I know uncle Geoff is already overworked so I'll go beat grampa to help take care of things better. " I stamp and pass my crude little documentation.

This is about as professional as I can get for now. Please excuse me due to my youth and inexperience.

".....uh...." Malcolm stares even more blankly. He even pinches himself, not only in the hand but the face, as he receives my stamp.

"A thank you will do ." I snap the dazed man back to the waking world.

"Th-thank you very much, young mistress Rosalia! May the heavens grace the eldest young miss Rosalia Ventrella. " he suddenly bows low, receiving me on his knees with praise and groveling.

Finally, the respect I deserve.

"That will do quite nicely." I nod in approval.

"All hail! Such might. Such wisdom! Our savior!"

" Oh ho ho! Yes that's more like it. "

For the goodness that is common sense and proper respect, I shall also gift ...more soap.

It's all I have ok?

Fine fine fine, have some cold cream and nicer personal soap. Keeping clean is a virtue and safety precaution. You know what? For putting up with Lilyanne so well, you may even have some soda bottles I keep in here.

I'm not entirely a cheapskate, despite what Yuna says.

Yes, praise me more! More!

"She's having too much fun with this. " a voice that sounds suspiciously like the grumpy cat says in the distance.

"Sssssshhhh, let her be. It makes her happy and isn't it nice when we don't have to do it." hits back Georgie.

"Rosa! Are you done making people bow to you yet!? Gable says I gotta be back with Cap by sundown or I get no bacon. Amar do you wanna come over again?! " Lukas shouts out.

"Lily too!" my sister shouts.

"Ew not you stinky. Amar you're coming right? We can have pie! Gable says we can have pie. Oh Rosa likes pie too." Lukas ignores her in favor of swinging hands with Amar.

"Big bruder homewrecker!" my sister sounds out again.

"I don't even know what that means but I didn't break anything today. Not any houses or homes. " Lukas says, defending himself.

"Pie? What kind? " Amar is already lured, possibly the easiest child to kidnap.

Alright then. Time to get back to the children. So much to do, so much to see too. These brats simply just can't get on without me.

"Thank you very much, and make those appointments. Good day. " I courtesy and take my leave.

Oh the dorms suck. Oh they suck so much. This is too much work but someone has to do it. Noting. Noting to go smack grampa to set someone on this. Anyone. Oh hell, that's useless I better go straight to father. Who cares if he's busy at least he gets things done.

Note that down Abbey!



Oh my god, we forgot Abbey.

"Does anyone remember where we placed Abbey?!" I yell out to the minions and babysitters. Much to everyone's surprise.

"I believed I laid her down in one of the empty bunks?" Cass states.

"Oh yeah Abbey. " even Georgie, her closest co-worker, slipped up.

"Meh, go brats go. Sniff her out, wherever the hell we left her. " Yuna motions to Lukas and Amar. As if they were trained dogs instead of little kids.

I hate to say it but it actually works.

"This one." leads Amar.

"Heeeeeey! Wake up now Abbey!" Lukas goes jumping, the cutest and most painful alarm clock.

"Ooompf?! W-where am I? What happened? Y-young miss?" the little maid wakes up in confusion and fright, also with a Lukas on her stomach.

Right. Moving on. Let's not get into how no one is technically paid enough to deal with all this.

Also, I want to see what house shopping is like before dinner time!

Didn't Lukas say something about pie? Pie with Gable? Gable feeding me pie from his own glorious hands?! Oh, the thought alone is swoon-worthy.

Yes, please.

"Told you Rosa really likes pie." Lukas says.

"Okay. I like pie too but don't think I can come over today. Cass needs help right?" Amar turns to the older woman. One who always seems to have a protective gaze or hand on the child.

"That would be helpful, yes. It would be easier. " she turns down to him.

It's really not hard to figure out just who this strange 'maid' has her loyalties placed on. How troublesome. Oh well. The minion of my minion is still my minion to most of the extent.

Let's just say I rule all? Yes that's better. Very suitable for a villainess such as I.

"You want your own place? Why not anything in the troop walls? It's safer in here isn't it?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Not always. Besides. It is not as convenient as elsewhere. " Cass responds to the question.

"It's also pricey if you don't have something allocated to you. Dorms are alright but a private place with more room? You gotta be senior with credits or rich as hell. You know Tamera lives off whatever Vincent got off the creep Hoody. " Yuna supports her with costs.

"You mean the ...thing...under that one bridge. " Georgie grimaces, obviously not approving of whatever he saw there.

"Yeah that, comfier and roomier than it looks I'll give him that. I crash all the time. Or as Tamera puts it, make sure Vincent isn't dead when she's not around. Pfft, okay yeah fair trade." Yuna scoffs.

"Awww look at you, you do care. " Georgie teases the younger teen.

"Homewrecker cares." Lilyanne copies and coos.

"...D-did I miss something?" Abbey still follows along confusedly.

Same Abbey, same. Oh well, we're just rolling with it. That's the best we can do.

"You're gonna live with Cass full time now, right Amar?" I make sure with my minion.

Since I don't know if this child fully understands a lot of things. He's a lot more unpredictable and brain-damaged than he looks. It's quite worrisome.

"I don't know?" he says, getting a pinch in the face from Cass.

