
章 4: New in Town

"Mayor Brooks, you have failed this city!"

I let out a disappointed sigh at hearing that line. Of course, I had to run into the edgy CW Green Arrow on my way to investigate the corrupt mayor. The Vigilante Green Arrow who actually killed criminals and really was just a shitty hero in general.


-A few moments prior-

I had taken a couple of days off to let the crowds in Star City die down a bit before I could properly investigate the mayor for his connections to the flakka importers. As I flew to his private mansion in the richer side of the city, I heard a distinctive sound—the sound of a bow and arrow being fired.

I swooped down and landed in the mayor's front yard, and what I saw was not good. Bodies were scattered all around. All the guards had arrows stuck in fatal spots… It was a gruesome sight, but I clenched my teeth and steeled my resolve. I knew in the future I'd see much worse things than this.

Not a lot of people use bows and arrows in this day and age. The suspect pool for all these deaths is not exactly large because of that. Who am I kidding? This is Star City. There's only one guy using a bow and arrow here…

I closed my eyes and focused solely on my hearing, trying to locate any survivors. I found only two active heartbeats in this entire mansion, both near each other. One heartbeat seemed frantic and terrified, while the other sounded erratic and angry.

I smashed through the mansion's front door and zoomed down the hallway at super speed towards the two of them.

"Mayor Brooks, you have failed this city!" The angry one shouted out as I heard a bow being drawn back.

"Are you the one that's been killing all my guys!?" The presumed mayor shouted back indignantly. "You stupid fool! You stole 100 million from the Diablo, and now he wants me to get it back at all costs!" It seemed that Vigilante Green Arrow was getting blamed for my theft. Did those three guys I stole the money from lie for me? I suppose it makes some sense why those three guys I knocked out blamed him and not me. He has been killing all their friends with bows and arrows… and I have superpowers. They probably are a lot less afraid of him than me. They probably figured their boss was never getting his money back anyway, and they'd be right, so what did it matter in the end.

"I did kill your men, but I don't know about any money, and I don't care. You're done helping those monsters peddle drugs to the people of this city!" Vigilante Arrow stated.

*Fwoosh* I heard the bow release, and I burst through the office doors as time itself seemed to slow down in front of me! I watched as the arrow flew right towards the shocked mayor's face in extreme slow motion.

I reached forward and caught the projectile a foot from his face! At that moment, my perception of time returned to normal.

"Holy crap!" The corrupt mayor exhaled as he saw me clutching his would-be end with one hand. "Oh my god, Supergirl, you're here!" He said excitedly. "Please, you have to save me from this madman! He killed everyone!"

I turned and glared at the mayor. "I know," I said plainly, as I turned and also glared at the Vigilante Arrow. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" I shouted at him, and he flinched in surprise.

His surprise only lasted a second, however, before I could make out a frown from his partly masked mouth. "I'm enacting justice for my city and my family," he said in a righteous tone. "This piece of shit and others like him are poisoning this city, my home, and it's gonna end now!" He pointed his bow at me. "Even if I have to go through you too."

I just glanced back at the mayor in a deadpan. "Is this guy serious?" I said, pointing at Vigilante Arrow. Did he not just see me catch his arrow out of the air with my bare hand!? Even the corrupt mayor, who was inches from death a few seconds ago, just looked at his would-be killer like he was an idiot.

I gave Vigilante Arrow a judgmental stare. "First of all, put the bow down. You're embarrassing yourself." He just clicked his tongue and un-nocked his arrow. "Second of all, how does killing all those men outside," I gestured all around with my hand, "equate to you saving this city? Did those men not live here too? They were just doing their jobs as bodyguards, and now all their families have lost sons, husbands, and fathers!" I came down hard on him with my tone. "You're no hero, you're a villain!" I finished my speech, and after letting my words seep in for a few moments, he then sank to his knees and placed his head in his hands, dejected.

"You're right," he muttered. "What have I become? I'm just as bad as them... they stooped as low as to killing, so I just resorted to it as well." I nodded at that. Finally, we agree on something.

"You can do better," I spoke to him. "You have the potential to be a hero. But you shouldn't kill unless in the most dire circumstances." Arrow just nodded at me before turning towards the door. I could hear the mayor sigh in relief.

"Don't think you're getting off easy, Mayor Brooks," Arrow said before he left. "Before I came here, I leaked all your illegal operations online. The evidence is damning, and even your payroll police officers won't be able to save you!" With that, he left. I decided to leave as well just ignoring pleas of help from the crying mayor. If the mayor had been taken care of already, I had no business here either anymore.

