17.17% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 17: The First Causalties Close to Home

章 17: The First Causalties Close to Home

April 14, 1998

London, England

Alain had gotten the first portkey he could. He shut the door behind him. Gabrielle had been hurt, cut by a dark cutting hex, as well as having a burst eardrum. It would take a few days to heal her ear. It was very delicate magic, like eyes, that could only be done soon after the damage was done.

Harry had both his eardrums burst, not to mention numerous minor cuts, scrapes and a glancing blow on his left arm that had broken a bone. The amount of pain that he could seem to handle was just incredible. From the reports of the fight, if Harry had used the power he had used today when he had challenged Alain for the headship of the Delacours, he would have lost. Alain had no allusions.

Most importantly, Harry had done what he could to protect Gabrielle and Sirius. Sirius had some hearing loss that was being healed, but not much else. He had been protecting Gabrielle as she was dazed from her ear.

Alain put a hand to his mouth.

He had come so close to losing three of his family today. They had been so focused on the Woodmen that he had thought it safe enough to send them here without an escort. There had been rumours… credible rumours that the Death Eaters were back, but it wasn't like them to pull off a large-scale assault like this today. Why they had only gone after the children, he didn't know. If they were capable of this, why didn't they just go straight for the Minister or DMLE or the other vital points in the Ministry?

He needed to pace for a few but didn't want to do it in the room. Harry and Gabrielle were sleeping. Sirius was sitting in a chair between them, his wand in his hand.

More than pacing, he needed to contact Apolline and Renee. He wasn't sure if they knew yet.

Aurors, all in the dark blue of the ICW, were stationed at the ends of the corridor. Alain had offered to guard the hospital as the British took care of the Ministry, which was in a shambles right now. Most of the rooms here were full of those injured today, and Alain would not see them hurt again. He was about to find a quiet place to call Apolline on his mirror when a man he knew well came past the Aurors.

Head Auror LeBeouf was a Frenchmen that had risen through the ranks and now headed group Zed of the ICW forces. It was a hundred-man division, as where the other three divisions. After today, he was thinking he could finally get the funds to start training two more divisions. He had a feeling they may need it in the years to come. Sebastian would need to remain in the French Assembly, and he may consider asking Sirius and Renee to take over their seat. Harry and Gabrielle were going to be needed more in the ICW.

"Good day, Director Delacour," the man said, snapping his feet together and giving him a small bow.

Alain returned it. "Do you have a report or am I required elsewhere?" He didn't want to leave his family, but he had responsibilities that would be important to them as well.

"If you would, I have an attaché from Madam Bones with a report. I am refusing to let anyone not required on this wing," LeBeouf said.

Alain nodded, following the man. He was led to another wing where there was a staff room. The hospital was still busy dealing with what had happened. Inside the staff room was a tall black man with a kufi. He was drinking what Alain assumed to be tea.

When the man went to stand, Alain motioned for him to stay seated. "We don't need any formalities. Did Madam Bones send you to see me?"

"Head Auror Scrimgeour and Madam Bones. I'm Kingsley Shacklebolt. They wanted me to talk with Mr Potter and Ms Delacour, but I understand they are still recovering?" Shacklebolt asked.

"My daughter and her betrothed are under a sleeping drought to help with their hearing. Seigneur Potter will not be able to hear anything for a few days," Alain informed him.

Shacklebolt took out a pad and wrote something in it. "It's going to be a few days to get all the witnesses and victims interviewed. Is Lord Black available? He was placed in the courtroom during the ordeal."

"He is. He is looking over his godson. I can probably send him down in a short bit. Can you tell me what the situation is?" Alain asked.

Shacklebolt had a blank mask. Alain recognized a man that had seen action and come out the other side as whole as he could. "There is no official release yet."

"What can you tell me?"

"Madam Bones has given me permission to give you the details not related to our investigation. Estimates put it at twenty-six Death Eaters attacked the Ministry. They used something that drilled right through the rocks of the Ministry in areas where the wards were weak. Five were killed, three severely injured. We suspect more, but only the ones in the courtroom could be recovered. Seven civilians, five aurors and two Wizengamot members are dead. Twenty-nine others are injured. We are still trying to locate thirteen people thought to be in the areas that were broken into," Shacklebolt listed off rather dispassionately.

Alain's normal calm was shattered today to know that Gabrielle had come close to death, if not for Harry, and Harry was hurt himself. He put a hand to his mouth again. "Merde!" he cursed softly. What was going on with their world? It had been mostly quiet for over a decade.

"Director Delacour, Director LeBrun has said you can call on my division if you need," LeBeouf said.

He shook his head. "I would only do that if Madam Bones or the Minister were to ask that. What can we provide you?" he asked Shacklebolt.

"I do not know yet, sir. I will have to check in with my boss. I do have a list of others that I would like to interview that we were told were transported here," Shacklebolt told him.

