94.44% I Have An AI In The Cultivation World / Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Prep Time like Batman

章 51: Chapter 51: Prep Time like Batman

3rd Stage Novice Spiritual Beasts (Equivalent to Radiant Body Realm)

Number: 38 Crimsonmane Wolves Strength: 900–1000 KG Speed: 50 MPH Size: Height: 5'5" feet (1.67 meters) at the shoulder Length: Around 8 feet (2.4 meters) from nose to tail Beast Core: None

4th Stage Novice Spiritual Beast (Equivalent to Radiant Body Realm)

Number: 1 Crimsonmane Wolf Strength: 1300 KG Speed: 80 MPH Size: Height: 7.5 feet (2.25 meters) at the shoulder Length: Around 12 feet (3.6 meters) from nose to tail Beast Core: Available

7th Stage Novice Spiritual Beast (Equivalent to Radiant Body Realm)

Number: 1 Crimsonmane Wolf (Alpha) Strength: 5000 KG Speed: 170 MPH Size: Height: 10 feet (3 meters) at the shoulder Length: Around 18 feet (5.5 meters) from nose to tail Beast Core: Available


Crimson Blaze: The Crimsonmane Wolf channels its spiritual energy into a fiery aura that envelops its body, increasing its speed and strength while burning anything it touches.

Blazing Strike: The wolf can focus heat into its claws or fangs, delivering powerful attacks that sear through armor and flesh, leaving behind lingering burns that continue to damage the target over time.

Heat Mirage: The wolf can manipulate heat to create mirages, confusing its opponents by creating illusions of itself or false terrain, making it difficult for enemies to discern reality from illusion.


"Damn it!"


Elan cursed after reading through the information on the Crimsonmane Wolves, especially the formidable information about the 7th stage Alpha. The immense power and abilities of these spiritual beasts, particularly the Alpha, were unnerving. Despite their large numbers, it was evident that subduing the Crimsonmane Wolves with their current strength would be incredibly risky and potentially catastrophic. The pack's strength, speed, and unique abilities far exceeded what the group could handle safely.

Elan sat down on a large, flat rock, its cool surface contrasting with the day's lingering warmth. The dense forest around him stood tall and quiet, with sunlight filtering through the canopy to create dappled patterns on the ground.

Deep in thought, Elan tried to formulate a plan to subdue the Crimsonmane Wolves. Considering their abilities, which were primarily fire-based, he concluded that they would need a significant amount of water to counteract the Crimson Blaze ability. The Heat Mirage ability presented another major challenge, creating illusions that could confuse and mislead. However, Elan realized that the Moonshadow Plum could be the perfect countermeasure against these illusions, enhancing clarity and perception.

The major issue, however, was the limited supply of Moonshadow Plums, only seventeen fruits. Elan would need to distribute these carefully among the clansmen with the most promising cultivation levels. Even with these measures, the Crimsonmane Wolves' sheer strength and speed posed a considerable challenge. The wolves' power, particularly that of the higher-stage ones, was formidable. Elan knew they needed to find a way to counter these physical attributes, ensuring they could handle the wolves' superior speed and strength effectively.

For the 3rd stage wolves, their strength was not significantly higher compared to the 2nd stage clansmen. With a ratio of one wolf to five clansmen, they had a reasonable chance of subduing these beasts. The strategy would involve using coordinated attacks to overwhelm the wolves, leveraging their numbers to offset the wolves' superior individual power.

As for the 4th stage, Crimsonmane Wolf's strength was not vastly greater than that of his father, Daren. Along with four other capable clansmen, they stood a good chance of subduing this wolf. However, they would need to train and improve their coordination and tactics to ensure success.

The 7th stage, Alpha, however, was a different story. Its power was far beyond what Elan could currently handle. He realized that he would need to breakthrough to the 5th stage of the Radiant Body Realm to have a chance against the Alpha. Additionally, he would need to consume the Moonshadow Plum to counter the Alpha's illusion abilities and bring a significant amount of water to neutralize its Crimson Blaze.

Arion considered Elan's plan, noting its practicality and thoroughness. He understood the necessity of each element, from the strategic use of the Moonshadow Plums to the importance of reaching the 5th stage. While the plan required substantial preparation and coordination, Arion felt confident that with careful execution, they could achieve their goal of taming the Crimsonmane Wolves.

Elan sighed and stood up after finalizing his thoughts on the plan. He glanced back in the direction of the Crimsonmane Wolves, taking a final moment to assess the situation. Then he turned toward where his clansmen waited and said, "Alright, let's go back."