Well, if anything good came out of this, at least I can start visiting other cities now if Green Arrow is going to become Star City's resident hero. I departed right after, deciding to head back to Sam's place and check on the progress of my new identity.


I landed subtly in Sam's backyard, out of sight, and walked into his house through the back door. "I'm back," I called out as I entered. "Woah, what's with the pity party?" I asked, noticing Sam and Leah cuddled up on the couch. Leah had tears streaming down her face, and Sam had a solemn look on his as well.

"I spoke with the tribal elders today," Sam said. "Somehow, they knew I had become a wolf shifter. They were ecstatic to once again have our tribe protected from the Cold Ones, otherwise known as vampires. Apparently, a vampire clan called the Cullens has moved into Forks, and that's what caused me to become a wolf." He explained, and I nodded along, already knowing all this but pretending like I didn't.

"Okay, and then what?" I asked, curious about the rest of the story, which made Leah start sniffling again.

"Apparently," Sam continued with a grimace, "according to the elders, Leah is not my soul mate. Our tribe's wolves have something called an imprint. It's a perfect match for the wolf that is decided upon by our ancestor spirits."

"And Leah isn't yours?" I finished the sentence for him, understanding where this was going.

He nodded sadly. "The ancestors have decided that we shouldn't be together."

"Fuck them!" Leah yelled out, still upset. "How dare those dead bastards try and manipulate our lives for us. I don't even want to be a wolf if that's the case! They told him that Sam's just gonna look at some random girl one day and instantly love her!"

"Leah..." Sam started to speak.

"No, she's right," I interrupted him. "One of the most disgusting powers in existence, at least in my opinion, is mind control. And that's textbook mind control right there. To be honest, the fact that your dead ancestors can influence you guys at all is a bit disturbing." And indeed, it was. Before, I had accepted that I was in Twilight and imprinting was apparently going to be a thing. But now, I was also in the DC universe, and there was plenty of magic here to stop that kind of thing. "In fact, I know of two potential guys to help you and any other future shifters," I said.

Leah's eyes showed some hope for the first time in this conversation. "You do?" she asked. "Who are they?"

"The first one's name is Kent Nelson, and he should live in Salem," I explained, seeing both of them nod. "And let's just say that he doesn't like when people meddle with others' fates." I teased at the end. "And the second guy specializes in curses, but he would be much harder to find, to be honest. His name is John Constantine, and he travels all over the world, so tracking him down will be a lot harder. You two should honestly try and find Nelson first if you can."

They both nodded with some hope in their eyes. "Thank you," Sam said sincerely, and I was more than happy to help. No imprinting on babies for this tribe if I could help it! Those dead spirits had issues!

With that taken care of, I moved the conversation on to why I was here in the first place—my new IDs. Sam told me they would be delivered first class in the morning, and I was free to crash there once again until I got them and could finally buy my own place.

The next morning came, and I eagerly looked at my new driver's license, passport, and SSN that had just arrived in the mail. Sam's guy did fast work. On paper, I was now Kara El, a rich heiress from Switzerland who had recently moved to the US to start a new life after the tragic death of her family.

I had also spent a lot of the last few days making rapid trips with all the cash to the nearest US branch of my new Swiss bank. I was very glad they asked no questions about where I got it. The bank employees just stood there in awe of me every time I walked in with a trash bag filled with millions of dollars. According to them, they had seen weirder things...

Sam still had the stolen multimillion-dollar yacht in his backyard, though. He had asked me to move it a few days ago, and I had said no because it was funnier stuck in his backyard. I'm sure he'll figure something out with it eventually.

However, it seemed like he may have taken some subtle revenge on me for leaving it there...


"I'm sorry, what?" I said, my eyes widening as I looked at the smug-looking Sam.

"Well, according to my guy," Sam started, "faking your identity as a foreign national that recently moved here was easy. All it took was some greased palms, and you had plenty of capital." I nodded along, following as he explained this bullshit to me with a smile on his face.

"Right, as I was saying, identity was easy. Your school records, however, were not. Those things are surprisingly hard to fake in this day and age, apparently." Sam said, and I glared at him.

"Therefore, in order to make your whole identity look legitimate and on the up and up, we had your backstory set that you've recently moved to Forks and will be attending high school as a senior this year." And there was the news that had upset me so bad. I was Isekai'd as a Superhero, and now I'm being forced to go back to high school to solidify my fake identity. And not just any high school... vampire high school.

