75.92% I Have An AI In The Cultivation World / Chapter 41: Chapter 41: The Clan's Ascendancy in the Radiant Body Realm

章 41: Chapter 41: The Clan's Ascendancy in the Radiant Body Realm

After hours of cultivating, Elan's clansmen began to break through. The first to achieve this was his father, Daren. Elan watched in awe as his father's aura grew stronger, the energy around him swirling like a storm. Though Elan had half-expected his father to break through, given that he was already the most powerful among them through body tempering alone, seeing it happen still filled him with a sense of wonder. He couldn't help but marvel at the display of power before him.

Next to break through was Jarek, Elan's best friend. This development took Elan by complete surprise; he hadn't anticipated that Jarek would follow so quickly after his father. The breakthroughs continued with Gawin, the First Elder, and then Lyra. Elan was particularly stunned to see Lyra's rapid progress; he hadn't realized she possessed such talent. If he had known that he was the inspiration and driving force behind Lyra's hard work, he would have felt a sense of humility for the role he played in her growth.

As the minutes turned into hours, more and more of Elan's clansmen reached the first stage of the Radiant Body Realm. The air was filled with the sound of continuous booming, each resonance marking another successful breakthrough. The noise echoed through the valley, a powerful proof of the collective strength of the group.

The children, who had been asleep, were awakened by the booming sounds. Startled, they quickly backed away from the adults and ran towards Elan, seeking reassurance. They watched in awe as their parents and elders continued to break through, each person reaching new heights of power.

However, they did not stop there. Determined to continue their progress, they kept cultivating, aiming to break through to the second stage of the Radiant Body Realm. But as hours passed, some of the elderly, excluding the seven elders, along with a few other men and women, began to open their eyes. There were about twenty-seven of them, individuals who had been the weakest during their body-tempering days. They felt a pang of disappointment that they hadn't managed to break through to the second stage, but this was overshadowed by the joy of achieving the first stage. They could feel their strength had doubled, a significant improvement.

Especially for the elderly, the change in their appearance was remarkable. Just weeks ago, these individuals looked frail and aged, as if they were one step away to their graves. Now, they appeared revitalized, as though they had taken two steps back from the edge of the grave. Their skin had a healthier hue, their eyes were brighter, and they stood with newfound vitality. It was as if the cultivation had breathed new life into them, reversing some of the signs of aging and restoring a measure of their youthful vigor.

The group of clansmen walked towards Elan and stood behind him. Some of them handed fruits to the children, ensuring they had something to eat after patiently waiting for their parents.

Noticing the slightly disappointed expressions on some of their faces, Elan addressed them with encouragement. "Don't be discouraged," he said, his voice warm and reassuring. "You've just started cultivating. I'm confident that many of you will break through to the second stage soon."

His words brought smiles to their faces, lifting their spirits. They nodded in agreement, feeling reassured by Elan's confidence in their potential.

One by one, they expressed their gratitude. "Thank you, Elan," they said, their voices filled with genuine appreciation. "We wouldn't have made it this far without your guidance and support."

Elan smiled, humbled by their words. "Don't mention it," he replied, his tone earnest. "Your success is our clan's success. Remember, this is just the beginning. Keep pushing forward, and don't give up."

The clansmen nodded, their resolve strengthened by Elan's encouragement, and continued to feed the children, ensuring everyone was taken care of. 


Another three hours passed, and as if on cue, the clansmen began to break through to the second stage of the Radiant Body Realm. Daren was the first to achieve this milestone, the air around him vibrating with the sheer intensity of his advancement. His breakthrough was a catalyst, sparking a wave of energy that spread through the group like wildfire. Gawin, the First Elder Aric, Lyra, Jarek, and others followed closely behind, each seemingly in a race to reach the next level. Each emitting their own resonant booms as they reached the second stage of the Radiant Body Realm.

An hour after their breakthroughs, the clansmen opened their eyes, their faces radiant with delight and pure happiness. They immediately began to feel their bodies, marveling at the newfound strength and vitality coursing through their veins. Muscles that once felt tired and weak weeks ago were now brimming with power, and the sensation was exhilarating. Their senses seemed sharper, and their movements seemed more fluid and controlled, as if they had been reborn with a new level of vigor and resilience.

The clansmen exchanged looks of astonishment and joy, flexing their limbs and testing their enhanced capabilities. The tremendous increase in their physical abilities was palpable, and the realization of how much they had improved filled them with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. It was a transformative experience, one that left them feeling invincible and eager to explore the full extent of their newfound powers.

Meanwhile, the other clansmen, who had only reached the first stage of the Radiant Body Realm, watched their fellow clansmen with a mix of admiration and a hint of envy. They marveled at the strength and vitality displayed by those who had advanced further, and silently, they promised themselves to cultivate diligently, driven by the desire to achieve the same level of power. Determination filled their hearts, and they vowed to push themselves even harder, knowing that with perseverance and effort, they too could reach the second stage of the Radiant Body Realm.

