3.44% I AM IN FICTION?!! / Chapter 1: Kaer Morhen 1



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章 1: Kaer Morhen 1

I sighed, yep, I sighed!

I finally decided on my objectives and started walking towards a house! Made of straw roof, which was supported by wooden pillars; walls, made up of sticks and gaps filled with mud! It also had 4 rooms!

The house doesn't look like a fancy one, but considering the advancement of the world, and in a place like this village, this was actually a luxury.

A young, beautiful widow and her little son lived in this house.

She is a Druid, and sometime people also called her Lady sorcerer. But the married wives of the village cursed her, witch!

Because of her beauty, it attracted many males of the village, whether married or single.

Heck! even I am attracted to her beauty!

The reason that I am here is, I knew, the lady druid was leaving the village.

I want to tag along with her till I reached a certain place, or, in other words, I want a free bodyguard who could protect me during the travel.

This world is dangerous. Beasts and monsters roamed free, Noonwraiths plagued the nights.

I needed someone to protect me during my travel, and Lady sorcerer was strong enough to do Job.

But the thing is, the present me is poor as fuck!

The growing teenage me was only strong enough to do laundry! And my earnings barely filled my stomach!

It's been four months since I came to this village, and it's also been four months since I regained my memories! And you might have guessed it.

I am a traverser! I'm in a fiction world! THE WITCHER!

Believe me, when I said, it took me 4 months to just realise that I am in the world of the Witcher; and it was also because of the lady druid and her son's identity, which made me realise it.

The time just when… I regained my memories! I jumped with happiness!

Sweet explosions were bursting in my heart!

Like every other traverser, I have a golden finger! I damn even started fantasising about my kingly life!

But soon it was like someone had poured cold water on me! And then I realised, I couldn't figure out how to use my golden finger! I despaired, because I knew without the golden finger, the present me wouldn't survive longer!

My background made things complicated!

The previous me even had an assassination attempt!!

It was also the reason I gained my past life memories!

But luckily, I wasn't out of options!

There was one that was easily accessible to me. That was to become a Witcher!!

Yes, it's just what you are thinking. It's the Witcher! The mutated being that overpowers the monsters!

Though it might sound dangerous, as Witcher trials were vilified for its mortality!

I had a bit of assurance.

Even though I didn't know how to use my golden finger! I knew it had a healing factor to it! Otherwise, I wouldn't have survived an axe into my skull during the last assassination attempt!! Which was before I came to this village.

And this was enough, wasn't it?! To take the risk of going through the Witchers' trials!

I felt shameful when I compare myself to other traversers!

Let's forget about the above!

I call my golden finger, 'The God's Wheel'!

Yep, God's Wheel! when I close my eyes, I could clearly see a giant golden wheel in my mind!

How do I do this?! Well, I don't know!

I just simply can do it; and it was just that. Yep, literally, other than making it appear, I can't do anything about it! But, I believe, I can find about in the future, and it must be a good thing.

Well, back to the present…



I knocked on the door of the house. It took little time for the lady of the house to open the door, " Yes, Viz?"

Her beauty never seized to amaze me!

"Madam Visenna, I heard you and your son were moving out of the village?", I asked.

I heard it in the Inn, where some drunker'd babbled, as they cried in sorrows. Maybe they had a crush on her?

"Yes, it was long since we stayed here, and Geralt's young enough to travel. So I decided its time to move on." Visenna said.

"I infer, you need some service with your visit?" Visenna said, as she lowered her gaze as she talked to me.

Well, as a teenager, I wasn't tall.

But I believe that, there will soon be an increase in my height!

"Madam Visenna, I want to know; if you could drop me at kaer Morhen, on your way," I said, but I was nervous inside.

I feared she would reject my request!

Visenna's eyes turned sharply as she looked into mine. "Pardon me, Viz, please tell me the reason. Why you are going to Kaer Morhen?"

I gave a wry smile, and said, "I want to become a Witcher! with my circumstances, it's hard form me to survive till next winter!"

Visenna showed an understanding look. Though I could see pity for me in her eyes. "We will leave tomorrow early morning Viz, pack your belongings and be on time."

The door was closed! But I sighed in relief.


Early next morning.

I was on the running cart, sitting beside Visenna. Her son Geralt was sleeping in the back.

Though Visenna cast a sleep magic onto him. Which surprised me! However, what shocked me during the travel was how Visenna smoothly handled the beasts on the way!

I knew she was powerful! But I didn't know she was so powerful.

Thus, I came to know my choice of travelling with her was the correct one! If I travelled alone, I believe, I would have already reincarnated for my next life.

"Viz, I will leave Geralt at Kaer Morhen. Please, do me a favour, look after my son?" I could see the struggling expression on Visenna.

Though it might be very late, let me officially introduce these two. Yep, these were the Geralt of Rivia and his mother Visenna. The plotline was several decades, or maybe a century, before the original timeline.

"What!? you are leaving Geralt at Kaer Morhen?!" I feigned a surprised. Though I already knew about it.

But I can't tell her.

It would be suspicious, and I believe she would kick me out of the cart! As I wouldn't be able to explain how I already knew about it.

"Why!?" I asked seriously.

Well, I am curious!

They did not mention officially the reason she left Geralt on Kaer Morhen!

"As a single mother, it's hard, Viz. With the source of income I earn in the village, I barely managed the situation." Visenna said.

However, I cursed her, a bad rich woman with squandering talent, in my heart!