"Work it out with Head Auror LeBeouf," Alain indicated. "I will let Sirius know you are looking for him when I go back to the room."

"That would be appreciated, Director Delacour," the man said. He drained his cup before standing up and walking out with LeBeouf.

Alain took out his wand. A moment later, the room was locked and warded. He took the mirror out of his pocket that Harry had made for them. He had given then all a second mirror so that all the family could have at least one and could talk directly with their significant other. "Apolline," he called out.

The clock on the wall said it was close to five.

He waited only a few second before his beautiful silvery blonde wife was in his hand. It had been decades, but he still found her as beautiful as ever and loved her with all her being. Like her, only their daughters brought up feelings equal to that. Though, Harry and Bill were close.

"Hello, my love. What is wrong," her smiling face went to concern faster than a snitch running from a Seeker.

"There was an incident at the British Ministry. Gabrielle and Harry were hurt but are recovering. They will be in the hospital for the next few days," he told her, getting the important stuff out of the way first.

She paled. "How hurt? Why would it be a few days? I need to get there as soon as I can," she said rapidly.

"Have Sebastian get an emergency portkey for you. See if he will have an Auror or two accompany you. Please," he said.

She regarded his face. After a moment, she nodded. He rarely asked her to do something like that. "Our Harry and Gabrielle will be alright?"

"Oui. There is other news that they do not know yet," he said in a sad tone.

"The trial was today. Hermione?"

He shook his head. Alain let out a sigh. "We have not been able to tell Harry yet, but one of his friends and Bill's brother, Ronald, was killed in the attack."

Apolline's free hand went to her mouth. "Non!"

"Unfortunately. He was hit by a curse that couldn't be healed and by the time the Healers reached him, blood replenisher would not work. Their other brother, Percy, was also hurt and will be in the hospital for a few days. I have offered all we can to Arthur and Molly, but they are in shock over this. I declared Hermione, her girlfriend Luna and Ronald's girlfriend as protected by our House," he informed her.

Tears were seen at the edges of his wife's eyes. "We will do everything we can. This is family, Alain. Were any of them hurt? What about Sirius? Renee will be besides herself."

"Hermione suffered a few minor cuts and bruises. She is with the Weasleys. Luna and Lisa are well, but there is a complication there," he told her. "It would appear that they were not careful, and she will have Ronald's child around Christmas."

"I need to get there. Where is the mirror for Sebastian?" she demanded.

"He is connected to these. I made sure that Sebastian and Pierre had one of the set. The last one is in my office," he told her. He had three mirrors now, but they were invaluable. He wasn't sure how he was going to repay Harry, but the two thousand galleons he had authorized from the ICW for the first few batches would be a start.

"Alain?" she said in a soft voice.

"Oui, ma chère?" he responded.

"Don't let anything else happen to them," she told him.

"I promise. Would you tell Renee? I don't know if she is good to travel. Sirius said he would call her soon, if he hasn't already," Alain requested.

"I will go find Fleur and get hold of William, if no one else has yet. Then I will contact Renee as soon as I talk to Sebastian," she assured him.

"Thank you. I have a feeling I will be going to see the Minister and Madam Bones very shortly. I love you, mon petit d' oiseau," he told her.

"I love you with all my heart," she replied.

When Apolline's face vanished, he felt a small pang in his heart. Even after all this time, he loved her like he had that first day he met her. He didn't like leaving her side, but he had to.

After a few moments, he got up to go find the Weasley's. He had too much family affected by this.


April 16, 1998

London, England

Harry was up for the first time in two days. To let his ear heal properly, he was required to be in a soundless bubble and asleep. He had awoken a few hours earlier than the Healers thought he might, thus Gabrielle was still sleeping as she was going through the same treatment.

Apolline had been here when he first woke, but she had gone out for a few to look into someone else. He didn't know who, but he had a bad feeling about it.

When the door opened, he was expecting Apolline or a Healer. What he hadn't expected was a bleary-eyed Hermione. She looked like she had been crying. The pit in his stomach grew as she met his eyes. Her chocolate brown eyes were full of sorrow.

"Hermione?" he asked as she came over to his bed.

She didn't say a word as she sat on the bed and then fell into his arms. The door to the room closed. Luna had just stepped into the room, looking not much better than Hermione. The food he had just eaten rolled in an uncomfortable way.

"What happened?"

Luna came over, sitting on the bed near Hermione and started to rub her back. "Ronald died in the breakout," Luna told him. Her normal eerie or half-gone voice was clear and riddled with sadness.

It felt like the floor was falling out beneath him. Ron and him may not have been the closest over the last few years, but that didn't mean he wasn't one of Harry's best friends or that he saw Ron, and most of the Weasley's, like family.

His mouth moved a few times as Hermione broke down in his arms. "How…. How?"

Luna looked on the verge of tears. "He was trying to protect Hermione. He got hit with a dark cutting curse. The Healers couldn't stop the bleeding," Luna told him.

