
章 45: Recuperation Order

The air around the immediate vicinity of the Grail rapidly heated up to a temperature even hotter than the core of the sun, with that dropping off the further you go away from the golden cup. The air turned to plasma as all the magical energy that was once tightly packed inside the vessel known as the Holy Grail was now released.

Raising up my shield, I found myself completely unaffected by the Grail's explosion, permitting me a front-row seat to what exactly occurs at the epicenter of such an explosion.

The stellar temperature existed for only nanoseconds. Once the one-second mark had passed, the temperature around me dropped rapidly compared to what they were only milliseconds before.

Charged particles like electrons and ions returned to their atomic orbits as the plasma cooled down into merely hot gas.

By the time the light subsided, I found myself hovering in the epicenter, the ground zero, of a crater where its rim undoubtedly stretched for hundreds of meters from one side to the other.

I was floating in the base, the trunk, of a growing mushroom cloud. The only light inside this dark cloud was coming from the glowing ground below me, partially obscured by dust and debris upturned by the Grail's explosion.

The cold air was being sucked in from the surroundings as hot air— the fireball— from the Grail's explosion rose taller and taller, causing the mushroom cloud to 'grow' in a sense.

Ah… The Grail.

The Grail is gone…

Destroyed, completely. Wiped away from existence.

Before I could contemplate it anymore, I was flung across spacetime again. Things that were previously overlaid and contained by the observed reality made their appearance known.

Foams of spacetime bubbled forth like the surface of a boiling pot of water, driving the cosmic expansion of the universe. It was the effect of quantum uncertainty upon the structure of the smallest spacetime.

Scientific theories were proven facts.

Before I could fully appreciate the beauty of spacetime on its smallest scale, I found myself staring at my translucent reflection.

I was inside a small crawlspace. I was inside the Coffin they used for Rayshifting. I've returned.

With zero Holy Grails.

Damn. What would happen when I have zero Grails? What was the purpose of Grails in the original story of FGO? For gameplay purposes, they were used to upgrade a Servant beyond their normal capacity. They're permanent boosters effectively.

But that's for gameplay. I have a feeling there is definitely an in-story reason for Chaldea to collect these Grails, and I don't know what it is since I didn't read the god-forsaken story.

God damn it all to hell!

I pushed the lid over the Coffin open. Stepping out groggily, I started massaging my forehead as though I was having a massive headache.

I didn't even know it was possible to destroy a Grail. I always thought gaining the Grail was always a given once you defeated everyone inside the Singularity. Beyond that, given how I steamrolled through Fuyuki and all the Servants who stood in my way, it never occurred to me the enemy may just suicide with the Holy Grail out of spite.

'I would rather die than let you win', so to speak.

This reeked of desperation. A final 'fuck you'. I should know. I'm familiar with the feeling, of spiting the enemy one more time before you die—that man who killed himself inside that apartment. With my perfect memory, I couldn't forget the exact size of the blood that pooled around him even if I wanted to. Beyond that, stalking in the back of my mind, like an everpresent ghost, was the option of killing the rest of humanity to stop the Sun from claiming them.

It was the nuclear option. The big red button that's never to be pressed and always to be looked at.

Taking in several deep breaths, I rubbed my forehead and awaited others as they got out of their own Coffin—

"My Polkovodets!"

A pair of arms tightly snaked around my body. Ah, Zvezdnyy. Absentmindedly, my hands came up and started patting her head. The girl's soft golden hair made my fingers feel as though they were touching cotton candy.

I focused solely on it. I tried to ignore for now the fact that I failed to retrieve the Grail.

"Goddess Kukulkan!" Ritsuka called out as he hurried out of the Coffin. Bowing to a full 90 degrees, he then yelled, "My greatest apology for losing your sister!"


Instead of feeling scared and worried as I usually might if Ritsuka had said this to me during the Singularity, I only felt confused as Zvezdnyy was right in front of me.

Ritsuka's heart was beating heavily, as though he had just ran a marathon.

