HP: The Last Death Eater Trial (OC son of Bellatrix) HP: The Last Death Eater Trial (OC son of Bellatrix) original

HP: The Last Death Eater Trial (OC son of Bellatrix)

作者: Drkest

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1

Chapter 1


War ravaged Britain's wizarding world, threatening to rip apart the very fabric of the society itself. Yet, in the Malfoy manor, there was another battle being waged. Screams filled the Halls of the ancient manor as a nervous Narcissa Malfoy nervously paced in front of one of the bedrooms.

'AGHHHHHHH! HAAAAAA!' the deafening screams of a woman from across the rooms made her heart tremble in nervousness as she just paced outside praying to the Gods above. Narcissa Malfoy nee Black, the youngest of the Black sisters, could only pace in helpless agony as the screams from the room got louder and louder.

The whole manor was on lockdown, and the Dark Lord had forbidden anyone to leave or enter the manor. And yet tragedy had struck as her sister entered her labors early, and Narcissa could do nothing except hope for these untrained midwives to help her sister deliver the growing child in her belly.

'AGHHHHHH! GET IT OUT! JUST CUT IT OUT!' she heard Bellatrix scream, and her heart ached as she heard the scream, and she decided that it was enough. She needed to get her sister to a healer. Perhaps, she could call one of Lucius's friends.

Before she had taken a step, a voice from behind made her stop.

"Narcissa. Narcissa," and she stopped in her steps and looked back to find Lucius walking towards her, his blonde hair a tangled mess. His eyes had dark circles under them because of the happenings in their manor over the last few days. Yet his lips turned slightly upwards upon seeing her, and the ever present doubt about her side in this wretched war was wiped away from her heart.

"Where are you going, Narcissa?" he questioned her as he walked to her side, and she looked to the floor, knowing she couldn't lie to him.

"She needs a healer, Lucius. I cannot hear her scream any longer," she pleaded to him, yet as soon as the words left her mouth, she saw his face pale as he gripped her arms a bit forcefully.

"What do you think you are doing!" he said as he pulled her back, making her stop and look at him as he continued, his voice quivering slightly as he continued whispering.

"The Dark Lord was very clear! No one is supposed to enter or leave the manor tonight!" Lucius's voice was filled with fear of retribution, not just for himself. But for her as well. Yet Narcissa couldn't just hear her sisters scream.

"Lucius, she needs a healer. We have to do something," she whimpered into his arms, yet she knew that he was as helpless as her in these circumstances. Lucius wrapped his arms around her, as he tried to reassure her.

"I will see what I can do," and with a parting kiss, just as he was about to leave her the Bellatrix's screams died down. Dread filled her heart as soon as silence encompassed the halls of Malfoy Manor.

And then it was broken. By the faint cry of a child, it lit her insides with hope as she rushed towards her sisters' room. The room smelled of blood and gore, and one of the maids looked up at her smiling as she cradled a small bundle in her arms.

"It's a boy, Lady Malfoy," Narcissa smiled, walked up to the maid, and caught a glimpse of the child whose voice filled the room. His wrinkly face and the small tuft of black hair made him look like a smaller version of her own sister, at least according to her. Much unlike her own child, who resembled her husband a lot more than herself.

"Where is he? Where is her?" suddenly, an exhausted voice broke her out of her reverie, and she sprung to her sisters' side. Bellatrix was pale as a sheet and was cold and clammy. Narcissa passed a hand through her hair as she motioned for the maid holding the child to approach her.

"Cissa, where is he? Tell me, where is he?" her sister frantically questioned her. The maid to her side lowered the babe as Narcissa smiled as she showed her sister her child.

"He is right here, Bella. A bo…." But her words were cut short as her sister maniacally pushed away the child.

"NOT HIM! GET IT OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Bellatrix shouted frantically, her eyes lit ablaze, and in that moment, she was reminded just who exactly Bellatrix Lestrange was. She wasn't just her dear elder sister. No, she was also the most talented and most deadly witch of their age, second only to perhaps the Dark Lord himself.