Guilt raced through him. He had let them go on their own. He had stayed behind because he needed to talk to Sirius about the feud, just to make sure it wasn't active anymore. He had let Hermione and Ron just go.

As though seeing his thoughts, Luna said, "You couldn't have done anything else if you were there."

It still didn't mean that he felt like he should have been there with them.

Hermione was sobbing against his chest. All he could do was hug her harder as his own tears fell into her hair.


April 17, 1998

Belgrade, Serbia

Sirius thought they might have another week or two before this happened. The Woodmen were far more methodical and ruthless in their methods, but only seemed to do their certain type of terror when it had a purpose.

He had been awoken in the middle of the night and had to gently pull his arms from around his wife to quickly get dressed and take a portkey. Renee had begged him not to go, but he had too. When he landed in Belgrade, it was to find Captain Franco and ten others waiting for him.

"Where is the attack?" he asked without preamble.

"A secondary residency where the Prime Minister was rumoured to be."

"How long ago?"

"Eight minutes," Franco told him.

Sirius nodded. That would mean the terrorists would most likely be gone by now, but if they didn't find what they wanted, he had a feeling they would attack again tonight. Sirius wanted to hit their main base. If they didn't have anywhere left to go, then he could unseat them here and then hunt them down.

"We are sure about the location?" Sirius asked.

"If it is the same location that our tracking charms located, then yes," Franco confirmed.

"Right. Tell Alpha team to stay at the residence for clean-up. I want Beta team to be ready to respond. Call Moody and tell him to be ready," he ordered. This was going to be a big gamble. He was sure Tom would be rather upset at the rouse and there was a high probability that he would hit a place that the Minister or his family was at. The Minister hadn't lost his grandchild or daughter yet, but she was still under observation for the next month or so until she was ready to deliver.

That led to a stray thought of Renee, who was now almost six months along and showing. Sirius thought she looked even better, as though there was a soft glow around her, but Renee was saying she felt like a whale.

Focusing on his task. He sat in the chairs by the portkey site. The others of this strike team, twelve in total, where to wait. If it didn't happen tonight, then it would happen soon.

Looking at his watch, it was close to four. He was about to call it when his mirror buzzed. Sirius took it out of his pocket. "Talk," he ordered.

"Seigneur Black, the mountain house is under attack," a woman said.

"Keep them busy. Don't get killed," he ordered. "Moody?"

"Aye, I heard, lad. We are going in thirty," the man said, the gruff looking visage of Alastor Moody coming into view before vanishing.

"Let's go. Stick with your partners. Do any damage you can do. If you meet heavy resistance, get out of there," Sirius told them. He had every intention of returning to Renee as soon as he could. He grabbed the rope that Franco held out to him. They were going in as two-man teams, with Sirius tagging along with the captain. They would appear around a hundred feet apart, to reduce the possibility of them all being taken out at once.

Franco crouched, as did the junior Auror with them. He held up three fingers on his wand hand. When the last finger dropped, Sirius was whisked away to the side of a mountain.

When he stepped out of the portkey maelstrom, it was on the side of a hill about a half-mile away from their target. Spell fire could be seen on the ridge opposite them. Sirius' team was much further out than they were supposed to be. "Why are we here?" Sirius hissed angrily.

"I don't know." Franco already had a mirror in his hand. "Xi!"

An Asian man came on the screen a moment later. "Why are we so far away!"

Xi looked confused. "Representative Guillot ordered…"

Another voice came over the mirror. "It's a trap!" as spell fire could be heard.

About a mile away, on a ridge closer to the camp, Sirius saw the night light up as four of their groups came under attack. Sirius took out his own mirror. "Retreat! OMEGA ONE!" he screamed into the mirror.

Unbeknownst to anyone beside Franco, the mirrors were portkeys that would affect anyone within three meters. His godson was some type of genius when it came to runes and enchanting. Sirius had a feeling that the fat Italian didn't know about the mirrors. The power his godson had put into the portkeys to break through most wards set off a series of bright white lights and explosive bits of magic as the portkeys worked. Five simultaneous flashes went off.

They were able to see them all. It was in a wide arc, each site a few hundred yards apart. There must have been some serious power in the wards as they flared in circles about thirty yards across, then spread their destruction another thirty yards out from the ward lines.

Franco said something in Spanish that must have been a prayer by his tone.

"Sweet Merlin," Sirius muttered. Harry had shown how powerful he was in the Ministry just a few days ago. This was another astounding show of power from his godson. Ever since they had been able to remove that horcrux that was feeding off Harry's core, his power had just grown exponentially. He had no clue how strong he would be when the boy reached fifty, which was about the peak of power of most wizards, before it began a gradual decline in the last two decades of their lives.

"Why did we go?" the junior Auror asked.

"Omega only clears the other teams, not the leaders. Moody looks engaged over there. I am going to help him. You get back to your men and take care of them. Do not come back," Sirius ordered.