"Can't I just get a GED?" I whined at him.

He just told me no and that it would honestly make me look really suspicious. Part of me didn't quite believe him, but honestly, while I was a bit irritated at going back to high school, I was curious to meet some non-evil vampires. I wondered if they were the only types of vampires in this world or if non-sparkly vampires like Dracula exist as well.

I supposed I'd find out in the future. With my new ID and a fat hundred million in the bank, it was time for me to go shopping!


The first thing I did after borrowing a non-superhero outfit to wear from Leah was look for a house in Forks. I called the local real estate agent and asked her to show me the nicest, most expensive houses in town.

"I'm sorry, can you say that again?" My realtor asked me in shock as we stood in front of a beautiful and large house on the outskirts of town. It was absolutely perfect in my opinion. A huge four-car garage, six bedrooms, and a massive backyard that led into the Forks forest. It was also perfectly out of the way, allowing me to frequently come and go by flying without drawing attention from nosy neighbors.

"I said that I'll take it! Today!" I exclaimed proudly to her shocked face. "In fact, tell the owners I'll throw in an extra hundred thousand if they can close today. I'm paying with cash after all!" Being rich was awesome...

Now that I had a nice place to finally put all my stuff, my next stop was securing a mode of transportation. I really did want a motorcycle, but considering the frequent rain in Forks, I felt it would just make me depressed at never being able to ride it. So I settled on going for a classic Jeep Wrangler that I knew would probably never have its top off.

With that done, I decided to explore the town a bit since I was legally forced to spend my time here for at least a year. I hopped into my new Jeep. To my immeasurable disappointment, though, I sadly didn't end up running into any of the main characters. I supposed it would have been too much to ask for them to just be hanging around Main Street. With nothing better to do, I went to a few of the local thrift stores and chose a couple of outfits that looked like they would fit in with the local populace. Kara El was supposed to be a secret identity, after all, so I needed to blend in. And yes, I had to get a pair of fake glasses….


Soon, the day I was dreading arrived. My first day at Forks High School was a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I knew that blending in would be crucial to maintaining my secret identity as both Kara El and Supergirl. So I put my hair in a ponytail and donned my fake glasses, just like my cousin Superman, and hoped for the best. If such a simple disguise worked for him, then hopefully it would work for me. As I drove my new Jeep into the school parking lot, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances from my fellow students.

The absence of the famous Cullen cars intrigued me. It seemed I had arrived before them, giving me a chance to observe my surroundings without drawing too much attention. I parked my Jeep and took a deep breath, ready to face the day ahead.

As I made my way through the hallways, I couldn't help but feel the eyes of my peers following me. It wasn't surprising, considering my arrival as the New Girl in Town with the super tragic backstory. Nevertheless, I maintained my composure, reminding myself that I was here because Sam's a dick and to experience life as a regular teenager, I guess, and possibly befriend a couple of vampires while I'm at it. If this is one of the DC universes where Kryptonians are unaging, then it's not like my choice of immortal friends is going to be very large. It's pretty much hanging out with the vampires or the Amazons. Or just flying through space till the end of time like Superman one million.

Continuing through the school, I started noticing that there were quite a few kids with Supergirl's face on their t-shirts. I was wearing glasses and my hair was tied up in a ponytail, so hopefully nobody would make a connection between the two. I checked my schedule and headed towards my first class—calculus. As I walked into the classroom, I noticed a girl with long brown hair and friendly eyes sitting alone. I figured I could join her, and we could be loners together.

Taking a deep breath, I approached Jessica's desk. "Hi, is this seat taken?"

She looked up, a smile brightening her face. "No, it's free. You must be the new girl, Kara, right?" She said with a perky tone. I realized that I had mistaken her being alone for her actually being a loner. I really needed to make more friends, didn't I? Do I even have any right now? I guess I could consider Sam and Leah to be friends, sort of... I needed to socialize more, I decided.

We engaged in small talk as the class began, discussing our respective backgrounds and our thoughts on Forks. I admired Jessica's warmth and genuine interest in getting to know me. At least, that's what I hoped it was and that she wasn't just gathering any gossip possible to try and spread rumors about me or something.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, Jessica turned to me. "Hey, would you like to join me and my friends for lunch? We have a table in the cafeteria. It would be great to have you there."

I let out a sigh of relief at the invitation. This was the opportunity I had been hoping for—to socialize like an actual normal person. "I'd love to join you, Jessica. Thank you."

