71.55% I Am Doom (Marvel) / Chapter 77: Chapter 74: Eliminating Reed Richards

章 77: Chapter 74: Eliminating Reed Richards

A/N: The last contests winner was once again OverlordBGs.

If some of you others want to win, then you need to step up a bit.

Plus more people need to vote. Since I know some of you read but don't vote in the contest. Which is why some of the winnings have been such close contests.

So yeah, vote more please.

Today, insert a GIF of Warren Worthington III/Angel Here.

Oh and in regards to that future SI, I have chosen to do Hank Pym/Ant-Man.

Because I have never seen a fanfic about him and I think it would be really interesting.

I'll let you all know when the first chapter comes out.


(3rd Person: POV)

After Victor and Reed exchanged greetings they continued simply staring at each other for several seconds.

Until Victor sat down on his chair. "Please, have a seat." He spoke.

Gesturing to the two chairs situatied in front of his desk.

"Why thank you." Reed replied.

He then moved to sit in one of the chairs in front of Victor's desk.

"So, I must admit I was a bit surprised when you requested I meet with you today last night at the party." Reed spoke.

"Well, I had matters I wished to urgently discuss with you. Ones better done in private. And I wanted to do it sooner rather than later. Hence the request I made to you last night. By the way, thanks for agreeing to it."

"No problem." Reed replied. "So, what matters do you wish to discuss with me?" He asked.

"First off, its about me and Susan." Victor spoke.

Reed resisting the urge to scowl, and ingore the slight tightening on his chest, as Victor brought up the two of them.

"What about you two?" Reed asked.

"In regards to how you found out about our new relationship status. I'm sorry." Victor spoke.

Suprising Reed.

"You're sorry?" Reed asked.

Victor gently nodding his head. "I am. For I already thought Susan had informed the rest of you in the Four about it. And then when I saw yours and the others reactions the other day when I kissed her I knew she hadn't. A matter we had a long chat about afterwards."

"Why?" Reed asked.

"Because I know of the history between you and Susan Reed and I didn't want you to be blindsided, like you were, by the fact that she and I are now a couple." Victor spoke. "Since I consider you a colleague and more importantly a friend." He said.

Putting a fake smile on his face.

While on the inside Victor was evilly laughing his ass off.

Since most of what he is saying to Reed is S-grade bullshit right now.

But looking into Reeds eyes Victor can see he is believing him.

'Good.' Victor thought. 'Everything is proceeding as planned.'

"Victor I...Thank you. What you just said means a lot." Reed spoke. Putting a small smile on his face.

"You're welcome." Victor replied. "Now then, onto the second matter I asked you here today to discuss."

Reaching for his keyboard Victor typed on it for a moment.

He then turned his monitor to face Reed.

The second after this happened Reed looked at Victor's computer screen, where several windows displaying designs and schematics had been opened.

After taking a moment to review said designs and schematics Reed returned his gaze to Victor. "Victor, is this what I think it is?"

"If you mean the beginnings of what I hope to be the world's first fully functional teleportation device, then yes Reed. It is what you think it is." Victor replied. "And I want your help on the project. So, what do you say?"

"I'd be delighted too." Reed immediately replied.

"Excellent." Victor said.

Once he did he and Reed began delving into matters concerning the teleportation project.

All the while Doom was still laughing evilly on the inside.

Since both phase one and phase two of his 'Richards Extermination' plan had gone off without a hitch.

Now all that was left was to execute phase three.

The final phase.

Which would end with Reed Richards meeting the grim reaper from Family Guy.


[June 13th, 2008]

Smiles on their faces Victor and Reed stood in the latters personal lab within the Baxter Building.

Right in front of their newly completed teleportation machine.

Which, if it functioned correctly, was another invention that could revolutionize the world.

"Beautiful isn't it Victor?" Reed asked.

"Yes, it truly is." Victor replied. "Though we still need to make sure it works. Otherwise it'll just mean we've spent the past week simply creating a paperweight."