"Ahh, I can see there's a story in this. How about we all talk about this later? I need to report to Director Olga that I failed to acquire the Grail."

"Sorry, you failed what?" Speak of the Devil and all that, Olga stood by the doorway to this chamber that held CHALDEAS.

She looked outraged. Completely understandable, I did just fuck up the whole point of this mission. It wasn't that the Grail was still in enemy hands since that meant it was still retrievable; something that could be solved with sufficient brute force. I am that sufficient brute force.

No, the real issue here is that the Grail simply no longer existed.

I tapped Zvezdnyy's head, "I'll talk with you later."

In turn, the girl simply puffed up her cheeks and pouted adorably. "No, I want to tell you about my journey across the lands of France! For example, did you know I met Jeanne d'Arc? She said—"

I lowered myself down to her level. My legs folded inward as I took the posture of a squat. Staring into Zvezdnyy's shimmering grey-green eyes, I said, "Zvezdnyy. How about this; you talk with Ritsuka here. I promise I'll return as soon as possible to listen to your story. Alright?"

Doubt crept into Zvezdnyy's eyes as her puckered lips turned sideways. She looked like she was debating things inside her mind before slowly nodding.

"Fine. Pinkie swears."

The girl brought up her right hand curled into a fist—all except for her pinkie.


I was amused by Zvezdnyy's antics. So I brought up my own right pinkie and hooked it around the girl's own, "Very well. I promise I'll return to listen to your story."

Zvezdnyy turned around and grabbed Ritsuka's hands, practically dragging him alone like horses with a cart. They ran past Olga and out of the door to the chamber of CHALDEAS.

Director Olga looked at me, and I started explaining how everything went down.

"...And so, that's how everything went down. Caster Gilles and Prelati detonated the Grail, unleashing the magical energy bound within in a massive explosion. I assume that's what triggered the end of the Singularity."

Olga stared at me with an indiscernible look on her face. I couldn't meet her eyes. So, my head hung low and I looked anywhere but have eye contact with Olga.

I have no issue if she decides to reprimand me. I did cause the destruction of the Grail by what I can only presume was causing too much pressure on the enemy.

In the original story, Ritsuka Fujimaru must've collected allies to rally around before launching a final siege on Orleans. At that time, the enemy must've thought there was still a winning chance.

But with me here, I, with the same grace as a runaway car, smashed that 'winning chance' to pieces so small the enemy Servants were mired in despair. Thus, in desperation, they denied me my ultimate victory.

Olga sighed. She reached up and combed through her hair like a brush, "At the very least, we solved a Singularity."

The Director placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up and meet her gaze.

"Shame, perhaps we could've repurposed the Grail as an energy generator for Chaldea as we did with the Singularity F Holy Grail. But no matter. At least we're one step closer to solving whatever incinerated humanity. Lev…"

She trailed off. Putting a fist right in front of her mouth, Olga cleared her throat and stood up straighter, looking very much like an authority figure.

"Ahem. Goddess Kukulkan. Thank you for your service in clearing this Singularity. As the Director of the Chaldea Security Organization, I hereby permit you to take the rest of the day off."

Olga then took a deep breath, "Good work, Goddess. Now we'll just have to find the next Singularity."

Seeking to end things on her terms, Olga returned to the control room… only she went the wrong way. The control room was to the left while Olga walked to the right.

I stared at her for a few more seconds while the woman disappeared around a corner. Despite not seeing her, I could hear how her breathing wasn't becoming quieter, meaning she was currently staying around the corner probably waiting for me to go.

Heh, Olga really wants to maintain that 'perfect director' look.

So to save her some face, I pretended not to notice her and moved towards the cafeteria.


"Behold, Ritsuka Fujimaru! Together, we shall embark on a quest of epic proportions in search of the most divine of treats: ice cream! A delicacy born from the frozen depths of eternity, its sweetness rivals that of the stars themselves. The frozen ambrosia will—"

"Zvezenyy, listen—" Ritsuka tried to say but he was being dragged along by the unstoppable force of this tiny, extraordinary girl. "—I need to apologize for what Archer said. He didn't mean those words."

