"Are you okay?" I spoke, rather carefully. My guard was up and I poured some radiation into my sword: it glowed yellow. If anything were to happen, I was ready for it.
I really hoped, nothing happened though.
Enira's body was immobile for a second but then with a twitch, she became attentive. She still wasn't facing me but I could tell that she was definitely paying attention to me.
She turned her head toward me so fast, for a second I thought her neck would snap, but it didn't. She looked at me, perplexed, her eyes became teary. Obviously, my guard was up but I didn't sense any malice from her. She slowly walked my way, the next second- touched my cheek- her movements were almost instantaneous. She'd caught me by surprise- so fast.
"Helio," She spoke softly.
So, I broke one of my teeth (Just the tip). I have to head to the dentist tomorrow. Hopefully, I won't die.
I kind of want to die right now though.