Franco looked about ready to object when Sirius growled at him. Franco clicked his heals, gave a short bow then followed Sirius at a run to the edge of the ward. The young Auror and Franco took up the rope again. "Home!"

The two of them disappeared. Fire had broken out around the rings that had been burst. He silently vowed to gut Guillot himself. Sirius apparated across the valley.

The spell fire was thick and heavy just past the wards. Sirius could see Moody and six other pinned down behind a rock outcrop with three on the ground. Sirius took a running hop, morphing into Padfoot before running through the brush on this side of the valley. He ran up and over the top. In his animagus form he didn't trip off any wards or alarms and was able to find a spot where he could see twelve men firing on his team.

Sirius morphed back. Large white lights leapt from his wand. The men in green robes, the Woodmen, didn't see his Bombarda hexes until they landed in the middle of them. Three of them were sent flying in the air before landing heavily and rolling down the steep slope. Another went in two directions as his body ripped in half. The others dove for cover. Shields came up.

Sirius hadn't seen the mouth of the cave, or the six waiting there. A piercing hex grazed his cheek before he dropped to the ground. The world exploded with sound and lights all around him.

He rolled and pulled his wand, making the stone pull up. It formed into a yard thick wall, absorbing much of the spell fire. He took a moment to figure out what to do next. He could feel he was inside the wards of the camp.

"Cover. Right!" a man barked out below. The spell fire on him lessened.

"Protego duo." A mostly transparent blue shield came up on top of the stone wall. He chanced a look just before a sickly green spell made a large divot in the top of the wall. Moody was moving forward with four men. Most of the ones that had been pinning him down were on the ground and not moving. Sirius didn't think they had been stunned. One of Moody's men was disarming them anyways.

The six that had been at the cave entrance was now fourteen. Moody's men were keeping them mostly occupied. Three were still attacking his position. He ducked a killing curse. "I can't stay here," he chastised himself.

Taking in a few fast breaths to sike himself up, he cast another shield on the top of the wall and then scrambled towards the end. He was up and running. His wand slashed and jabbed. Five more blasting curses leapt from his wand, then an overpowered, "Auqamenti!" at the hill above the cave.

He dodged a cutting hex as he slammed into the back of a boulder. Before he did, though, he saw part of the hill start to slide down over the entrance to the cave. He was hoping that quite a few of the Woodmen had been harmed when the portkey's ripped through the wards, meaning there wouldn't be reinforcements coming any time soon.

He was just about to come around the boulder again when the night went silent.

That could be a good thing or a really bad thing.

"NIGHT!" Sirius called out.

"OCEAN!" a gruff voice called back.

Stepping around the rock, his wand up, Sirius looked down the hillside.

Moody was standing on top of a muddy rock and dirt pile that was half covering the cave. Two of his men were disarming and binding bodies, whether they looked live or not, while three were looking into the cave.

"Nice to see you, lad. Where's the rest of your team?" Moody asked.

"Ambushed. Sent them all back," Sirius called down. He was scanning the dark hillside. Across the valley, the fire was lighting up half the hillside. "More hostiles?"

"Don't know. About forty of them apparated away. Is that you across the valley?"

"It was. Harry's escape plan," Sirius told him. He transformed into Padfoot and picked his way down the walls. When he turned back, Moody was rubbing his chin.

"How many did you lose? I thought you had fourteen?" Sirius asked.

"Little bit of trouble when we landed. Got Eldridge and Verne. Three stayed behind to make sure we had a way out. Quinn is that bloody mass over there and Searles took a killing curse to the face. They knew we were coming," Moody growled. Sirius knew the man wasn't as uncaring as he seemed, but the man had seen enough action to not let it affect him until things were done.

Sirius wasn't quite as battle hardened, thinking he would find a deep bottle later. There were things to get done first, though. "Do we have time to go in?"

"Not sure. I estimate there must have been close an eighty here. I only count about twenty out here, and not sure what happened to the ones that went to get you," Moody said, nodding towards the fires.

Sirius looked at the cave, then his watch. "I think that is enough for tonight. Get your men and anyone you can away from here."

He looked longingly into the cave before turning away.

"Watch yourself, lad," Moody called out. Sirius covered his head as a blasting hex collapsed the entrance to the cave.

When they teleported back to the Southern Council in Belgrade, it was a beehive of activity for just after five in the morning. Healers were looking after people in the main hall. There were too many for just his raid. What must have been the twenty Aurors left to the Council, were all there, guarding all the entrances.

Sirius caught Franco towards the end of the hall and the entrance to the surface. Sirius grabbed the man's arm. "What happened!"

"The Minister and his whole family are dead. Guillot betrayed us all. Only us retreating back here allowed us to capture Guillot and fight the Woodmen off, but they got the hospital here in Belgrade and struck one of the all wizarding villages just north of here," Franco said.

"How many?" he asked.

Franco let out a huff. "Ten of my men. Five others wounded. We need more or we need to retreat back to the ICW."

