85% I'm David in Cyberpunk / Chapter 68: Part 60

章 68: Part 60

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- OWLs...

I nodded to my brother-in-law, who basically ran the Clan, but the fact that I was formally in charge of the Clan gave him a lot of credibility, so Regina started to give Aldecaldo extra assignments. Not that she was heavily involved in smuggling, but even so she had very significant needs, as any foxer would. So the smuggling orders were stable, and if you take into account Dakota Smith, who had previously provided all the orders for the clan....

So the clan started to climb out of the cesspool....

- David.

He nodded at me and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

- ...I see you're all packed?

- Yeah. Now, my girls are working on the chips, Regina's got the corporate training programmes, very high level training programmes, and I'm hoping they can hack into them and copy them. So think about who in the clan should be the first to get trained.

- Um.

- Naturally not for free, as the chips cost a hell of a lot, but I won't take three hides, just a part of their income after the upgrade will go not only to the clan treasury, but also to me and the girls. I'll give you the contract as soon as the girls crack on.

- Got it.

- Further, I feel that soon life in Knight City will be VERY fun, so get ready to move away from the city even further, I think a week more time to bear, during this time we need to put in the service of the clan reactors to provide us with electricity, as well as to collect drilling rigs for drilling water wells. These are the main areas of work now. From the clan's funds buy fittings and tents, which we will put in the desert as big tents in which we will continue to work with the equipment. And of course, organise the removal of the equipment to the new car park.

- Something wrong?

- Yeah, some scum got in the way.

- М?

- DeShawn... he's got a big case, and with the way Arasaka's being publicised, I have a vague suspicion that it's going to be against them. I mean, he's been at it for a while, but right now, I'm getting the feeling he's in trouble. A global fuck-up.

- I mean, he's not crazy.

- He's worse. He's a fixer who believes he's a genius. So let's retreat to the borders so we don't get caught up in anything. Because I know how corporations work, first they order a mop-up from Max-Tak, then they scratch their reputations and shrug their shoulders and say: 'Well, we made a mistake, but who doesn't?'. So the clan should now be based as far away from the city as possible.

- Hmm... okay...

- What about orders?

- There are three groups on orders right now, two orders from Dakota, two from Regina.

I nodded.

- Good, then proceed with the plan....

- Yeah.

I left Saul's tent, then headed for the girls and me. Now they had equipped themselves with comfortable raner chairs, in which they were lying down, having connected the cooling system to their head connectors.

- How are they doing?

Becca was sitting next to them, looking at some data on her tablet thoughtfully.

- Working...before diving into work they asked me to make something sweet.....

I scratched my cheek thoughtfully.

- A cake?

- That'll do...

A look of anticipation was thrown at me.

I nodded and went to the small street kitchen and started preparing the food for the cake, because the girls definitely deserved to be rewarded for their hard work... and even if Panam and Becca were not so busy, it would be a pleasure to make them happy.

I was so immersed in the process of making not even one, but several cakes that I didn't notice Panam and Becca sitting on small folding loungers near the kitchen.

- Did you get our Davy a cake after all?

- Well... I was just saying that our rangers would love to be greeted with something tasty at the end of their work....

I looked up at the girls who were not embarrassed that I could hear everything.

- I could become a despot after all... and say put the two slick talkers on a diet.....

Panam opened her mouth and shut it, Becca just stared at me dumbfounded, her eyes wide with disbelief that I could do such a cruel thing to her.

- And don't look at me like that, it won't work.

- Well, I'm sorry.

I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

- ...I didn't mean to play on your responsible attitude towards our team, I just really wanted some cake...''

As I continued to cook I looked at Becca intently and sighed. How could I take offence at her? She's cute.

- Okay, whatever.

- You don't resent her?

- No... it's impossible to resent you... it's impossible to resent all of you... sometimes I regret that I decided to make a team of girls....

- This is something new...

I cast a glance at Panam, who was propped up on her chaise lounge.

- Don't get me wrong, I don't mind you and the rest of the girls, but think about it, if I had guys in the team with me, would I be showing off to them by cooking them food? Delicious treats? Taking them out for barbecues?

- Well, I guess not.

- Exactly... and I also wouldn't keep them as far away from the battle as possible....

I sighed.

- So we're in reserve all the time because we're girls?

Becca pulled herself up and looked at me indignantly.

- Including...

- D-e-e-vi-id...

- Well, what's up, David? Well that's how I was brought up, girls, even if they are strong and independent like you, should be cherished, cherished and cherished... So I do it to the best of my ability....

- It's too much... I'd rather be in combat operations.

Becca looked at me carefully.

- Well.

- Yeah?

- There is one option.

- What's that?

- You take the chip's infiltration and sabotage training. Then I'll take you with me, but Panam will have to go through not only sniper training, but also weapons training, so that she can cover our rangers well.

- Well, I don't mind, it's more fun than just being a driver...''