"The Lord! Where is the Dark Lord?" her sister gripped her arms and brought her face in front of hers as she questioned her. And Narcissa's heart nearly gave out as she saw that crazed look in her sister's eyes.

"I don't know," she replied as her heart screamed in pity at the newly born child. The maids in the room were looking around frantically as well. She saw Bellatrix's eyes widen as she heard her words before she asked her another question.

"Did he leave the manor? Did he take anyone with him? Tell me all you know!" her sister insisted frantically, but before Narcissa could answer, she pushed away her arm and began to look around.

"He must have gone for his mission without me. I was supposed to accompany him. Perhaps there is still time," whispered Bellatrix, completely ignoring the cries of her newborn son. Narcissa gulped as she nervously approached her sister once more.

"Bella, have you had a look at your so…" but she stopped as she saw Bellatrix's head snap towards her. Her eyes are crazed and blazing.

"What did I say? Get that thing away from me! It made me abandon my lord! GET IT OUT OF MY SIGHT!" her sister screamed at the maid, who whimpered, very much aware of her sister's temper. Narcissa gestured for the maid to back up.

Though suddenly, Bellatrix stopped moving and became completely still, and then she saw her sister uncover her sleeve and look at her dark mark before she suddenly broke out into a raging scream.

"NOOOOO! NOOOO!" Bellatrix screamed, her rage making the whole room shake. Narcissa herself felt a shift in the manor's wards, yet was preoccupied with her sister to concern herself with such matters.

Bellatrix continued to scream frantically before suddenly her eyes suddenly landed on her child. And Narcissa's heart nearly gave out as she saw Bellatrix reach for her wand and aim at the maid.

"YOU! You are the reason he is gone! You were the reason that I wasn't there with him!" she screamed as her wand lit up.

"What are you doing Bella. Stop!" Narcissa tried to make her stop, but Bella just pushed her to the side, as she fired a spell at the maid. Thankfully the spell missed her and hit the wall above.


"ARGH!" the maid screamed and fell down on the ground. Her sister didn't relent, and her wand lit up again.

The section of the war exploded, showing her that had the spell hit, it would have killed both the maid and the child. She didn't know what made her, but Narcissa pushed herself off the ground and reached for her sister's wand arm, and pushed it up.

"BELLATRIX STOP! What the hell are you doing? That's your son. Do you want to kill him?" she admonished her, her own voice rising with anger and indignation.

"Yes! I want to kill it! Because of that thing, I couldn't be with my lord. Get out of my way 'Cissa!" screamed Bella as she tried to take aim once more, yet Narcissa was able to knock the wand out of her hand. The wand clattered on the floor as her sister broke out into sobs in her arms.

"He will return back, Bella! Just stop," she tried to reassure her, but Bellatrix shook her head.

"No, you don't understand 'Cissa. He is gone. He is gone," her sister muttered before crying frantically. And the realization of those words finally dawned on her.

The Dark Lord was dead! But how? And now what, just as her mind was plagued with questions, the doors to the room swung open as a frantic Lucius rushed in. She saw his eyes land on her, and he began to rush towards her.

"We need to go! The Dark Lord is"

"Gone," she finished his sentence for him. And he nodded before he looked towards Bellatrix.

"You should come with us. The Ministry will soon be out to catch us all," but her sister spat at his face.

"NO! I will not run away like a coward. I must complete my lord's work," her sister said as she stumbled out of her bed and scrambled to pick up her wand. Lucius's lips thinned, and she knew that he would abandon Bellatrix here, yet she was her sister.

"Bella comes with us, and you can continue the Dark Lord's legacy once the Ministry is settled. Think about your son!" she tried again.

"Don't call that thing my son!" her sister snarled in rage, as she stood up on her two feet again.