"Don't worry Victor. We've both done the math. We know it works. Now the only question remains is who gets to use it first?"

"I think that honor should go to you Reed." Victor spoke.

"Really?" Reed asked.

"Yes." Victor replied. "After all, we built this device in your personal lab. And I think that should mean something. So go on and get in there so I can send you to a beach in Hawaii." He spoke.

"Alright then." Reed spoke.

He then walked forward and stepped into the teleportation machine.

Meanwhile Victor headed over to the machine control terminal, dropping the smile from his face.

'Brainiac. Phase three of the 'Richards Extermination' is about to enter it's final phase.' Victor spoke to Brainiac. Using his technopathy.

'Understood emperor. Everything is in place, just as you requested.' Brainiac spoke.

When he did Victor smiled and then stopped speaking with him.

Just as he did Reed closed the door to the teleportation machine.

Once this happened Victor began controlling the machine using the terminal.

As it powered up Reed couldn't hide his excitement.

He had a smile on his face.

One which quickly began to fade as the seconds went by.

Since Reed still had not teleported.

'But that doesn't make any sense.' Reed thought.

During this past week he and Victor had run hundreds of simulations to see how the chamber would react organic matter.

All of which came back in the green.

This telling Reed something else was going on.

Upon realizing this he got ready to try and signal Victor.

Only for the man in question to walk up to the machine himself, his hands folded behind his back.

"Oh good Victor. Hey, you need to turn off the machine and get me out of it. Something has gone horribly wrong." Reed quickly explained.

Only for Victor not to move an inch.

"Victor, what is wrong with you. I said we have a problem here." Reed spoke again.

"Problem, I see no problem." Victor retorted.

"Yes, there is." Reed said. "Now seriously, turn off the machine and pull me out. I'm starting to feel strange." He said.

Reed feeling like his body was being pulled in several directions at once.

"Ah yes, that would be the teleportation machine pulling your body apart at the atomic level." Victor casually spoke.

"What?!"' Reed shouted. "If that's the case, then Victor, you need to get me out of here. Now!"

"No Richards that will not be happening." Victor replied. He then put a triumphant look on his face. "For that machine shall be your final resting place." He spoke.

"Wha-No, don't tell me." Reed spoke.

"Yes. It is as you're thinking. I made the teleportation machine act in its current manner.* Victor spoke.

When he did Reed got a furious expression on his face and began pounding on the door to the machine. "You bastard! When I get out of here I'll kill you, you hear me! I'll fucking kill you Victor! You woman stealing bastard!"

"Ah, and so we come to the heart of the matter. Susan." Victor said. "The lovely woman you took for granted Richards. Who is now mine. A choice she herself made. And then you have the gall to obsess over her and think that she belongs to you. Pathetic and disgusting. But then, you always were."

"Viiccctttooorrrrr!!!" Reed snarled. A bit of spit flying out of his mouth in the process.

"So, you are finally releasing your true nature. That of a rabid animal. Good. Fitting you should do so in your last moments in life." Victor spoke. "Oh and don't worry about Ben, Johnny, and of course Susan, I will take excellent care of them. Now then Richards, good bye. I could say it was a pleasure knowing you, but then I would be lying " He said.

Then with that Victor walked away.

Reed glaring at him the entire time.

All while trying to escape the teleportation chamber before it finished what Victor had set it to do.

But no matter what Reed couldn't figure a way out of the chamber.

Even his powers were useless.

But of course they were, since Victor had accounted for them.

As such Reed was truly helpless as his body was pulled apart.


Eventually Reed began screaming in agony.

Falling to his knees as the pain inside of his body got worse and worse.

Until eventually Reed Richards disentigrated into nothing but his atoms.

Leaving not a single trace of his body behind.

Taking note of this Victor smiled.

For he had just eliminated one of the most annoying gnats buzzing around him.

Making it a glorious day.

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C77
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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