"It would be difficult with Geralt around to pursue my goals as a druid." Visenna stroked Geralt's head. I could feel she was still struggling with her decision to leave Geralt on Kaer Morhen.

"Madam Visenna, I don't believe it's the only reason you are leaving him on Kaer Morhen." I said.

"Even if you are barely managing, I believe, you could still afford him. As for your goals, if I guessed it correctly, you might want to join the circle of druids." I said.

"At the start of your carrier it might be troublesome taking care of Geralt, but with time, with your improved skills, I believe things would be easy for you." I continued.

"Please tell me why you are sending him to Kaer Morhen. Where there is a high death rate! And with the cruelty of the trail of grasses, aren't you sending him to his death?! Though I don't believe you would send him to death." I shook my head.

"Please tell me the reason!" I finished.

I could feel Visenna's shoulder trembling. Later she sighed, "Truly a cunning fellow; just like your Clan Blokver, Viz an Blokver."

"You knew!" I am surprised that she knew I was from Blokver Clan. One of the seven clans of Skillege.

Well, if she knew it, then she knew it. I don't care whether or not she knew.

"It's his destiny to be a Witcher! And his choices could lead to destruction or rebirth of this world!" Visenna looked into my eyes, and I knew she was dead serious about what she just said.

But, I am surprised that she could tell me this intelligence of how Geralt's choices could lead to destruction or rebirth of the world.

"I believe you. So, I give you my word, If I survive the trials. I will take care of Geralt!" just kidding! Damn, I knew I would survive the Witcher trials!

Or else why would I be Going to Kaer Morhen?! To my death?!

No chance!

Soon we reached our destination, the Kaer Morhen!

"I will leave, madam, Visenna; As it seems, you need some time with your son." I said and walked, carrying my bag, towards the Witchers Castle that I could see from here.


When I reached the castle. It surprised me to find it noisy!

"Ned, heard, you made a lot of coins!"

"Yes! It was my luckiest hunt ever! I killed a lesser Griffen!"

"Damn, Ned! How did you even find a lesser Griffen?!"

"Vesemir, we heard you slept with some noble woman!"

"Won't mind telling you, on a round of jug! if you provide it?"

"Damn it! This lucky bastard!"

It was like a fish market! There were too many Witchers!

"Brat, what are you doing here?!" a Witcher, who notice me at the gate, shouted!

And it resulted in pulling other Witchers' sight towards me.

Damn! I swear, it's intimidating being stared by these many Witchers! Who were literally stronger than powerful monsters! And who could tear humans with their bare hands!

"I came to become a Witcher." I spoke and unwantedly, I notice everyone's gaze towards me seems to change.

Some showed pity.

Others looked at me like I was a fool.

And some with interest filled in their eyes.

"Brat, could you tell me why you wanted to become Witcher!", Vesemir walked towards me with a bottle of alcohol.

This Vesemir looked damn young! and I might have picked Vesemir's interest, as it was rare for someone to become a Witcher willingly! My situation might have reminded of his; back then when he joined.

"Money!" I seriously replied, "though I would be thankful if Master Witcher could tell me what to do next."

"Come with me brat." Vesemir pulled me to the quarters, filled with kids. These were trainees, who were placed here! To be more precise, held here!

I am sure only a few of them would survive after the trails and become Witchers.

Vesemir said, "this will be your room, till you become a Witcher."

Calling it a room wouldn't be correct.

It was as big as a hall.

There were straw beds lined in two rows.

Ignoring the kids, who were staring at me. I soon found an empty bed and placed my bag near it, then I laid on the bed.

"How did they bring you here, Law of surprise, or did your parents sold you!?" my comrade of next bed asked me.

"I came myself." I said.

"Damn, Moron! you know what you did?!" the kid jumped and braced his punch.

Well, this kid was smaller and younger than me. I easily dogged his punch.


Then I pushed him back, and he fell to the ground.

I sat on him, locked his hands, and made him immobile.

"What's your name, pissed guy?" I said, and the kid struggled to escape, but it was useless.

"Damn it! Get off me!" the kid struggled.

"He is called Lambart." and another child said it!

"My name's Viz, then you are…." I asked this new kid.

"Eskle… But aren't you throwing your life coming here?" Eskle showed a confused look.

"Do you think, if I had an option, I would come here?" I said to Eskle.

"so it's hard for you too!" Eskle nodded his head, as if understanding something.

But I don't know what he is imagining.

"Get up of me!" Lambert once again shouted.

"Only if you guarantee not to hit me?" I said.

"I promise." Lambert said, he seems to understand that he couldn't beat me.

I freed him, and Lambert kept his words.

Few hours later…

"A new kid!" Eskle said.

I could see Vesemir bringing Geralt in.

"Geralt, here!" I waved my hands towards Geralt.

"Viz!!" Geralt seems to be surprised seeing me here.

He ran to me and asked, "have you seen my mother?!"

"No" I shook my head.

I could see tears building in his eyes.

"A mama brat! missing your mama's milk already!" Lambert snorted.

He sure is a prick!

"What did you say?! I dare you to say it ones more!!" Geralt shouted angrily.

"Wanna fight mama boy!" Lambert said, and braced his punch.

Geralt couldn't take anymore. His emotions were already at its peaks. He threw himself towards lambert.

The two clashed, and I knew they both were venting their frustration.

So, I and Eskle just watched.

It didn't take long for a Witcher to notice it, and separated them.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


