4.61% I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group / Chapter 1: Reincarnation!

章 1: Reincarnation!

Floating in the void, the soul saw five portals in front of him, and without even thinking, The Soul's hand stretched to the second portal, and the portal engulfed it.

{Primal Chaos, Blue Pole Star Planet, Floating Cloud City, Xiao Clan}

A four-year boy looked stared in one direction while thinking about the memories he had just gotten.

'My past life identity? I don't remember, but I can remember all the knowledge and events that happened in my life. I don't remember names, nor the faces of the people close to me, but I remember all the things that happened.'

'Now, I am in Primal Chaos, sitting on the ground while staring at the progress icon in front of me. Considering that the icon shows 26.666% and I am currently four years old, I will get whatever thing I got at the age of 15.'

'I am also one year younger than Xiao Che, the 'protagonist' of the world, but considering that he hasn't been killed by anyone, is he still the protagonist? What if I stole his Mirror of Samsara? Will he still be the Protagonist?'

'Meh! I don't care. But my condition is bad, considering that my profound veins are damaged for no reason as I don't think I heard that I was attacked when I was an infant. This must be because of the icon in front of me.'

'Now, either I can just choose any other profession, become good in it, marry a wife in the future and laze around, or I can start working, read books, use the knowledge from my past life, and reach the peak of the world. If I didn't have the icon flashing in front of me, I am sure I would have chosen the first part.'

'Hah! I guess I will just go back to reading the books in the library, that's the only thing I find good for now.'

The Boy got out of his thoughts and started to walk towards the Clan Library. The Clan had a big library but most of the books in it were deemed useless by cultivators as they only focused on sitting in a place for years and cultivating. Maybe this is the reason why their brains degraded, and they shout Courting Death and Mt Tai everywhere.

"Xiao Xianzhi"

Then, the boy heard a voice, and he looked back. He saw a girl running towards him and she stopped near him while panting and calming herself.

"Xianzhi, where are you going?" The girl asked and hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi looked at the girl and said, "Xiao Ling, I am going to the library."

"Hmph! I have told you to call me Sister Ling, right?"


"Then why do you always call me by name?"

Xiao Xianzhi looked at Xiao Ling and said, "Because you always disturb me."

"Hmph! I don't disturb you, but it's you who always spend your time alone. Why do you do this?" Xiao Ling said and, in the end, her voice become so low that if Xiao Xianzhi wasn't standing close to her, he wouldn't be able to listen to her.

He looked at her with no expression and asked, "Why did you call me?"

"Ah! I forgot to tell you about this. Father told me that the Doctor has come to see you again."

"Hah! There is no point in doing this. Let's go, it will be the last time." Xiao Xianzhi said and started to walk. Seeing this, Xiao Ling hmphed and said, "Wait for me!"


Xiao Ling and Xiao Xianzhi arrived at Xiao Ling's home and saw two people waiting for him. One of the men had a long beard while the other one had a short one.

Looking at the man with a short beard, Xiao Xianzhi bowed slightly and said, "Uncle Long, how are you doing?"

"Haha! Brat! No need to be polite with me, I am doing great." Xiao Long, father of Xiao Ling said with a laugh.

"Doctor Situ, how are you doing?" Xiao Xianzhi said with a bow and seeing this, Doctor Situ touched his beard and said, "I am doing great, Little Zhi! Now come here, let me check your condition again, your uncle nagged me from my clinic and took me here."

Xiao Xianzhi arrived near him, but he knew that nothing new will happen. With his body's condition, he is sure that no one in Primal Chaos will know about this.

Doctor Situ checked Xiao Xianzhi's pulse with one hand and put his other hand on his back. After a minute, he sighed while shaking his head and said, "His veins condition are same. Xiao, you should forget about cultivating and becoming a cultivator."

(Broken or I should say incomplete veins. The stopped growing in past!)

Hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi nodded with no change in his expression as if he had already expected this, and that's what made the two old men sadder. As for Xiao Ling, she wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "Xianzhi, don't worry! I will become strong and protect you."

"Really?" Xiao Xianzhi said, and Xiao Ling nodded and said, "Really."

Xiao Xianzhi chuckled at Xiao Ling and said, "Then I will depend on you, Sister Ling."

Xiao Ling's expression brightened as she heard what Xiao Xianzhi said and seeing this, the two old men smiled and thought, 'What a genius child!'

Bidding Goodbye to the Old Man, Xiao Xianzhi left the house and went to the library with Xiao Ling following him.

"Are you going to the library again?" Xiao Ling asked while looking at him and he nodded at her and said, "If you want to protect me in the future, you will have to work harder."

Xiao Ling hmphed and said, "Of course, I will."


A few days passed by since Xiao Xianzhi was checked by Doctor Situ. These days, except for training his body every day, he spent most of his time in the library while reading books in the library. Most of these books were useless to him as they just talked about cultivation.

What he wanted was books regarding different types of herbs, their uses, and the place they could be found, or books about Human Anatomy, Medicine, and how the body worked.

At last, he gave up looking for them, and instead of this, he started to write his own books in 'English' Language, so that he won't be forgetting anything.

Because of Xiao Long, who is his uncle, and an elder in the Xiao Clan, he didn't have to worry about food and his daily life. Every day, he would be pestered by Xiao Ling to play, and taking advantage of this, in the guise of playing, he would let her exercise and make her do Yoga Postures he could remember.

Because of this, Xiao Ling would get tired early, and he would have more time to write his books. He was caught writing them by Xiao Long, but he ignored it as Children's nonsense, and he was happy that Xiao Xianzhi acted like a child.

Two years passed since Xiao Xianzhi started to write his books. He had written 50 Books in these two years as he wrote 4000-5000 words a day, and with the average human being here stronger than those on earth, it was easy for him to write the books in two sessions of 2,500 Words each.

He had written everything he could remember, from Chemistry to Physics, Psychology, Math's, Botany, Zoology, Human Anatomy, and the research about Anatomy of different plants and animals.

He also wrote some of the famous novels he could remember while changing their story and sometimes he read them when he got bored of writing.

In these 2 years, Xiao Xianzhi didn't forget about his Physique and with him training every day, his metabolism increased, leading him to look like 8-9 years old children, even though he is only six. Writing and training every day also helped him in building discipline and self-control, which he didn't have in his past life, and that led to many of his failures.

Not only Xiao Xianzhi, but Xiao Ling also practiced with him every day. It seems she had taken her words too seriously and she is hell-bent on getting strong and protecting him, which warmed Xiao Xianzhi's cold heart, and he started to think of her as his sister.

Her metabolism also increased and even though she is 8 years old, she looks like she is 12, and now she had become the Little Beauty of Xiao Clan. Because of her Beautiful appearance, many times, they were disturbed by the young master's and their lackeys, and she would glare at them, while the young master's would taunt Xiao Xianzhi for being a coward and hiding behind a woman.

Xiao Xianzhi didn't pay attention to them, as their words didn't matter to him, and they hadn't spoken anything that made him angry. Even though he ignored them, it didn't mean that he wouldn't retaliate if they said anything that would anger him, and because of this, the present scenario happened.


He will be 15 in 3-6 chapters, and these chapters will show some of his life in ATG.

Not 6, I guess I will have increase them as I don't want to rush his character and his relationship with others. I am writing chapters around 1.5k words, and I feel I will need to write more.


Please support me on P@treon: p@treon.com/Kaoski

Read extra chapters at P@treon.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