We walked together to the cafeteria, with Jessica introducing me to her friends along the way. Also at the table was an obvious jock named Mike, a nerdy Asian boy named Eric, a stuck-up cheerleader named Lauren, and a friendly church girl named Angela. The atmosphere in the cafeteria was buzzing with conversation and the clatter of utensils hitting trays. It wasn't exactly a surprise that the cafeteria food didn't look particularly appetizing. I decided that our school would receive an anonymous donation pretty soon to improve the quality of the lunches, because there was absolutely no way I was eating freezer section prison food for the next year straight…

As my stomach once again grumbled at my missed meal, my attention suddenly shifted when a hush fell over the cafeteria. Turning my head, I saw a group of students entering the room, drawing the gaze of everyone present. It was none other than the Cullen kids—Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper!

My eyes widened because they were exactly as good-looking as described in the books. They almost exuded an otherworldly aura, making it physically difficult to take your eyes off of them. However, once I realized that it could be their dazzling effect, I found it easy to snap myself out of it. The fact that their ability had even worked on me for a few seconds just proved that these vampires were at least a bit magical. As a Kryptonian, I wasn't weak against magic, per se; I just didn't have any natural resistance towards it like I did with anything physical. I didn't think most of their abilities would work on me though since none of them really had offensive gifts. My new Kryptonian brain operated differently than a human, so I should be safe from Edward's mind reading. Also, since I'm not a vampire or a human, Alice won't be able to see my future. The only gift I was slightly wary of was Jasper's. I'd have to see if he could actually influence my emotions in the future; that would confirm whether vampire gifts are truly magical or not.

As the Cullen kids entered the cafeteria, the atmosphere seemed to shift, and I watched as the eyes of my fellow students followed their every move until they settled down at their signature table.

Jessica leaned closer to me, her voice filled with excitement. "Those are the Cullens. They're... different, you know? The whole town has been talking about them."

I nodded, my eyes still fixed on the Cullen kids. Their eyes also shifted to our table momentarily as they seemed to realize that I was a new student in their school. Losing interest in my bland appearance from my disguise, though, they quickly looked away and went back to their hushed conversations.

Angela nudged me, bringing me back to the present. "Hey, let's not stare. They like to keep to themselves most of the time, but they're definitely a topic of intrigue around here."

I nodded, tearing my gaze away from the Cullens. I turned my attention back to Jessica and her friends, grateful for the distraction. We continued our conversation as they filled me in on the intricacies of life in Forks and the dynamics of our small town. Apparently, the majority of summers were spent at the beaches of La Push or up in Port Angeles. In the winter, they usually just hung out at each other's houses or at the local diner, as the roads were often too icy to safely drive far from town.

A few minutes into our discussion, Lauren, the local queen bee, spoke up to me. "So you're the new girl, huh, Kara El?" I nodded. "I noticed you staring at the Cullen kids. I wouldn't bother getting any ideas about them if I were you. After all, even Edward turned me down." She gestured to herself as if she was some real hot stuff. I'd rate her a solid 7 out of 10, honestly. Obviously not being able to hear my thoughts, she just continued speaking. "They're like something out of a movie with their looks, and they are so pale and mysterious. They hardly ever socialize with anyone else."

"Isn't it strange?" Jessica added, her eyes wide with intrigue. "I mean, what kind of family moves to a small town like Forks and then tries to keep to themselves like that?" I mean, I figured that the entire reason why people move to small towns is because they don't want to socialize, but I didn't say that out loud because correcting her misconception would have been mean. I'm trying to make friends here, after all.

I feigned surprise, raising an eyebrow. "Really? That's quite interesting. Are they like your local small-town mystery or something? Do you think there's something more nefarious going on?" I feigned shock this time in my voice.

Everyone at the table nodded eagerly, sharing the latest rumors and speculations about the Cullen kids. And boy, were there a lot of them. They weren't doing as fantastic a job at blending in as they thought they were, clearly.

I couldn't help but find all of these rumors amusing. Mike himself wondered if they were secretly a superhero group or something… After I had, kind of, outed other superpowered people being a real thing, the entire world had somewhat gone on a witch hunt trying to spot them. They hadn't been successful so far, but it was honestly just a matter of time at this point before a few people got outed for having powers.

