I couldn't believe this was happening why me. What had I done to deserve such horrible happenings. If I thought my life sucked before then this was on a whole new level. Okay here's what happened the moment I got to my room I was excited to finish the drawing of this guy that I had a crush on in some novel pardon my perverted mind. I was actually gonna send it to the author she had promised to post all of her reader's suggestions and pictures on her Instagram and yes I was excited to see how many likes my drawing would get and of course the comments. But the moment I reached out into my bag pack I got the shock of the millennium. Instead of my beautiful pink diary I had the cafes. I had mistaken the cafe's menu for my diary because apparently they are both pink. I mean why would they even use pink menus that look like my diary stupid cafe. I felt like fainting. If my diary had fallen in the wrong hands then oh God I don't even want to imagine what could happen. I wrote stuff in there that I didn't even tell Riley things that people didn't know about me and now whoever has my diary will get to know all this things. You know when you sometimes wish for the earth to open up and swallow you yeap this is one of hose times where I wished that would happen so that I no longer exist. My social life is over. Ooooh I don't have a social life but that's not the main point. I'll become popular if my diary goes viral no I couldn't let that happen. I had to stay invisible and unpopular forever. Okay I know I sound like a drama queen but news flash I am a drama queen one with an unhealthy degree of overthinking. I was even contemplating suicide seriously that's just how much I overthink. If whoever had my diary exposed it to the whole school then I'd seriously die. I couldn't stand people already as it was yet they hardly knew me what if they got to know the actual me I could never show my face to them ever. I even contemplated getting a private tutor. I'd have to act all sweet towards mom.I quickly rushed back to the cafe and ran to the booth where I was seated. No it wasn't there. It was gone someone had taken it. MAC were also nowhere to be seen. No this was bad no not bad it was a catastrophe. I quickly called a waiter and asked them about my pink diary but none of them had seen it. I even accused them of negligence I mean they should have picked it up once I left right . Then why were they so careless stupid cafe. I eventually left after I had taught the management a lesson. I lied that the notebook I had left behind contained money. And yes the manager yelled at them alot. I know I have an inborn talent of acting victim. Probably got it from my my mother, scratch that Natalie that's what I call her. Those little waitresses dressed in little pink aprons looking all hot were practically crying by the time the manager was done with them. Who told they can even look that nice. I tend to get mad at everything and everyone around me and I can kinda be a bitch at times. And yes the little cute waitresses could hate me for all I care. I can't be the only one who is frustrated you know they should also feel what I feel.
I called Riley and asked him to come over to our favorite hotdog stand. By the time he arrived I was devouring my second hotdog which was dripping with mustard. Yeah I kinda take out my frustration on food and not just that I love love love food. It's always my safe little haven everytime I'm going through something. And I go through stuff everyday so you could just imagine. Again my therapist recommended it and it's been quite helpful. Everytime I feel like I wanna scream at someone or break and destroy stuff I take it out on food. Yeah my anger issues are extreme.
"Ooh my goodness Rey you have mustard sauce all over you" Riley my dramatic best friend made his entrance. How can he afford to be so calm at a time like this. He quickly picked up a serviette and started wiping the mustard sauce off.
"Stop it there's no need for all this when my life is over. It's over Riley" I whined.
"Hey relax and tell me what happened okay" Riley calmed me down.
"I lost it I lost my diary. And I think MAC might be having it" I blurted out.
"Wait why would you say that" I explained everything to Riley and by the time I was done I was on my fourth hot dog.
"Hey you'd wanna slow down on those hotdogs" Riley said.
"Riley you don't even get how important all this is do you " I was an emotional wreck at this point.
"My social life is over. I will never be able to show my face in public again. My reputation is ruined" I know I'm being dramatic but my diary is important I wouldn't want anyone else even Riley reading it. But now that it was in the hands of those bitches then the whole school would read it. I was actually contemplating suicide like for real.
"News flash bestie you don't have a social life and so since your diary is gonna be out of there anyways why don't you finally tell me what's written inside" Riley of course took advantage of the situation.
"Not a chance you'll have to wait to read it yourself. You kow what I'm going home" I dragged myself home feeling really gloomy questioning myself why I had to have such sore luck. I stayed up to two listening to music and recharging. Nope I'm lying I was just overthinking on the different situations I would face on Monday morning. I had to be prepared for anything. I spent the rest of my weekend cooped up in my room eating every sort of junk food you could think of except of course chocolate I'm not a fan of that at all. I know it's weird then again I'm never normal. I was also avoiding my mom. I always do that when I'm at home. And not to mention she has a different boyfriend every week. This one time I walked in on them making out in the kitchen I rumbled on and on about role modelling to her . And as of now my stress levels were so high that I'd probably smash something if I encountered her. I'd hate to do that though to her precious antiques from middle east or is it from Europe I could care less really but she'd deduct it from my monthly allowance and duh I needed money .Yeah I tend to vent out my stress in form of anger. Sometimes I called Riley to vent out my frustration on him. Poor thing and he calmed me down like the good best friend that he is. I kinda felt guilty because I mostly vent out my frustration on him all the time but in my defense he does the same thing to me so yes we're even.
Monday came sooner than expected and I was contemplating faking sickness not like my mom cared anyway. But I ended up going anyway. I wore extremely gloomy clothes to avoid attention yet again. But it's no use right since pages of my diary have been torn and stuck to the notice boards all over school. I could imagine it smeared on my locker in capital letters 'IT'S ALWAYS THE ONES YOU'D NEVER THINK' I had a nightmare last night ( mentally crying my ass off right now crying emoji(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
" Hey you're overly quiet today" Jake tried starting up a convo that I just wasn't in the mood for.