Sirius looked around at the frightened faces, the blood-soaked bandages, people crying, a woman holding a small crying girl with her leg bend funny. "We stay to protect them. Who is Minister now?"

"I don't know," Franco said.

Sirius needed Alain and he needed to figure out who was Minister.


As the sun rises…

Mountains to the east of Nis, Serbia

A man of about twenty-two stood at the edge of the clearing. He was trying to control his temper as he surveyed the surrounding area. His spies in the Southern Council had done what they had supposed to do.

The Minister's family had finally been delivered into his hand. He had his forces attack two different safe houses, drawing off most of the Aurors before he had personally led the attack on the hospital.

Everything had been going according to plan until the ICW Aurors had shown up at the Ministry.

He kicked a rock, his temper needing a release.

His forces had taken a serious hit last night. How could twenty-two ICW aurors turn the near victory into a route? What he needed know was to understand his losses. So far, he had reports of twelve dead from the ambush on the far side of the valley. Only ten had portkeyed back to the cave. That left eighteen unaccounted for.

What he couldn't get was how the ward had been shattered. They were not weak. There was nothing he did wrong in crafting those traps. They had been properly charged.

He was suspecting it was the second group that he hadn't known about. He had never known the ICW to use mercenaries, but that was all he could think about of the second group that had assaulted his cave.

He had left thirty-five men to defend the cave. Best he could find, twenty-five of them had been captured or killed.

"Leder," a man with a Norwegian accent said from behind him.

"What is the final butchers bill?" he asked.

"Two dead and five injured from the raids. Twenty-two dead, fifteen injured, three missing from the ambush. We don't know about the twenty-five that are missing here," the man told him.

Tom snarled. Twenty-four dead and twenty-eight missing was not an insignificant portion of his forces. He needed more. He didn't have enough to take over the Southern Council after last night. Ten months of working to destabilize and infiltrate the government hear was now wasted.

"Who was leading the ICW forces?" he asked his trusted lieutenant.

"Black. That is the only name I got," the man replied.

Tom snarled. "Black? You don't mean Sirius Black?"

"Some of the men left in the cave heard the names Moody and Black before they collapsed the entrance," the man said.

An evil, malevolent laugh came from over his left shoulder. Tom scrunched his face. The other man shuffled his feet. "Potter," the voice cackled.

"Shut it," Tom snapped. He would be rid of this apparition if he could. As it was, it was why he was in Serbia to begin with.

"Potter has the luck of Fortuna. If you released me, I can help you defeat him. You obviously lack the ability to defeat him," the black cloud taunted from the crystal bubble that was floating a few feet off the ground.

"This wasn't Potter, old man," Tom said. "Potter is nowhere near here."

The creepy black cloud laughed again. "Black is Potter's godfather. Moody is a pawn of Dumbledore. This has Potter's luck all over it."

Tom took in a sharp breath. "Where are the other horcruxes?"

Tom needed them. After retrieving the ring and absorbing the power in it, he felt that he was more stable and powerful. If he could get the others, he would be able to dominate the primary soul shard and regain the 'legendary' power he once had.

The thing laughed again. "I am immortal. You are just a shadow of my strength. Let me take you over and we can still salvage this, then we can march on England."

The younger man pinched his nose. "You think too small, old man. What happened to the grand plans we had?"

"Once we control Britain, we will have the forces we need to conquer the world," the insane cloud said.

"Leder?" Tom's Lieutenant asked.

"Yes, Jorgen?" Tom asked. He wasn't as cruel or heartless as his much older shard. He had actually found it had brought about a fervour for him to be caring for his men, instead of subjugating them. He did want control over the Death Eaters though. The way they had almost taken over Brazil and the most recent attack on the British Ministry had shown him that the Death Eaters were more dangerous and ambitious than he had originally thought.

"What are your orders? The longer we wait here the more chance a counterstrike will come," Jorgen Christiansen said.

Tom looked out as the charred hillside on the other side of the valley. "We are to move out. How many are still injured?"

"Twenty-one. We need a Healer or two," Jorgen said.

"You care too much for those that serve you," the shadow sneered.

"I don't have enough to throw away and any of my men would do anything I ask without the pain. Where did we go wrong?" Tom asked.

"When you absorbed that stupid schoolboys soul you went soft," the shade hissed.

I found a better way, Tom hissed back.

"Jorgen, we will be moving to the villa just outside of Kosovo for now. I am not done here," he said.

The shadow oozed displeasure. "We need to go back to England and get my followers."

"We are not ready yet. I know you think Dumbledore and Potter are week, but I think they are more ready than we thought. I want Black. He'll beg at my feet for death while the boy watches," Tom said. He still had much of the bloodlust and desires of his 'father', but he had learned that tempering those desires could be worth much to get what one wanted.

"You need to kill the boy before he gets any more powerful," the shade argued.

"He will die, but I want the world first," Tom told the shade.