Mike's speculation, in particular, seemed to draw the entire Cullen table's attention to us, especially Edward himself. I had noticed him staring at me earlier, as if attempting to read my mind. It was a futile effort, given my Kryptonian brain, and it seemed to be causing him some frustration. He was glaring at me the same way he did Bella in the movies. Frankly, I found it to be pretty funny. Noticing him staring at me, I just gave their table a wave. Surprisingly, Alice Cullen smiled and waved back at me enthusiastically, while Edward just scowled and gave me one last glare before turning back to speak with his family, most likely about not being able to read my mind.

My lips twitched into a small smile as I recalled the intense gaze he had given me. It was 100% certain now he couldn't penetrate my thoughts. The thought of his mounting frustration brought a mischievous gleam to my eyes. I was absolutely going to have fun with this.

Eric chimed in, his voice filled with excitement. "Yeah, and did you know they never eat anything from the cafeteria? They think we don't notice they never actually eat their food… but we do! They just push it around their plates and then throw it away. It's really wasteful. Definitely not normal."

"Are you sure about that?" Jessica asked him, to which Eric just shrugged.

At that surprisingly profound comment from Eric, I couldn't help but use my super hearing to listen in on the Cullens. It seemed they were having a conversation of their own. Rosalie was clearly angry, and Edward seemed to be in a panic. It was both amusing and intriguing to catch snippets of their discussion.

Rosalie turned to Edward and angrily whispered so that only a vampire or a Kryptonian could hear her. "Edward, what the fuck! Those kids have clearly noticed we've not been eating our food this entire time, and you never told us!" She was whispering, pretty pissed, and I inwardly found it really funny.

Edward had a noticeably panicked look on his face. "Well, there are over a hundred students in here, and that's a lot of minds to sort through! Forgive me for not solely focusing my mind reading on Eric and his friends!" Edward defended himself. "I try to stay away from listening in on that group's table because Lauren always has some really weird thoughts about me! Some of them involve whipped cream and lots of rope!"

I was pretty proud of the straight face I kept as I eavesdropped because, in my mind, I was absolutely losing it with laughter. Lauren was one kinky girl apparently!

The big man Emmett was the next to chime in. "Oh boo hoo, poor little Edward is so sad that the head cheerleader wants to bang him. Do you know how many guys would punch you in the face if they heard what you just said?"

The rest of the Cullens laughed at that. Alice then joined the conversation. "Yeah, but then those guys would break their hands on his diamond-hard face, and we'd have to move again!" She pouted. "We just moved to this town, and the weather is perfect for us. That means we just have to blend in better!" Alice cheerfully explained.

Meanwhile, still eavesdropping, I couldn't help but wonder how they would 'blend in better.'

"That means you need to eat this piece of pizza right now in front of the whole school, Edward!" Alice said as she shoved a slice of pizza in Edward's face. At this point, I was inwardly bawling in laughter. Was he actually going to do it!?

"...ar? Kara, are you there? You kinda zoned out," Jessica interrupted my spying on the Cullens. I supposed I was being a bit rude, ignoring my new maybe-friends.

"Sorry about that," I replied, a little saddened that my entertainment had come to an end.

"It's okay," Jessica said, glancing over at the Cullen table. "They are distractingly pretty. Oh hey, look, Eric, Edward's eating some pizza."

Eric shrugged. He apparently wasn't that invested in his initial theory as he let on. I then heard the Cullens whispering sighs of relief while hearing Edward gagging in disgust quietly.

"They're still weird though," Mike added on.

Angela leaned closer to me, her voice hushed. "You know, I heard some people say that the Cullens are different from us. Some even think they're a cult!"

"I hope it's a sex cult," Lauren whispered to herself. Damn, if this girl wasn't thirsty...

The rumors had certainly taken on a life of their own. "A cult, huh? Well, I mean, this is a small town I've moved to," I said jokingly.

"Hey, I resent that," Jessica replied teasingly. "Just because we're a small town doesn't mean we have any cults or weird stuff. Our town is perfectly normal!"

But my amusement was short-lived as Angela interrupted my eavesdropping. "Hey, let's focus on our own lunch, shall we?"

I refocused my attention on my new maybe-friends. We continued our conversation, and soon enough, lunchtime came to an end. The bell rang, and it was time for afternoon classes. I looked down at my schedule and saw that I had Biology next. The same class Edward was in.

Jessica smiled warmly at me as we left the cafeteria. "It was great having you join us, Kara. I hope you're settling in well here. We should hang out more."

I returned the smile, a genuine warmth filling my heart. "Definitely, Jessica. I'd love that. Thanks for making me feel welcome."

We bid each other goodbye, and I made my way to my next class, my mind buzzing with anticipation. Biology with Edward Cullen. Now, how exactly was I going to make this fun for myself?



