0.42% HP: The Gray Sorcerer / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Prologue
HP: The Gray Sorcerer HP: The Gray Sorcerer original

HP: The Gray Sorcerer

作者: Abyssuit

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1: Prologue

In 1991, on July 21st, in the early morning, at 101 Garden Street, South Kensington, London, a three-story villa with a white fence surrounding the front yard and a beautiful door and revealing spire showing the wealth of the villa's owner.

South Kensington is a well-known rich area in London, where residents are at least elite among the middle class, such as lawyers, dentists, anesthetists, etc.

101 Edwardes Square is particularly amazing. This house is almost twice as big as most other houses and has a big backyard. And the owner of the villa, Arthur Gaunt, is sitting in the living room, staring at a round-faced Scottish Owl.

One minute later, the owl dropped the letter it had been holding in its claws and flew away flapping its wings. Before leaving, he left some shit in Arthur's house to vent his dissatisfaction with Arthur not giving it any food or water.

Arthur held the letter in his hand and read it softly.

"To Mr. Arthur Gaunt, at 101 Garden Street."

Arthur's hand trembled slightly. An owl delivered the letter, and on the pale yellow envelope was a crest having of a lion, snake, badger, and raven.

Arthur's emotions were complicated at this moment. He thought he had simply been reborn in London in 1980, but he didn't expect it to be in the magical world of Harry Potter.

Hogwarts, Hermione, Luna, Fleur...

The point is not these people, but a Magic World.

Arthur was an ordinary reincarnator who was hard working in his previous life. After dying from overwork, he opened his eyes in London in 1980.

An orphan, just like the ordinary protagonist template.

Originally, Arthur thought he would awaken some kind of system and be able to dominate the world, but eleven years had passed, and he knew he was thinking too much.

His cheat didn't awaken, but Arthur became financially independent early on thanks to a boost to his spiritual power from being reincarnated, a much better memory, and a special skill.

He started an investment company with his few financial skills from his former job.

(Don't ask how an 11-year-old makes money, it's just set that the head of the orphanage is a good person and the protagonist came up with some ideas).

After donating a portion to the orphanage each year, Arthur was left with several hundred thousand pounds. Two years ago, he bought this building and moved in.

He thought he could live a peaceful life this way. Wait a few years for the bubble crisis to pass, make some money, then buy some more gold. He could also make a fortune that way.

He never expected that this would be the magical world.

Although the previous Arthur was not a Potterhead, he had watched all the movies in the series. As time passed, he didn't know all the plotlines, but he had a rough idea of the main storyline.

[Potterhead: a term used to describe Harry Potter Fans]

This was not a peaceful world.

It was now 1991, and Arthur should be starting Hogwarts in the same year as Harry Potter.

From first to fourth grade, he could enjoy his life as long as he lived normally and didn't get involved in their problems. After all, Harry's first four years were full of danger because he was careless and Dumbledore was manipulating him.

But when Dolores Umbridge came in the fifth year, things got worse. He couldn't stay at this school even in the sixth and seventh grades. At that time, Voldemort had already taken over Hogwarts. In fact, the magic world was no longer safe.

But who doesn't yearn for magic? When Arthur was alive before, he watched the movie and fell in love with the magical world they showed in the film.

Arthur couldn't deny that he was moved since he had come to this world and had the chance to discover the magic.

Otherwise, after going to school until the fifth year and passing the O.W.L.S exam, he could just stop going to school and find a place to hide.

Thinking of this, Arthur still opened the envelope and read the contents inside.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Confederation of Wizards, Order of Merlin, First Class, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot)

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

In addition, due to your family circumstances, we will send a professor to your home on July 31st to answer any questions you may have.

Deputy Headmistress

Minerva McGonagall."

Just as Arthur finished reading the letter, a soft sound suddenly came to his mind.


"The host has been detected to come into contact with the system of this world and is scanning the world."


"Scanning completed, and the system is being customized to align with the laws of this world for the host."

"The system customization is complete, and your system: Gacha System, is now online."

"Welcome to use the Gacha System. The system has no personal consciousness and cannot provide any analysis or current situation for the host. However, the system has no punishment so the host can use it peacefully."

Arthur's mouth twitched. 'It's no wonder that as a reincarnator, the normal system was late to arrive.

It turned out that he had never really got the true side of this world.

'Now it's all good. The system has awakened, and as long as he doesn't act carelessly, there shouldn't be any threat in Hogwarts, right?'

"System, introduce yourself. Also, you are so late, so give me any compensation and the novice gift package."


"Detecting that the system has been hidden for eleven years, and energy will be divided 50/50 with the host. Rewarding the host with 5000 gold coins."

"Distributing novice gift package, would you like to open the novice gift package?"

"Open it"

"The novice's gift package is being opened. Congratulations to the host for obtaining a chance to trace their bloodline, activating the Pure Wizard Bloodline."

Suddenly, Arthur felt as if a volcano had exploded inside his body, but it quickly calmed down.

He carefully sensed it and realized that his previous superpower (actually magic) could only barely sense the flow of energy before. But now it flowed like a small stream inside him and was easier to manipulate than before.

Arthur was very satisfied. The advantages brought by any world's bloodline were not to be underestimated, or else those protagonists in fantasy worlds wouldn't want to have different bodies.

After the bloodline was activated, he could definitely quickly gain some self-defense abilities in a short period of time.

"System, what is the function of gold coins?"

Arthur saw the compensation the system gave him and couldn't help but criticize it. This system had even learned to split the energy, directly taking half its energy.

However, seeing that the novice's reward was so good, he decided not to argue with the system.

(Remember that the system can't monitor the real world, and it focuses only the protagonist)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