"Elan knows what he's doing," one of the elders said, trying to reassure the group. His voice carried a note of confidence, but there was an underlying worry in his eyes. "He's faced dangerous beasts before and come out on top."

A younger clansman, fidgeting nervously, couldn't conceal his worry. "But that was only one spiritual beast Elan faced before," he muttered, glancing at the others. "This Alpha looks much bigger and stronger than anything he's encountered. And there are so many of them." His words resonated with the group, highlighting the collective anxiety over the immense challenge Elan faced in dealing with not just a single formidable creature but an entire pack of powerful spiritual beasts.

Others tried to maintain a positive outlook, though it was clear they were masking their own apprehensions. "Elan's got a plan, I'm sure of it," a woman spoke up, her tone firm.

"He wouldn't just walk into this without thinking it through." She crossed her arms, as if trying to physically hold onto her belief in Elan's capabilities.

Lyra nodded in agreement, her expression hardening. "Exactly," she said, a hint of irritation creeping into her voice. "Elan has always had a plan, and he knows what he's doing. It's frustrating to hear doubts when he's proven himself time and again." Her eyes flashed with protective fierceness, clearly upset that anyone would question Elan's judgment or capabilities.

Another clansman stepped forward, his hands raised in a placating gesture. "We're not doubting Elan," he explained, his voice calm but earnest. "It's just hard not to worry when we know he's out there alone, facing forty formidable beasts. It's a natural concern, given the danger." The group nodded in agreement, acknowledging the inherent risks while still holding onto their faith in Elan.

Daren, noticing the rising tension and the direction the conversation was taking, stepped in to diffuse the situation. "Enough," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the murmurs.

"This argument is useless. Whether you believe in Elan or doubt him, it's not going to change the situation. We have to trust him and wait. He knows what he's doing, and he wouldn't take unnecessary risks." He looked around at the group, his expression calm but authoritative.

"Right now, the best thing we can do is stay united and be ready to support him, whatever the outcome." His words brought a sense of order back to the group, reminding them that their energy was better spent preparing and supporting Elan rather than bickering amongst themselves.

Some clansmen nodded in agreement, while others bowed their heads, reflecting on Daren's words. They knew he was right; their focus needed to be on readiness and solidarity. They waited in silence, the quiet only amplifying their tension. As the minutes ticked by, the silence became oppressive, doing little to ease their nerves. An undercurrent of anxiety began to spread through the group, with some shifting uneasily and others casting worried glances toward the path. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, with each clansman acutely aware of the stakes involved and the potential dangers Elan faced alone.

Just as a few clansmen were about to suggest going after Elan, a sound broke the stillness—a twig snapping in the distance. All heads turned, and they saw Elan descending the mountain. He looked unharmed, though his expression was troubled. Relief washed over the group; seeing him safe was all that mattered at that moment. A collective sigh of relief spread through the clansmen.

They ran toward Elan, eager for news. As they reached him, his father, Daren, was the first to speak. "Son, how was it?" he asked, his voice a mix of concern and anticipation, hoping for a clear plan of action.

Elan sighed, pausing for a moment before speaking. "Let's head down to the riverbank first. I'll explain everything about the spiritual beasts there."

Daren and the others picked up on the uneasiness in Elan's tone and expression, sensing that whatever he had to share was likely troubling. The somber mood suggested that the news might not be good.

Daren nodded. "Alright, let's go down," he said, gesturing for the group to follow.

Elan and the others began their descent, following the path they had carefully carved out yesterday and earlier. The trail wound through the dense forest, the faint sounds of their footsteps blending with the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds. As they moved, the clansmen exchanged worried glances, their minds racing with possibilities about what Elan had discovered about the spiritual beasts and what it could mean for their plans and safety. The path seemed longer than before, with the weight of uncertainty pressing heavily on them as they approached the riverbank.


The clansmen listened in disbelief as Elan described the strength of the wolves. Shock and concern etched across their faces as they absorbed the details. No wonder Elan had looked so troubled when he returned; the power of these wolves was far beyond what any of them had anticipated. They had expected formidable foes, but the sheer magnitude of the wolves' strength, speed, and abilities was unnerving.

As Elan detailed the abilities of the Wolves, the clansmen's reactions grew even more intense. The idea of the wolves enveloping themselves in a fiery aura sent a ripple of unease through the group. The thought of facing an enemy that could burn anything it touched was intimidating enough, but the second ability, which could focus heat into deadly attacks, left them even more unsettled.

