16.66% Hunter x hunter: Survival / Chapter 1: Ch 1
Hunter x hunter: Survival Hunter x hunter: Survival original

Hunter x hunter: Survival

作者: catlava

© WebNovel

章 1: Ch 1

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(18th October 2021, Paul Mathers died)

Dying was something I expected my entire life; being diagnosed with a chronic disease in my early teen's coupled with disturbing medications tests, it was hard to live a joyful life. And even harder to make friends and grow attached to things. Thus I preferred to stay away from people, knowing my impending death would just make them sad...I didn't wanna leave people with tears on their face.. Looking back I was such a nice guy....Anyways, I wasn't sad or depressed at my soon arriving death...I didn't sob over it like a middle school girl getting rejected...That wasn't gonna solve shit. I knew better than most, crying is a pointless endeavor, especially when I probably shed more tears than a snake does it's skin... So you could say I was a kind of expert in crying, enough to elect me as the crybaby of the year if such an award existed... But alas, the world truly doesn't acknowledge the talented, we're just left in the ever-growing dark of nothingness.

What I'm trying to say is, my life up to this point was a sad existence, spending most of my time on a hospital bed with no friends and a shitty family....A family that didn't even bother to send me a text message to ask about my health...~Thanks for taking care of me mom~

The only people who actually cared for me were the nurses I saw regularly. I resorted to anime and manga for pleasure. There's only so much you can do on a patient's bed till you start biting your own nails for enjoyment. Anime gave me a whole new world to experience, one that I could only dream of as a bedridden patient.

Anyway, enough of the sad story.. "How did I die, you ask?" You would think I died from my illness, well you wouldn't be more wrong. You see as a bedridden patient, you have no authority over your movements, and if a knife fell from a shelf landing straight into your skull, carving another asshole for you.... You can't help it.


This method of death, even I wasn't prepared for. The last thing I recalled was a severe headache and *boom*, a second later I wasn't a part of the human world....or so I thought.

You see instead of dying a normal death...I felt something strange happen to my body. One minute I felt my unconsciousness get sucked into a pitch black void, and another I felt my body being squeezed.. or rather pushed. Even I, as a Neanderthal felt something was strange.



"Ophelia!...Push!...I can see the boy's head," a not so familiar voice said. Instead of freaking out at this moment, I was rather tranquil. Even I knew what was going on, I reincarnated as a baby....It took my new mom 4 hours to push me out, a new record was made that day... Maybe in my next reincarnation I could set a new time standard by dying off as an abortion...Anyways, as soon as I felt the hospital lights hit my eyes, I immediately wanted to die...Preferably, not by getting an asshole carved into my head...But alas the world was hellbent on going against my wishes.



Looking around the room, I saw two people comforting who I assumed was my mom. My mom was quite the looker; She had long strands of black hair pairing well with her green eyes, a small nose, and a fair complexion..."She's worthy of being this magnificent soul's mom," I thought, puffing up my chest, which was the size of an adult hand.



Seeing this involuntarily made me smile, at least in this life I had a mom and what looks to be a healthy body, *hurray*, still beats having a absent mom and a ill body any day. I started comforting myself in my own dreams; having caring parents and a healthy body *sob**sob*, what more can a person ask for?...Well, a lot more but I'll take what I can. This to a ill fortunate person like me, sounded better than any ASMR out there. Hell, even Oprah's singing couldn't compare to the elusive words I was telling myself.



But as soon as I emotionally became invested in my thoughts, I regretted it the very second...Well, I regretted it a couple of hours later, but that doesn't matter. Now, you might be thinking, Paul why did you regret thinking of simple human pleasure? You see, Fate is one despicable bitch, if I ever came face to face with it, I would backhand slap the shit out of it, at max speed, no holdbacks, full throttle all boiled up in a hand of intense annoyance.

I honestly think fate just likes putting up a huge middle finger to me, not caring what I think or feel...Who knew Fate was such a dick, I bet the title "Moby dick" was inspired of Fate's despicable actions. That bastard is probably smiling right now, enjoying my ever-growing suffering.


"I know, I know...Now, you might be thinking, Paul what happened now?" To paint you a simple picture of suffering...I was abandoned by my parents, again. This time, I didn't even get any freebies like I did in my past life. Living as a millionaire's son in my past life came with a remarkable bonus of MONEY....


You see, the night after I was hand delivered to this accursed world by a shitty unknown god, my mom thought it would be a wonderful idea to leave me in a orphanage. Great choice mom, fantastic even. My sources of pleasure now dwindled to only one.... My healthy body. But going by my recent luck, I would soon be the next Steven Hawking... I hope not.



Anywho, I was left without a mother or father in a very VERY shady orphanage. I mean first of all, the entire orphanage smelt like if shit had a equally strong smell as it's taste. That right there should be a danger sign to you....EVEN in this life I was blessed with shitty parents.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