April 19, 1998

Ottery St Catchpole, England

She was holding Harry's hand. They had been let out of the hospital today, to only go to the funeral of one of his best friends. He had been very quiet and subdued the last few days. She hadn't known Ronald Weasley for long, but he been a good person, willing to stand up and defend his friends and family and had accepted Harry as he was that first year. For that, she would forever be thankful for the redhead. She had given Harry a friend and hope when he needed it most.

They sat towards the back of the tent. Up front was all the Weasleys in the receiving line. Mrs Weasley was wailing loudly, supported by her husband as they stood by the casket. Fleur was sitting as Bill stood, a hand on his mother's shoulder.

Fred and George were not joking, smiling or talking. It was very unusual. Fred was holding the hand of a very pretty dark skin girl.

Charlie was standing by the end of the line. She never thought she would see the big man cry, but tears were seeping down his cheeks. Before him was the last brother, Percy, who was in a wheelchair. He had lost a leg in the attack and hadn't taken on a prosthetic yet.

Ginny, the usually fiery girl, was crying into her boyfriend's shoulder. The dark skin boy was holding her tight. Next to them was Lisa and her parents. She was just standing still as a tree.

Dozens of others were in the tent or around the grounds of the Burrow.

"You should go up," Hermione encouraged from the other side of Harry.

"His family is around him. I don't want to intrude," Harry told her.

"You are family," Gabrielle said.

Harry shook his head. "I love him like a brother, but he's not."

"Oh, Harry. You know that Ron is your brother. You are family to the Weasleys," Hermione said.

She knew that Harry's childhood had been bad, but she was suspecting it was still affecting him. Getting up, she pulled a reluctant Harry with her. He didn't usually run or hide. Harry took a deep breath. Hermione and Luna joined them.

Now that he was up, she could see the tears he was fighting to hold back. He walked up to Lisa first, who was at the end of the line. "I'm so sorry," Harry said to her.

Her eyes focused and she threw herself into his arms. "Ron missed you so much the last few months," Lisa said. Gabrielle knew the guilt Harry was feeling over this just grew.

"If you need anything, just let me know. We'll be around for you and your child," he whispered to her. Lisa looked ready to cry.

Harry didn't say another word as he moved down the line. She did her best, saying sorry and giving her best wishes. Truth be told, this was only the third funeral she had ever been too and felt a little out of place.

Harry was hugging Fred, both holding each other like family would. George pulled him in as well, tears shared between them. Outside of Ron, she knew he was closest with the twins, especially since he had given them the money they needed for their shop.

When Ginny hugged him, she was crying into his shoulder for a few while he shook Dean's hand.

When he got to Mrs Weasley, she gave him a hug that Gabrielle wasn't sure if she would need to rescue him from. "Thank you, Harry. Ron… you were his brother," the woman said, her eyes bleary and swollen.

"Ron was my best mate," Harry told her.

When he finally shook Mr Weasley's hand, he was pulled into a one arm hug. "All the boys are going to carry the casket," the man told Harry.

"If you need me to help," Harry offered.

"Harry, you are as much one of my boys as anyone can be," Mr Weasley said.

By the time they were done, her parents had finally arrived with Renee. "Where's Sirius," Harry asked, as they walked up to them.

"He's still in Serbia," her papa told them. Renee looked very worried.

Harry's shoulders squared off. "I want a transfer," Harry told her papa. She wasn't sure if Harry meant to Serbia or back here.

Her papa closed his eyes. "Harry, we have already had this discussion. You and Gabrielle need more training. Can we talk about this when we get back home?"

"We are talking about this," Harry said, a hint of his power seeping out. It was this hidden power that she was coming to realize what she had been drawn too.

Hermione joined them and Harry put an arm around her before pulling Gabrielle in. "Hello, Mr and Mrs Delacour," Hermione said from his embrace.

"Hello, Hermione. We are so sorry about this," her maman was saying.

Harrys hold tightened over her shoulders.

It didn't seem like long before her solemn Harry was lifting the casket. She had little doubt that he was standing with brothers. Harry took up the left front, while Bill the right front. Charlie and a man she had learned was Lisa's older brother were at the other end, with Fred and George in the middle.

Percy looked upset that he couldn't join them, being pushed by Mr Weasley. She fell in right behind them, next to Fleur and behind Hermione and Luna. They had insisted that Hermione get that honour.

"How is Harry?" Fler whispered, her arm wrapped around Gabrielle's as they made it towards the funeral pyre. It was a tradition among the Weasley's to be returned back to the land. Fleur was definitely showing.

"He is upset. He blames himself for not going with them," she whispered back.

"It was not his fault. From what papa says, he had a tough fight of his own," Fleur replied.

"Hermione and I have told him that, but he already felt guilty when they were attacked last month," she replied.

Fleur increased her grasp on her arm. "Bill feels guilty too. He blames himself for leaving to do what he loves."

Gabrielle gave a small smile. "He should not."