"Jake can we not do this today I don't have the strength for it" I was too busy thinking of what would happen once I got to school to banter with him. I had a beanie and hood on. I even used mom's shades no one would recognize me. They would never no who that diary belongs to unless those bitches tell on me which will most probably happen.
However the site I was met with was nothing close to what I was expecting. Instead of crowding around the notice boards people were just scattered all over the corridor doing nothing in particular. I saw MAC at some corner flossing their well made nails to I don't know who. Nope I couldn't let my guard down yet maybe they had decided to blackmail me.
"Okay phew" I mentally sighed feeling relieved at least.
Just then all the murmurs and chatter died down. I looked up from my locker to see what caused this. However the sight just made my jaw drop like literally. If I thought that Chase was the hottest guy then that position had just been snatched away from him. I was never really into the hot guys at school because duh my anime gods were on top of that list simply because the guys at school didn't have those standards or anywhere close to it. I know Riley told me to kinda lower my standards because only fictional men could reach my standards but I wouldn't listen. Anyway this new guy was really close to the standards set by my fictional anime guys. His black shoulder length hair was tied in a half pony and the rest let down. He was in all black ripped jeans leather jacket boots. He definitely set a higher standard. And for me to be admitting this then you should know this guy is seriously hot. Beside him was a girl in lighter colors than him. She was in a denim skirt fishnet leggings a crop top and a brown leather jacket. She had pink shoulder length hair. I wouldn't be surprised if they were in those rock and roll bands or whatever they're called. Wow this world is really weird right when you think you've seen it all then boom a guy as hot as my anime guys appears. I never thought I'd see this day like seriously. And for the first time I stared at a real guy who is not a manga character till I almost got a nosebleed.
"Snap out it bitch he has a girlfriend and you have bigger things to worry about remember" I mentally facepalmed. This guy whoever he was is really dangerous for my low key profile I warned myself to stay far away from him. And obviously there was still the issue with my diary and I couldn't get distracted. And have I mentioned how carefree his walking style was. And this scornful grin on his face that made everyone that he was aware he was hot. And it again added to his charm.
"Finally a guy that catches your attention at last I never thought I'd see this day" Riley who had been watching my expectations closely whispered. I elbowed him for saying that but being the biggest drama queen of all time he fell to his knees holding his stomach as if he was dying. And of course I was the culprit " You little schemer" I cursed under my breath then like the good friend I was bent down and helped my 'wounded' friend up.
"I'll get back at you for this" I said with a murderous glare. And Riley being Riley flashed me the cutest smile. Which of course made me forget about my threat almost immediately.
"Class will begin in a while stop acting all cute and move your ass" I said still trying to sound mad. I continued picking my books for class in a hurry since Riley had attracted attention to us making me feel all self conscious so I was dying to walk away from there ewhich I immediately did. I was half running. I needed to calm down before class since I didn't want to attract any more attention. I turned at a corridor that looked deserted and took in a deep breath.
"Feels good to be away from those stares clean fresh air free of intoxicating people" I took in another deep breath. I even took off my hood beanie and shades to relax. I was sweating because of all the nervousness I previously felt.
"So you find people intoxicating how interesting" came a chuckle from the corridor and I froze. Just so you know the voice was really deep but so smooth and kinda raspy. I was sure I'd never get tired of listening to that kinda voice. I quickly put on my beanie and shades before turning around to see the person who's voice I was just ogling. Can somebody even ogle another person's voice. And what I saw had me frozen with my jaw hanging open. The guy from the corridor was standing there not in his leather jacket that he had on earlier but still looking like a Greek god who just landed at our highschool accidentally. He was leaning on the wall looking carefree as usual. His hair that was earlier tied neatly was now dishevelled with some strands falling on his forehead. His eyes were a really dark shade of brown that one could mistake it for black but I had a really keen eye for colours. And they were crystal clear you could actually see your reflection in them. " What makea him think he can look so good on a Monday the worst day of the week and that too when I was dealing with my diary's disappearance. I hated how just looking at him made me forget all my problems. His appearance itself was so therapeutic.
"Are you dumb or maybe you use sign language but I heard you speak a while ago" that deep yet so smooth voice came again bringing me back to my senses. And I was furious at myself for letting him have that effect on me. I mean who the hell does he think he is just coming looking like a god and distracting my perfectly planned rather boring life. And now my mood had done a total three sixty degree flip and I was mad at no one in particular. And since he is the closest I vented out my frustration on him.
I hardened my gaze on him and uttered in a solid tone " It's none of your business and I'd appreciate if it stayed that way".
He chuckled again and said " You would like to think that but don't flatter yourself interesting is the last thing you are" his reply was so nonchalant. How dare he. And just like that he walked away.
"Arrogant jerk who does he think he is" I whispered as he disappeared at the end of the corridor. I stomped my feet so hard it hurt. If I wasn't interesting then why the fuck would he even ask in the first place. Did I actually say that his appearance his therapeutic I take it back it's infuriating. The nerve of his to say that. I wouldn't be able to go to class so mad so I headed to the bleachers to calm down. My way of calming down was simply music whenever I had this kind of random anger which was often considering my relationship with my mom I'd put on my headphones and let my emotions calm down. I had a favorite spot at the bleachers that was hidden from view of people amd that's exactly where I went.
I had recently created a playlist so I decided to test it out. The music was so soft that it didn't just calm me down it ended up also lulling me to sleep considering that I had hardly slept during the weekend because of the issue with my diary. I drifted off to a peaceful sleep and I could feel sleep hugging me like a fluffy blanket but then someone took off my headphones. I was ready to hurl all sorts of curses but I froze when I saw who it was.
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