"I guess so? Everyone made me give up the dorm spot and I don't really try to get another. I sleep more at Vincent's when I'm here. " Amar reasonably answers.

"Okay, that's better for you anyway. You can't keep getting kidnapped. That's actually very bad. Please don't be kidnapped, or go around saying it." I try teaching Amar.

I'm glad someone came for him. Even if it's just a very secretive maid. I'm glad this kid is getting something a little more stable, and maybe someone that actually cares about him. What a deceptively expensive thing.

If I got into such strange trouble I end up far away, would any of my servants come for me like that?

I think not!

Well, no worries about that. For now, I just get followed by guards and grounded by my parents. I don't need to worry about myself like that for a few more years.

Still got plenty of these childhood years to mooch of the Ventrellas for. I'll save and stock up well.

But practicing property shopping in this world can never start too early.

"Cass you already have a place in mind right? Where? What does the neighborhood like? What's the cost per space? What's the building material? Does it have a proper chimney for ventilation? Where did you meet your seller? " I could go on and on.

"Oh look, the ride is here." she swiftly avoids answering a thing.

Ah, what a tricky sub-minion. I don't like it.

"It's okay Rosa, you'll see soon. You can even make things happen if you wanna? " Amar comforts that I was left hanging and leaves it at that.

Outside the gates, we're met with the darkest and blackest taxi carriage I have ever seen. Steeds of eerily still black horses, radiating a faint black smoke. From the rider in me, I see that the movement and structure of the steeds are very unnatural. Cool looking, but as fake as a video game.

"I know I owe you a lot, and you're holding my second cloak hostage too, but do you really have to leave me to wait for so....ACK!?" Vincent, the fragile and dainty necromancer pulls open the carriage door only to slam in back close.

How utterly rude?!

"...He was not expecting so many of you." Cass turns and says plainly.

"Oh come on, we won't make that much trouble. Right girls?" Georgie pleads.

"N-no?" Abbey responds.

"Of course not. Vincent you better be getting those seats ready or I will consider it rudeness on my part. " I warn.

Somewhere, Yuna is snickering in the back. While Cass face palms and bends down to warn both Amar and Lukas to 'never grow up like that'. Whatever that means.

A few moments later, not only does Vincent stumble back out with the seats plush and furnished, but he even combed his hair and changed into a nicer outer shir.

Yes now, this is the service I expect.

"It's, uh, no- no problem. " the necromancer turned driver lets us in, the exposure turning his cheeks pink. While we all properly say, or shout out, our thanks, one, in particular, makes him turn even pinker.

Oh ho ho ho, teenagers. Oh ho ho, so funny!

"Oh wow, even the little princess figured it out. Oh that's just sad Vinnny boy, step up." Yuna teases, partly hanging off the older boy.

"Figured out what?" Georgie knocks and seats himself with Abbey.

Strangely my little maid looks a lot more alive, sneaking peeks around. The close proximity doesn't mean all that much to her given how much they work together but this much still makes her blush. Ah puberty.

"Nothing!" Vincent yelps, smacking a laughing Yuna as he climbs to the driver seat. The terrible teenager scooting along to torture him.

"So....house shopping?" I ask again, no room for any liars to escape in here.

"Yes, spill. " Georgie finally supports me, but only on the strangest things.

And so we ride off to inspect the very limited but growing buildings along the wide road. Wagon bus stations getting larger and more comfortable, with actual benches and roofs, after the roads were further repaved and improved. There are even one or two high hanging light lanterns on them now!

Somewhere in the time I haven't been looking, small market stalls have opened up nearby some stations. A breakfast stall closing for the day. A grilled meat and refreshment stall opening. A signboard for advertisements or bus route maps. They're all little things, nothing to really mention in any history books.

But they're signs of life and improvement. Something that people want and use. It's not a bad feeling seeing the results of all this hard work in the littlest ways.

In between all this growth, further down, people are building more things along the road. Shops. Inns. Small farms. Homes. It's a surprising turn of events.

Or is it really?

Deep in between, bordering the nothing, Cass wants to purchase a house. Make it into her home. Even if she hasn't been here long.

Also not a bad feeling. Not bad at all.

"Why is it a cave though? " I ask, getting off the carriage to finally see ...rocks.

Cass rolls up her sleeves as a filthy Tamera comes rolling out like a miner. There's an almost evil look on her calm face, when she turns to the rest of the baby sitters.

"You said there was 'so much work to do', yes Georgie boy?" she taunts.

Oh dear. Oh no.

"Whooo look at all these helping hands?! Fun! Come here Rosa, it's been a while since I got you any muscle training. We got a few more things to break and even more things to lift and stick in!" Tamera shouts out.

Ahhhhhh! Never mind! Too much work! Too much work! It was a trick?! A trap! Make my own?! We have to make everything?! I don't like this! Ahhhhhh!

Let's just say I was very sore for days after. Ow.

CCmei CCmei

Oh my, another dull a boring chapter for you all. But it is slice of Life in that tag.

Let me know your favorite parts this chapter. Any new thoughts or speculations. I live for them.

Also talk me on my newborn discord, esp if you like au hunting. I spill too much on there.


Funfact: Papa Freddy gets daily reports of the chaos his daughters stirs up by the end of each day.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C145
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