Panam shrugged.

- But it's boring!

- Becca, that's why I don't want to give you a chance... It's boring for her... but getting money, do you like it?

- Well.

- You can't make that kind of money without being bored. At least it's stable and risk-free.

- I know what you mean. All right, I'll take the course.

I gave her a stern look.

- Becca, you do realise that if you decide in the middle of a mission that you're bored.....

- Am I completely stupid?!

She looked at me angrily and even jumped up from the chaise lounge. I, on the other hand, shook my head.

- You're just addictive...

- Well... there is a little...

She immediately calmed down and shrugged her shoulders and sat back down on the chaise. But this time she didn't lie down on it, she sat down and pulled her legs up to her chest.

- ...but I... I'm not completely stupid, I understand when it's okay to fool around and get carried away, and when it's not....

- If you didn't, you wouldn't have been with us after the first mission.

- I mean.

- You'll graduate, we'll do a couple more technical missions, and if everything works out, we'll sell the already cracked chips through Regina, buy you a Sandy....

- А?

- It's a handy thing to have when you switch from firearms to knives. Although I've been thinking about two tonfa, preferably with energy blades.

- Hmm... give up firearms?

- At these speeds, it's just a nuisance. No, at minimum speeds you'll only have to delay a little before continuing, but at really high speeds, firearms are rather harmful.

- Ahem.

- Yeah, yeah, I know you're a gun maniac. But with the way our team works, we're going to have to rely on melee weapons.

- Hmm...

Becca frowned.

- Okay, I'll try...

- You know, I'm confused about something...

- Hmm?

Becca looked at Panam.

- Hadn't you noticed? What really confused me, personally, was that he said we'll get the profits first and then buy you a sandhi afterwards... Have you run out of money?

I shrugged.

- Not that I'm out of money.

- David, don't be humourous...

Panam looked at me with an extremely hard stare.

- I still have money for food, but I can't buy chrome.

- So you spent everything you had on us?

Becca joined the conversation with a shocked look from Panam to me.

- Well... not quite all of it, well you'll work it off, so no problem....

- You're crazy!

And there was admiration in that exclamation as well as condemnation.

We were silent for a while, because I didn't want to continue this topic, and the girls were waiting for something. What? I had no idea, but I was grateful that I was allowed to just make cakes in silence....

- Why is everyone so tense?

The first one out of Hippo was Judy. She appeared while I was decorating the cakes and so she froze on the way out of the car, with someone clearly bumping into her back.

- What are you doing up?

- Um... yeah... you'll see for yourself....

Judy got out and let Lucy and Kiwi come out and they were very excited about the cakes I was finishing.

- Erm... so, what was I saying...

Judy shifted her gaze from the cakes to me, then to the cakes, then back to me and then looked at Panam and Becca.

- Oh... I remember... why is the atmosphere so... ambiguous? I thought we were supposed to be getting some goodies.

- Oh, it's nothing special.

I glared menacingly at Becky and Panam. Panam wanted to open her pretty mouth and say something, but I quickly threw her a message, the gist of which was about possible sanctions. To put it simply, I threatened to deprive her of her sweets.

- Panam?

- Ahem...well...here's the thing.....

- Panam?

Becca looked at her friend in surprise, but then the same message came to her. Except it got a slightly different reaction. She just turned her gaze to me and squinted unkindly.

- See, here's the thing... that cad spent all his money on us.....

- А?

The exclamation was synchronised, and after it, all the girls' gazes converged on me.

- What, the cake won't be ready for another ten minutes... and the second cake won't be ready for another twenty minutes.....

- David.

- What?!

I looked from one girl to the other with some irritation, and so in a circle, so that my irritated look got to everyone.

- What do you want from me?

- Well... just...

- It's kind of shocking...

Kiwi glared at me. The girls just nodded their heads at her words.

- I'll still get mine back. Not quickly, but I'll get it back, so I don't see what the big deal is.

- Well, you may not see it... but as I understand it we all have...

Kiwi looked around at the girls.

- ...have a different experience with men in general and those who command us in particular... So this is a bit new to us... The fact that you gave us loans and free food was unusual, but the fact that you spent all your savings on us....

Kiwi looked at the girls.

- Okay, Lucy, Judy, I say we don't take a cut for selling the chips after they've been hacked. Let all the profits from that go to Dae...

- Denied.

I interrupted Kiwi before she could finish her sentence.

- No way, these chips will be sold quite briskly, I think many people will want to upgrade their skills, so it's not a one-time sale, and I don't intend to take all the profits for myself. So just calm down...

- Well, that's kind of unfair.

- Unfair...

I shifted my gaze to Lucy.

- ...it would be if you dumped me now and went to work for another team. Otherwise, it's just a contribution to the future. And yes, I'm sorry, Lucy, but the moon mission is delayed by about six months.

- Um...

She looked at me with shock and nodded.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C68
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