Zvezdnyy stopped. Releasing Ritsuka, the witch turned around and waved his apology off, "Fear not the need for apologies, Ritsuka, for I understand the very depths from where Archer's resolve emanates"

The teen immediately started shaking his feet as though to dust off his shoes. Strange.

"You… uh…" What does she mean by 'resolve'? "Um, you do?"


"You… really do?" Ritsuka turned his head partially to the side and gave Zvezdnyy a hesitating side-ways glance, as though to ask 'Are you sure?'.

"Indeed! His discerning gaze pierces through the veil of my current state, for he anticipates the day when I shall ascend beyond my limitations. Then, and only then would he join my army!" Zvezdnyy placed her hands around her hip, puffing up her non-existent chest and looking especially proud.

"I see." Ritsuka cleared his throat. Bringing up a hand to his face, the teen struck a pose, "Very well then. Shall we head for the most delicious treat of ice cream now?"

Zvezdnyy grew more and more energetic. The Way of Drama. Ritsuka once again reinforced himself as a practitioner of The Way of Drama.

"Yes…yes! Ice cream! Where is the cafeteria? There simply must be one."

If a Foundation Site had one, then this place simply must have one as well.

"Um, it's probably at the end of the left-wing hallway. Could you— teleport us there?"

"Very well. I wish we were at the cafeteria."

Spacetime broke apart as both Zvezdnyy and Ritsuka were transported to the cafeteria. It was a place as clean as the rest of Chaldea's base. White walls, floors, and ceilings filled with skylights allowed one to glance at the snowy outside world. The tables and chairs of the cafeteria were, in Zvezdnyy's eyes, disappointingly simple.

Just pure white. Zero decorations.

Overall, the cafeteria can be described as the rest of Chaldea: sterile and lifeless.


With but a desire for 'colorfulness', Zvezdnyy warped reality and painted the whole cafeteria into the whole breadth of the rainbow.

To Ritsuka, the whole place now looked like it came out of his wildest fever dreams. The white chairs were now filled with polka dots of yellow, green, and red. The tables turned blue while the floor turned into a shade of bright orange. The only thing that remained unchanged was the color of the light.

Unaware of how taken aback Ritsuka was by the sudden change, Zvezdnyy ran towards the kitchen window and leaned over the counter that had two strangely placed paper bowls.

"I would like one—eep!"

Archer stepped into view, wearing a chef's apron. A colorful chef's apron.

In Ritsuka's own opinion, the colorful apron looked less like a chef's and more like a painter's. One that's been used heavily by said painter.

Zvezdnyy instantly dropped her cheerful expression. Her feet touched the floor as she backed away slowly, "A—Archer…"

It was as if the girl was the daughter of a rich family who accidentally entered the slums and was now surrounded by armed gang members.

She gulped before forcefully commanding her feet to stop backing away and stand her ground.

"I… I know why you didn't want to join my army." Zvezdnyy said as she puffed up her chest to try and look confident.

"Oh? And what reason would that be, Zvezdnyy?"

To Ritsuka, it was almost hilarious how serious Archer was trying to look while wearing such a colorful and ridiculous outfit.

Placing a hand over her chest, Zvezdnyy spoke with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"I need to prove to you that I am indeed the savior of mankind, just like my Polkovodets! And I will do so by saving this world, just like how my Polkovodets saved my old world."

Archer looked unimpressed. Crossing his arms, he gave Zvezdnyy the side-eye. "I don't believe your Polkovodets actually saved a world."

"..." Zvezdnyy's jaw dropped. Her eyes spoke of incomprehension. It was as though Archer had just said he doesn't believe in gravity or another fundamental facet of reality.

"Okay okay, Archer!" Ritsuka hurriedly inserted himself between Zvezdnyy and Archer, "She's just a kid, please, go easy on her. Zvezdnyy, didn't you want to eat some ice cream?"