-Clark Kent-

Clark Kent had been traveling the world, wandering from place to place, seeking answers to the questions that haunted him. He had been off the grid for a while, exploring the depths of his soul and trying to find his true purpose. It was during this journey that he stumbled upon a small diner on the outskirts of a dusty road. He was honestly surprised anyone would build an eatery in this empty location of all places.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue across the landscape, Clark stepped inside the diner. He appeared to be the only customer, 'not exactly shocking.' Clark thought. He took a seat at the counter. Wanting a quick bite, before continuing his journey seeking answers.

An older waitress approached him, smiling kindly.

"Good evening! What can I get you today?" She asked, her voice filled with warmth.

Clark returned her smile and replied, "Hi, a cup of coffee, and turkey sandwich please." He'd found that recently his powers and strength had grown to the point where he didn't even need food, but it made him feel… human to eat.

"Sure thing hon." The waitress jotted down his order before pouring the steaming coffee into a simple ceramic mug. Clark's gaze wandered around the diner, it was very old fashioned, almost straight out of the 50s. His eyes fell upon a newspaper resting on the counter, the headline catching his attention. It read, "Supergirl Saves the Day! Catches Falling 747 Out In Midair!"

Immediately Intrigued, Clark reached out and picked up the newspaper. He read the article, his eyes widening with surprise and a hint of unease. Supergirl, a super-powered hero, had become a beacon of hope in the world, a symbol of strength and courage. She had appeared on the west coast only a few days ago and had since become a guardian angel, protecting the innocent.

Setting the newspaper down, Clark couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, he was glad that there was someone out there, using their extraordinary abilities for the betterment of society. On the other hand, he couldn't ignore the nagging question that tugged at his heart—what about him?

Turning to the waitress, he asked, "Excuse me, Miss. Can I ask you something? Who is this Supergirl they're talking about in the news?"

A sparkle of excitement danced in the waitress's eyes as she leaned against the counter, eager to share her knowledge.

"Oh, you mean Supergirl? She's been quite the sensation around here," she replied, her voice filled with admiration.

'Here?' Clark wondered before being interrupted by her continuing.

"Supergirl is a real life superhero who arrived in Star City not too long ago. She's been saving lives, stopping crimes, and just generally being an incredible force for good. People have come to trust and rely on her."

Clark listened intently, his curiosity piqued. He had spent so much time exploring the world, trying to make sense of his own extraordinary abilities, and now he learned that there was someone else out there who had embraced their powers and used them for the greater good.

"That's fascinating," Clark mused. "How did she come to be? Do people trust her?"

The waitress paused, contemplating her response.

"Well," she began, her voice tinged with excitement, "the story goes that Supergirl arrived in Star City a few days ago. No one knows her real name or how she got her powers, but she has proven herself time and again. People trust her because she has earned that trust. She's already helped hundreds of people, saved thousands of lives. She's a symbol of hope and inspiration."

Clark couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions stirring within him. On one hand, he was glad that someone was out there, making a difference, bringing light to the world. On the other hand, a part of him wondered if his own abilities could ever be harnessed for good, if he could be the hero that Supergirl had become.

Lost in his thoughts, Clark sipped his coffee, the bitter taste mingling with the hope that blossomed in his heart. The waitress watched him, her eyes filled with kindness.

"You know," she said softly, "everyone has their own journey, their own destiny. Maybe there's a reason you stumbled upon this place and heard about Supergirl. Perhaps it's a sign that you have something extraordinary to offer as well."

Clark looked up, meeting the waitress's gaze. Her words resonated deep within him, stirring a fire within his soul.

"Thank you," he said, a glimmer of determination shining in his eyes. "You're right. Maybe it's time for me to embrace who I am and find my own path, just like Supergirl. And who knows, maybe one day our paths will cross."

The waitress nodded, her eyes twinkling with optimism. "I have a feeling they will, Clark. Sometimes, the world needs more than one hero."

Clark finished his coffee and sandwich and paid his bill. He stepped back onto the dusty road with a renewed sense of purpose - 'Wait!' He thought to himself. 'How did that waitress know my name!?'

He turned around quickly to go back into the diner and to his shock it was completely gone! Like it had never existed in the first place…

-end chapter-


I'd like to thank all my patrons supporting me! Yall are awesome! And a special Shout out to my Hero Team Patron(s): Willaim G.

Read ahead of this story at p.a.t.r.e.o.n --> FiveStarTomato

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