The most disturbing was the last ability, which allowed the wolves to create illusions, confusing their enemies with false images. The clansmen exchanged worried glances, the realization sinking in that they could be easily deceived in battle, unable to distinguish reality from illusion. The combination of these abilities made the Wolves a terrifying force, and the clan members felt the weight of the challenge ahead pressing down on them.

Suddenly, Rolan snorted, breaking the tense silence. The sound was so unexpected that everyone turned to look at him, their expressions a mix of confusion and curiosity. They wondered what could possibly be amusing in such a serious situation.

Jarek, unable to contain his curiosity, asked, "What's so funny, Rolan?"

Rolan shook his head, still chuckling. "It's just ironic," he said. "We were planning on taming these wolves earlier, but now that we know how powerful they are, we're worried about just how to defeat them, let alone subdue them."

Elan laughed, the tension easing slightly at Rolan's comment. "You're right," he agreed. "But we don't really have a choice. We can't just leave them up there on the mountain. If they get bored, they might come down, and who knows what damage they could do if they're even more powerful by then."

"So it's better we plan to stop them early while we still have a chance," Elan concluded.

Daren and the seven Elders nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. They knew that they had to act decisively to address the threat posed by the Wolves. Allowing the wolves to grow stronger unchecked could lead to catastrophic consequences for the entire settlement.

Daren turned to his son with a serious expression on his face. "So, what should we do, son?" he asked.

Elan took a deep breath before outlining his plan. "We need to return to the settlement and prepare ourselves," he began. "Our first priority should be training and cultivating. We have to strengthen our abilities and coordinate our efforts to face these wolves effectively. The spiritual fruits we found yesterday will be crucial in countering the last ability of the wolves, so we'll need to allocate them to those who can benefit most from their effects."

He paused, then continued, "My goal is to break through to the 5th stage of the Radiant Body Realm. If I can achieve that, it will significantly increase our chances of subduing the wolves. The 3rd stage wolves, while still dangerous, can be managed with a coordinated effort from all of us. The 4th stage wolf will be handled by my father, along with four others who have the necessary strength and experience."

Elan looked around the group, his eyes filled with determination. "The real challenge, however, will be the 7th stage Alpha. It's far more powerful than the others, and we cannot afford to underestimate it. If I'm able to break through to the 5th stage, I will take on the Alpha myself. We'll need to be prepared with strategies to counter its abilities, particularly using water to neutralize their first ability and ensure our defenses are strong."

The clansmen absorbed Elan's words, taking a moment to analyze the plan. They weighed the feasibility of the strategy, considering the daunting prospect of facing such formidable spiritual beasts. The idea of using water to counter the first ability seemed practical, and focusing on cultivating strength to face the Alpha was a logical approach. As they contemplated the details, they realized there was no viable alternative; getting stronger was the only way forward. The thought of Elan taking on the Alpha alone was unsettling, but they knew that with a breakthrough to the 5th stage, he stood the best chance of success.

Despite any lingering doubts, they couldn't refute Elan's plan. The clan members exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of resolve and concern. They understood that for this plan to work, Elan's breakthrough was crucial. Even if they couldn't all reach new levels of strength, Elan's advancement would be pivotal in tipping the scales in their favor. There was a silent agreement among them—a shared hope that Elan would succeed in his breakthrough, knowing that their survival and success hinged on it.

Elan watched his clansmen's reactions closely, noting the mix of concern and resolve on their faces. Seeing that they approved of his plan, despite the frightening challenge ahead, he nodded in affirmation. The silent agreement and the determination in their eyes bolstered his confidence.

With a deep breath, Elan concluded their discussion. "Alright, we have our plan," he said, his voice steady and resolute. "Let's head back to the settlement and start preparing immediately. We have a lot of work to do—training, cultivating, and gathering resources. Everyone needs to focus on getting stronger. Time is of the essence, and we need to be at our best to face the wolves."

The clansmen nodded in silent agreement, determination shining in their eyes. They turned and walked towards the river, their steps purposeful and unified. As they reached the water's edge, they dove in one by one, making their way back across the river with a newfound resolve.

Elan lingered for a moment, turning his gaze towards the mountain's peak, even though it was shrouded in thick mist. In his mind's eye, he could clearly envision the summit where the Crimsonmane Wolves awaited. With a wry smile, he spoke quietly to Arion, "If we're going to beat those Crimsonmane Wolves into submission like Batman, then we need a prep time like Batman, too."



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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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