65.83% I'M GOD, SO WHAT? : Former Protagonist is now my side kick ^^ / Chapter 210: Protagonist Plot Starts (1)

章 210: Protagonist Plot Starts (1)

"I think we can have a little more talk with Oli-"

"You should let him rest, he must be tired!"

His hopes were completely crushed by Ashia coldly who grabbed Klaus's hands dragging him inside the office of hell filled with endless documents he needed to see

And like that next day Oliver also got ready to return on his way with a little help from Klaus and it doesn't seem like Klaus will have any problem with his brother in law in future

But still a little trouble is reasonable for a brother who just lost ranking of favorabilily from his sister to a new guy

"I'm thankful for your favour Lord Brahm, but this isn't over yet..."

Oliver said this to Klaus with confidence and a strong face, Klaus just waved his confidence off and said

"Why are you so competitive, do you want to keep your sister single for the rest of her life to live like a platinum bird in a golden cage?"

"The way you say it makes it sound very bad... But not like that..."

Oliver seemed to have been caught in a disadvantageous situation because of Klaus's sly words

Klaus smirked seeing him losing confidence and once again made a fatal strike with his words

"Then what? Don't you want a sister to live the best of her life?"

"O-of course I do!"

Oliver fell right into the trap Klaus had built, Klaus smirked and asked "Then among all beings present in the world tell me who is better than me?"

"There are many!!!"

Oliver once again made the pit of loss deeper for himself by those words, he realised it fast but Klaus's eyes had already surrounded him from all sides

"Give me one name then ..."

Klaus asked with a grin over his face, and this was the moment Oliver realised the depth of grave he had dug for himself

"I-i, the Reu-! Pet-, the prince? Na he's not, he's already engaged too! The Magic Tower Young, na he's even worse than me not him too... murmur... murmur..."

Oliver started murmuring in his thoughts, Klaus grinned and looked approached in front of his face and said

"What, can't find any?"

Oliver had no choice, he had no words to say anything now, seeing the obvious reaction suddenly eyes of Klaus ignited in bright frosty cold look

And he tightened up his fist and said his farewell to his future brother in law in his own unique way

"Then say hi to Merlin for me!!!"

Klaus's fist approached Oliver's face in slow motion and stopped right in distance of one millimetre from his face

But the air pressure was enough to send the guy flying dozens of meters away, Oliver was sent flying in air and in a little distance a dark portal appeared teleporting him in front of Magician Tower

"God Damnit!!!! You son of a !!!! Kuggg!"

Klaus grinned with satisfaction and restored his posture and started making his way back to the mansion along with Ashia and Zoya

At this point Klaus was literally able to bend laws of magic according to his own imagination because of wisdom and knowledge

And after gaining the wisdom and experiences of all past sages and great sages Klaus was finally using Blessing of Goddess of Magic to full potential

[Supreme Blessing of Goddess of Magic _

Bending the rules of magic, spirituality, mana flow according to the skills of the user, the one with this blessing had lower mana consumption compared to any being in existence!]


[Secretly Over Advantageous Power...]

'Of course... It is...'

Klaus smirked watching the system panel with great satisfaction over his face after finishing off all his work related to papers

Next Klaus removed his system panel and looked towards Orion who was collecting all the papers and said

"Orion... Send later to the main headquarters, as a major shareholder of adventurers guild I want them to send Sania here at my territory as the branch leader...

The one who had been temporarily taking care of the branch can return back to his place...

With decades of experience and with the strength of a little more than S Rank she is more than qualified..."

"I will immediately follow your commands"

Orion nodded without any questions and after collecting all papers he left the room and Klaus once again got lost in his thoughts

'And even last time when I met Sania back at adventurers guild, she has definitely grown stronger and maybe matured too?...

And she is already my subordinate in little terms, after she became my exclusive receptionist she already came under the effects of God's Descendant...'

Klaus sighed but just then another news came to Klaus "Lord! Your friend Reus and his party have discovered a new hidden dungeon 'Solo Dungeon'!!!

Klaus noticed a panicked knight standing in front of him, but even after hearing that news Klaus was still calm and asked


"Th-the Viscount Reus Ragnar somehow fell inside the solo dungeon... The others have asked for your help!"

'Fuuu~ I don't even want to know how can someone who is about to reach Tier 8 be as careless as to fell inside a dungeon just like that...

But well guess that it is still over the plot from the novel...'

Klaus stood up and equipped his robe of lord back to his shoulders and said "Lead the way..."

Knight nodded and immediately led Klaus outside of the city, Klaus was also not in hurry because from common knowledge if someone enters solo dungeon that only outcome is death or dungeon clear

Though 99% people die in such cases, but to counter that the one who fell inside the dungeon was still the protagonist

Even though Klaus had stolen his lime light Reus was still the real protagonist of the world

In just a few short minutes Klaus arrived at almost the centre of the great forests besides Rosario city along with Zoya

Klaus jumped out of his carriage in plain white shirt and dark noble lord robe

Klaus noticed Sam and others already standing there with worried faces, Yumiko was almost on verge of crying right now

"How did this happen?"

Klaus immediately asked as soon as he arrived, Ariana and Anna were busy handling Yumiko and only Sam seemed free so he immediately replied

"We were thinking of reporting to the adventurers guild by tomorrow but Reus thought of exploring the great forests first

But after exploring somehow we arrived here and then as we came out of those bushes,

Reus who was at front suddenly fell to the solo dungeon right in front of his face..."

Klaus nodded and looked at the hole on the ground which was a one way ticket to a solo dungeon that Reus fell into

Klaus tried to pass his hands through the hole at ground but noticed a high grade dense dimensional barrier

'Hooo~ It feels just like jelly then what if...'

As Klaus thought that Klaus pushed his fingers further inside the place and it went in just like a hot knife to the butter

And next moment Klaus's senses spread throughout the solo dungeon and Klaus noticed the Reus standing in front of the gate of the room of the last boss

With hundreds of humanoid shell covered beasts lying lifeless on ground, Reus's sword was completely covered in blood

And the dark armour Klaus had given him was covering his whole body with little dark flames at edges

'Seems to be still alive...'

Klaus grinned and took his fingers back from the dimension of solo dungeon, Klaus stood back and said

"He will be fine... He should be arriving back in a few minutes..."

As Klaus said that no one seemed to believe his words completely, Yumiko was still looking like the rivers of tears can explode out of her eye anytime


Klaus just shook his head and the next moment took out a circular plate and flowed a little mana over it

And suddenly an immense amount of mana from the surrounding and dungeon flowed inside it and next the circular plate turned into a golden phoenix rising towards the sun

The scenery of the whole process was extremely interesting and looked heaven defying but that was just an illusion created by Klaus

"Golden Phoenix... He will definitely grow stronger after this..."

[Why are you even trying to bea hero here Klaus, just become an actor at this point]

This time Klaus said those words in a dramatic way and over reaction, and as this happened Yumiko's face also turned brighter along with others

'Damn mortals... They can't believe anything before seeing miracles...'

Klaus just sighed on his own and took out a lollipop and tossed a few to others and said

"You can do nothing about what's going on inside, so just relax and wait..."

After saying that Klaus sat in shadows of a tree with a relaxed face

And as there was a chill atmosphere outside the solo dungeon, inside the solo dungeon Reus was having a literal battle with death with confidence written all over his face

"It's either you and me today then, the one who leaves will be me..."

Reus muttered that while looking coldly at the giant dark shadow covered in dark dense dark aura with violet eyes staring back at Reus



Join the discord guys, I really need lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C210
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