"...Yes." Looking nervously at Archer, Zvezdnyy repeated, "I would like one ice cream. Strawberry."

"Fine." Archer took out a large white tub from the industrial fridge and uncovered its lid. There, the Servant took out a single spoon and scooped up a large ball of the pink delight before dumping it into the already prepared small paper bowl.

Archer motioned to the bowl, which Zvezdnyy happily took.

Seeing her happy face devoid of any outrage, Ritsuka let out a small sigh. A few minutes ago, he messaged Archer through the telepathic channel that exists between a Servant and their Master to prepare the ice cream bowl.

Zvezdnyy took a seat and began eating the ice cream.

"MMMM!" Eyes widening, Zvezdnyy began wolfing it down.

"Hey hey, that ice cream isn't just going to go anywhere, slow down Zvezdnyy. You're going to get a brain freeze at that rate."

Zvezdnyy didn't slow down. Her spoon became a blur with how fast it moved between the bowl and her mouth.

"Here." Archer placed a paper bowl of the same strawberry ice cream right in front of Ritsuka.

"Thank you, Archer," Ritsuka said as he took up the Servant's offer.

Taking a small spoonful of the ice cream, Ritsuka's eyes widened the same as Zvezdnyy's.

"Oh wow, that is… possibly the best ice cream I've ever eaten… how did you do this? The last time I ate this ice cream it was nowhere near this good."

To deal with the pain of suddenly knowing your family was gone, Ritsuka stuffed himself with food… at least until the Goddess pulled him out of that pit of depression.

Speaking of which…

"Ah, my Polkovodets…"

Without a single sound, Kukulkan, floating a few centimeters above the floor, entered the cafeteria.

She was the only thing in the world that could've pulled Zvezdnyy out of the frenzy she found herself in.

"You must try this most delicious of treats."

The Goddess's head turned slightly to the sides in a display of minor distaste, "I'm fine Zvezdnyy. I don't need to eat."

Ritsuka noticed how Kukulkan appeared much more somber than usual. She was like his parents after coming home at nine instead of the usual six; much more tired.

Was the Grail whole truly such a big deal? All Ritsuka knows is that a Grail was the cause of each Singularity and that by destroying the Grail, the Singularity would vanish.

"Muuu!" Zvezdnyy pouted adorably in Ritsuka's personal opinion. The Goddess dragged a chair out and took a seat right beside Zvezdnyy.


A plastic spoonful of strawberry ice cream was placed right beside Kukulkan's closed mouth by Zvezdnyy. A determined look was on the girl's face as if saying she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Kukulkan sighed.

"Come on Goddess. Try it." Ritsuka joined in with Zvezdnyy, and it appeared that was enough as the Goddess opened her mouth to invite the spoonful of ice cream in.

Closing her lips over the spoon, Ritsuka spotted how Kukulkan's eyes furrowed like she had just seen something extremely interesting. By the time Zvezdnyy took the spoon out of Kukulkan's mouth, the Goddess still hadn't moved as if she was frozen in time.

"Huh." Kukulkan then asked, "Who made this?"

"Verily, this is no ordinary confection, for Archer hath forged this ice cream with the flames of his noble spirit, imbuing it with the essence of valor and determination!"

"I see."

Kukulkan looked down at the cup of ice cream, before facing Ritsuka, "By the way, Ritsuka, what did you mean when you said 'You lost Zvezdnyy'?"


Ritsuka found himself unable to respond.

"The blame lies not upon Ritsuka's shoulders. 'Twas Archer's sharp critique that drove me to seclude myself, where I could ponder deeply upon his sage advice and unravel the mysteries of becoming a superior savior. It was there that I met the Maid of Orleans."

Kukulkan turned her whole body to look at Archer who was still standing behind the counter in the kitchen.

"Archer." Kukulkan's tone was calm, yet there was a sharp edge underneath the facade. "You and I are going to have a chat."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C45
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


