I Have Sharingan Eyes In Anime Crossover World I Have Sharingan Eyes In Anime Crossover World original

I Have Sharingan Eyes In Anime Crossover World

作者: FaaanzKun

© WebNovel

This Crossover Anime World is UnusualThis Crossover Anime World is Unusual

"Boss, is the fried rice I want ready?"

"Another big bowl of wide noodles!"

"This...this is so delicious!"

In a restaurant in Tokyo, diners pour out cheerful compliments.

Just the fact that the almost 100% authentic praise in front of him made Natsukawa look forward to it, not to mention that the chefs were two red-haired father and son who had a deep impression on him.

"Welcome, what do you want?"

A man with a beard on his chin and long red hair was coming.

Seeing Natsukawa seem hesitant, he smiled and recommended:

"How about the seafood fried rice? "I'm not bragging, my son's Yukihira seafood fried rice is better than my fried rice and has been praised by many people in the neighborhood."

Even though he wasn't bragging, it wasn't hard to see from his face how proud he was of his son.

"Then let's eat seafood fried rice."

After Natsukawa ordered according to the recommendation, he sat and waited quietly.

His eyes looked at the protagonist of the anime Shokugeki no Soma, Yukihira Soma.

He is Yukihira Soma who has not yet joined Totsuki Academy.

Within ten minutes, a plate of seafood fried rice with many ingredients was served in front of him.

The aroma is tangy, like fried rice with a golden sheen.

Natsukawa picked up the spoon and began to taste it without concealing his anticipation. The rich taste immediately exploded in his mouth.

Unfortunately he wasn't a culinary appraiser, so he couldn't make an accurate assessment of this fried rice. Only these words remained in his heart.


It should be said that it was Yukihira Souma. Even though he wasn't yet the Medicine King he was in the future, this fried rice was enough to impress him and even make him think about it for a long time.

[PS: Soma is nicknamed the king of medicine by Chinese netizens]

"Boss, the meal money has been transferred."

"Thank you for your patronage, welcome to come again."

After finishing his meal, Natsukawa paid for his food and got to know Yukihira Soma and his father before turning around and leaving.

After leaving Yukihira Restaurant, Natsukawa sighed slightly.

It's been...two months.

He is a time traveler and was originally a handsome college student.

Unexpectedly, I just woke up after staying up late to write my thesis, and then I came to this world inexplicably.

Not only was his original body several years younger, but he also suddenly changed from a college student to a high school freshman in Japan.

And except for a single-family house and one million yen, he has no other assets.

And this world is different from the world he knew in his previous life, especially Japan.

After initially seeing that this world did not have many famous entertainment works from his previous life, he felt that he could make some plans with his unique knowledge.

But without painting or writing skills, he was stuck at the starting line.

Later, after seeing familiar anime characters in middle school and hearing about Shuchi'in, Sobu High School, and Totsuki Academy, Natsukawa realizes that he has traveled to a merging Anime world.

At first I thought he could start an everyday teenage love story that was unique to him.

After all, there were so many Beautiful Girls, and he was not a monk who could sit back, so of course he would covet other people's bodies.


It wasn't until a few days after he went to school that he learned that there was a girl with long black hair named Yotsuya Miko in the next class, and his so-called everyday worldview completely changed.

Only then did he realize that the comic book world here was more than just daily life!

He even realized why he often saw reports of gas leaks and explosions in certain places, urban legends, and the mysterious disappearance of several people just days after carrying out the operation.

Later, he looked like a lucky guy, with an inexplicable energy in his body, and a pair of pupils that could open Tomoe.

Soon after, like a girl who could see, she began to see things that ordinary people couldn't see.

Just like this moment.

Walking on the street, I am not far from the food court. The crowd, which was still a little crowded, seemed to notice the cold and subconsciously left the place. Before long, only Natsukawa was left on this street corner.

"It's almost done."

It wasn't until there was no one else around that Natsukawa stopped, closed his eyes and then opened them again.

The original black eyes also disappeared with this movement, and were replaced by a pair of blood-red eyes, with three Tomoe surrounding the pupils.

