"O-owkay! Hwait!" Ainsley couldn't care less about the other two guardians.
The girl immediately snatched the paper bag, intending to stuff the fountain-tailed cat, yet suddenly found out that the cat wasn't sleeping on it anymore.
The few dry cat foods inside the paper bag were still there, but the cat vanished.
It...vanished? It's gone?! Fck? Does it know I'm going to kidnap it?!
Looking at the vanishing cat, Ainsley sighed in disappointment. Her heart felt heavy that she couldn't catch even a single guardian. But there's no time to find that silly cat anymore…
Maybe it's time to give up.
The girl shook her head before picking up her backpack.
The previously light backpack suddenly felt a bit heavier than before. Yet Ainsley didn't care. Maybe the bag became moist or something, so it gained weight.
The girl wore her backpack on her back and gripped the paper bag on her left hand. She then dashed out of the vast prairie, afraid that she would be late to return.
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