

My name is Otis Hale Moonlight. I come from a noble family with a long history of wealth and power. I am the eldest son of a duke. My family is one of the top five noble households in the Sunshine Kingdom.


Today marks a significant milestone in my life: my fifteenth birthday. It feels like just yesterday I was blowing out the candles on my fourteenth cake, and now I find myself embarking on a new chapter. 

I stood behind the hall, waiting for my father to call my name. I noticed that the hall was already full, but even more people were still entering. At that moment, a young girl came out of the hall.

"Big brother!" She called my name and rushed towards me.


She looks like a beautiful doll with silver hair and red eyes. Bright red.

Her name is Emma Hale Moonlight. 

"Emma, come."



Emma approaches me happily.


I smiled slightly and nodded at her.

"You are looking very beautiful today, Emma. I'm sure that many guys will be charmed by your beauty."

Emma's face turned red. "Thanks, big brother..." She spoke so softly that I almost failed to hear her voice.

"Ummm. Big brother, can I enter with you when Father calls you?"

"Of course."

Emma smiled happily and grabbed my arm.

At that moment, I heard the voice of my father coming from the hall.


"Let's welcome the star of tonight, Otis Hale Moonlight, the sole heir of the duke family in the Sunshine Kingdom!!"

Nodding at Emma, I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

The hall where the ball was organized was brightly illuminated.

I smiled elegantly and walked forward, accompanied by Emma. She was grabbing my arm and smiling politely at the surroundings, but from time to time, she would look at me from a corner of her eyes and curve her lips happily.

All the people inside the hall clapped loudly when we entered. It was nothing more than a courtesy due to my birthday, but I enjoyed it regardless.

But I have been encountering a certain level of unease. A throbbing migraine has persisted all day long, and its source remains unknown.

After walking until my father's location, I bowed slightly, and Emma grabbed the hem of her dress and curtsied.

"Father." Both of us were greeted politely.

My father nodded with a gratifying smile. "Mm, you are very beautiful today, Emma. You too, son. Emma grinned happily, but I simply nodded.


"Thank you, Father."

I looked around. "So many people have come. Did you invite them all?"

My father laughed. "Hahaha, yes. Many of them are my good friends, so I invited them all."

"I see. Thank you."

I looked at the crowd once again. It was full of aristocrats. Some of them are well known while others are just famous because of their titles.

I smiled at them.

At that moment, my father stood up and raised a cup of wine.

"I have a few words to say." He spoke in a dignified tone, and the entire hall quieted down. He then looked at me.

"Today we are celebrating the 15th birthday of my son. I'm pleased by your presence here on this happy day. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to make an announcement. Otis will be sent to the Moonlight Region to take the position of governor."

Once my father finished his words, a commotion spread in the surroundings.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

My father continued.

"He will also take control of the Moonlight Duchy. The official date of his departure is not yet confirmed. That is all. Please enjoy the party.Let the feast begin."

A chorus of clapping followed my father's words, and everyone returned to their conversations.

"Moonlight region..." I whispered to myself.

My father smiled at me. "Yes, I have prepared everything. You will be sent there after your graduation."

I smiled. "I see. Thank you, father."

"No need to thank me. This is your duty. It is a test. If you pass it, I will make you the next duke. And if you fail, you will remain the youngest prince and won't receive a title."

I nodded. "Understood, father."

"Okay. Then please enjoy yourselves."

My father gestured with his hand.

I took Emma's hand and left.

We went to the corner of the hall.


More people came, and I felt more stressed. There were loud sounds, bright lights, and nonstop talking that made my headache worse. It was hard to stay calm. I didn't want to spoil my own party, but it was getting harder to hide my discomfort.


I tried to act like I was fine, saying thank you to everyone who came to congratulate me and wish me a happy birthday. Yet, my father grew skeptical of my facade.

"Otis, are you okay?"

"Ah, yes, Father, I am fine."

"You don't look fine."

"I am really fine; don't worry."

Right as I was about to utter those words, it was as if my vision had suddenly been distorted, and the world around me morphed into something unrecognizable. I was on the verge of saying something important when I was overtaken by a series of visions. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling, as I had never experienced anything like it before.

The visions reminded me of the moment of my death on Earth. I remembered how carefree and full of hope I was as a teenager, with a future that seemed boundless and full of endless possibilities. But all of that changed in an instant when my life was cut short by a tragic accident.


As I drifted in and out of consciousness, I began to have strange visions that reminded me of that fateful moment. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, ready to embrace whatever comes next.



It was probably not my imagination that I could hear my father's screams from far away.


"What the hell? Why does my head hurt so bad? What's going on? Arhhhhh...damn it, it hurts... Ugh, when am I?"

Suddenly, the door to my room opens, and a woman walks in. Seeing her for a moment, I fall into a daze.