As the group celebrated their achievements, some noticed that Daren was still deep in meditation, continuing his cultivation. The realization brought a wave of surprise, and they quickly urged the others to remain quiet and not disturb him. "Don't make any noise," one whispered urgently. "Daren is still cultivating."

They moved with caution, respecting the intense concentration required for such a pivotal moment. The clansmen then approached Elan with bright smiles, their faces glowing with excitement and gratitude. His three best friends, Lyra, the seven elders, and particularly his mother, Elara, beamed with pure happiness. Elara still couldn't believe the power she now possessed; it felt like a dream, surreal, and almost unbelievable.

Elara wasn't alone in her astonishment. Many of the other housewives shared her sense of disbelief and joy. They were thrilled at the prospect of being able to accompany their husbands and the others on hunts, no longer feeling left behind or inadequate. The newfound strength and confidence filled them with a sense of belonging and purpose, making them eager to contribute more actively to the clan's endeavors.

As these thoughts filled their minds, they suddenly sensed that Daren was on the verge of breaking through to the third stage of the Radiant Body Realm. Everyone watched in stunned silence, their jaws dropping in amazement, including Elara, who couldn't believe what she was witnessing. The rapid progression was astonishing; they had anticipated that such a breakthrough would take much longer.

Elan, in particular, was taken aback. He had initially thought that his father would only reach the second stage. Now, seeing his father on the brink of achieving the third stage of the Radiant Body Realm was beyond his expectations.

Arion's voice echoed in Elan's mind, "Who would have thought your father would be able to break through to the third stage, huh, Elan?"

"Right, I didn't expect this at all," Elan replied, equally astonished by the unfolding events.

Finally, with a resounding 'boom,' Daren broke through to the third stage of the Radiant Body Realm. A powerful shockwave radiated from his body, sending ripples through the surrounding crowd. The force of his breakthrough was so intense that it left everyone standing with their jaws agape, utterly stunned by the display of sheer power. The magnitude of Daren's advancement was awe-inspiring, leaving his fellow clansmen speechless as they absorbed the reality of what they had just witnessed. The energy in the air crackled with intensity, filling the atmosphere with an electric charge that seemed to echo the enormity of Daren's achievement. The sight was nothing short of awe-inspiring, a testament to the incredible potential and strength now coursing through him.

Minutes after his breakthrough, Daren opened his eyes, taking a deep, steady breath. He felt a rush of newfound power surging through his veins, an overwhelming sensation that left him in awe. His eyes widened as he flexed his muscles, marveling at the immense strength that now resided within him. It felt like a transformation, as if he had shed the remnants of his old self and emerged as someone entirely new.

Not long ago, Daren had been bedridden, weakened by severe injuries that left him vulnerable and in constant pain. But now, as he examined himself, he found no trace of the injuries that had once plagued him. The pain and frailty had vanished, replaced by a vigor he hadn't felt in his life. The only evidence of his past struggles were the faint scars on his skin, silent witnesses to the battles he had fought.

Daren erupted into joyous laughter, his voice ringing out like a clarion call of victory. The sound of his exuberance was infectious, spreading smiles and laughter among his clansmen. They couldn't help but share in his happiness, their spirits buoyed by his unrestrained expression of triumph. The sight of their leader, once on the brink of despair, now standing strong and revitalized, filled them with hope and inspiration.

The clansmen rushed towards Daren, their faces glowing with excitement and admiration. "Congratulations, Daren!" one of them exclaimed, their voice filled with genuine joy. The group quickly gathered around him, eager to offer their heartfelt congratulations for his remarkable achievement.

"You did it! You broke through to the third stage!" another clan member added, their tone resonating with awe.

Daren, beaming with gratitude, responded warmly, "Thank you, everyone."

Elara pushed through the crowd and wrapped her arms around Daren in a tight embrace. "Congratulations," she whispered, her eyes glistening with tears of happiness.

Elan stepped forward, his face reflecting a proud smile. "Congratulations, Dad," he said, his voice steady and sincere.

Daren looked at his son and then around at the gathered crowd, his expression serious but filled with deep emotion. "This achievement isn't mine alone. It's a testament to our collective effort and, most importantly, to Elan's guidance. Without him, we wouldn't have reached this point or unlocked this newfound power."

Elan blushed slightly, feeling shy under the weight of his father's praise. "I did it because I wanted to improve the lives of our clansmen," he said modestly, his humility clear in his tone.

Inwardly, Elan thought to himself, 'If I could say it was all thanks to Arion, he would be the one receiving this praise.' The thought brought a smile to his face, knowing that Arion had been an invaluable partner and also mentor.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C41
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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