When they placed the casket on the pyre, they all stepped back. The sisters moved to join their boys. Gabrielle slipped her hand into Harry's. A Bonder was standing next to the pyre as everyone stepped around it.

The crowd quieted. "On behalf of the Weasley family, friends and those closest to the deceased, I have been asked to officiate the passing of a soul that has touched everyone here."

She could feel the sadness coming off her Harry. It made her want to cry for him.

"Today we send the body and soul of Ronald Billius Weasley, beloved son, brother and friend, to the maker of magic. May his magic bless those left behind to live and move on, but never to forget. May the mother, her consort and those that guard the hereafter allow him in as brave soul that loved everyone close to him in his life," the bonder said solemnly.

"Would anyone like to say anything before we light the pyre of passage?" the man offered.

Bill squeezed his father's shoulder, before stepping forward. Fleur took her hand. Bill had to swallow and gather himself before he spoke. "For those that don't know me, I'm William Weasley, the eldest of our brothers," Bill said. "Ron… Ron is the youngest. We all knew him that way. He was silly, loved the Chudley Cannons, would do anything for his friends, and did. I was not there, but Ron embodied… he embodied what it is to be a Weasley and Gryffindor." Bill was fighting tears, which was making others do the same.

"Ron protected his best friend, his girlfriend and so many others until his final breath. I really think that Ron looked on Hermione like an older sister. They sure bickered like siblings," Bill said with a small smile.

Harry and Hermione, who was on the other side of Harry, all gave watery laughs. Harry sniffed loudly.

"He bickered with us all at times, but that is what it was like. In the end, we made up and loved each other. Ron also loved this beautiful young woman, Lisa Brocklehurst. Lisa is now considered part of the Weasley family and will be forever more…" Bill stopped for a moment.

"Ron… Ron really wanted to see the Cannons win a season. Figures that this year they are in the top three. I know he will be on his broom cheering them on. He will be with us all. My family, my brothers, my sisters, our adopted brother and sister, Harry and Hermione, and the newest additions once they join us..." Bill said. He was done now though. Turning, Bill touched the casket. "We love you, little bro."

The emotion was apparent.

Harry took in a long breath and let it out as Bill stepped back to Fleur. After a quick squeeze, Harry stepped forward. He stopped long enough to reach a hand out to Hermione. She looked just barely together, but with a huge force of will she calmed her face and stepped up to him. Harry led her over to Lisa. He held out his hand for her as well. After a moment, Lisa shook her head. Without any reproach or disappointment, he nodded and stepped before everyone.

Hermione stood tall but didn't let go of his hand.

Gabrielle could see the pain on his face.

Standing tall before the crowd, Harry's voice cracked when he first tried to speak. "Ron… Ron was my best mate. He was our best mate. For the first few years, you would not see one of us without the other. Like, Bill said…" Harry swallowed. "…we didn't always get along. Or see eye-to-eye, but in the end, Ron was always there for us. He was our friend…"

Harry trailed off. Hermione took in a deep breath. "Ron was our brother, and for the last few years a better friend you would have a hard time finding. He stood by our side," Hermione said, her face crumpling some.

Harry picked up. "He stood by our side. We had many adventures together. This just happened to be his last…" Gabrielle wasn't even bothering to wipe at her cheeks. She knew the little makeup she wore was already mussed. All she wanted was to go up there and hug them both.

"Ron was my brother. He is our brother, if you don't mind, Arthur and Molly…" Harry said. He started to break down and Mr Weasley came forward to hug Harry, then took Hermione in. Fleur's hand was the only thing keeping her steady.

It was a few minutes before Harry and Hermione came back. She let go of Fleur to wrap her arms around Harry's waist. Hermione fell into Luna's arms. "I couldn't say goodbye," she heard Hermione cry into Luna's shoulder.

Harry wrapped his arms around her shoulders. A few others stepped forward, including Professor McGonagall. She really didn't hear them, too wrapped up in Harry's grief. As her mate, she was very sensitive to him.

When it came to the time, they all held up their wands. "The Weasleys ask for you to give your blessing and final wishes to Ronald. Please light your wands."

Hundreds of wands lit up around them. Gabrielle was realizing that half of upper years of Hogwarts had to be here. After a moment, Mr Weasley was the first to flick his wand, sending a maroon-coloured light. The rest quickly followed and the pyre lit up.

Harry stood tall, his strong arms wrapped around her and a determination he hadn't had before form in his eyes. She saw it. She thought he was driven before. She hadn't seen Harry when he was determined like this.


Same day…

About 1200 miles away…

Sirius rubbed his face and leaned back in a chair. He was tired. He wasn't sure the last time he had slept. The last few days had been long, stressful and nothing of what he thought it might be.

Fifty more ICW Aurors had finally arrived yesterday, but as he had expected, the Woodmen had moved on and it was too late now to get a portkey or apparition trace. The cave had been left clean. So many cleaning and purging spells had been used, they couldn't get a whiff of any signatures or anything else.