At the same time, large areas of ominous black air began to appear in Natsukawa's eyes on the originally deserted streets.

Evil spirits with ferocious faces and twisted monsters were all surrounding him not far away. Looking at the negative energy deliberately emitted from Natsukawa, they were like greedy beasts staring at delicious food, salivating.

The moment they saw this horrifying scene, a normal person would be frightened to the point of weakness even if they were not unconscious.

Natsukawa also came through this in the beginning, but since he knew how to kill these things, and these unknown things could feed his Sharingan back, he began to work hard to face his fear.

Later, after the Sharingan, which was born with double Tomoe, evolved into Triple Tomoe for a month, he also became calm and calm towards those ghosts, and was even now actively releasing a cursed aura from those eyes to attract their attention.

"One, two, three...only five?"

After seeing only those five clearly, Natsukawa clicked his tongue, and the power in his body quickly flowed into his hands.


There was a popping sound in the air.

Natsukawa suddenly disappeared from the spot.

In the blink of an eye, he came right in front of the grinning Demons, and hit his opponent off guard with a heavy punch.

The Evil Spirit screamed and exploded, and the scattered black monstrosity turned into negative energy, which was reflected back into Natsukawa's eyes.

Perhaps after seeing their "companions" die, or realizing that humans could see them, the evil spirits made strange noises and rushed towards Natsukawa with their mouths wide open.

Seeing this, Natsukawa's pupils flashed and he stepped forward.

The Sharingan captured the movements and easily dodged each attack. Natsukawa counterattacked as before, killing them all with one blow.

In less than a minute, the attacking evil spirits were blown to ashes, and the negative energy from earlier seemed to irritate his eyes.

Feeling the changes in the power of his eyes, Natsukawa made some assumptions in his mind.

It seems that it takes time to develop into 'Mangekyou Sharingan'.

There is still a big difference between the three Tomoe Sharingan and Mangekyou.

But he wasn't in a hurry. After all, although those ghosts looked fierce and terrifying before, they were actually just soft persimmons.

Judging from his experience in the past two months, he probably divided the weirdness in his understanding into several levels.

The level just now is considered normal, just like the evil spirits that Miko often sees in the original work. They are basically harmless as long as they are invisible.

Then there are the little evil spirits that are basically harmless even if you can see them, and these are the most common.

Natsukawa used them to exercise his courage from the beginning, but since the negative energy from the death of these little evil spirits has minimally improved his eyes, Natsukawa no longer pays much attention to these lowest level weirdness.

And the last type is those special areas and horrific places that have caused news reports and caused deaths.

The resulting curse in an area like this that everyone feared would definitely be unusual, and would definitely bring more energy to his Sharingan..

But even though he knew this, Natsukawa did not move forward rashly.

After all, this world is not the world of Naruto, and the energy in his body is not chakra, and he cannot draw out any ninjutsu.

His martial arts skills are still copied from those fighting martial arts and other skills through the copying of Sharingan.

The only effective attack method against evil spirits is to use energy on the fists, and then use it to cause damage.

This is only in terms of physical skills, and who knows whether these further ghosts will have any extraordinary abilities.

Knowing that he wasn't in the simple, everyday world of Anime, he wouldn't take risks so easily and arrogantly if he wasn't completely sure of everything.

After dealing with the ghosts seduced by the Sharingan curse, Natsukawa's pupils returned to their usual black color.

In addition to using the energy in the body to perceive the surrounding area, what he saw in his eyes returned to the normal world.

dia tampaknya bisa mendapat untung melalui apa yang disebut "pemusnahan roh."


|Hello everyone, I'm Arfan, sorry if there are mistakes in words or anything, because I don't speak Mandarin or English, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes.I use English translation so if it's wrong, blame Google Translate: V ahahaha , Sorry Sorry I'll try to fix it so sorry if there are still wrong words|

I'm sorry 1 day can only be 1 chapter, because it takes up to 3 hours to fix it, because I search on Google for every word so it takes a long time

FaaanzKun FaaanzKun

If you want to see the other 10 chapters you can go to my patreon, that can also support me :)


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