"Otis, you have finally opened your eyes. I was so worried for  you." Tears trickled down from Karen's eyes. She is the main wife of his father.

Otis observed the woman in front of him.He could feel how deeply concerned she was for him. From her look, he could imagine how much he meant to her.

Her long, glossy black hair and jewel-like blue eyes give off an intelligent aura. Her figure is outstanding, and she has nice breasts.

"Are you alright, son? I got scared when your father said you suddenly fainted at your birthday party."

Saying so, my mother approaches me and pulls me into her embrace, and I directly fall into her pillow-like breast, and a sweet scent enters my nose.

"It's nothing, mom; it's just that I have some headaches, but I am fine now."

"Then it's all good; I had a healer check up on you, and she said that you are alright."

"Is Otis alright, madam? Should I call him his father?"

"Is my brother okay?"

After the loud shout, two girls walked into my room. One was a mature woman, and the other was a 14-year-old.

One is my little sister Emma, and the other is my stepmother's and Emma's mother's Liana. She is such a youthful beauty that it is hard to believe that she is the mother of one child. She is a beautiful person with blonde hair and red eyes. Above all, her boobs are big.

"Yeah, he is fine for now. We should let him rest. I will call the maid to check up on you. Take a nap, my baby boy!"

After checking on me, my family chose to leave me to rest, and my little sister approached me before everyone left.

pulling my shirt, she said

"Big brother, I hope you get well soon."

Hearing her words, I smiled and rubbed my hands on her head for a pat on the cheek.

"Don't worry, when big brother gets better, I will play with you a lot."

She was initially surprised, but after that, she smiled shyly and ran away.

'Think I feel better now; I should be able to move...'

Sighing deeply, I let myself slump down onto the bedsheet beneath me. My eyes scanned the beautiful scenery around me, but all I could feel was a deep sense of sadness and frustration. It was hard being a minor villain in this game. It was hard being the character that everyone loved to hate—the one that was always getting in the way of the protagonist's success.


As I lay there, I couldn't help but think about what my life could have been like if I had been the protagonist instead. I could have been the one that everyone rooted for—the one that always came out on top. But no, I was stuck with being the villain, always trying to cause trouble and bring others down.

But then I shook my head, trying to clear away these negative thoughts. I had to remember what my role was in this game. I had to remember that, without me, the story wouldn't be as interesting or exciting. I had to remember that my actions, however small, played a vital part in shaping the outcome of the game.


Otis Hale is the sole heir of the Duke family and the only male child. The head of the Duke family was assassinated seven years ago. Since then, my father has been the acting head of the family, managing the territory. And then, on my 15th birthday, I was given a small piece of land to rule.


Despite the growing dissatisfaction among the common people with the ruling class of nobles, they seem unable to do anything to change the status quo. The main character of the story, along with his mother, is a resident of this territory. Unfortunately, their peaceful existence is shattered when a horde of monstrous creatures suddenly attacks their land. The ferocious beasts wreak havoc, causing widespread destruction and mayhem. Amidst all the chaos and confusion, the main character's mother tragically loses her life.

As a noble, I am expected to lead and protect my people. But in reality, I am nothing more than a waste of space, living a life of luxury and privilege while my subjects suffer.

Despite my power and influence, I am powerless against the monsters that threaten to decimate our land.

But the main character is not willing to give up without a fight. Driven by a fierce determination to avenge his mother's death and protect his fellow citizens, he sets out on a perilous quest to defeat the monsters and restore peace to the land. His bravery and heroism inspire others to join him, and together they embark on a dangerous journey fraught with obstacles and challenges. As the story unfolds, we witness the main character's transformation from a grieving son to a courageous warrior.

Then the hero wants revenge against the monsters and the demon king. He will come to me for help, but I will just act like an arrogant fool and refuse to assist him. In the end, I will meet an untimely demise at the hands of the hero and his allies.

That is my role in the original novel.


"Hehe. Hehehehe."

I accidentally laughed, remembering the tragic ending of the Otis Hale character.

'How interesting! I am the one who will give the protagonist confidence and power to boast in his journey of killing the demon king. I absolutely will not be killed by the protagonist. I have knowledge of the game and its future events. I know how to make the heroines and villains fall in love with me. Even if I can't make them fall in love with me, I will make them my allies. I have to use this to my advantage.'

What will the protagonist do when I mess with his lovers and mother? Just thinking about it makes me feel excited. An evil smile forms on my face.

While he was preoccupied with sneaking glances outside the window, the door opened up, and Rosario returned to check up on the boy.

"Master Otis! You shouldn't be out of bed; here, I brought you some porridge."

The man in the child's body looked at the smiling woman. He wanted to speak up but decided to just nod and go back to bed.

'This will take some time getting used to...'


Roni_Sarker Roni_Sarker

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