"I will not run away like cowards. I will not abandon my lord. I will complete what he set out to do," her sister remained adamant, and suddenly she heard a cracking sound, and she saw Lucius pale at that.

"The wards are cracking. We need to get out of here right now," he said as he gripped her arm. Her sister gave her a bitter smile.

"You always were like this 'Cissa. Go! Leave!" snarled Bella, and Cissa could do nothing for her sister as Lucius continuously told her to leave right away. In this instant, her eyes landed on her sister's newborn child, who was whimpering in the maid's arms in the corner. She walked up to the maid and took the little bundle out of her arms.

Lucius didn't say anything about her actions and was ordering the servants frantically. As Bella left the room, Narcissa gave her sister a final look, and she prayed for her sister in her heart.

She then finally looked up at Lucius and spoke up.

"Where is Draco?" she questioned.

"He is with a maid near the floe. We need to go, Narcissa," he said as he began to pull her out of the room and into the Hall. Both of them sprinted towards the floo as the sound of wards cracking around the manor made her heart tremble.

Finally, they reached the secret floo, an outlet hidden inside Lucius's room. Their trusted servant stood at the side, holding her child in a wicker basket. Lucius passed the servant a pouch as he took their son from him.

"Destroy it as soon as we are gone," he ordered. The servant nodded.

"As you say, Lord Lucius," said the servant pocketing the pouch. Lucius then passed her the basket with the floo powder, and then she nodded, and she held her nephew closer as she threw the powder to the floor.

"Chateau de Black!" she said, and then she felt a familiar warmth elevate up from the floor, enveloping her whole and then the next time she opened her eyes. She found herself in the villa her grandfather had given to her in dowry. A villa in France. She stepped out of the floo fireplace, and then a second later, the place lit up again with fire, and Lucius stepped out with their son.

He then instantly made her step back as he took out his wand and aimed it at the fireplace.

"BOMABRDA!" he screamed.


And the fireplace was destroyed, with a thundering sound. And only after that did she see the tension leave his shoulders as he crashed onto the couch.

Silence reigned in the villa for some time and was only broken after a couple of minutes by the sound of two babies crying.

On October 10, 1981, three important events happened in the Wizarding World of Britain. First, was the end of the reign of terror of the infamous Dark Lord, Voldemort. Second was the emergence of the first and the only person in history to survive the Killing Curse. And lastly, Bellatrix Lestrange gave birth to a son who was named Crovus Lestrange by her sister after she abandoned her child.

Only two of these would be reported in the papers tomorrow, yet all three would prove equally significant in the years to come.



Daphne Greengrass found herself standing infront of a grave, alone with tears running down her eyes as she put down the flowers she had brought. Chrysanthemums, they had been her favorite.


~A blessing, so brief~

Daphne Greengrass could barely keep her tears at bay as she stared at the grave of her younger sister, placed right beside two older graves belonging to none other than her parents.

And in her heart, she cursed ever meeting him. The one person responsible for the three graves placed right in front of her. And it eased her heart knowing that justice would be served soon. Soon, he would suffer for all the pain he had caused her.

-The Last Death Eater Trial- Crovus Lestrange's trial date set

That had been the headline on the Prophet for a couple of days now. A monumental trial, the last of the Death Eater trials for the boy referred to as Voldemort's heir.

However, as she was about to turn and move away, she stopped as she heard an owl approach the graveyard and looked up to find an owl circling her before it suddenly dropped a letter and flew away.

She frowned and kneeled down to pick up the letter.

To, Daphne Greengrass

She frowned as she saw that the letter was addressed to her, and as she tore it open, her eyes widened as she skimmed over its contents. She immediately ran towards the floo, picked up the sand, and shouted the name of the place she had never thought she would enter again.



As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. Your support makes it possible for me to write these stories. So, if possible, have a look and consider dropping a nickel if you can. It would help me out a lot.

www.Patre 0n.com/Drkest

Thanks for reading!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