He growled, his dog coming out at the irritation.

A purge had been going on of the ICW Diplomatic core. All of Guillot's adjutants had been found, arrested and shipped back. The man's betrayal had seen eight of the remaining twenty Southern Council Aurors dead, and five more injured enough they would be out for weeks, if not months. The entire Minister's family was dead, which was proving to be a nightmare since the man's wife had been a princess of the Albanian Royal family.

What he couldn't understand was how he had been put in charge of this disaster, especially since the Italian's betrayal had seen five more Council members killed. Eight of the thirteen councillors of the Southern Council had been killed in the last week. There wasn't enough to elect a new Minister, thus the ICW was stepping in as a defacto government until a new one could be formed.

He wasn't made for this.

All he wanted to do was to be there for his godson as he buried his best friend today. He was sure Harry was besides himself. The boy would need him. It didn't matter that Harry was seventeen, he was still young and had never lost someone so close to him.

Renee was also worried. That was something he didn't want his pregnant wife to be. She was less than two months away now. Sirius was looking forward to having a child. A child that he had created with a woman he never knew he could love the way he did.

His thoughts were swirling through his head when a knock came at his door.

"What is it!" he snapped.

The door opened. His Auror Captain Franco, came in with Captain Wu, of the main ICW Auror Department, and two men in the traditional garb of the region. "Seigner Black, we have two representatives of the Southern Council that wanted to talk to you."

Sirius sighed, getting up from behind the desk he had been given. "Excuse my rudeness. As you know, it's been some long days."

He shook the men's hands. "Yes, we understand, Seigneur Black. I am Usev Gorsev, the assistant-head of the magical transportation department and this is Milislav Ivonovic, the assistant-head of Border and Customs."

"It is good to meet you. What can I do for you gentleman?" Sirius asked.

The men looked nervous. "We think we have found an issue." When Sirius raised an eyebrow, Gorsev went on. "My technicians found a tracking rune array that should not be on the Floo network or the sensing network for portkey travel. Assistant Head Ivanovic says that some of the warnings have been turned off on their warning network as well."

Sirius got the importance of this right away. He put a hand over his mouth. Franco spoke up, "I have already sent a request for Unspeakables. Neither Assistant Head has the technicians to be able to figure out who did this or how to fix it with how they are tied into the arrays."

"Thank you, Franco. Are you telling me that someone knows every move we make unless he apparate or use Muggle means?" Sirius questioned.

"You could fly, but the distances would not get you there fast enough," Wu said.

"Bloody fuck!" Sirius swore. Merlin, he was tired and not made for this. "Get the Unspeakables here. Drop Director Delacours name wherever you need. Are we certain the trackers and the disabled alarms are not from the Woodmen?"

"Non, we are not certain, but it is most likely. The changes seem recent within the last few months and were done with enough skill that it would never have been found unless you were looking for them," Franco said.

Sirius nodded. "Thank you, gentleman. If you find anything else, we must know right away," Sirius told them as a dismissal. When they left, Sirius looked to Franco. He had come to rely on this man and trusted him above anyone else right now. "How bad is it? Is this how we were ambushed?"

"I think so. It's also how they were able to track the Minister and others. Guillot gave the passwords for the entire system to the Leder," Franco said.

"Bloody hell!" Sirius closed his eyes for a moment. "Find me a way to move without being tracked. Any word on where the Woodmen moved?"

"Potentially the Kosovo region. There is a lot of fighting going on in the region between the Muggle Serbians and Albanians," Wu replied. "It might be hard to find them."

"Of course," Sirius said. "Our first responsibility is to get the Ministry up and going, get more Aurors and protect anyone we can. Kosovo is part of the Council, and we won't abandon a member state."

"Yes sir," Wu said, leaving when it was obvious that Franco wanted to talk.

"What is it Gustaf?" Sirius asked.

"Five of Captain Wu's men were recommended by Senior Councillor Wilkes of Luxembourg. He was one of the ones that recommended Representative Guillot," Franco said.

"Do you have any good news for me tonight?" Sirius asked the guy, knowing this could be a huge issue.

Franco reached into his robes and took out a flat bottle. "Something to take the edge off to let you get a few hours of sleep?"

Sirius gave the man a smile. "I won't say no to that. Keep an eye on them, but I want our people to protect the most important stuff here. Have Wu deal with the calls and main security around the lobby."

"Yes, sir. I'll have three of ours outside your office for the next eight hours. It won't do any good if you are too tired to duel if things go upside down," Franco said.

"You need to get some sleep too. You look like crap," Sirius said.

Franco gave him a small smile, which didn't do much for the man's haggard face. "I'll sleep when you get up."

Sirius yawned. "Give me four hours."

"Non, sir. Your guards are there for eight hours," the man said. A moment later, the door to his office closed. Sirius nodded before pouring himself a small amount into a metal cup. He toasted the man before slamming the alcohol down.

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


